Musha Jump Drive

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Chella Binks Tunguska Chicxulub impact such as these are often touted as to why we must inhabit more than one delicate world but there is a far greater threat looming that is practically never brought up resources specifically habitable living space beyond Earth we have to manufacture living space Mars is terraforming potentially but that's just one more world and will take time if we could fly to other stars we could find more already habitable or easily terraformable living space but there's a problem of all the systems we can reach even with thousand year lifetimes almost none of them have the promised of a habitable world so we turn to fast and light travel of the possibilities the Alcubierre drive seems the most promising but it does have issues and it's actually too small to fly faster would require utterly impractical amounts of energy but what if there is another one what if we had a drive that can instantaneously jump hundreds or thousands of lightning for only relatively modest amounts of energy Jim drives are perhaps the first form of fast night propulsion ever thought up the first to suggest a jump drive was Isaac Asimov in his foundation series beginning in 1942 next was Robert Heinlein Starman Jones written 1953 where a horst transition was used to travel instantaneously between any flat space-time so that is any space that with no gravity or the only minimal gravity even dune utilized jump drives such a traverse around it's fictional universe and more recently the modern remake of Battlestar Galactica utilized jump drives as well junk drives are nice from a storytelling perspective as they allow the characters to dart to and fro without any loss of time instantaneously teleporting starships without needing a technobabble explanation of what happens during the jump is also nicer riders who want to keep their stories as realistic as possible but enough about why jump times are nice for fiction writers how plausible are they in reality has any research ever been carried out on the real life feasibility of a jump drive as it turns out yes in 2016 a Japanese physicist and author of several books a doctor tataki Michelle wrote a paper entitled the possibility of FTL space travel by using the quantum tunneling effect through the light barrier in it he introduced a method for tunneling through the Lightspeed barrier and into a new superluminal state via as dr. moshe was a violent acceleration doctor márcia discovered this by treating the speed of light as a potential barrier a wall something that increases the energy required to transition between two states basically anything that resists change a everyday example is when an electron comes from one high energy state to another lower energy state with an Alania diameter emitting light in the process a little Gedanken thought experiment should help explain once imagine a spacecraft is being sent to study our central black hole let's also say we're in a big hurry for whatever reason we want to reach the central black hole a little time that's possible from our perspective we don't care how much energy it uses nor do we wish to bother to stop simply whizzing by is sufficient so the spacecraft sets out accelerating as fast as it can until it approaches the speed of light from our perspective as a craft continues to accelerate in our rates of black hole as quick as possible and extends exponentially greater energy for increasingly small gains and speed in this way the speed of light is acting as a wall a potential barrier to the spacecraft because the energy required to reach a speed of light is to put it mildly much much greater than zero infinite actually dr. Moshe found that just as an electron facing a thin wall of atoms or an electric field if a particle or spacecraft is hurled against the Lightspeed barrier like Sol rioting violently enough it will tunnel through the speed of light and into a new superluminal state occurring to mathematics of relativity once you've exceeded the speed of light it actually takes less energy to go faster and more to go slower so as a result everything has a tendency to then automatically accelerate according to doctor motion the acceleration required for a spacecraft with a mass of a hundred tons to plunge into an FTL state is on the order of 10 to the power of 60 meters per second squared a truly enormous acceleration unattainable by conventional propulsion equivalent to nearly a decision earth gravities or nova mean on a short scale that's ten millionths multiplied together the drive could really be described more as a catapult but is far more impressive than any catapult does this mean the dream of a jump drive is unattainable not according to motion he proposes a method to reduce the crafts apparent mass to zero or nearly zero so that it can easily attain the acceleration required Lucia bases his proposal on dr. Harold Puthoff theory on the origin of mass in brief without going into deeply dr. products theory is that the mechanism for equal MC squared is simply that ain't particles mass is the energy given to the particle bites interaction with the zero-point fields of the various forces this is really just the logical conclusion of something in quantum mechanics known as renormalization a big word yes but renormalization is simply where in order for particles to have the correct masses and equations physicists had to in effect bundage the numbers and input lower initial masses negative effect that are increased to their correct values by interactional to zero-point fields rather than viewing this as a mathematical trick to avoid an unwanted problem put off instead viewed it as a hint of something more fundamental a clue from here he simply proposed a logical extension that all mass energy is simply a result to the same process [Music] the immensely powerful and energetic strong nuclear force tubes that bind quarks together within protons neutrons and other hormones our fluxes flows of the strong nuclear forces zero-point field the energy of these tubes is so great that they are in fact responsible for 99% of the mass of the proton and other engines and equals mc-squared therefore going by put offs theory this fact that the tubes are fluxes in the strong for zero-point field even in and of itself the mass energy of the proton and all hadrons from here Moshe suggested the energy density of the zero-point field surrounding a craft could be reduced until becomes a kind of negative energy and that doing so will reduce the crafts mass when we speak of something possessing negative energy we mean that unlike normal positive energies this something will go faster the more energy is drained and slower the more its energy it is given for comparison when a normal object such as a ball is given energy by throwing it it speeds up and when energy is taken from the ball by grabbing it the ball slows with a negative energy ball throwing it would slow it down what didn't mean that the ball would not move no matter how hard you push trying to grab an already moving ball would only cause it to slip away and speed off even faster mission notes that there are two main approaches to achieve this the first is the Casimir effect whereby the close proximity of two objects such as metal plates dampen or cut off zero point fluctuations with wavelengths longer than the distance between the objects and therefore any frequencies below a certain value as the frequency equates to the wavelength the second method is the so-called vacuum squeezing via ultra intense lasers this is also known as squeezed light therefore russia says we can conceive of a spacecraft surrounded by a bubble of highly energy depleted negative energy vacuum inducing a violent acceleration as any tiny force we set up in the desired direction will manifest as an extreme acceleration once the mass is reduced this would be achieved via intense lasers firing forward and also outward all around the craft a kind of photon shield and yet again by the way dr. Franz and colleagues based their own propulsion system on dr. putos theory as well a related principle here but we'll fasten light travel via this method be like at this point militia actually utilizes string theory to find out what will happen as you can see this propulsion makes use of all of our latest science and truly bleeding-edge technology well we won't go into a discussion of what string theory is in this video there's one important bit of information that is relevant you see as dr. lucia points out with in string theory there is a tachyonic mode for open strings that is strings that are not bound to our four-dimensional space-time which allows the existence of negative energy as a real independent thing and leads to an instability of the vacuum of space time what this means for us is that a tachyon is an unstable particle only able to appear for a very brief moment in empty space this also means that a spacecraft that has tunneled into a super elemental state was actually materialized after a very short amount of time this answers the problem how to remote area lies how far I spacecraft will travel before rematerialize ation depend on the exact duration of the vacuum pulse around the craft in this case that means that a shorter laser pulse equates to a shorter distance any longer pulse to a greater distance the energy required to jump 1.5 times 10 to the power of 24 meters some 62 times the distance of the Andromeda galaxy is equal to about half of Earth's mass converted to energy however shorter distances even many thousands of light years would require enormous a less energy so little in fact that a fusion reactor auto bills supply the energy necessary and there you have it the Murshid of drive and instantaneous faster-than-light Drive that appears to be actually visible at least to the technology of the not so distant future [Music] see the video description below links to all the technical papers reference in this video even if you don't consider yourself a scientist just have a peek it can be surprising how much we glean from even simply skimming a paper and not conclude this video make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell and if you want to help support us in making more videos feel free to head over to patreon even $1.00 adds up and that's all until next time thank you Nathan for taking the time to record this video from now on you can expect videos from both of us until then keep wondering in bout space [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: AsteronX
Views: 284,900
Rating: 4.7545152 out of 5
Keywords: AsteronX, Dr. Takaaki Musha, jump drive, tachyon, superluminal, FTL, string theory, Dr. Puthoff, zero-point energy, Dr. Froning, fusion, rematerialization, Casimir effect, hyperspace, photon shield, lightspeed, negative energy, E=mc^2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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