NASA's Eagleworks Lab: Pushing The Boundaries Of Physics | Answers With Joe

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this video is supported by brilliant org scientists believe that there could be up to forty billion earth-like planets in the Milky Way galaxy and so far we found 11 of them orbiting habitable zones of their stars within 50 light years and in 2016 we found the closest earth-like planet yet orbiting around Proxima Centauri B only 4.2 light-years away what's especially exciting is this is literally the closest star to our solar system it literally can't be any closer than that in universal terms it's our next-door neighbor that shares a fence the possibilities here are amazing I mean what if we found life there what if we could actually go there someday it's it's right there the thing is the scale of the universe is like aggressively ridiculous even at only 4.2 light-years away the fastest man-made object we have ever created the Parker Solar Probe that will eventually get to four hundred and thirty thousand miles an hour would take 1,500 years to get there so even if we find the perfect home in the very closest star system to ours it might as well be on the other side of the galaxy way to be a debbie downer physics as humans our journey to other worlds is still in its infancy hell as of this recording our only ride to low Earth orbit is out of commission so yeah we're failing so hard right now but the fact remains if we ever want to go interstellar if we ever want to really explore the universe we have to have a whole new type of technology based on a whole new type of physics luckily the super nerds at NASA's Eagle works are working on exactly that NASA's advanced propulsion Physics Laboratory informally known as Eagle works is challenging everything we know about propulsion and power now while their research might not be as practical as say refining the spark igniter on a LOX methane engine what they're doing is important because they're answering questions that other scientists aren't even asking according to their founding document link down the description their purpose is to quote pursue propulsion technologies necessary to enable human exploration of the solar system over the next 50 years unquote and their hope is that by the end of this century we can use those same technologies for interstellar travel the Eagle works team is led by mad scientist and chief dr. Harold sunny white dr. White's been working on the fringe of propulsion science since the early 2000s when he put together a paper that described an actual implementation of a lot of our favor science youtubers subjects the Cuvier warp drive in case you're not familiar with Manuel el Cuvier he's basically a guy who watched some episodes of Star Trek and decided to reverse on Stein's field equations so that he could actually create a warp drive by compressing space-time in front of an object in other words the ship itself is not traveling faster than light in fact the ship is not travelling through space-time at all it just kind of exists in a bubble and in the front of that bubble it's contracting the fabric of space-time and behind it it's expanding it causing it to travel faster than light can the only problem is that initial calculations based on melaku Pierre's paper predicted that it would take like a billion times the amount of energy in the entire universe to make this work so yeah minor stumbling block luckily over the years scientists have whittled that down to a few times the energy of the Sun and now they got it right around the energy of the mass of Jupiter so yay progress doctor why propose shaping the warp bubble is sort of like a wobbly doughnut it felt with this implementation that we could probably reach Alpha Centauri in just a few weeks with no time dilation for about the same price as a car you have to make half the car out of antimatter and losslessly combine those two and get propulsion that way but you get the point white was able to take this idea and a few other Rick Sanchez fever dreams to NASA talked them into getting him a room at Johnson Space Center and Eagle works was born the three main projects Eagle works is worked on includes validating a test work field generating thrust by tweaking quantum particles in a vacuum and testing several resonant cavity thrusters a subject I've covered before they even built an instrument to test these theories called the white Jude a warp field interferometer so NATO Farrar is a device that measures really tiny increments by splitting a laser bouncing that laser off of two mirrors and then realigning it and finding where the wavelengths interfere hence interferometer this is the same idea that they used in the LIGO gravitational wave experiment but the white judez interferometer directs one half through an experimental warp field then checks for evidence that the beams path was shortened by a microscopic amount according to dr. white some of these tests have led to some positive results the only problem is that the details are so precise that it's kind of hard to verify and my even somebody walking down the hallway can but you know kind of screw things up a little bit tests have actually been conducted on a floating table in a floating room to keep equipment from bouncing when people walk through the hall outside effects from electromagnetic pollution also have to be ruled out but even if they get positive results their effects are so minuscule it's kind of hard to figure out how that could be scaled up to something that could actually push a ship at the moment we just don't have the knowledge of the kind of exotic energy that would be required to do such a thing but if we ever did dr. white has a good idea of what it would look like and this is what it would look like dubbed the ixs enterprise because obviously this dr. white revealed this concept art in 2013 give an idea of what an actual a Cuvier dr ship might look like featuring the rings that would create the warp bubble around the spacecraft in the correct proportions the little flare thrown in this not only garnered some attention for the work they're doing and stirred the imaginations and nerds all over but it kind of helps keep their eyes on the prize you know it's easy to get bogged down and all the hard science sometimes you need a little reminder of what the end goal is the other big concept the Eagle works is working on is quantum vacuum thrusters a quantum vacuum thruster or qvt is a theoretical engine that uses no propulsion to move a ship forward by exploiting a quality of empty space namely that it's not that empty according to quantum field theory virtual particles are constantly being created and destroyed all the time and particle and antiparticle pairs they kind of appear and then recombine and disappear and you can see this experimentally if you take two nonmetallic plates and put them close enough together they'll actually get pulled towards each other because of the attraction created by all the anti particle particle interactions this is known as a Casimir effect dr. white and many other physicists believe that this effect can be used to actually generate propulsion so one way to explain qvt thrusters is to look at the way a rocket is propelled as opposed to a submarine so a rocket you fill it with fuel and then you push that fuel out one direction and it reacts by going the other direction obviously with combustion on this side but a submarine propeller creates momentum by pushing against the substance that the submarine is embedded in in this case it's a sea water in the case of the qbt it's actually the quantum vacuum that is pushing against the first qts they tested were designed by Eagle works themselves but some of the following ones that they worked on or tested came from other agencies like Boeing and DARPA who created something called the Serrano field effect thruster and next the Eagle works tested Roger Sawyer's M Drive the controversial M Drive that uses microwave fields in a contained vessel to somehow create momentum they also tested an advanced version of the M Drive called the canid Drive both of these drives are called impossible drives by many media sites the Eagle works team did find minor amounts of thrust but they're so spectacularly small that they're easily disputed by you know a number of factors that people have come up with it's being measured in micronewtons a micronewton is about the same force that an eyelash puts on a table and the most recent studies into M drive-by outside labs have not been good but dr. white hasn't given up on this entirely he actually attributes some of the effects that he's seeing to pilot-wave theory in pilot way Theory enough is a reason to keep your head down it's generally locked in the scientific community but to add to that a little bit he's also attributed the Casimir effect that I was talking about earlier to the negative energy that would be necessary to create a warp drive that negative energy could actually exist in the real world is enough to bring on skepticism so linking it and all this stuff is kind of asking for more punishment but these guys aren't playing in the same physics sandbox that the rest of us are like I said at the beginning in order for us to do what we want to do it requires a whole new type of physics and you never know what you're gonna find until you play with it and keep in mind any kind of pure science even if it fails spectacularly can still lead to some positive outcomes in the real world before Einstein's theory of special relativity two physicists Albert Nicholson and Edward Morley tried to show that light can be slowed down by passing through invisible winds their theory as we now know was garbage but in the process they created the world's first interferometer which dr. white is now using to test his own crazy theories it's the circle of life of course like everything in NASA these days their biggest issue is funding Paul March another collaborator Eagle works once described in a speech how they had to bolt together a piece of the EM Drive because they couldn't afford to have it welded this is unfortunate but not surprising to me nASA has a very limited budget and of course they're gonna focus on things that don't you know thumb their nose at Einstein you know there's a certain romance to lone Mavericks like Paul March creating a resonant cavity thrust around his own kitchen table which he totally did but at a certain point you need resources if you're going be successful luckily about three years ago somebody on IndieGoGo created a campaign to help support the Eagle works lab and out of their million-dollar and goal they got $30 so close but today there are several organizations also working on interstellar research Icarus interstellar is a non-profit doing collaborative research and the hundred year starship is a science outreach organization funded by NASA and DARPA and headed by dr. May Jemison the first woman of color in space both of these are groups that you can get involved in if you're interested in this kind of research but I consider what these guys do is important you know yes their crazy ideas but world-changing ideas usually are in the beginning someday we're gonna have to leave our solar system our Sun won't last forever and we seem very hard determined to make our planet as inhospitable as possible as fast as possible so here's as they say to the crazy ones next stop Alpha Centauri Proxima Centauri be Trappist 1 Gliese 581c whichever exoplanet you would like to go to someday you're gonna need to have some understanding of the cosmos a great place to start is brilliant work brilliant org is an online learning platform with a twist instead of throwing facts and figures at you they teach you how to figure things out for yourself to think like a scientist so you can retain the concepts better and apply them in other parts of your life Brayan has an entire course on astronomy which heavily features lessons on other worlds in the universe and you can learn all about the forces that make it all work with their courses on gravitational physics and special relativity you can sign up for free at brilliant dorks last answers with Joe and get access to their free weekly brain teasers and puzzles and the first 200 people that sign up for the Premium Subscription that gives you access to all their courses and you get 20% off your subscription for life I love brilliant it's a lot of fun so go check it out brilliant dork slice answers with Joe links down the description I want to thank brilliant for sponsoring this video and the wonderful amazing answer files on patreon that are building a wonderful community and doing all kinds of cool stuff they're supporting this channel I really want to thank them there's some new people that have joined let me destroy their names real quick we've got Chris and taro drag SD Shawn la haki Mike Lee Sandra Petrovsky Yannick Adam beautiful Peter Harrison Robert Holland Oh Lane Mathis Aarseth Pegram cro-magnon gramps CM Perini Erin emos mistress tonio and Kevin Smith Silent Bob himself probably on same guy thank you guys so much if you would like to join them get access to cool perks that other people don't get to have you can go to Joe please like and share this video if you liked it and if this is your first time here check out some of my other videos you might like those too and if you do get subscribed you'll be the first to see them every Monday all right thanks again for watching you guys go out now have an eye-opening week and I'll see you next Monday oh yes take care
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 740,481
Rating: 4.8462548 out of 5
Keywords: answers with joe, NASA, spaceflight, interstellar travel, ixs enterprise, warp drives, resonant cavity thrusters, em drive, harold sonny white, NASA Eagleworks, Eagleworks, miguel alcubierre, alcubierre drive, interferometer, white juday interferometer, impossible drive
Id: RguSFaX8wBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
Reddit Comments

everything is possible even with the improbable.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Favi2012 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

What happens to planets and other objects in front of you and behind you? Do they get distorted, and what damage (if any) might result from that?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RolandMT32 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is there an "untrue" or "blatant lie" tag? "misleading title" just isn't accurate enough.

Please delete this post!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/jack4455667788 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm sure I'll get downvoted to hell and back, but anything associated with Bob Lazar just can't be taken seriously. This recent Youtube vid I linked isn't presenting anything new, just breaking the lies down.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/atlanta1976 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Bob Lazar confirmed.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ananzze 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Totally off subject, I love that channel. Answers with job is funny and interesting.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Killco_Joe 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

I worked on a small time travel project back in primary school utilizing the liquid found in Casio digital watch LCD displays. We hit some pretty major road blocks early on. Needless to say the project was flawed and was dropped pretty quickly.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Rendlesham_Sausage 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Not scoffing.. but sorta maybe.. to make this happen you would need hundreds of petawatts of energy to make this happen... right?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ASASSN-15lh 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

It expands space time where you are, and contracts it in front of you.

Lazar's description describes the craft creating gravity in front of it to warp space time so that the craft falls into the gravity field in front of it, rather than the surrounding gravity fields.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SimplyFishOil 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
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