Relativistic Gravity (Anti-gravity)

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gravity for millennia we have watched things fall and at first we took it for granted it was just simply the way things worked eventually though we began questioning that assumption first Galileo Galilei then Nicholas Copernicus Johannes Kepler Isaac Newton and finally Albert Einstein with Einstein's general theory of relativity we now finally had an explanation as to why things fell Galileo Copernicus and Newton may have described how things fell but it took Einsteins to explain why and yet even with this newfound knowledge we were unable to conceive of any means of controlling the most obvious force of nature gravity or have we [Music] [Music] the first proposed a theory of gravity was Sir Isaac Newton in 1687 with the publication of philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica the first reliable measurement of gravity was conducted by a British natural philosopher and scientist Henry Cavendish in 1798 many years later in 1905 Albert Einstein shocked the world by introducing his special theory of relativity which deals with the relationship between space and time that same year he began incorporating gravity into his equations which ten years later collimated into the general theory of relativity that is a geometric theory of gravitation and that was in 1915 the since then there has been many who have tried to replacing a general relativity but gr has withstood the test of time every time but we're not here to talk about the history of gravity we are here to talk about controlling it one of the first appearances of gravity control in the form of anti-gravity was in HG Wells first men in the moon published in 1901 in which a fictional substance called cavalry was used to block gravity obviously that would not work in reality in 1928 the fictional character Buck Rogers made his first appearance along with a fictional anti-gravity material called inert Ron which falls upward and of course many other works of fiction have followed with various forms of artificial gravity moving beyond fiction of what real-life work has been done on anti-gravity indeed as any work been done at all absolutely in 1961 to 1963 the famous scientists and science fiction writer were Robert L for word published papers proposing a method for producing an anti-gravity force that is to say a repulsive gravity force the doctor forward proposed that we might take a hollow pipe coiled around a toroidal shape and fill it with a super dense fluid about as dense as a white dwarf star material he goes on to say that if the fluid is oscillated back and forth rapidly enough an alternating push-pull gravity field will be generated at the center of the torus the forwards concept was based at the time on an unproven prediction of general relativity which states that all rotating masses frame drag and thus twist the surrounding space-time which in turn produces something nowadays confusingly called gravity electromagnetism graffito electromagnetism and gravity magnetism have no relationship to electromagnetism at all and are called as such only as an analogy gravity electromagnetism refers to cases where gravity behaves similarly to electromagnetism but again there's no connection beyond similar behavior but where charge and magnetic fields are replaced by mass and torsion fields note that torsion means to twist it is also noteworthy that forward himself referred to graviton magnetic fields as prote a tional Fields for a while scientists were doubtful that space-time could be twisted in such a manner but then the proof came in 2004 after a six-month orbit around the earth the gravity probe B satellite confirmed that the earth does indeed twist the surrounding space-time with a gyroscopic drift of minus thirty seven point two plus or minus seven point two millard seconds per year of course the downside of ford's method is that it requires a fluid at least as dense as a white dwarf star material which is pretty dense additionally this white dwarf star material would need to be accelerated near the speed of light needless to say these are pretty large engineering hurdles however we need not be too hard on the idea as it proved for the first time that generating and controlling repulsive gravity fields was not completely impossible indeed in 1969 sir Roger Penrose published a paper proposing a mechanism for extracting energy from a black hole's rotation via the graviton magnetic effect then in 1995 dr. Reva Williams published a mathematically rigorous proof that validated Penrose mechanism in fact her model showed that the lens theory in effect a graviton magnetic effect could explain the surprisingly energetic relativistic Jets produced by quasars and active galactic nuclei in other words the Jets produced by certain black holes are partly due to gravity to magnetic fields the one could say that black holes are flinging beams of matter away with anti-gravity fields the fast-forwarding to 2018 and dr. Musha the one in the same who wrote a 2016 paper on a feasible jump drive as we have been calling it also published a paper entitled general relativistic gravity machine using electromagnetic torsion field which is an expansion on forwards concept and both concepts ultimately functioned by means of twisting space-time in order to produce a gravity electric magnetism however dr. mushers concept does so indirectly I'll explain motion notes that the quantum vacuum electro dynamic or QED the vacuum field can be treated mathematically as a kind of ever-present super fluid going with us Musha goes on to demonstrate that under appropriate conditions spinning matter and electromagnetic fields can produce a toroidal vortex a smoke ring in the QED vacuum superfluid Musha calls this an electromagnetic toroid as it is an electromagnetic toroid vortex in the quantum vacuum very distinct from a simple electromagnetic field this is important as to paraphrase arthur c clarke book songs of a distant earth the quantum vacuum is so energy dense that by comparison a neutron star is only the palest ghost a vortex in the quantum vacuum is far more effective at twisting space-time than any ultra dense matter / fluid the quantum vacuum vortex or electro magnetic toroid would whirl around twisting the space-time along with it producing the desired gravida magnetic rotation allele [Music] from here Moshe proposes a design for a gravity machine consisting of a coaxial superconducting condenser wrapped with a toroidal superconducting coil the whole assembly is ten meters in diameter a gigavolt electric current is pulsed for a picosecond at a time equating to a frequency of 1 terahertz with a magnetic field strength of 100 Tesla and spinning with a rim speed of 1% the speed of light or 3 million meters per second while still quite an engineering feat it must be admitted that this is a vast improvement over forwards design 100 Tesla magnetic field can be generated relatively easily by pinching the magnetic field and likewise for a gigavolt electric field the required rotation rate is problematic to put it mildly as a quick aside it's noteworthy event the manipulation of the quantum vacuum is one of the basic concepts that dr. help white of NASA often refers to specifically utilizing the quantum vacuum for the purpose of propulsion such as in the case of his quantum vacuum thruster a dr. white researched and published several papers about his own variant of the Alcubierre warp trunk the al-kabir white warp drive a name given to it by others our longtime viewers may remember our first video which discussed the Alcubierre white warp drive as you can see if there is nothing conceptually complicated about the antigravity machine consisting of it high-frequency high-energy pulsed torus rotating at high speed what is complicated is in the way the energies go about twisting the quantum vacuum and ultimately the fabric of space-time so just how feasible is mushes gravity machine well all the math including what's already in general relativity as well as the data from experiments with fluid dynamics indeed all seem to support the concept based on all the data I would venture to say it's a yes indeed it is feasible as already stated there is sound evidence that supports the validity of this concept such as the general relativity states that any rotating mass frame drags twists in this case the surrounding space-time directly resulting in a so-called gravida magnetic field the gravity probe B satellite confirmed that the earth does indeed twist the surrounding space-time the extreme energy density of the quantum vacuum and physical and especially mathematical similarities between fluid dynamics and the quantum vacuum also it's worth considering that the coil does not need to be entirely superconducting if the bulk of its mass in the form of coaxial condenser were instead high density plasma we would perhaps achieve rotation rates close to those needed an exciting prospect indeed and don't forget mushes proposal from his paper on the jump drive of actually reducing an object's mass by depleting the quantum vacuum will we be making use of anti-gravity machines in the near future who knows however on a theoretical and technical level it appears that within the next perhaps five to ten years we will have some form of crude anti-gravity basically we already possess the understanding and most of the technologies that said several key aspects of the machine remained to be developed could SpaceX do it why not is the desire there yes and no we'll see could we serve as technical advisors absolutely and that concludes the video make sure to subscribe and click the notification bell and if you want to help support us in making more videos feel free to head over to patron even $1.00 adds up we would like to thank all of our patrons with a special thank you to mr. cheeky monkey 1996 thank you until next time keep wondering bounce pick [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: AsteronX
Views: 276,632
Rating: 4.7031078 out of 5
Keywords: AsteronX, Gravitation, Anti-gravity, Alcubierre-White Warp Drive, gravitoelectromagnetism, Dr Takaaki Musha, Dr Mario J Pinheiro, Dr Harold White, NASA, QED, Gravity, Lense-Thirring, GEM, Dr. Robert L Forward, Arthur C Clarke, protational field, Albert Einstein, Relativity, Replusive gravity, Relativistic gravity, gravity control
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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