凉粉 透明且有韧性的凉粉做法 Mung Bean Jelly

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Hello everyone, I am Xiao Gaojie. Today, let’s talk about how to make mung bean jelly well I use mung bean starch. Starch plus water Stir well Starch is easy to precipitate and should be stirred again before put into the pot Add 1 kg of water to the pot Heat up the water, but don't bring to boil The total volume ratio of starch to water is 1:5.3 The weight ratio is around 1:9 when see small bubbles, you turn the heat to medium low At this time, the water temperature is about 50-60 degrees Celsius. Add a little soda ash (Na2CO3) Soda ash can help the jelly become more transparent and stronger, not easy to break Adding vinegar can also improve its toughness, but it takes a lot of vinegar to see the difference Stir to ensure that the soda ash is completely dissolved Then pour the starch water Gently stir the water before pouring it Because of the soda ash, it will have a touch of yellow After pouring starch water, the water temperature will drop About 50 degrees Celsius Then use a scraper to stir gently Our goal is to bring up the temperature evenly It maintains the state of liquid for a while Then suddenly it reaches a point that you feel it starts to thicken turn the heat to the lowest At this time, it reaches its gelatinization temperature. The mung bean starch I used has a gelatinization temperature between 60-70 degrees Celsius. The gentle stir with a scraper is to reduce the introduction of bubbles. At this time, it is pretty thick But you can still see a little white liquid on the top It's not fully gelatinized and continue to stir When you see it completely without white liquid The color is even and transparent, now take away from the heat The gelatinization temperature is below 100 degrees Celsius, so you don't need to bring to boil Use a clean container When pour in, you can see that it is very smooth and clear. This time, you know that you made good jelly Let cool at room temperature The aging temperature of starch is 4 degrees Celsius It’s just the temperature of your refrigerator So don't put it in the fridge If you can't finish it, put it in the refrigerator and the next day you can stir fry it Retrogradation happens when gelatinized starch gets cooled, and water comes out So it’s automatically separated from the container If it is not completely separated, you can gently press it by hand. Take it out When you were making it, you know it was good After taking it out, it turns out good as predicted Wait a minute to see how tough it is. Sprinkle a little water before cutting Also wet the jelly knife If you don't have a jelly knife, you can cut it into long pieces The jelly noddles are very thin But you can not break them easily also you can shake them vigorously without breaking On this side I cut open to show you its internal structure. It's very smooth, and very uniform Are you convinced by now? let's make a dipping sauce Press the garlics Put in the salt. Stir first Put sesame oil This treatment makes garlic taste better Add two tablespoons of Chinkiang vinegar a little sugar Finally, dilute with water put in the dipping sauce right before you eat to ensure the smoothness of the jelly. To make good jelly, the ratio of starch to water is very important. Adding soda ash can also help you. But the most important thing is that you control the temperature of the starch water. to fully control gelatinization process Then, you can make good jelly Thank you for watching. I am Xiao Gaojie, I will see you next time ^^
Channel: 小高姐的 Magic Ingredients
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Keywords: 凉粉, 凉粉的做法, 凉粉的制作方法, 凉粉调料, 凉粉制作, 凉粉刮子, 凉粉锅盔, 凉粉皮做法, 自制凉粉, 自制凉粉 绿豆粉, 自制凉粉 土豆淀粉, 绿豆凉粉, 绿豆凉粉的做法, 绿豆凉粉的制作方法, 绿豆凉粉怎么做, 绿豆凉粉 制作, 绿豆凉粉比例, 绿豆凉粉做法, 绿豆凉粉 英文, 绿豆凉粉 食谱, mung bean jelly, mung bean jelly recipe, mung bean jelly noodles, mung bean jelly noodle recipe, how to make mung bean jelly, how to make mung bean jelly noodles, bean jelly Chinese
Id: BStgIeNQrRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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