绿豆凉粉劲道又爽口!切凉粉不粘刀窍门|绿豆凉粉比例|凉粉调料|How to make mung bean jelly noodles

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Hi everyone! Welcome to Shangshi Kitchen Summer is the perfect time to eat liangfen noodles. Different ingredients and seasonings can create endless versions of this dish. What I want to share with you today is Sichuan-style liangfen. I used 80 g of mung bean starch and 600 g of water. According to the mass ratio, it's 1 to 7.5. Based on volume, it's 1 to 5. Before turning on the heat, mix well. If there is any dry flour left, it'll be very hard to break-up once it is heated. To make the jelly, it needs to be boiled slowly on low heat. We can't rush it. Since the mung bean starch will sink, we need to keep stirring. The stirring process is very interesting. Translucent lines will gradually appear. Then, we'll need to stir faster Until the milky white liquid disappears and the whole mixture is translucent. Once this happens, turn off the heat. Then, pour into a suitable container. The glass container I used is 5 x 7 x 2.5 inches. Smooth out the surface. Seal and let it cool at room temperature. Then, place in the refrigerator to cool for two hours. It's best not to keep it in the fridge for too long. If refrigerated for too long, the tenderness of the jelly will disappear. The jelly will have that crisp and powdery texture, which is not good. You may often encounter this situation when slicing. It might stick to the knife. I have a trick to combat this. Don't slice in one motion. Slice with the tip first and drag it backwards. That way it won't stick. Then, cut into strips. There is no set rule for the width and thickness.It can be based on your own preferences. Next, I'll make the seasoning. Put a little oil in the pan. Since it is Sichuan-style, we can't leave out the doubanjiang. This is my own chili oil, which I have shown in videos in the past. Add in some douchi. Once the mixture is fragrant, add in some sesame seeds, granulated sugar, salt, 1/2 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of vinegar. Add in some spicy chilis and minced garlic. Add two more tablespoons of chicken stock. After mixing, you can pour it over the jelly. Chicken broth can both brighten it up and make the ingredients easier to mix. Thank you for watching! Don't forget to like, subscribe, and comment before you go. This is Shangshi Kitchen, we'll see you next time!
Channel: 尚食厨房 ShangshiKitchen
Views: 7,408
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Keywords: 尚食厨房, ShangshiKitchen, Shangshi Kitchen, 尚食厨房ShangshiKitchen, Chef, Chinese food, 美食制作, Chinese cooking, Chinese recipe, cooking tutorial, easy recipe, cooking channel, 食谱 简单, 家常菜, 做菜, 凉粉, 凉粉的制作方法, 自制凉粉, 凉粉的做法, 凉粉调料, 绿豆凉粉, 凉粉怎么做, 绿豆凉粉做法, 凉粉的调料, 自制凉粉 绿豆粉, 绿豆凉粉比例, mung bean jelly noodles, how to make mung bean jelly, 川味, 绿豆凉粉食谱, mung bean starch jelly, 手工凉粉, 凉粉的制作方法 比例, 川味凉粉
Id: CaT7pk2XcuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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