灌汤包子 Soup Dumplings 详细图解教你包包子

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Hello everyone, I am Xiao Gaojie, today we are going to make soup dumplings. Prepare the soup the day before. Beef tendon washed, cut into pieces, quick boil in the water Put into boiling water again Add onions, ginger, and other spices with the medium low heat pressure-cook for one and a half hours. After cooked, put in the salt, you can taste it. Take out a large bowl of beef tendon soup, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator The rest of the soup I made beef tendon jelly The next day, we will make the dough first try to use Chinese baozi flour, the result will be better. Ordinary flour can also be used too, but it might be chewy after steamed 70 degrees Celsius water Using room temperature water for the dough makes the baozi wrap strong and not easy to break With hot water, the bun is soft, but it is also relatively easy to break open. You can decide the temperature of the water yourself. Adjust the amount of water you use, this dough must not be soft. After the dough is made, let it rest and come back to work on it. After resting, it is easy to knead the dough to smooth But the smooth is not enough, continue to knead the dough for another three minutes. Whether the final bun surface is smooth or not Depend on how well you knead the dough rest for 1 hour Now prepare the filling, first make the spice water A cup of water Add Sichuan peppercorns, fennel seeds and star anise simmer for 5 minutes on low heat After cooking, about half a cup of water is left. Let cool Three green onions, take the white part Shredded Chopped Finally, run the knife few times. There is no problem adding ginger directly to the meat. Put in the salt, all the salt in the filling is here, I will not put salt later Put it for a while Minced beef with fat, add Sichuan pepper powder and white pepper crack in an egg white Put in the spice water After mixing well, stir in one direction The purpose is stir the beef fiber into the same direction So beef can be well combined the beef fillings will not break into pieces during steaming Now you see that it has thin threads, and it is already stuck together. After putting the salt, onions have been softened. Put in beef Continue to stir and stir the onions completely into the beef. Yesterday's beef tendon soup Already solid Take it out of the bowl Chopped Stir in the beef stuffing Put it in the refrigerator and take it out when you need it later Dough is ready, let's cut it into small pieces About one is 18 grams Press down Turn around to roll first The bottom of the buns came out. Then roll like this roll out the edges as thin as possible in this way, the wrap is thin And the middle part is a little thicker than the edge let's wrap the dumplings Stuffing Use your thumb and index finger like this You don’t rush to close the dumpling, just fold in the edges like this in one direction. When the folding are finished, the dumpling closes itself Just exactly 24 pleats Finally pinch out the fish mouth If it is a new making this, don’t completely close on the top Just like this, it is shaped like a fish mouth. Because buns will increases its' size during steaming Leave an air outlet, and the steamed buns will not break. start from boiling water Steam in medium low heat for ten minutes After steaming, it’s like this. Pick up one, the bun is very soft. This is the moment that everyone is waiting for. there is quite a lot soup inside having some dipping sauce You can imagine the taste but I am going to eat now \(^o^)/~ I am Xiao Gaojie, thank you for watching, we will see you next time.
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Keywords: 灌汤包, 灌汤包子的做法, 灌汤包做法, 灌汤包子皮的做法, 灌汤包子, 灌汤包怎么做, 灌汤包 小笼包, 灌汤饺, 灌汤, 灌汤包食谱, 小笼包, 小笼包面皮做法, 小笼包包法, 小笼包的做法和配方, 小笼包做法, 小笼包子皮怎么做, 小笼包怎么蒸, 小笼包馅, 小笼汤包, 小六汤包, 小笼汤包做法, 包子, 包子做法, 包子的做法大全, 包子怎么做好吃, 包子教程, 包子包法, 包子馅做法大全, 包子皮怎么做, 包包子, 包包子手法, 包包子用什么面粉, 包包子的方法, 包包子图解, 包包子技巧, 肉包子的做法, 包子皮食谱, 包子馅, soup dumplings, soup dumpling recipe, soup dumplings mukbang, shanghai dumplings
Id: OMeWvORraxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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