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[MUSIC] I decided to open an Italian restaurant cuz that's what I've been doing for the last 11 years. >> I had 11 days of training in a kitchen before we opened this restaurant. That was my entire pastry career. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> A friend of ours had a, she had a funeral. And, >> This is depressing already. I've decided to cook the food for after the funeral. Genevieve said that she'll make a couple of pastries. Nancy Silverton walks into the house with sunglasses on and Nancy from the other side of the room starts yelling, who made this? Who made this? So Genevieve was nervous. And she's like, I did. And she's like this is amazing. This is what you gotta do. And that's how she started. She's good. >> Ori! You're not supposed to say all these things! It's embarrassing. [MUSIC] >> Yeah, but I'm proud of ya. You're fucking crazy. [MUSIC] [SOUND]. [MUSIC] >> My name is Ori Menashe and I'm the head chef of Bestia Restaurant. >> And I'm Genevieve Gergis, and I'm the pastry chef of Bestia Restaurant. >> And we opened this together. >> As a family. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] Me coming from Israel makes a big difference on my menu. I use a lot of the same ingredients or ingredients that I'm comfortable with and that's why that it's very different than all of the rest of the Italian restaurants in Los Angeles. This is gonna be an octopus carpaccio. So what we do is basically we boil the octopus with red wine and different spices, salt. And take it out of the liquid and then we'll compress it. and this is the log that, that appears. I have a sauce here that's made out of chopped anchovies. I add fish on octopus cuz octopus is not that fishy. I want it to actually taste fishier. >> [MUSIC] Small salad, compliment this. [MUSIC] That's it. Bestia means beast in Italian. Here our philosophy is we try to make sure that we kill less animals. So this dish that I'm gonna show you right now is my favorite dish on the menu. So it's going to be chicken gizzards. And when we do get the whole animals we'll use the tail up to the nose. Finish this with a little sea salt. That's it. >> Just like my husband, we don't waste anything. I'm making moscato zabaglione. The yolks that we use for the zabaglione, then I use the whites for the meringue [MUSIC] On the top. You didn't get the peel. >> Fucking amazing. >> Aww! We met at a restaurant nine years ago called La Terza which was Gino Angelini's other restaurant. And I started as a hostess and he was a line cook on salad. Ori! >> Yeah? >> I didn't like him, actually, because he was very macho player. But we slowly kind of, I warmed up to him and saw his, that he has a really good heart. >> In a couple minutes she's gonna correct me and say that I'm doing something wrong. >> [LAUGH] >> She made me like to drink tea at night. >> [LAUGH] He's so funny. >> It's kind of, kind of weird. >> [CROSSTALK]. >> Where, [CROSSTALK] I, I, I used, I used, I used to drink beer at night. Now I drink tea at night. >> Here, I'm gonna scoot you. So that it's on the heat. Does that count as a correction? >> Yep. I told you. >> We do have a lot on our plate. [LAUGH]. >> You're beautiful. >> No, I'm huge. >> You're beautiful. >> Look, whale. The whale is for, this is how I feel. We rarely get out for a night off. >> So we have to be very careful about where we choose. Cuz, because we only get that chance once in a great while. >> [INAUDIBLE]. >> I was missing this curry. [MUSIC] >> Chef. I'm at the bar waiting trying to order a drink, waiting for you. >> Sal. >> What is going on. >> Let's go man. Joining us was Alia, and she's, looks like a little lady but she is our butcher and she's one of the strongest people in the kitchen. And then we have Illugy, who's one of our bartenders here. He's a big pain in the ass. >> Cheers. >> Cheers. >> To you, chef. [MUSIC] >> We decided on the Wolvesmouth cuz they're pushing the envelope. >> This is every day. >> It's the cutest thing. >> I deal with this every day. >> We're really gross. >> I deal with this every day. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> Someone yank me in. >> Help me with the door. Well would you help me with my butt? [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> We're heading to Wolvesmouth, these guys are awesome cooks. Yeah this guy basically is living the dream of a chef. He works in his apartment and cooks whatever he wants to 20 people three nights a week. These people are expecting something different. >> Crazy. [MUSIC] >> Woo. [MUSIC] >> I met Craig, probably a year and a half ago. We kind of see eye to eye with cooking. So, we're, we're, we're good friends. >> Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Wolvesmouth. If you don't mind grabbing your seat, please. We're just about to start. Thank you! [MUSIC] >> Essentially I started Wolvesmouth more off and on about seven and half years ago. And I really wanted to have a more intimate style gathering of just people that I, I would even have as friends. You know, whatever. Just getting people together. Being able to do the kind of food that I wanted to create, but in a way different environment that had the music that I wanted to play. It had the kind of feel that I wanted to have, which if you look around my space, there's taxidermy and shit everywhere, and art because that's what I enjoy. [MUSIC] Just so you guys know what you're eating real quick? This is a ribeye cap. Broccoli stalk and jalapeno slaw, pink lady apple, broccoli tempura, broccoli cheddar puree, and pepper with sherry vinegar. >> This is so good. >> Really good. I could eat like, four of these, but then I would be full for the rest of the stuff. >> His dishes seem like they're a lot, but then when you take one bite it all makes sense. >> It's concentrated carrot, parsley, delicata squash, butter and squash puree, candy lemon jelly, dungeness crab, skate wing, raw turnip, and then lightly pickled carrot. >> Have we ever had anything like this, Ori? >> No. >> No? >> Flavor profile is very different,. It's a really, really good dish. >> The way that I kind of like lay it out. Like we went, rib, ribeye cap on the first course. I like to go up and down rather than like this, like the buildup cuz I just feel like I just, you just get pummeled by a, a whole bunch of meat all at once. And you end up feeling gross. I, I want people to be, to have a tasting menu and still feel like they can go fuck after. >> The balance is incredible. These flavors, it pops in your mouth like nothing I ever had. [MUSIC] >> My favorite courses. [SOUND]. >> Fucking brulee bananas. This is my country and shit. >> We're almost done. [MUSIC] [APPLAUSE] Food was fucking awesome. >> Good seeing you. >> Really, really impressive, always. Always. >> Thank you. [MUSIC] >> Let's go. Illugy! Alia! [MUSIC] >> Don't make fun of me. >> How do I close this? [LAUGH]. >> Chef, you've never been to Tony's? >> Not once. >> Chef, what the hell. >> It's dirty. >> Honey, you're the worst date ever. >> What? Fuck you! I'm not your fucking date! >> I'm kidding, I'm kidding! [LAUGH] >> I'm gonna kick your ass right now! >> Oh please don't smile. So mad. >> [LAUGH]. [MUSIC] We're gonna go to Tony's. It's a bar right next to Bestia. It's act, it's actually my first time there. [INAUDIBLE] If I go to a bar for a drink it will never be a drink. It will be five drinks or six drinks, and then I, I'll get home drunk. >> And you'll wake up next to a Illugy and wonder what happened to your life. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> You guys got your ID? [MUSIC] >> To you chef. Max. [MUSIC] >> Thank you very much. >> Yeah no problem. >> To this guy. >> I kind of destressed yesterday so, it was good. [INAUDIBLE]. [MUSIC] I probably. >> A lot. >> Did like. >> Can't remember. >> Seven or eight shots and then. >> But I had to make him coffee to get out of bed this morning. [LAUGH]. >> A couple glasses of wine and some beer. I, I, I could I could drink. And not make a fool of myself. >> [LAUGH]. >> Not that I would mind making a fool of myself. Thank you guys for a great meal. Let's have this shot and let's head to Bestia to have some falafel. [CROSSTALK]. >> Cheers. [SOUND]. [MUSIC] >> That was good. >> Did you enjoy yourself? >> I didn't get a drink. >> You got a bunch of juice. >> But since I, since I didn't get a drink, I want a slice of pepperoni pizza. >> Okay fine. >> Yay. >> You need a slice? [MUSIC] >> Can I get a slice of pepperoni? >> [INAUDIBLE]. [MUSIC] >> I love Pizzanista! It's unexpected how good the pizza is, because you just think it's whatever. It's a pizza place. It looks very unassuming. But their pizza's actually really good New York style like thin, crispy, cheese but not too much cheese so it's not too heavy. And all their meats are really really high quality. You see the pepperoni in there, on there is really good. Look what he did! When you're pregnant, they give you extra slices. >> Aah! It's so good. >> They wouldn't let me drink beer [LAUGH] so, cuz everyone is so judgmental. So I'm gonna eat pizza. [LAUGH]. [MUSIC] Are you guys ready to make a Munchies meal? [CROSSTALK] [APPLAUSE]. >> Let's do it! [MUSIC] >> No, no, no. >> Yeah. We're going back to Bestia. >> Make a left. >> Let's go back to Bestia. We've got Jesse, oh. [CROSSTALK]. >> Some falafels. >> Some falafel and some, some beer. >> Oh. >> What are you going to make Genevieve? >> I don't know. I'm going to think of something. >> I'm excited. >> Over my leg bitch. [LAUGH] I'm glad you're excited. >> You two need to fucking simmer down, all right? [MUSIC] >> Okay. Sorry. [MUSIC] [LAUGH]. >> Oh! Wassup, boys? >> Getting munchies. I'm excited! [MUSIC] My munchies meal was popcorn. It's gonna be, it's gonna be very, very after marijuana. But I'm not doing that, because I am pregnant. Just so we're all clear about this. [LAUGH] I have some leftover caramel that I'm gonna use up. Drizzle that, white, dark chocolate. Maybe salted peanuts, marshmallow goop, it's gonna be gross. It's gonna be gross in a really good way though. Not gross in a bad way. >> I made, falafel, with house made pita bread. This is basically my dad's falafel recipes. And we're gonna fry this up right now and we're gonna make some fresh pita bread too. Then we have couple different, Israeli salads or Middle Eastern salads some tahini I don't know if its munchies enough but that's considered munchies in Israel. Who wants this one? We would drink beer and then go and eat falafel. Fermented mango. It's nice. Called omba. >> Mm, it's so fucking good. [MUSIC] >> 17 of you motherfuckers. Let's get cocktails going, I'm gonna go make cocktails for you. >> Ori. When, when are you gonna open up another spot that has this? >> A year. >> It's fucking amazing. >> Fuck yeah. >> Wow. >> Meatloaf. >> [APPLAUSE] >> This is my. This is my pregnant fantasy. >> Oh my gosh! It's so good. >> I'll tell you my pregnant fantasy. [LAUGH]. >> I know that the people from Wolvesmouth can't wait for me to make it again. So I, if, if, they approved of it then I feel like it's a success. >> My munchies wheel, meal was for me so I, I enjoyed it. So I think that makes it a success. It satisfied my cravings so I think that works. Is this is your You look so spiffy. [LAUGH]
Channel: Munchies
Views: 376,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bestia, Italian food, Los Angeles, Vice, Munchies, drunk, food, falafel, Wolves Mouth, how to make, cooking, Munchiestv, drinks, eating, chef, VICE, girl eats food, al-kee-hol, VICE eats, being frank, fresh of the boat, chef's night out
Id: b4VOByrcCOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 18 2014
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