Tacos, Mezcal, and an Impromptu Dance Party: Chef's Night Out with Hija de Sanchez

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is it happening or no about me - good evening your ten minutes one minute charging I know my name is Rocio Sanchez I have a tack idea here in Copenhagen I'm Asha and I'm from Chicago so we're in Copenhagen in the Meatpacking District Eddie Heather Sanchez our second shop we make here tacos small snacks desserts I was risk us on tip I grew up eating tacos all the time and you know being in a Mexican neighborhood and with a Mexican family this is kind of my culture I ended up in Copenhagen because I was offered a job to work at Noma and so I just took it immediately that was like six years ago and now I have my own business a little over a year now so we're going to start off by making this black bean tostada so creamy black beans they've been cooked with plenty 20 of avocado leaves quite a distinct flavor fresh cheese small pieces of crisps raw onion cilantro like a welcome bonus sauce here grandma just like a salty or sour cream version that we make a little bit of fresh lettuce spicy audible oil a small amount of panel and some salt so that's our vegetarian one we make everything ourselves everything from the masa you know rendering our own fats making all of our senses so it's a huge effort and I think Europe deserves well made Mexican food then we go to the tacos medicine pescado and we have the audible oil just to get a little bit of that spicy flavor into the fish we go back with the avocado sauce this creamy salty sour grandma fish on top of that lime marinated cabbage refreshing to cut through that fatty fried fish bit of coriander is always cilantro the other one we have the busload the spit roasted pork so I always cook with some pineapple so there's a pineapple there we had a little bit of subset to it just to make it extra juicy make I like it and always our raw onion and cilantro this is exactly what I want to eat when I think about Mexican food this is the side to my plate same para todo man mescal y tambien and then we served a mix of paletas we served hibiscus and mezcal water-based and the other are creamy so it was a avvocato and reduced milk and the other one was frozen tears leches cake so these these are obviously not very traditional ice pops today's leches cake means three milks and a cake and I had that cake every birthday growing up so for me I look at it as like a little birthday cake on a stick I don't know people get it can cater paletas Valley run Ariana yeah so the girls arrived my ladies least us ready to go one of the most Catherine bolts and Katherine bonds I met at Noma she's a manager there that she's just open to do anything and try everything the other person that was with us is Lara she's our chef he has entrance I really love that she has so much energy the other person with us was nervous so she manages all the all the stuff in the behind the scenes of the hello Sanchez and I really love that she's she's kind of crazy what is that how does a Mexican flag Oh looks like something else hey they're proud to be Mexican we're going to balderdash yes so it's in the center of the city um a friend of ours Jeffery owns it in the daytime nice [Music] Jeffery's a really fun guy I met him a long time ago when he used to manage another bar new city now he opened up his own bar so he creates a great atmosphere I learned this they don't do that often but they're doing floats ice cream floats I know he put a lot of different things in there hobby toes pineapple and there was rum vanilla ice cream champagne he chopped it up with a lot of champagne it was really delicious I mean it was so clear it sounds like it would it was gonna be really boozy and bitter I don't know that's what I felt it was going to be but it was actually so clear it's really nice you had pineapple sweetness in the beginning then you get a little bit of the champagne to wash it down it's also like how often the next was a banana split which was outrageous it was great is that one gonna be boozy - yes this is actually Havana rum and chocolate ice cream you have bourbon and rum here together so the ice cream already has booze we like to do is we like to top it off with more booze they're gluten-free a little uh chocolate Burch so beautiful no ice cream is what ice cream is salted peanuts and Bieber Kasturi and bourbon in it exactly yes and that was probably the most busiest ice cream I've ever tasted you have something to go he gave us I forget the name of the drink but it's tequila coke and lime juice when these little stormtrooper cups thank you yes I do sir Thunder sit down sinners take a look we're going to gasoline grill so this is a burger place it just opened up I want to say a few months ago this year I think it's the best burger in Copenhagen at the moment thanks Joe run [Music] I really love it it's well made burgers pretty much the meats quite season they make their own buns it's made with potato sectioning and guess in the image up I think it's such a cool concept how's it going though you guys yeah we were in a bit of a hurry so we just kind of rushed to get the burgers to go cuz we were rushing to get on this boat thank you oh nice five thank you so much it's gonna be so good thank you your power so crazy because we don't normally get all these this time off so it was like okay well you're gonna have a day off we need to get on a boat that boat then our boats oh that's amazing and we know so many places to stop off hello how's it going this is so cool [Music] eating on the boat was a little difficult Hold'em ESCO so beautiful at sunset friends drinking food Jeff water now so I do have miss that's nice [Music] thanks guys [Music] 1:08 is a restaurant that's been opened by Christian bellman and Noma hello oh hi they have this casual setting where you can just order on the card and they also have this corner bar which is also like a bakery in the morning a wine bar at night so we decided to go there for some quick snacks and some wine maybe some schnapps can we try it drink it this way okay sometimes some ludes then we had a bit of some snacks to go from the chef's so Christian came out and these other guys so nice they walked all the way to the boat and see us off with some delicious food and some wine to go as well this is awesome dig in guys thank you one of the dishes that we had was this like oxtail they looked like little balls a lot of truffle on top fresh truffle we also got the chicken skin which is I think it's baked I'm not sure and also could it taste with a creme brush no was really lovely and then someone stopped us is it happening or no it's so loud but it was such an eventful day to be out there in the water it's amazing so we sailed over to Levon kena man kena is really cool there's a mix of all sorts of people hey guys how you doing families people enjoy wine people just sitting but um yeah we just hang around there a little bit you know digest a little of what we've had to eat [Music] no we're going to Fisk 'var maybe have some oysters some cocktails wine I think it's perfect because it's so cozy huh it's soaked nice and delicious and fresh so get some seafood so we arrived to fiscal bar as they're greeted us with what he said was a really old cocktail at Noma which for me is crazy because I never even thought no one ever had cocktails we had a waiting upstairs and they asked for Tom Collins and as we didn't have lemons we had two who said well sea buckthorn is sour so we invented this one actually [Music] then after we got all these oysters French and Danish so good did you try the Danish ones it's an invasive species and nobody wants to eat them you go up there and you can just go and pick them these were so small and creamy and just kind of melted in your mouth oh it's so good these ones with the Apple that's there to go and then we had a bunch of other things like what do we have we had the squid so good huh we had fish and chips [Music] mackerel [Music] scallops guitar Wow then Milton arrives my old friend I love you whoa I'm us let's go to e huh good so we invited everyone over for the dirty tacos it's basically a grilled cheese on a tortilla with whatever you can make anything dirty it was a great day and it's so amazing that everyone came back you know we had Christian Bulma and some older friends from Noma Jeffrey came um everybody was there everybody was there it was a great party you you
Channel: Munchies
Views: 262,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CHEFS, cooking, Mexican Food, Spanish, Chef's Night Out, MUNCHIES, Munchies dk, tacos, Copenhagen, banana splits, boozy ice cream, 108, mezcal, Burgers, how to, Munchies, Munchiestv, food, drinks, eating, chef, restaurant, VICE, girl eats food, VICE eats, being frank, chef's night out, action bronson, documentary, interview, interviews, culture, wild, world, exclusive, independent, underground, travel, funny, journalism, vice guide, vice presents, vice.com, vice, vice mag, vice videos, vicevideos
Id: Jgvi8hPtaF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2016
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