Chef's Night Out with The Four Horsemen

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so many vape shops I don't know it's weird gave her vaped I've never been does anybody here revamped I never done a date man they submit you by like she's like really fat really fancy tapered sweatpants you have to vape like two things that go hand in hand so my name is Nick khatola I'm the chef at Four Horseman in Williamsburg Brooklyn you just try to make you like a kind of like a global neighborhood restaurant pretty easy to come in and just have a drink at the bar or start off with snacks and move into some larger dishes try to make food that's really wine friendly like really just kind of clean food this year has been really good for citrus so we decided to do a salad with it the food enforcement is very reflective of my cooking history and starting off in California I think I bring the mindset of using really fresh ingredients in the peak season and just having a really light hand with it 10 or 15 years ago it was like really easy like uh I cook Italian food I cook Mediterranean food like a French I could go to a music store and be like yeah that's rock roll that's alternative that's rad now there's like all these micro genres of cuisine that have emerged this tile fish is caught out on Montauk Milan it's pretty simple we just roast it in a banana leaf we're trying to get a little bit of char on the mushrooms get in with a little bit of this fish stock that we make it's like a loose dashi we make it with the fish bones from the tile fish the pork Chuck's been resting in the meantime we make a little celery salad we've just happened to be getting in this really amazing country rib from Heritage we just kind of serve up it's just really nice blanched celery and some charred cabbage it gets like a little bit of like a Chinese flavor with the cabbage and vinegar it was definitely tricky designing that kitchens really small kind of nice because everything's within like an arm's reach you know after I had that kind of dialed in started building a team the staff I have now just like constantly inspires me if they're just killing it we started off the night at the four horse neigh I invited a long few friends are you good at are you good Justin Cherno came with us he's a wine consultant for us and just good friend good guy also my friend max Sussman from Eden Bev's in Sinisa it's just a really great solid guy and then my friend Mike Glassons who actually is one of the managers over at Franny's they're just fun guys to go out with they like food or out they're passionate you know you can just relax and have a good time with him I don't have any diseases that I know would work yeah maybe after tonight alright pick something up I had a couple glasses of wine and then I head over to a sambar so that's manhatta screens oh yeah I don't get there that much it take you guys we all take you for granted we don't I mean take it a moment what's always a weird to see what's still here like what's not some sweet hookah bars almost brought me almost sambar is the first restaurant ate when I came to New York and it's actually also the place where I met my wife sorry so it's pretty important to me and Matt is a good friend that's gone dude brought you some pink bubbles for the kitchen their hospitality and service and food is always so on point I think this is gonna set out some load rush he's shocked and amazed we started the guys off with sort of like small snacks and blob on which is a big thing that I'm really into oysters chicharrón hotel room yes diver scallops thanks a special thanks man that is great here's the sardines I'm too sore like that's like one of my favorite dishes in New York it's just one of those perfect bites we take sardines fill any of them there brine for about five hours and socket that others a sourdough bread we put a little bit of fermented chickpea paste on top and let's finish with some pickle hearts of palm it's really simple but a lot of flavor a lot of technique and a lot of time into this little tiny toast I got a salem's like we do think please so good this is the back I'm not sent out the Chowan Russia which like an egg custard with a potato chips and caviar and brown butter so crappy it doesn't taste like it's been around for very long his killing here did salty this is like oh so right on whoa make room so they're kind of big on country hams are it's kind of the thing they're really good about sourcing like some really interesting hams that you can't really find anywhere else red eye yeah it's one of the greatest nights use of all time in the southeast serve country hams generally they'll sear in the pan and then it glazed with coffee and they've basically taken that flavor and folded into like a name is guys like broad country name in New York like nobody the sub was before right sambar start serve yourself topic second best two ingredients that there are then we had the brisket which was something they've been working on for a large format but they serve with kind of like traditional bow saw and condiments Oh juicy fatty there's some good lettuce and kimchi and then a kimchi puree and then scallion ginger sauce and it's just like I'd say it's like the perfect way to start the night yeah oh God chicken clucking good so good I was going to try not to swear like we talked about well we talked about it preparing our moms are watching yeah yeah yeah you know my mother grabs the occasional f-bomb I don't know why I pretended me the lettuce thanks guys like you after sambar we headed back to Brooklyn to Franny's so we use in ways stop what we're doing or we Google happen oh wow curveball yeah hey interesting interesting move waiting we're getting vocal very excited it was a good homecoming for me I used to work there and I haven't been in a while yeah John the chef there is a friend he's actually leaving soon so is probably my last time we get to go there for leaves yeah never John start us off with some charcuterie masala pancetta thumbs up salami Sardo sopressata you know Keano salami Milano and spices - the quality of the ingredients if they use of Franny's is really what makes them pretty special we had a citrus salad all the components are just like peak season John is very adamant about like going to the farmers market it's not just for show I mean he's there with like bags over his shoulders at 7:30 in the morning what's that it's a piece of bread that's Brett you sent us out a bean dish with some smoked pork over a little piece of bread and like a little broth and it was just perfect humble food just executed in a way that not many people can do that it really is the food that you like wish you ate when you were traveling in Italy yeah it is it doesn't exist but the old guy comes out every day yeah and he makes his beans good it was March Madness at Franny's so they kind of have a contest with all the staff that kind of like create a pizza and they start off with a 16 kind of Whittle it down we made it on a final four night I mean I come in hot plenty of room one of the March Madness pieces that we really liked was fried clam Fra Diavolo Wow this thing looks predict this is a crest it doesn't quit that's a good pot what's up pack it up another better too little leftover clam pizza after Franny's we got back in the van and headed over to Achilles heel and Greenpoint lettuce I remember leaving there 80% of the time of 70% but don't tell me that the odds are that you leave remembering is the house let me give a big shout out to ways that lays sweet it still kind of feels like you're at the edge of Brooklyn out there it's kind of dark it's on a little corner there's an amazing view of Manhattan it's just like a really really cool place chef there Leigh is the friend of ours he's been really supportive of the forest when he comes in almost every Sunday he's also doing some really creative cool food out of like the tiniest kitchen I've ever seen we decided to start us off really light with a whole roasted lambs head Marvin Tom we're get in there after that he sent us out this charred broccoli dish with a few different cuts of need it's just kind of amazing the kind of food that you can put out of that kitchen I mean it's smaller than the kitchen in my apartment definitely a neat indulgent night I think at that point everyone was ready to head back to hollandaise how are we doing this you ain't had bodies I just can't believe you guys have to cook after this got back in the kitchen the guys who are really excited to jump in and help too and we put max to work he brought some really fun Middle Eastern condiment in and get a really nice roasted Brussels sprout salad can we get more cooks in this kitchen we rusted off a whole lamb shoulder and Cole did one of my cooks st made these like really nice tortillas we had kind of like man tacos in one of my other cooks Turkish like really beautiful fish just away from some really nice big bottles of wine and it turned into just a really really great party it got pretty big fast how can a man like me get food like this this food I didn't sit down I just I just want to thank my team I have like a really amazing back the house right now I know probably everybody says that but it was so fun to come back here just kind of like drunkenly cook with them these guys are very passionate good guys the best Oh
Channel: Munchies
Views: 376,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CHEFS, cooking, four horsemen, nick curtola, Justin Chearno, max sussman, Mike Lassins, Momofuku Ssam Bar, Momofuku, matthew rudofker, Franny's, PIZZA, achilles heel, Lee Desrosiers, how to, Munchies, Munchiestv, food, drinks, eating, chef, restaurant, VICE, girl eats food, al-kee-hol, VICE eats, being frank, chef's night out, action bronson, documentary, interview, culture, world, independent, underground, travel, funny, journalism, vice guide, vice presents, vice, vice videos, healthy food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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