Multi Currency Options and Auto Currency Switcher For Woocommerce Wordpress Website

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hi welcome to the amazing plugin series and in this second part we will be looking at a plugin called the woocommerce multi-currency plugin which can give us a functionality to add multiple currency options to any of our e-commerce website so with this functionality we can give a function to check out the prices directly into the local currency of the customer welcome guys this is prakash from and in today's session we will look at an amazing plugin called the woocommerce multi-currency plugin this plugin is available free as well as a premium plugin this is one of my website on which we are going to install the multi-currency woocommerce plugin so at the moment if you check the prices it's showing in indian rupees so let us see how after adding the plugin the outcome is so go to the plugins and say add new and just search for multi-currency for woocommerce so this is the plugin which we are going to install on the website so this plugin as i said it's available as free as well as it has a premium version too so we are going to look at both the versions and their settings so i will just activate the plugin and once you activate it you will get a button on the dashboard so just click on that you will see different settings so these are the general settings for the free plugin and of course i have to enable it there is a way you can show the currency price on the switcher so i am keeping it as black plus currency so don't worry we will look at all these options in detail while we will discuss the premium version so i'm just taking you through on the free plugin but these are the only options you need to select while using the free plugin so here you will see one currency automatically updated and it is the gbp here so it's in pound and i just need to add one more currency so i'm trying to add inr indian rupees as the alternate currency for the customers so i will just go and save it right so the next option for the free plugin is the location and it has few options like auto detect the location auto select country approximate price and say there is option to keep it as no so i will say auto detect the country okay currency by country has to be enabled and here the important settings are so since my website is based out of india i will say the store should have inr currency in for india and for rest of the countries it should show in gbp so you can make it as usd as well so i am keeping it as gbp and i will just save it so any visitor coming from india will be able to check the rates in inr and the other countries the customers can check the rate in pumps so this is the location setting so this is asking me if i want to enable this currency conversion on the checkout so of course yes and this is a premium function so we will definitely look into it later and if we go to the design part it is asking me if i want to show the currencies bar enabled so i have to enable it so the title has to be select your currency and i can make the changes here if you want to make the position on the left side of the screen you can do that i'm keeping it as it is and there are few settings for the text color so i'm keeping it as it is because the video will be a lengthy video if i go into these settings but definitely you can make changes with the color background also so i will just say save let us check out the last options i think this is a premium function again so this is the same website now and if you check out here you will see the currency tags here great and if i want to check out the functionality now so it is showing in pounds and i'm a customer from india so i'm trying to check the rates in inr so it is the currency symbol has changed the price is the same so what we need to do is go to the general settings and the important thing we missed is this so we need to update the rate here so don't worry you don't need to do it manually this is for the free plugin but in the premium plugin we have definite settings to update this automatically so let us check out what the outcome is so i have saved it and if i go and refresh it now it should show me the rates now converted to inr so if i go again to gbp it should show me the pounds price and here it is so wonderful so this is the free plugin and as you can see it has some limitations but if your store doesn't require more than two currencies this is a plug-in which is sufficient to give you the basic functionality and you can add your country's own currency plus a additional currency which is available for the outside customers so let us check out the premium plug-in and how it works so this is the woocommerce multi-currency plugin which is available on code cn at the price of 32 dollars so you can check out and you can buy this if your website requires a premium functionality so let us check out how we can set up the premium plugin so here i am on the dashboard to upload the premium plugin and i will go to add new and i just need to upload the plugin here right so select the file so here the file is and i will just install it on the plugins section so if you want to know more about installing plugins and the themes error you can refer to my other video and in case if you are getting any errors uploading any premium theme or plugin that can be solved so let us check out this is now it has to be activated i have just activated the premium plugin on the website now so let us check out what different functionalities we can have with the premium plugin so here we are again on the general uh settings you can see it has to be enabled the plugin has to be enabled of course uh the fixed price we will check in the next part use session uh here i would select flag and currency and here because we have already set up these two currencies for the free plugin it is coming up there but i will delete one of the currencies to show you how we can add multiple currencies over here so this is the base currency and which is in pounds and i want to add more than two currencies here now so i will say inr rupees if you want to set up the position for the currency symbol you can do that you can also add some exchange rate manually here and here i need to update the rate so i will just refresh it okay and this is the second currency now i will add one more currency that is usd okay i will again say get the prices and i will also add one more currency that is a pkr pakistan rupees and i will say update rate if you want me to add one more currency i will add euro so let us add euro as well so i will just say update the rate great so these settings you can check out later if you want the position of the currency symbol to be at the right side you can do that here so i will just go and say save so let us check other settings as well so i have already discussed about this and we will see the approximate price and other things here but at the moment i am keeping it as auto select the country and currency by country has to be enabled and here i will just say get country by currency and uh it will update the countries here so it is only the euro part so i will say ireland finland and the european countries basically should be able to pay in the euro currency so remember guys if you are setting up a multi-currency plugin you should also have the gateways which can accept those currencies so it is not that this plugin will give you those functionalities but that is something we will also discuss in one of the future videos i will go to the next setting so uh it says pay in many currencies has to be enabled enable the currency conversion on the card page as well and i forgot to mention one thing in the beginning so let us save this and come back again so uh in the general settings if you want to change the default currency you can do that so this is a default currency like the pounds which is selected over here but if i want indian rupees to be the default currency i can make the change here so immediately after i changed the inr as the default currency this has become one and this has taken the current rate so amazing it is so let us save it and go back to the checkout part of it so this settings are already there and it says payment method depend on the payment gateway if the payment gateway doesn't support the currency customer cannot check out with that currency obviously it is change currency follow display multiple currencies i will say yes and save it so let us check out the design part if there are any changes and i see the same functionalities here and there is only one thing which has changed is conditional tags so we need not enable it let us go and check out how it is coming up on the website so here immediately i can see these options are available and if i go and check this is in inr now and if you want to check it in pounds it should give me the rates in pounds as so fantastic it is so i will check it in pkr and it is coming in pkr one thing if you have noticed that these things if it is coming in fraction it doesn't look good so uh if i'm checking it in pounds it is coming again in fraction so let us see if we can change and make the prices look better so let us hover over to the design and the price format so in the price format you will see there are few rules you can enable it here so i will first say enable the price format and accept lower bound prizes so if you click on this how does it work you will see some calculations but don't worry i will explain you these calculations with an example so i will first go and say add rule and i will say 0 to 0.5 the fraction should look as 0.49 and instead of integer i will say fraction so this is one rule now i have set up that any price which is coming in this fraction 0 to 0.5 should look as 0.49 which is kind of a marketing gimmick as well so i will add another rule which is from 0.5 to 1 and anything between 0.5 to 1 should take the format as 0.99 and i will make it as fraction and it should be applicable to gbp uh not inr pkr euro and here also i will select usd pkr and euro and i will just go and save it so let us see website so i will just refresh it and here it is so it is now showing as 1.490.49 0.99 and if you know the marketing gimmick anything in the range of 99 amazes the customer so i will also check it in pkr and it also one point says six point four nine and things like that so amazing it is so you can use this fraction kind of uh setup for this plugin so i will save it there is one more functionality which you can achieve with this plugin is approximate prices so just go to locations and in the auto detect you will see approximate price so so approximate price then you can change the position for the approximate price you can just say approx if you want to keep it as approximately the label and just i just made it to approx and i will save it so if you do this setting you will see that your store will now give the approximate prices so here it is so it is saying pound 0.99 which is approximate rupees 8698.31 so this is one functionality which you can achieve and the prices will be shown into two different currencies and one of them is the approximate price in between we saw some settings for the fixed price so fixed price is something which you can set up like for example if i go to this product and if i select it here i should be able to set fixed price for different currencies so it will be more clear if we look at an example so this is a leather jewelry box so let's check out if we can fix the price for this particular product so what i have done is i have enabled the fixed price option under the general settings and i will just save it now i will go to the products and i will change the prices for the leather jewelry box so let us find out the product so here is the leather jewelry box product and i will just go to the edit section so in the edit section if i scroll down now under the price section i will see i can get different prices for different currencies so this is what is meant by the fixed price and now if i have to check the euro price i can fix it to a particular amount so here it is the regular price is 85 rupees so the euro price is 0.99 and i will set it to 1 euro and if i go to usd and if i want to change it to 1.49 to 2 for example so i will set it as 2 this you can do to counter the exchange rates and for pkr i will set it up to 200 so here is the regular sorry shouldn't be in cells so this and for pkr i will say 200 and if i go and update it now so what i've done is i have fixed the prices for different currencies from the product page so let us check out here and here it is so it is showing me 200 pkr as i have fixed the prices so it is not taking the conversion rates it is actually the fixed rates i have added great so it is working fantastically with the premium plugin so this is how you can fix the prices for any of the product to counter maybe the exchange rates or anything in the background so the last part of this plugin is about adding these options to a different place like somewhere here i don't want this type of functionality i want these options to be somewhere here so this can be achieved by using short codes so if you don't know short codes i will be making a video specifically on short codes and for this plugin you can just go to docs.villa i will provide you the link in the description now go to plugins and check out the woocommerce multi-currency so here yeah so here you will see short code so i will give you the link directly for the multi currency woocommerce plug-in shortcodes so here with the shortcode you will see that you can achieve like if you want this kind of a functionality you can use this shortcode if you want the codes to be shown just beside the login you can use these things so i will show you one example by which you can achieve this thing so this is a short code which actually comes in a square bracket and you just need to copy it but on your website you just need to go to appearance and menus so recently i have checked that the sort code option is not visible on the menu so what we can do is we can add a small plugin so go to plugins and say add new so shortcode and this one so shortcode in menus you just need to install it so once you install it just activate it you will see if you go to appearance menu you will see a new option for shortcut so here what you can do is you can copy the shortcode and come to this short code tab and give it a title select currency and paste it here right so what it has done it has created a menu tab on the categories menu so you can add it to any part of the menu it can be the main menu or the categories menu so let us see how it is coming there and i have just saved it here it is so i'm getting the option here as a drop down to select the currency while i'm on the store so if i say gbp i will see all the prices now converted to gbp right so you can disable this if you wish to disable it from the multi-currency settings so location design currencies bar so i don't want the currency bar to be shown and i will just save it so if i refresh it now the bar is gone but i have the drop down options to select the currency but the most important thing about the multi-currency is this particular update part of it so as i had discussed on the general settings we saw something wherein we need to update the rates so this is not possible that you can update the rates on a regular basis because these are international reads and those keep on changing so under the update section you will see something for the auto update exchange rate so this can be set to 30 minutes one hour six hours per day or even for one month so accordingly if you set it for a day the rates will be updated on daily basis so this thing the finance api you can select it as maybe yahoo finance or google finance so i am selecting it as google finance so rate decimal and these things you can keep it as default and if you want a email to be sent to the admin for the exchange rate update this is quite of a technical stuff and the accounts people will know exactly when the rate has changed so this is for the accounts people so if you have a particular email id you can update it and enable this particular section you can just go and save it and now the plugin will update the rates on daily basis so this is it guys in today's session we could set up the multi-currency plug-in on the website so as i said this plugin is a premium as well as a free plugin so if you have limited uses or if you just need one more currency for the outside customers like i operate in india so i just wanted u.s dollar to be a additional currency for the outside customers to buy the products from my website so i have used the free plugin and i'm getting the functionality for the product prices in inr as well as in us dollars so accordingly you can set up your ecommerce store and use the woocommerce multi currency plugin so that is all in today's session in next session i'll be coming up with another amazing plugin and stay tuned to my channel do subscribe and like it so thank you so much and take care
Channel: TheSkillWill
Views: 1,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best free woocommerce plugins, woocommerce currency based on country, currency switcher for wordpress, How to enable international payments on website, woocommerce currency switcher, woocommerce multi currency plugin, multi currencies store, Currency based on customers country, automatic currency converter woocommerce, Woocommerce currency switcher plugin, currency switcher, wordpress plugin, currency switcher for woocommerce, approximate price, multi currency store
Id: b2Viy_1nxCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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