MUFASA, an Original Disney Story?

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[Music] I think everyone universally dislikes Disney these days whenever something comes out that's made by Disney we ironically have the opposite reaction of what Disney's name used to evoke in Times Gone by instead of assuming that it's going to be good we automatically presume and are usually right that it's going to be terrible I knew there was a maasa movie in the works and I was actually interested in seeing it because it's a story that we haven't heard before and The Lion King is one of my favorite movies not the Remake the Remake is just a shell of its former glory like most of the Disney remakes I mean if desaturation was a movie spend their lives in the dark but Mufasa's story was something I was genuinely interested in and when the trailer for Mufasa The Lion King dropped I really didn't think I was going to be impressed however regardless of what the movie turns out to be I can say that the trailer was pretty well put together together yes I know I'm like one of those people who keeps getting slapped in the face by someone who's constantly pranking them and keeps falling for it but I guess I'm a glutton for punishment so the first thing it gave me chills was them using the original opening theme from the animated movie the real Lion King movie M mhm oh that music oh my God it's just ethereal no matter how many years go by I can always go back and listen to it and feel as though my soul is being massaged so that was a smart move on their part pulling at our emotions but can they follow it up next up lions in a snowy setting caught my eye cuz it's a cool Twist from the washed out remake of The Lion King that somehow managed to drain all the color life from the original but thankfully this trailer seems to breathe at least some of that life back into it I'm actually liking the new biome because it's not every day you see lions in the snow I mean whether they're Asiatic lions or African lions they're always in a hot temperate region because that's how they evolve so at the very least I'm very interested in what the story is behind them being in a wintry climate while still looking very much like African lions while a baboon is also sitting amongst them who is also adapted to be in hot climates this Story begins far beyond the mountains and the Shadows on the other side of the [Music] light a lion was born without a drop of nobility in his blood without a drop of nobility interesting surely that's going to make the character more relatable and I'm okay with that I'm not sure if this is sticking to the original storyline but one thing that caught my eye and honestly it's something Disney should have been doing all along is that the characters actually show some real emotion despite the semi-realistic style that they're kind of keeping they managed to give them way more personality than what we saw in the last remake I mean look at Mufasa I'm look at his little face I'm guessing I'm assuming that this is him when he was a kid or a cub he looks so cute and he still looks realistic but at least you can see what emotion he's feeling at the very least they listen to that as opposed to the Remake when the freaking Lions only have one setting of emotion which is dead pan look at Nala and Simba first of all you can't really even tell them apart I mean sort of second of all they're terrified but yet you can't tell because their eyes just have one setting also the music is done so well it sounds like Beyonce singing in the background or or something but also the world itself feels a lot more alive and dynamic in his blood a lion who would change our lives forever move that's impressive so far they've done a good job ditching that creepy stiff vibe from the Remake that made the Lions and all the other animals look even more lifeless than actual Wildlife here they look a lot more fluid when they move and the world looks a bit more colorful I mean look at that they color graded it a bit better in the trailer and hopefully that sticks with the movie the Earth will shake see how Lively they look now this is a world that I can actually like the trailer is actually kind of winning me over it's actually winning me over Destiny you can actually see Mufasa or whoever that is smiling you can tell how he's feeling based on his facial expression which is something that we did not get with the Remake itself I mean it's not much to ask for because Disney's animations were built on expression and Emotion by way of the character's large eyes and their designs therefore if you're going to make a liveaction movie at least allow them to achieve the same thing that you did with the 2D animations the thing is even though These are 3D they're still animations they're not real lions doing this so you should be able to find a middle ground with it looking believable but still having enough cartoonish expression so that they look like characters or anthropomorphized characters I mean Disney's been doing this with their 3D titles or 3D animation titles so it's not as though they have no experience in it whatsoever destiny oh wait and look all the animals spinning around there's a little bit of that uncanniness there but it's more understandable with the tone that's being set in the overall trailer oh also I missed that the first time but if you look up at the stars at the Galaxy and whatever or the nebula whatever that is you can see what looks like the face of an ancestral lion staring back down at Mufasa it is so subtle that I missed it the first time but I like how they did this very nice Artistic Touch wow Mufasa's face right here you can tell that he's scared they did a really good job with this I'm so glad we can get Expressions back on these characters even though it's a still shot you can tell without knowing what's going on with the story that this is a lion cub that has been generated to look as though he's terrified anyone looking at this from the outside if I just took this picture and showed them off the street what emotion this person is feeling and I wanted them to actually guess I'm pretty sure most most human beings would guess immediately saying something along the lines of shocked surprised or scared I mean look at this and he still looks realistic even this scene right here he looks absolutely batshit terrified I shouldn't have to be praising an animation studio for doing the bare minimum in animation by making their characters expressive that's like patting a chef on the back for not spitting in your food oh my God Chef you're so amazing you didn't spit in my food very good I mean there's so many chefs doing that now and you're just amazing for not spinning no that's what's expected and honestly I felt the chills when the trailer ended [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wo damn I really did feel the chills there and it's probably because of the music but it's over the overall feel and presentation of the trailer much better than what the Remake was much better don't know if the movie will be good but at least this is a step in the right direction see I see one of Beyonce's kids her daughter Blue Ivy is going to be starring in this as well I 100% believe that's a nepo baby but whatever cuz your mom has some of experience so it makes sense that celebrities kids are going to be forced into some of the same roles I mean this is not new to act but I hope the voice acting I just hope that that's believable and you don't get one of those situations like we got in the last Earth movie with Will Smith and his son it was so bad to the point where he regretted doing it but I still love that movie too though I think it's called After Earth or something I have to look that up yep it's after Earth when you're so rich you just want to do stuff with your kids and trying to get them the foot in the door he wasn't horrible but he's not a very acting is not a strong suit and I don't think he has a passion for it the way his father did so that's another thing but yeah all that being said I hope the dialogue and the voice acting is just much better than it was in the remake but I can honestly say the trailer is a well-made trailer does it mean the movie is going to be phenomenal maybe not but the trailer is decent it helps that this is a brand new story from a POV that we didn't get before and they're trying something original yes it's based off the original franchise The Lion King but from what I know aside from the theories and whatnot we didn't really get that much into Mufasa and Scar's upbringing well I was first in line until the little hairball was born that hairball is my son and your future king oh I shall practice my curtsy yeah so we really don't know exactly what took place when Scar Mufasa were growing up I also don't remember seeing scar in this trailer I saw what looked like a white lion or a bunch of white lions or these the Arctic Lions I don't know what's going on here could be Mufasa's father or his people you can see on the other side too I kind of have it cropped a little bit but yeah on the other side all the way over here you can see what looks like a lighter colored lion could be his family members could be a new Pride he could have been adopted into this family of lions and that's how he became nobility who knows but we don't see scar at all unless scar was from his real family that were poor and he was adopted by this Rich family of lions and now he thinks he's better than his poor family and that's why scar was like maybe you shouldn't turn your back on me implying that Mufasa turned his back on his family or where he came from I'm just Gathering that I could be completely wrong and I think it's for the best though that we don't see scar at least we don't notice him in the trailer what is he training with Timone and Pumba how old are they supposed to be but yeah it's it's it's best that they left him out if they did because everyone knows in love scar as a villain and a complicated character I think it's better to leave him out of the trailer so we're not sure in what capacity he's going to be shown how cute he looks way too fluffy though like he looks like one of those polyester plush toys so there's a little bit of uncanniness there but you know what still better with I'd rather have uncanny with expression than uncanny without cuz The Uncanny with the Remake was just creepy did you hear that the Future King don't hurt me look how non-s scared they look look how unterrified they appear That's uncanny to me that's more uncanny than this yeah I just have to keep remembering this is a taser trailer so maybe the official trailer they're going to show him anyway but we don't know what part scar is going to play I mean there are some theories that they might have been close growing up in the scar eventually resented him like I said maybe he stole Scar's girlfriend who knows maybe we're going to see some brother shenanigans that we weren't privy to in the actual Lion King because Mufasa did seem kind of full of himself he embodied The Golden Child that could do no wrong and Scar was just cast aside because he didn't look like a king even though in reality a dark man dark lion like him would be more desirable but yeah I hate to say this but I'm actually eager to see this now and I might be thoroughly disappointed but I really hope that I'm not because I do want to like this I would love to see a new story and something that is just not rewashed over and over on a Perpetual cycle of Doom for Disney hopefully maasa can bring some of that magic back [Applause] [Music] hush sh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Alteori
Views: 28,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simba, mufasa, the lion king 2, mufasa the lion king 2024 trailer, mufasa trailer, cgi lion king, lion king
Id: GLP-d88aBmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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