MTTM: Carl Hurley - Comedy "The Gift Of Humor"

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and now for our friendly philosopher from the great state of Kentucky let's make him welcome Carl Hurley that's all I have thank you so much that was wonderful you know we have just been enjoying one of the greatest gifts that we have ever been given as human beings the gift of great music great singing it's a wonderful gift isn't it and there's another gift we've been given a wonderful gift the gift of laughter and that's my job to go out across this country and seek it out and bring it back to you and I love my job I do I love it and oh it pops up every place we need to laugh at ourselves I was thinking about this just a few minutes ago I grew up poor in the hills of Kentucky I'd never been anyplace or seen anything and work my way through school and got my first job about the first week my boss sent me on a business trip I was going to fly on an airplane for the first time I'd never seen the inside of one I ran down to the travel agency and I said I want a round-trip ticket they said where to I said right back here we have to do that we have to be able to laugh at ourselves and we don't know where humor is gonna pop up it pops up where we least expect it even in churches yes it does look around we're in church look for it oh yes it pops up there and I collect funny things that appear in church bulletins now you would think they'd catch it before it went to press but they don't always so that's the first thing I do is pick up the bulletins and see what I can find it will give me a chuckle you say well a church is a serious place of course it is but it's a place of joy and I brought some of my favorites now I've got hundreds of these but I'll both brought three or four of my favorites to share with you this afternoon let me get these all yes I was so glad that was in my pocket I love these here's the first one I hope this was not from my church don't let worry kill you let the church help that's exactly the way it appeared if you change one word of this it wouldn't be right you don't have to make up humor remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community I hope that's a typo here's one that I like for those who have children and don't know it we have a nursery downstairs my wife and I've raised two of them if you've got children don't know what you got a bigger problem now this next one I'm not sure it was a mistake I think somebody might just be being naughty Weight Watchers group would meet at 7:00 p.m. Thursday please use the double doors at the side entrance [Applause] here's one that I've just collected I don't even have it on my list yet it's brand new and this is exactly where it appeared in the bulletin it said this morning's sermon Jesus walks on water tonight's sermon searching for Jesus I [Applause] don't know about you but I'd have preached those on different days I would now you know people who do what I do for a living see funny mental pictures we do we can't help it we'll just be sitting reading the paper at breakfast and we'll read a headline make us laugh like last Christmas I read the headline said when baking cookies include your children no I prefer chocolate chips but that's why this next one that's why this next one is my favorite of all time it's the funny mental picture that it conjures up when I read it it's very simple it says mrs. Turner sprained her ankle let us hold up her leg in prayer [Applause] I just see a funny mental picture I hope it's a small church I do well the humor is around us we must look for it because it's there I tell you another thing I do too in my never-ending search for humor I never overlook the humor of little children I love the humor of little children it's honest it comes from the heart that's what makes it so good so what makes it funny if a bill said the same thing wouldn't be funny and I brought you three or four of those these were collected from honest to goodness school papers from little bitty children in schools that our church sponsored schools and they have lessons on the Bible and they had to do homework and and and written assignments on the Bible I learned some things maybe you will too the first one turned in from a little girl was when the three wise guys from the east side arrived they found Jesus and the manager kind of update sit down I like this one I didn't know this till I read it Joshua Joshua led the Hebrews in the Battle of Geritol my wife did not see the humor in this next one as I did a Christian should have only one wife this is called monotony [Applause] but this one is my favorite of all time and it's gonna take a real good and to knock it out of first place Lot's wife was a pillar of salt by day but a ball of fire by night see y'all later got to go search everybody staff if you've enjoyed this video click the subscribe button to get the latest content and check out the other great clips on the Gaither Music TV channel
Channel: Gaither Music TV
Views: 25,621
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Keywords: Gaither, Gaither Music, Gaither TV
Id: gWKazmk0h5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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