An Evening with Dennis Swanberg

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good music man i tell you give that man a raise right there and tickling those ivories over there doc appreciate you man good night i love piana you know there's not much anything better in all the world than just sometimes just piano just piano i mean nothing else just piano you do good you tickle those ivory as well i got a buddy named benji harlan uh dr benjy harlan he's got his doctorate you know i got mine we got ours at the same time but he's more brilliant and i just gutted it up for jesus you know what i'm saying but then you could play that piano we met at baylor university and sue ellen at baylor university my favorite high school teacher right over here and we met at baylor and we were at a baptist student union thing and he was he got up and he was playing the piano when they ring those golden bells and i remember he got up there and i was i was a methodist a happy methodist a saved methodist but i got with all these baptists i mean he's up there playing that piano like i'd never heard and he got up there and he's from winfield louisiana and benji said if you listen real good you can hear those bells or ringing and he started playing so when if i die before him he's going to play when they ring those golden bells and i told him play it regular don't be so fancy where people don't know what melody it is you know how it is doc you go off into one of these trilogies or what you know whatever you i don't know what you you go on a run you know what i mean until you run out of keys and do all this extra and they're going what's he playing and i don't know but isn't it beautiful well you know but that was good tonight victory in jesus go ahead and give jesus a hand right now isn't it good i can't imagine heaven but it's i bet it's refreshing i bet it's refreshing up there i i really do soel and bill's up there and he you know he's probably bumped into floyd leon by now and uh maybe he's helping my daddy with tea you know in charge of the t maybe you know uh a lot of our other friends from hyde park are all there rick your daddy old harold you know they're probably and harold's probably trying to organize something up there you know a lot of a lot of loved ones that have gone on before us and it has to be refreshing uh just where it's it's all over and it's good and it's okay i was telling c well and just just uh miss foster my teacher in john h reagan high school i don't know what it's called now but you know you know where it was you know we were there together honey i know you're getting older but work with me okay and i had her for business law and she had gone to baylor university little that i know she was planting a shade tree for me i didn't even know it in in high school i didn't all i knew about baylor was is a good place to stop in waco and get gas because waco always was having gas wars are you with me are y'all well so wealthy don't even worry about it wait is that more brother mo that's my geography professor world history man good night you're still alive i just looked out there and saw him right out there good night i'm gonna have to behave myself you know i i we're not gonna it's all under the blood it's all under the blood we're all good in jesus amen we're under the blood my mama paul ain't bernadine uh roland johnson the vice principal he's there at green ridge and there they're right there with my mama when and when they got there she said hi i'm pauline swanberg and he said are you dennis's mom i hadn't seen him in 40-something years but he and i had some fellowship together when i was there and when when i got there and saw him i said mr johnson now that's in the past that's all in the past and my mama pauline bernadine doesn't need to know about it he said you're good with me i went hallelujah thank you jesus and uh my little mama you know she she's the type if i was to tell her something i did back then she'd start crying right now i didn't know you did that you know i mean mother you know that i was 19 in the late 60s and early 70s well i can't believe you know so we just don't go there you know let it go let it go but uh but i guarantee it it's it's it's it's refreshing just seeing miss foster and and my teachers and my friends and being with y'all uh here in the heat of the summer and just think i remember growing up here you know during the summer you had vacation bible school vacation for mom and daddy but work for the rest of you you know my mom she taught uh third grade for 52 years and little pauline bernadine and she did vacation bible school too and i remember in a lot of years i said mother you know she's still alive you know if you're visiting or something we're here this morning should have been here uh but you know talk to god about it he may give you a pass but uh but my mom was in vacation bible school and she would still work even in later i said mother you're too old to be up there for vacation bible school good night and you know my little mama said pauline bernadine brother kyle you know he said wow those young women don't want to work and i have to be up there to help i said mother you stay back and make them go up there and go to work well but i don't do the bible studies anymore i just do crafts you know because i'm not into preparing mama don't tell people that you know but during summer is vacation bible school and i went to every vacation bible school i went to gethsemane lutheran church oh vern lundqvist his daddy was the pastor uh remember that the lundqvist you know over there remember vern lundqvist you know remember he did the sports here in austin y'all remember you know he's 80 years old now do y'all date or anything you know so ellen okay just check with you uh just trying to uncover anything that might be out there but so i went to the lutheran i went to the evangelical free church over there on 41st street evangelical free church evangelical preaching the free church you know and you need to understand something some of you i know what some of you are thinking i need to go there if it's for free uh it ain't free maybe nothing's free but evangelical free church and uh you know chuck swindoll is evangelical free church i went to their vacation bible school i went to the methodist vacation bible school i went to the baptist vacation hospital i went to all of them and i'm going to tell you about every single one of them you know they had a time for refreshments and i love refreshments you can look at me i love refreshments but i'm going to tell you all of them were pitiful you know what they gave you for vic for vacation two nella wafers two two nella wafers i mean that's pitiful a bunch of tight wads and a little cup of red juice kool-aid and they'd say don't spell it on the carpet it'll stain the carpet well what's it doing to my stomach man i love nella wafers i you know if laurie's not with me sometimes i'll get a box of nilla wafers and put them right there you know and i'll just be woofing them down while you're going down the road you know nella not vanilla nella and you get them going and sometimes they clog up they can get stuck on the top of your mouth you know your palate ma'am your palate don't worry about it in austin they don't care everything's relaxed in austin it's weird just take your finger i love refreshments and you know one thing i'll tell you about baptists that i learned man they can eat you know they don't drink that much but uh there's old boy back there i can tell he's going just a little nyquel when i have a bad cold now buddy i'm going to ask you something when you have a cold and you get your nyquil do you go to the little line on the cup or you take it to the rim got to get you all right but we do eat you know we not we i've never preached on gluttony i don't know if you have pastor but i never have i've never felt led i i never i never felt led to preach on gluttony i love carbohydrates look at your youth pastor over there see his hair that's what carbohydrates will do to you right there they just sort of give you a little he'll give you a little perk give it a little perky y'all didn't know that did you say i've got a doctorate i'm helping some of you get you some carbohydrates i've thought about writing a book carbs for christ uh wouldn't that be a good book i love little debbie swiss roll cakes 300 calories 20 fat grams for now it's a dollar but that's stewardship right there my wife laurie she goes honey if you leave a little debbie out there on the counter you can you can leave it there for a month and come back and he'll still be there that's a gift from god some of y'all are going that's processed well it's sugar but i love refreshments man pies when was the last time you made a pie i mean a pie a chocolate pie a chocolate pie with meringue on top of it i'm talking little sweat beads on top i'm talking when you cut it you know out of the oven and you put the slice on a plate the the chocolate the hershey hershey oozes out it's not some kind of jello that just jiggles and jaggles it it it's loose it's free man that's good stuff i've always loved refreshments and but the best the best the bettest i need to tell y'all this my wife told me to say this up front i've got a bad road uh rotator cuff thing and uh i've done the mri but hadn't done you know i'm going to find out about surgery on tuesday so i'm on pain pills so so if if i say anything inappropriate i just want to ask for forgiveness right now uh you know she told you know so let me think where it was now okay okay see okay refreshment but the best the best refreshment are people they're people they're people you know when i saw y'all tonight man when you came in and you had that mask on with all the bling on there i mean my left eye is still seeing little sparkles i mean i thought i was having a damascus road experience you know what i'm saying look at her she's going oh my gosh you know but um people refresh you you know when i see kai he refreshing because he just you know he looks i mean he could be a model you know but uh i mean i'm just a big old boy i admit it you know i'm i'm a little i got girls oh i felt that right there trying to pull um laurie's always telling me honey what are we going to do about this right here what are we going to do about this right here well we ain't doing nothing about this right here you know because if i spill it catches it right here okay about 12 rows back there's my buddy you're back there hey you and i i feel like we're bonding right now buddy i can tell you like little debbie swiss roll cage put a little blue bell with him let him fellas look at him he's he's never been this free in church every hallelujah god brought you here tonight but if i spill i catch it see and it looks it's better to catch it here than for it to get on your bridges don't look good on your beaches so catch it here still get on your bridges and then you take a chip just break it up but people refresh me you know and uh i i love the riley family there uh i remember rick and leanne laurie and i we got them together i'm gonna tell you i take credit for it yes sir we did we lined them up of course rick riley he ain't going on a blind date and so leanne wasn't really into the blind date either so we just said we're going to a tcu football game come with us you know like fellowship like we're having a wednesday night bible study or something but we got them together you know god started doing his work and it took rick forever you know he's slow and hard-headed but uh he finally i married him and i i mean i had to repeat his vows about three times you would he's i said i will you take he said i said will you take lee rick say i do to everything right now say i i do okay that's good enough he's in he's in okay but people refresh you and i love to be refreshed by people uh now this is an oldie goatee but someone asked me back there in the lobby they said paul lynn now most of you are not going to remember paul in but you older people remember paul lynn hollywood squares you know i used to do him one time as can you imagine if he'd been a preacher okay people listen to me i got a two-point sermon turn or burn okay moving on that's a quick message um but people refresh you that's why you know during the coveted thing you know the cabin fever what do you watch you watch sometimes your favorite movie even if you've seen it over and over you know i like watching kevin costner because he's such a good actor so i mean i've watched open range you know forever you know forrest gump how many times can you watch forest gone i'm always good i'm just that's all i'm gonna say about that i mean i just watched it over and over and then uh i'd watch all these stars you know ross perot sometimes i just go into my ross pro cause one of my heroes in texas listen i am out heirs here in texas and i he that hath an heir let him hear let him hear i'm all theirs okay um so yeah ross pro went right over to that little section back there my my millennials are going ah we don't know these people uh god knows them and he said he wants to talk to you now okay uh people refresh you my mom and dad refresh me my little mama refreshed me this afternoon laurie said call your mother so i called my mother real quick and i said mom how are you doing she said i saw you i saw you this morning i said mom i thought you wouldn't see me till next week on the replay y'all are on a replay schedule and she said terry sent something to my phone and i clicked on it and i watched you and i said well did you see me talking to you and everything i did i loved it i loved it i went away way to go mom with your phone you know she's learning to text now and i don't know if there's you know there's unknown tongues but they're sort of unknown texting you know i basically feel she's saying i love you you know i i love i love to be refreshed by people real people and my mom and dad floyd and paul lane they would refresh you uh and they gave me great material my dad used to always say he said he said oh to get a kick back on some of your material i said lori's already spent the money dad i'm sorry you know but they refreshed me uh my vacation bible school teachers refreshed me my school teachers refreshed me and i don't think that i had this i was in high school but when i was in grade school and when i was in vacation bible school you know what every teacher said to me every teacher are you ready you're gonna be my helper i mean i thought i was special you're going to be my helper and then i'd have to sit right next to him you're going to be my helper you're sitting right here next to my desk i mean everybody else is out there and i'm going man i am the one i am the gifted i'm the chosen you're going to be my helper you know i'm right there that happened to me in grade school you know come to think of it i was on the front row there next to you sue ellen i was right there i thought i was there to help well i went to baylor when i went to the seminary my professor at the seminary said dennis i want you to sit right here [Laughter] i mean gosh i remember those days and they were always telling me to focus focus went to maplewood elementary school anybody remember where maplewood is maple wood they said they're about to close it i mean everything's shutting down i guess i'm next you know what i mean but you know what my teachers would do they'd come up to me and go focus focus focus times i'd like to go to the independent living center and find all my teachers and look at them and go focus now you focus baby yeah that felt good to get that out uh [Applause] miss foster she knows i'm just a mess but i had a teacher in baylor one time uh she was the english teacher and i was sitting next to her and man she was the old school miss stovall stella stovall and she had me sit there next to her and she would grade my paper you know one of those kind of teachers said here i want to show you we're going to grade it together i'm going oh my god i mean red red red just it was blood all over it and i'm going oh help me jesus am i going to make it through bailey first you know and finally i did what you have to do you've got to be shrewd as a serpent harmless as a dove i said uh miss stovall i think they they had horses they had horses and did rodeo i said miss miss stovall i said y'all do rodeos and rodeos haven't y'all had you know uh uh slim pickings at a rodeo oh we have slim pickings i went i'm telling you one thing miss stovall y'all have some beautiful horses and she looked at me said oh my gosh how'd you do that i said miss dobo i got a friend jimmy stewart uh mess stovall i i just want you to know that you've made it a wonderful wonderful life for so many of us students here at baylor universe today and we appreciate it she went oh my gosh who else do you do i did john wayne for you miss stovall your husband always sat in the saddle stood set in there tall knew where he'd been knew where he's going and i just went i kept going on and this is a true story i i know this probably doesn't serve academia but some of us need some grace okay and i was desperate and i'm going to blood all over the paper and i kept doing these voices for and finally she looked at me and she said you see this paper right here i said yes ma'am i sure do she's i don't want you worrying about it your personality will take you farther than that paper ever will [Applause] i love stella stovall god bless her she was real i love real people my daddy old floyd leon pauline bernadine my dad i'd call him you know want to talk to him and everything sometimes you want to get deeper with your dad you know talk about a deeper subject dad you know get in and then i'll say and he'd just go have you changed your all lately dad i want to talk about i love you and i know you love me and you probably want to say you love me yeah yeah how much air pressure you got in your tire and i mean he would tell me that he loved me and stuff but you know that that generation just wasn't really into it and i i said dad i love you he said well all right your mother's been looking forward to seeing you i said what about you that's all she's been talking about is you coming down here my dad he was a he was tight i'd come down i'd say dad y'all got some diet dr pepper in there he said you're not gonna believe it you're not gonna believe it you got me some refreshment in there you know what i like dad you're not gonna believe it went over there open up the refrigerator door what's in there dr thunder dr thunder we learn to appreciate the simple things in life they're real people and just a refreshment to me when we would go to hgb hgb which stood for help every baptist man we we got stuff you know i don't know if y'all bought this or if you bought this recently but how about some spam some good spam man we'd get a big old thing a spam and i remember my grandma i'd say grandma can i open it up with that key you know you had to twist it she said be careful be careful it can catch you it can catch you i said i'll be careful put that key into you twisting it around and then all the way to the end brother gun you know [Music] and then you turn it over and it well it's got that clear jelly all around it you know what i'm talking about we we loved spam and what about potted meat can i get a witness for potted meat you know some of y'all are well to do and you go you mean are you talking about sandwich spread no don't be calling it sandwich bread it's potted meat potted meat and every animal known to god is in that potted meat know some well-to-do people they don't even realize they're eating potted meat you know they'll be at a wedding they'll say would you like a little cracker with a pate on it some pad thai i went what now some pad thai it's on a cracker some pad thai and i'm going you mean potted meats right on there you know i'll tell you something else about potted meat he'll keep you regular but uh i mean that's just an extra that's just an extra brother kai is down here going help me jesus tell me jesus this is going out to people all over the world you know just think someone in another country is going potted meat okay they're liable to text in you know and go what's potted meat well okay hey and oh now when you do better chicken pot pie oh chicken pot pies gosh those are good oh and how about fish sticks did you have fish sticks this week fish sticks will set you free uh you eat them after 10 o'clock at night you'll have visions that you know not of that helped that helped john the revelator i don't know if it wasn't in the scripture but i think he had some fish sticks you know like on the island of patmos you know fried em up and um i love i love to be refreshed people refresh you and you know at church isn't it don't you love it when you come to church and i know you missed you know church you know with all this stuff and you know we have to watch you know right there in the camera and stuff but that's we do what we got to do and god's been doing something special with that by the way you realize that god is doing i mean it's it don't don't i mean as billy graham would say some of you probably would wonder who will be the next billy graham that will preach and thousands will come in auditoriums and and facilities will be full sporting arenas people coming by the thousands who'll be the next billy graham some of you may wonder you know what i think and this is just what i think i think there may not be another type of billy graham i i think he may want to use you and me i think he may want to use your church and use that streaming see my lips smooth streaming it's not a delayed thing i'm just doing things with my lips some lady is going get up there honey and fix the tv okay but uh [Music] he wants to do it through you and me he's doing it through facebook and tweets and stuff like that you're going like that what do you mean what do you mean let me tell you what i mean it was a rejoicing thing to me when kai you know texted me and let me know that a young man you know prayed to receive christ i mean that's huge that's huge that's life changing that's everlasting changing you know there were a lot of folks probably when i was 17 wondering you know well what'd he do i was the only one that came forward you know and you know what what's going on schwamberg boy down there well who knows he probably maybe done something he shouldn't have done i'll tell you what i did i got saved and i haven't gotten over it yet [Music] i can't run away from it and i say it i can't listen he's the hound of heaven he's tracking you down not to hurt you but to bless you he loves you big time and uh so when god told me that you know i made my day i texted back i said i made my day that made today so awesome but we won't know like this morning's message about shade trees we won't know about every decision until we get to heaven and somebody said well i was on facebook i read i saw this i followed you there's a twitter someone sent me they had a shared party whatever that was but somehow it was all my thing and i clicked on and i watched it and you know what god did something to my heart man i love people that refresh me and jesus refreshes me he refreshes you you know now uh here i got time here uh and if you want more of it you know you can get this it's all on dvd or cd back there about live refresh the whole kit and caboodle and this is an older picture a couple of years ago i dyed my hair i'm just gonna confess it and give it to jesus so my hair's died there but finally i just said i'm give it up and so i'm bright white and spiked i know some of y'all are going he does look different get over it have you looked in the mirror like you know of course lori's always telling me she goes honey before you speak do you look in the mirror and i go not really please look at the mirror and fix yourself i'll tell you who refreshes me and i like this stool here whoa whoa whoa is it moving or is that my medicine okay uh i don't want to sit on if it ain't there uh i tell you a guy who refreshes me in the bible and he refreshed old paul o'nessa forest don't you love that guy he was paul's buddy and uh paul was in prison i mean it was about over it was it wasn't just house arrest where you know for a while he had that thing on his on his ankle house of rest but now he's about to go be with jesus he they're about to take his head off and eventually they did but in the midst of that what does he do he's writing timothy young preacher to encourage him and refresh him and he said you know one way i think i'll do that is i'll tell him about my buddy oneessaphorus in second timothy chapter 1 verse 16. he said may the lord grant mercy to the household of olnessa forest for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chain he re he refreshed me i mean when he walked in to paul's life he refreshed him you know when i come to church and some some people show up and i'm going to get back to see how in your add you start to go way back there but if you hit the channel changer and know if you come all the way back to where you were okay this is where i was going when i come to church and i see that person or that person and i go they're here they're here they're a refresher you're so glad to see them you know it's like a business church business meeting you know when everybody's going you go oh good he's here she's here they're such positive good people and then you have that one dude that walks in and sucks every bit of oxygen out of the building you know what i'm talking about and i don't even think those people get it sometimes they just come i'll just come in there i mean i'm always vote no because somebody needs to say no just for balance oh what a blessing you are to the body of christ you know sometimes i want to say this and i can do it now i'm not in the pastor i want to say get a life you know good night but man when people come and you're having a party at your home and so and so they're coming are you serious they're coming oh my gosh we are going to have some thought you know where you have fun playing dominoes mexican train until midnight or with you know that one family they're monopoly people and you play monopoly and you know they go if you play by the rules it goes fast five hours later you're still stuck on baldwin ave i know are you talking about it but it's why do you do it because they're fun they refresh you and hopefully you refresh them he said may the lord show mercy to the household of ole nessa forest for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chain but when he arrived in rome he sought me out very zealously and found me the lord grant to him that he may find mercy from the lord in that day and you know very well how many ways he ministered to me at ephesus they were buddies at ephesus man when you when you have a buddy in the kingdom work i mean that's just a little something extra to have a friend a buddy i talk about i talk to men all the time about how you need a buddy most men don't have three best friends that keep the mouth shut but we need buddies man we need friends jesus his best friend was i think lazarus we don't have one word in the bible from lazarus we he couldn't get a word in edgewise between mary and martha i know some of you women are going i didn't appreciate that well okay i'm leaving after the service but anyhow listen he loved old lazarus i mean in john 11 and 12 over and over it says everyone knew he loved the sisters knew he loved lazarus john the writer knew he loved lazarus the disciples the inner circle they knew he loved lazarus the community the pharisees and scribes they knew let me tell you something god knows who you love you know people aren't stupid your kids aren't stupid they watch you they watch me they know when you refresh your loved ones or not they know if you're a refreshment or not you know are you going to just play the game but we know who those are that really refreshes just even with their presence the countenance on their face and that that's a blessing lori is always telling me she said honey when you're on the platform before you speak you look mean i go i don't know she said you look mean and i get you know i tried to catch myself or look into a camera sometime i'm sitting up here getting ready to speak and i just and i don't mean to be that and she said you need to have more of a delightful face what am i supposed to do fake it i mean the deacon body goes we don't need to have him back you know uh it's it's hard to just have a healthy countenance but people that refresh you man that have that gift oh praise the lord well lonesome for us left ephesus and traveled all the way traveled all the way to rome i figure you know it depends on how you go it could have been like 900 miles or 1500 miles but however you went it was a long stretch and he went there and he sought after him he looked for him and he found him paul said may his family know mercy i'm going to tell you something if you want your family to be blessed and to be to no mercy you be a refresher because somehow some way god will make sure your family receives mercy and in god's miraculous plan of economy oh memorable jack taylor's book god's miraculous plan of economy somehow he's going to see to it they'll tell no mercy he wasn't ashamed of my chains chains and all kinds of chains aren't there out there our loved ones have chains we have chains i got a little book there called back there called no more secrets you know we all have secrets you know some of us you know have sinned where our sin has been seen and some of us have sinned and no one has seen it but god has seen it you know there are no secrets now on the positive side it is no secret what god can do what he's done for others he'll do for you remember that song that's a good one i need to have him sing that sometime that's an oldie goatee but that's a good one so he wasn't ashamed of paul being in jail now i'm going to tell you you know there had to be someone down there at the baptist church in ephesus a sweet little lady going well you know paul is so bold that they put him in jail you know and now we have to take a love offering to support him one of the men probably well you know he's always you know if you put your finger in somebody's chest they're going to break it off oh nessa forest didn't care how he got there why he got there that was his friend that was his buddy and he was going to be there for him he wanted to refresh him and encourage him you know i preached that message this morning because i've preached it before some of you have heard the guns have heard me do it before the rallies i've heard don't tell them how many times you've heard it my wife's heard it but you know you know why i wanted why i wanted a a personal reason i wanted my mama to hear me one more time at hyde park for my little mama i wanted to refresh her i i want uh maybe next week on the replay some of the folks there at green ridge come out and go we saw him on television you had trouble with him when he was a teenager didn't you you know stuff like that but paul on this four he wasn't ashamed of the chains he he's gonna be there for you you know and that's what while we need each other we isolation's not healthy we need people now real quick it's it's coming to the end of the hour and i want to finish within the hour because my pain medication is wearing off we're in the fourth quarter and maybe in a hurry up two minute offense kai you know how it is you know when you're preaching and you've only covered point number one and you go i got eight minutes to get four more in there real quick you know of course then y'all get nervous when he says we'll continue this next week you're going oh my gosh you know i mean he just told me a while ago he's thinking about going through leviticus verse by verse [Applause] i know that's getting you excited okay what does it take to refresh people well real people you know i've already made that point my wife's back there going you have made that point let's move forward uh lori just back off a minute i love you you know sometimes we get irritated you know her she loved her daddy he was 95 years old when he passed away and and george george george and leanne you love your daddy and george george or you know george or george and you know they'd always say well my father george he fixed everything we never hired someone to come to our home to fix something because my father my father he fixed it he was in world war ii he was in the navy he fixed it ah and i mean i love george but good night you know my giant my daddy george you know if he didn't know how to fix it he read the instructions oh okay and i shouldn't have done this brother gunn but you know what i did i said well my mama cook [Applause] that wasn't refreshing that wasn't refreshing but honey it did get a laugh lightened up back there now what does it take to be a refresher in my last seven minutes seven's a biblical number i can do it if you want to refresh somebody first thing you need to do is you need to communicate with them you know text email whatever you got nowadays you know but let them know you love them encourage them with a note the old handwritten notes still pretty powerful you know of course my handwriting don't say anything miss foster but you know i don't know what he's saying that's where you need the gift of interpretation but uh write people a note you know i still have some notes from my dad that i look at from time to time my mama has a letter that he wrote to her when he would be at fort hood during when he'd be doing national guard stuff for a couple of weeks and she pulls it out and reads it you know he's been gone a while but she's kept that why the power of a note paul wrote letters they wrote him letters they they communicated it takes your stuff share your stuff with people y'all are good about that at hyde park you've been faithful stewards in the kingdom work i've watched you over the years i've watched you over the years my dad used to he'd you know he'd cut out little clippings out of the newsletter and when i'd see him he'd say let me show you something he'd pull out he'd show here's the budget and that's how many people have been saved and if he ever had someone yayan back there you know what he used to do he'd say come here i want to show you something pulled out his billfold said what do you think about that right there i said what happened they shut up but anyhow share your stuff your influence your life but last of all with five minutes left show up he showed up when we buried my dad you know some years ago eight years ago i guess i remember i was right down here and i put my hands on my dad's cold waxy embalmed hands and i've done it many times as a pastor but it's different when it's your daddy i had my hands on my dad's hands and i looked and you know what my hands they look more and more like my dad's hands you know when i go to a truck stop and wash my hands and then put them underneath the blower and that blower goes i mean my skin looks like gulf shores alabama i mean like waves you know i got little hickeys on my arm i can bruise easy i i can nick myself and bleed easy you know my day my skin is getting like my dad's it's amazing you look at your hands and sometimes you see it your loved ones hands you know i didn't expect anybody friends of mine from west monroe or monroe to louisiana to come to my dad's funeral that's seven and a half hours at that time i'd been out of the pasture there for 17 years i don't expect you know good night that's a lot you know i mean that i didn't expect anything but i'll never forget i was i was right down here and i turned and looked up in the center aisle and here comes pat williams joe thomas dix johnston and john ray my golfing buddies and i'm going to tell you i'll never ever forget it you know they got a ticket coming through chandler just west of tyler oh pat williams 147 dollars the rest of them said they would chip in never did never have he's still upset about it they showed up now with three minutes aren't you glad that god showed up aren't you glad he showed up at bethlehem aren't you glad that he showed up at the temple when he was 12. aren't you glad that he showed up at the sea of galilee aren't you glad or don't you know the gadarene demoniac was glad he showed up he'd been in rehab three times but oh jesus showed up what about the woman at the well don't you know she was glad he showed up what about the lame guy for 38 years don't you know he was glad jesus showed up aren't you glad that jesus showed up on calvary aren't you glad he showed up outside that empty tomb and one day he will show up again and until then may you and i show up for him may you be refreshed would you pray with me oh father you refreshed us tonight because great is he that is within us greater than that one that's in this world wreaking havoc even at this time in many ways many distractions may we keep our minds stayed on you may we be refreshed by you and refreshed by our brothers and sisters in christ may we be encouraged now that your day is drawing near it's getting closer and closer and closer and i do believe the lord that the saints of this church and the saints of the church and our loved ones from the balcony of heaven are encouraging us to run the race don't get discouraged keep on going keep on tell as many people as you can about jesus we've got to keep telling people about jesus how to know him how to be saved to have a relationship oh lord help us to be bold and share people share with people one on one about you oh dear lord jesus amen now tonight that's my challenge in charge to you but if you if you need christ you come find kai just go up to and give them a thumbs up that'll be your cue that hey i want to talk i want to do like the young guy did this morning i want i want to talk about giving my life to christ or go up to one of these great staff members you got some good ones around here and i'm i love you honey give him a free cd for me picking on him with the carbohydrates and everything i mean he's young i don't want to you know he's a young timothy i want you to be encouraged he's probably going i don't have a cd player in my car we'll buy buy an old car and have a cd player son don't give him a dvd player you know he doesn't have a dvd player but go up and say i want to i want to talk about jesus or come to me i'll be out there at the product table come to me i'll i'll be glad to introduce you to jesus christ and listen if you're watching if you're if you're watching you know click on or call website contact us let's text and tell people i'm giving my life to christ hallelujah pastor it's yours dennis swanberg right here thank you you
Channel: Hyde Park Baptist Church
Views: 12,988
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: hydepark, hydeparkaustin, hpaustin, austinchurch, atxchurch, dennisswanberg, swanberg, sundaysermon
Id: rqGMd2USpaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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