Msfs2020*Performance Stutter Fix* Delete "ALL" Shader Cache to improve performance! Full Tutorial

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel today we're going to go over another stutter fix for Microsoft Flight Sim this one is going to pertain to the Nvidia Shader cache now it's not as simple as turning it off don't worry we're going to go through every step coming up on today's episode of 2020 flight simmers come back so what is NVIDIA Shader cache and why could it cause stutters inside a Microsoft flight simulator well first we have to think of the Shader cache file similar to The Rolling cache file that we have inside of Microsoft Flight Sim this is going to automatically cache different files in this case Shader files four different applications or simulators so this way when you load into that Sim or game it should load faster without any stutters well here's the problem with this every time there's an update to Microsoft flight simulator the first thing that everybody should do is go in and delete your rolling cache and everybody knows that when you do that this will eliminate a lot of little micro stutters that you get inside the stem this also applies for the Shader cache files for Microsoft Flight Sim these don't get deleted every time there's an update we need to manually go in and delete these Shader cache files so that we can eliminate any corrupt files now once we get done doing that we also need to change our main Global Shader cache file size we'll go over that here in just a second because I've dug a lot into this and I couldn't find hardly anything on the Shader cache the first thing that we're going to do is go through and delete all the different cache files for the Nvidia driver that's going to include the Shader cache as well as the opengl and the DX cache lastly I will show you the information that I found on nvidia's website about the Shader cache and what the optimal size should be one added bonus I will add at the end is if you decide that you want to turn the Shader cache off for Microsoft flight simulator then I will go into how to do that using the Nvidia profile inspector if you have any comments or questions along the way post them down below in the comments section and I'll get right back to you if the video helps you out be sure to hit that subscribe tick on that little bell and smash that thumbs up button it is greatly appreciated [Music] the first two cache files we're going to delete today are the opengl and the DX cache files we're going to open Windows Explorer highlight your C drive we're going to go down to users select your username we're then going to come up to app data click on local and then we're going to scroll all the way down until we find Nvidia double-click that here are the two folders that contain the cache files that we need to delete do not delete these two folders we're going to delete the files inside of the folders so we're going to double click on the first one on the DX cache select hold down shift select and then we're going to hit delete if you get an error message like this that is perfectly okay that just means that the cache file is currently in use so all you need to do is either hit try again if it's still unable to delete then we can just skip that file and you will do that for all the remaining files that are currently being used once we're done we can back out of that so we can click on the Nvidia go down to the GL cache double click there double click on the folder and then we're going to highlight everything in this folder and hit delete again we'll hit the try again whatever we're not able to delete because it's in use we can just hit skip once we're done with that we can backtrack one more time if you have another folder in here you want to click on that folder and delete any of the files inside of that go back to the GL cache if there was another folder in here we would want to open that folder so now that we have deleted all the files inside of each of these folders We can now go ahead and delete the Nvidia Shader cache file this is going to be a little bit different than we just did here so to get there we're just going to highlight our local seed disk drive right click down the properties that should open up this menu here we're now going to go down and click disk cleanup it should open another window and if we scroll down you can see DirectX Shader cache we're going to take the check box and if you want to check anything else in here while you're at it you can go ahead and do that and go down and hit OK this will delete those Shader cache files for us once that's done we can hit OK and we are now done with deleting all the different Shader cache files for the Nvidia driver [Music] all right so now let's take a look at the information I found on nvidia's website now I know this says it's for the Omniverse but this is the only information I could find surely there's other forums and groups that are out there that'll give you opinions and ideas but it doesn't exactly tell you what it is so we're going to take what is here and kind of manipulate the wording a little bit for Microsoft flights them with that in mind let's take a look at the recommended driver cache size they recommend for Windows users to increase the Shader cache size on their computers to 10 gigabyte the reasoning for this is that each Omniverse app this could also go for any game or simulator requires different shaders and therefore each app version can take up to 250 megabytes of space for each cache keep in mind other games or simulators can take up way more than 250 megabytes of space so it's very easy for users to hit the default Shader cache limit which is one gigabyte once a user hits the size limit they could experience slow startups performance issues and stuttering so now with this information in the back of your head let's jump over to the Nvidia control panel and take a look at the Shader cache options [Music] to adjust the Shader cache in the Nvidia control panel you want to make sure that you're on managed 3D settings in the global settings tab and scroll all the way down to Shader cache size now here is set for driver default which is the one gigabyte that is stated in the Nvidia article we're going to tick on the drop down and select 10 gigabyte once you have done that we can hit apply and all of the settings should take effect restart your computer and let me know your results Down Below in the comments foreign so for the people that are sticking around and want to know how to turn the Shader cache off for Microsoft flight simulator alone then let's get into that real quick now you don't want to disable the Shader cache inside of the global settings because your other game Sims and applications really need this to help with any stutters and it really improves performance so if you're going to turn it off I recommend only doing it for Microsoft flight simulator alone but unfortunately in the programs tab we do not have the option to adjust our Shader cache individually so to do this we're going to use a program called Nvidia profile inspector the links for this application will be down in the description so be sure to check that out if you like to pick it up in the top left of the application here is where we can select a specific profile and we're going to type in Microsoft Flight Sim go down and select it so this will allow us to change specific settings for this application now I'm going to highly stress do not change anything in here if you do not know what you're doing so only change the setting that I'm going to show you today once you have selected the application and in our case it's going to be Microsoft flight simulator we can then scroll all the way down we're going to go to the comments section here under rebar you can see Shader cache cache size here is where we can manually turn off the cache size for Microsoft flight simulator so to do this we're going to tick on the drop down and then you just select off once you're done with that make sure that you go up in the top right hit apply and save and you're all set to go if you would like to revert to the factory settings all you need to do next to the Shader cache is to hit this little restore button you will now see that our global settings have been applied here if you try this method let me know which worked best for you leave a comment down below and if the video helped you out be sure to hit that subscribe tick on that little bell and smash that thumbs up button to all my flights and my friends around the world keep the blue side up we will see you on the next one thanks for watching
Channel: 2020 fs'ers
Views: 28,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs2020, microsoft flight simulator 2020, stutter fix for msfs, why do i have lag in msfs2020, how do i get better performance in msfs2020, increase performance in msfs 2020, how to gain fps in msfs 2020, why does my game lag in msfs, how to fix stutters in msfs
Id: FkVfVDlrfgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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