PMDG 737-700 for MSFS - Tutorial 13: Approach

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hello everyone and welcome to this tutorial for the pmdg boeing 737 for microsoft cloud simulator i'm emmanuel i am a boeing 737 pilot and a member of pmdg's tech team this video is recorded using a beta version probably one of the last before final release but there are still a little bit more of things to do so if you see something that doesn't look right then it's probably because it's still a beta version there's no need to report possible issues with the airplane that you see so we're picking this up where we've last last left off inbound to dublin and on this tutorial we're going to talk a little bit about the approach and we'll also look into energy management here because with this arrival we have here in dublin and with the um point merge procedure here you usually end up a little bit high once your traffic control cuts you short direct to lab mode so you will also see a bit how to manage a high energy situation in the 737 so we've passed 15 000 feet very far the seat belt sign is indeed turned on and the next thing we're going to do then is going to be at flight level 100 to 10 shacks and let's quickly talk about them while we still have the time so the 10 checks on the arrival is going to be fuel balanced with four pumps on lights will come on that's only the fixed and the runway turn off lights and the logo light if it's dark air condom pressurization then you're looking at about four psi difference maybe a little bit less and again verify the system is correctly configured for arrival seat belt sign on recall checked you can deselect the um second radio so you don't need to monitor one to 1.5 anymore and then finally we give the cabin through the 10 minutes to landing announcements so that's what we're going to do when we are passing flight level 100. apart from that few words about energy management while we still have the time generally if you're above flight level one five zero ish and you are high on profile then you can always accelerate and the higher speed is giving you more drag and therefore you will be able to lose energy better also the speed brake is more effective at higher airspeeds than it is at lower airspeeds when you're between flight level one five zero and flight level 100 you just have to get the feeling for the aircraft a little bit in order to make out whether you are actually going to still be able to accelerate and lose a bit of air and lose a bit of energy like that or whether it's better to decelerate and get out the flaps below flight level 100 generally if you have to lose altitude then i would always recommend to slow the airplane down 220 knots and flaps 5 with full speed brake is a very good it's a very good situation to have because the airplane is descending very good so 220 knots flaps five with a speed brake it's very good to get the airplane down then if you want a little bit more time you can always do 180 knots and flaps 10 with a speed brake that's roughly giving you the same descent rate or rather the same descent angle as 220 knots but be aware if you're flying an aircraft that's equipped with a short field performance package as you can choose in the fmc options then flaps 10 is not going to add a lot of drag if you don't have the short field package then flaps 10 is adding quite a bit more drag to the airplane as well so passing flight level 100 10 checks fuel is balanced four pumps on lights on air conditioning pressurization 3.6 descending in set angle of bank i think i forgot that in the previous explanation make sure it's at 25 degrees here recall checked want 1.5 i've deselected it on the radio here but you can also leave it on the radio and just deselect it on the audio control panel and then come into 10 minutes to landing all right and that completes our time checks now there's not a lot of traffic here at the moment so let's assume our traffic control is clear as direct to laptop now put latino on top verify it on the plan mode that's correct execute enough available enough and you can see here on the navigation display now that we're around about 800 feet high 800 feet is not a lot so what we're going to do we'll just pull the speed brake all the way to the flight detent and that's going to be sufficient to get us down now assuming our traffic control is now creating us 3000 feet that's the altitude we wanna have at latino so three thousand feet set sub altimeters one zero one three passing eight thousands one descending 3000 feet no relevant flags and we only have flags on the rmi here which are expectable since we are we have tuned to localizer and not an io uh sorry and since we've tuned in ils and not the vr so the flags are totally normal and the standby altimeter is set as well and one zero one three so we don't need to change this right now right with this complete we have to do one more track which is the first check and on that we are going to check the basic uh tuning for the approach and set up for the approach is correct also note we are just coming back on the path here all right so first check frequencies 111.35 on both sides the rings are on the fmc around runway to it left 10 miles and 4 miles i dance should be india delta whiskey we see india delta whiskey once and twice you stand by instruments you can use the approach mode if you want to but you don't have to use it set and the courses two seven eight two seven eight two seven eight and that completes the first check then we can run the approach checklist and that's also the latest point to activate the vertical situation display if your airplane has it installed so approach checklist multimeters one zero one three approach check is complete one quick word here um if you are not using vnav for the approach but if you are using vertical speed or level change and you're flying outbound from the ils then you don't have a glideslope pointer on your primary flight display because the boeing is suppressing it but you can use the approach mode on the standby instruments so the one you activate here or if you're using the isfd then you have the ls button on it and the standby instruments are going to give you glideslope indication so that's something very useful to keep in mind in case air traffic control is vectoring you around where you do not have perfect venous guidance available that's one to go checked as we're reaching the decel point on the navigation display here the aircraft is going to pitch up and go into almost a level flight and then it'll start to slow down note that in the 737 you have both the altitudes information of where the aircraft wants you to be as well as the speed information because you can see the speed bug is going down not by not so by looking at the altitude and the speed you can very easily tell if your airplane has the energy state that it's supposed to have or whether you might be on altitude but for example 20 knots fast and if in this situation we're 20 knots fast then you would definitely use the speed brake for the flap extension we are going to extend the flaps when reaching the target speed over here and you can also see it on the v-neck page the magenta speed you see here one on six flaps so that's what the airplane is aiming for the aim is to extend the flaps as closely to the flap speed here as possible so that you are putting the least possible load on the system so now flaps one speed checked flaps one generally you want to have flaps 1 extended by the 10 mile ring on your navigation display now we are approaching the center line we do have correct indications the local other to the left the glideslope is above so we can on the approach mode and it's immediately going into warlock capture here so it has captured the localizer once we see that we're going to set the runway heading on the mcp so that's 278 set now small issues see here that the airplane is under shooting that's due to the microsoft flight simulator update so apologize for that um it's something pmdg is still working on as of right now of course it should level off at the altitude indicated here also approaching the glide slope so we're going to set the flaps to five speed checked you can see as we are still in venus mode here the speed bug is just coming down by itself the moment the aircraft is going to capture the glide slope you see the spin window open here and now we have manual control over it so we're just going to set the flap 5 speed in here so we're on the ils now you can see with idle thrust the airplane is approximately maintaining speed it's slowing down very very slightly if we have a look at the speed tape here and that's generally what we want to be in on a three degree glide slope flaps 5 gear up and idle thrust 2500 2500 we review the terrain in our minds and we also check on the vertical situation display that the runway symbol here is actually sitting on the terrain if this would not be on the terrain you would have an incorrect altimeter setting so we are in visual conditions here so we need to have the airplane stabilized by 500 feet above the ground if we were in instrumental meteorological conditions we need to have it stabilized at 1 000 feet over the ground the 1000 is marked by the white tape on the altimeter and the 500 is marked by the white tape turning amber on the altimeter [Music] so we're hearing an automaker here that's a microsoft flight simulator issue because there is none of this approach right gear down flap 15 and landing checklist engine start switches continuous speed brake armed green light line the gear down three green holding at the flats let's go flaps thirty one thousand is checked it's that bureau of plus five since the winter's calm flaps thirty 30 green light landing check is complete all right this is where today's episode is going to lead us to i am going to create a second episode about the landing because there is quite a lot more to say about the landing and i want to cover that in a separate video thank you very much for watching and see you all on the next one that is going to be up very soon
Channel: 737NG Driver
Views: 25,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PMDG, PMDG 737, PMDG 737-700, PMDG MSFS, PMDG 737 MSFS, PMDG 737 Failures, Dual FMC Failure
Id: iPIrVMqd5zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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