Mrs. Wiggins: Car Problems from The Carol Burnett Show

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[Applause] [Music] hey hello is this dr otto's auto repair shop this is mrs wiggins is my car fixed yet it's the studebaker you know the one with the little doggie in the window that goes [Laughter] oh dr otto himself is handling it personally okay would you have him call mrs wiggins thank you hey uh quicksilver what in your wildest imagination and i doubt that very much if you have one since there seems to be nothing into that skull but the wind are you doing why don't you erase the dead thing on there when they make a mistake instead of turning that paper off you know that the paper doesn't grow on the trees i can't use my eraser because it fell down in there now why don't you reach down in there with the one in your frog paws and pull it out that's too dangerous dangerous to go down in there to get in the race here that's dangerous did your mother have any children that lived after you made the dangers you just reached right down in there and fake it oh look at that you typed the big eq right on my tongue that's been a hitchhiker to queue the heck all the tear ducts on the eyes though listen just to forget about all of that typing that you got to get done and get into the office i wanted to have you to take a letter i can't take a letter i'm out of paper why don't you take those lava legs and go down the hall and get it some more you want me to walk down the hall and get some more paper pretend that those are words that just to flow right to from my mouth in between my teeth and out into the air i i could walk down the hall and get some paper and why don't you do that you want me to it would be a good idea okay must be quite a thrill in her neighborhood at night to see her walking their snail answered uh hello this huh nah she's not the here they say going down the hall to get some of the paper huh well look at take a message just a moment there who is this doctor ordo all right just a moment all right i'm allowed pretty soon this would be her office i can't yes go ahead there dr aldo what uh-huh their bodies falling apart no hope okay a life expectancy about the week okay doctor i'll tell her deliver this a message to her a doctor uh hello holy oh my gosh like you only got the week or two oh oh she's going to do that to big secretarial pool in the sky you mean it to tell me that you walked all the way down to the halls you get some papers they only bring them back if they want the piece well that's what you told me to do don't yell at me how many times i'm sorry i didn't mean it to you let me take that paper that must be real heavy for you why would you get more than one piece you're only going to type one letter why didn't you just come into the office and kind of never relax a boy you got to take a load off of your uh feet just go right over here just kind of sit down and relax and before uh you have to to go go home that is good go home how about a nicer cup of a coffee oh i don't know i really shouldn't i read somewhere where coffee cuts your life in half i hope you don't have any plans past thursday [Laughter] well what i've said is that the coffee is real good if you're really a thirsty yeah do you mind if i uh have a cup of my little bit nervous about that uh gosh you know thank you very much about how many times have i told you that that's all right dundee you were that wasn't my fault that i did that i'm always doing those talk on silly things just to make me to laugh don't you worry i know i better get back to work i don't have much time i know that sit down i just said just sit down you know if i never had the much chance just to sit in the talk do you want to just sit in the talk for a while good to get to know each other a lot better you want a rap i don't care let's just get to get to know each other wow [Music] well don't move the things around on my desk because i have [Applause] get that off with the tissue just to leave it alone don't worry sit down mrs higgins sit down hey doesn't matter i think this looks real good mrs reagan said there's something that i have to tell you i i just heard the from the doctor dr otto yes what did he say just gave me the report that maybe you better sit down okay uh he said that according to the report that the life of kiss becca didn't say it's about the the weak oh darn that respect oh darn mean uh you hear this kind of news and that's all you say is the old arm when uh when did you first start thinking that there's something that was wrong well i i was uh last saturday and that was when i first started to hear the funny noises oh i know that's what they said and then on sunday some parts fell off and then i knew i was in big trouble when i saw this big puff of black smoke so i took my car into dr otto's auto repair shop and he said wait a minute what he could do about it hold it just a minute either repair you mean the dr otto isn't working under that piece of tin that you call it your car the one that with the dog in it that goes [Laughter] that doesn't go like that goes like that [Music] i came in all the time i just thought i was talking about you and you got me all the coffee and all the rags and everything here and i thought that that's kind of out loud that you were where are you going now i'm going home i get a headache whenever you yell at me they're not going anywhere you got the letters to type here and you're going to type those things if you like it or not and another thing [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Carol Burnett Show Official
Views: 104,808
Rating: 4.8980436 out of 5
Id: EE23cwj6L5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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