*MrBeast* Imposter Mod In Among Us

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today we're playing amongst but it's the mr beast mod basically the imposter is mr beast and he can summon his group of friends all with their own special abilities in this video first we'll test out those special abilities then later in the video we will actually play two games and really put this mod to the test all right let's see what's inside the shop huh this looks familiar wait it's the same items from the item mod whoa who dropped all this cash on the ground i know i bet mr beast did it stupid although he wouldn't be rich if he was dropping his money everywhere but i guess that means more money for me all right what is this whoa mr beast ability number one i can summon chris and he can teleport me anywhere on the map let's try ah is that mr beast and chris i although but i thought you were a fan of mr beast why are you running i'm not running why are you chasing me aldo my guy you're pretty quick not quick enough what wait you're not mr beast you're zen mode oh hey yeah so anyways what else can chris do huh what the we're stuck in this box wait a second if i can teleport inside walls then that means i can surprise scare the crewmates huh slavey look it's damn that's not mr beast that's my monster this could be useful oh monkey behind you are you stupid or something the possibilities are endless uh next up trap i can put a burger down and whoever steps on it lights out i'm guessing something bad is gonna happen to them aka whoever comes to fix the light two hours later ah what's taking them so long doesn't this crew ah take that mr beast oh the stupid fence is electrocuting me take that [Music] back to electrical how long is this gonna take oh hey there's a burger next chandler here we go face the wrath of chandler alright chandler go get him no ability so chandler just costs money but does nothing you've got to be kidding me come on seriously what the [ __ ] are you doing next carl so all mr beasts can do is teleport and make i burgers have one last trick up my sleeve just for you what does this button do ah not today huh he teleported i'll find you all though you'll never catch me this is amazing carl has laser eyes wow this is the most opiate ability we've ever seen let's try that again basically once i summon carl it's gg how can anybody escape one final test let's try with everybody here yeah he's gonna do it [Applause] this is amazing the laser doesn't even have a timer i think i'm safe here you know what other than lights there's another way to gather the entire crew in one spot quinn to the reactor i'd like to thank everybody for coming here today come on leave some kills for me quiet lube if i could i'd burn you alive too bogey come out come out wherever you are now to find the last crewmate alive before we start the actual games come to the laser you can't outrun me good old-fashioned way game one let's go time to catch mr beast hey kitty do you want to team up with me um okay you guys are following me what do loof and tanner want hey what's up boys what are you all doing here shh zach don't tell him i see how it is i'm gonna go check the cam see nothing nothing nothing i can get money by finding it on the ground or by doing tasks so oh hey kitty that's weird i thought she was with nike anyone here no no one dude i think i saw kitty going here hey kitty you want to take a look sure anything to get away with kitty where you going ah there's nothing good on tv guess i'll go outside or something i wonder why nike and kitty broke up all this time and i only have two dollars man hey you're broke that's okay so out [Laughter] what's wrong nike you seem sad hey moggy how much money you got oh i have a dollar well then no one's gonna remember you zach you're zach oh kitty's clear okay all right well zach says it zach so we should vote zach i swear about me okay [Music] huh it's not zach all that tv must have rotted his brain kitty please give me another chance no please stop following me click to the reactor reactor guys we literally never lose my reactor dolly help me think of ways to win my kitty i don't know man you gotta let that go all right kitty now it's your turn damn wow you had asteroids too huh you know what i just realized i keep finding money but i still haven't seen mr beast [Music] skinny what are you doing with aldo get lost she's with me now no wait kitty please i have to tell you something really important what did i say you're gonna have to go through me first nike lights out and i got a bad feeling about this but i got eleven dollars i'm not risking it nike last you whoa money here's my chance okay electrical it's not on sauce oh no it's clear and nike too kitty cleared aldo on asteroids and her nike uh yeah it's not nike and it ain't used a mr beast that's making moves this mr beast is actually killing people i have an idea who has tasks still i have download left watch me scan okay follow luke and then tanner whoever doesn't follow is mr beast all right guys stick to the plan first up we're following aldo maybe if i catch mr b skinny we'll forgive me bye have a great time wait luke is trying to get away follow him instead austin guarded electrical well luke said he had to download so but it seems like everyone else ditched the plan except tanner just here watching him scan tanner you're acting a little suss you fell for my trap i caught mr beast quick to the emergency room i can't hold him forever what nice works that moan now kitty will definitely love him what nike this is no time for your drama quick get to the button quick before he gets chris to help him teleport we gotta whoa that was close since the task bar was almost finished i knew mr beast would reveal himself okay yeah it was tanner nah i wanted to kill zenmo i trapped mr beast so i had a trap waiting all along any last words tanner i want to say get some deez nuts and lava dinner [Music] game two let's go 12 seconds gotta get these tasks done it's not me this time that mode i don't know that it's time to move on nike don't mind me over here what would they do without bogeys please they'll be expecting light so comes oh no cops that's not something zen mode would do then who should i do the task or should i just wait time to find my first oh that motor too oh stay away this money is mine hmm dolly's doing hush whoa bogey samoa you guys see anything up there no i just bumped into someone randomly damn if we didn't bump into everyone else that would have been a good chance hey how's it going what's up with that guy it's not dolly and bogie was with zenmo once i have enough money i'll transform and hello [ __ ] what you doing hey hold on can i help with your investigation is nike gone no and no can you guys back off i'm trying to i need to get away lights out lights out finally that means mr beast is on the move come on on sus we're gonna go fix the lights i just gotta slip away keep your eyes open for mr beast oh look who it is that's right me tanner fixing the lights not mr beast oh yeah never mind keep doing your thing man what's up with everyone today okay i'm finally alone that means i can think oh no who are you surprised [ __ ] that's it for you i think i heard someone just get killed what what if it was kitty man that guy does not take heartbreak well what about no mama no not today baby with unsus gone time to unleash my weapon can't give them a chance to report that's too god that's a lot of damage yikes there was a fire by storage and laser eyes i was in decontamination i saw nike coming down from drop ship chose the wrong place to cry nike that's us nike monkey [Music] nike lives for another day but i was too careless this time okay dolly said there was a fire somewhere i'm leaving for nike huh lights out again already nope tanny you're not following me today huh okay okay i'm not wasting any time this time quick get the lights back off we can't stay cooped up it's too dangerous it's also there must be somebody waiting in [Music]
Channel: ZMDE
Views: 1,569,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zmde, zmde animations, mrbeast among us, mrbeast mod among us, among us mods, mods
Id: Xu5qskxrZPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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