Mpc X | One | Touch | Live Song Mode Sequencing and Beat Tutorial

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my babysitting about nice May 4th 8:20 a.m. so it is Monday May 4th 2020 still under Kovac restrictions driving me crazy but I'm gonna definitely do my part so that this virus is not spread so I'm gonna stay away from people and wash my hands wear my mask do all that good stuff so a lot of you guys have been asking me questions on about sequencing on the NPC X NPC live NPC touch NPC 1 so it's early in the morning I might as well go ahead and show you guys how to do that let's learn how to sequence on the NPC family of products all right as always make sure you guys like make sure you guys subscribe make sure guys comment and makes you guys turn those post notifications so you will know the next time I have another video available and yes it is very early in the morning and I have not had my coffee yet but it's all good don't need that much caffeine anyway but today I'm gonna show you guys how to sequence on your MPC live if you touch if you see X & Y or if you see one because it's basically all the same thing across the NPC like I products so I'm gonna show you guys how to do that really quick I'm gonna whip up a quick beat real quick and I'm gonna show you guys how to sequence now the thing about sequences on these machines is it's almost best to sequence it on the actual hardware unit then to do it inside of the extra program now I know you can hook everything up to the computer and everything that's cool but even though you still have a hooked up to the computer is almost maybe 90% of the time best to do it inside the actual unit that you have so it's best to use your fingers let's go ahead and whip up something real quick and then uh let me show you guys how to sequence it out on the NP alright so as you can see right now got MPC X pull it up got everything pulled up on my computer right now and I'm gonna show you guys how to sequence but first we're going to sequence using splice samples if you don't have a splice account you might as well go ahead and get one it's only $7.99 and it unlocks so many different loops in one shot samples is incredible you need to go ahead and get it I will have a link in the description for you to go ahead and get you your own splice account so let's go ahead and use these splice samples and I'm going to show you guys how out of Minh and everything and let's just make a really really really simple quick beat just so I can show you guys how to use the sequences so I'm going to use like 4 sounds so let's see [Music] sounds pretty good let's go ahead slide that in there on the pad now let's get some drums I don't really use drums from spice like that because I have my own drums but I do have something me here so let's go ahead and at least get like a bass a clap high hat and a kick let's put those in there [Music] now we gotta find a base Isis go ahead sequence this up real quick I'm gonna chop this sample up before I make a quick beat so let's go this is at 138 let's go ahead and put this at 138 let's go to edit samples let's go to chop chop this thing up [Music] sounds pretty good at chop seam I did some wood on let's go ahead and convert that over into a new program convert I do pad parameters show you why yeah yeah that's over [Music] sounds cool so now that we're in Paris I'm gonna go into warp samples click on that I'm gonna select all close and then we know that the original temple was 138 let's go ahead and put that on 138 and now whatever tempo would ever BPM I have [Music] so now I can play the samples and they're gonna lock in to whatever tempo I have quick tip [Music] [Applause] all right got that done now let's go ahead and add in the drums all right not bad let's go ahead this bass and they want to add a kick to layer with it I [Music] sounds good so now let's go ahead and add this kick that we have that is a weird kick I think I found a better kick let's let's swing that one out right now [Music] [Music] let's some today cue [Music] all right cool so we got all that done I'm gonna add like one more little sound in here I'm gonna use something from my arteria collection just to have something for like the course whatever let's put some real cheese in here [Music] [Music] showing you how to sequence so let me show you guys how to sequence this is gonna be pretty simple how to do this if you're from the FL Studio side of things then you will probably get this more than if you're from like a linear type of a program like like logic or Studio One or something like that this works similar to FL studio and this is where kind of FL got their patterning mode from because MPC works in sequence mode so don't know how old some of you guys are but back in the day when you had to make beats in FL you had to make them in pattern so you'll have to make one pattern and switch it up then duplicate the pattern and you'll have to switch up things in that pattern then you know you have to go for so forth and so on with the patterns it's the same thing inside the MPC instead of calling them patterns you called them sequences so what you do is you take your sequence you make your intro you know whatever sounds you want in copy and paste it then you make your hook you might mute this sound and that sound and that's how you get to your whole song and you just put all your sequences into a song mode and that's basically how it works so you're not gonna see me on camera you're going to see just the MPC and you're gonna see the MPC software so for the people who want to use the software you can see what I'm doing for the people who like to use it with using the actual controller you'll see what I'm doing so far as is sequence mode so let's go in move the camera and get to that I hope you guys can see everything because I want to try to do this as fast as possible so first thing that we're going to do is this is our track right here [Music] and that's what everything in it this is in sequence 1 so what I'm going to do now is I want to change the name of the first sequence to let's go ahead and open I said let's go ahead and change the name to intro so we're gonna change that intro and then what I'm going to do now is as you can see it's named the sequences named as intro on here and you can see this actually on the side right here as well it says intro for the first sequence now what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy this sequence now there's a couple of ways you could do it you can do it inside the MPC program we can go into it like your edit tools and all that stuff like that and copy it but it's it's way easier to do it inside of here does not matter if you're using the MPC x2 live to touch the one it's all the same thing so we're gonna do this we're gonna go right here and then we're going to copy the sequence and then we're going to name this hook so I'm gonna call this HK one do it ok so now we have the hook so now you see next sequence sequence to it is not a hook so now we're gonna go back in here and we're going to do this hook two okay so we have that so now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go from hook two to the next sequence it's going to be verse something call this verse one I'm gonna do 12 bar verses let's do that let's copy that sequence as you can see them go from verse one and then we're gonna go over to verse two and it's just copying all the sequences in order so that's why you see verse one now go to verse 2 and then from verse two we're gonna copy that sequence to sequence six and then we go to verse 3 and press do it now we have six sequences and if we go through each one of the sequences you have verse 3 verse 2 verse 1 hook to hook 1 and in intro now from here we can go through and we can mute out the stuff that we don't like and we can edit everything in each sequence so now in the intro what we're going to do is we're gonna check out that little lead pad or whatever I put in there and I'll gonna check out the base so let's do that so we took out the bass the kick and the lead for the intro so now what we're gonna do now is we're gonna go to the first hook which we're gonna leave everything in so these are Auto sounds [Music] alright for our next hook we're gonna take out just for speedy purposes we're going to take out the bass and the kick so all right now from here we'll go to verse 1 we're going to check out the little lead pad whatever I had in there and we're gonna take out the kick and you can name all of these tracks so you can name all of the tracks you can name all of the sequences so you'll know what you have in there [Music] I'll say that's verse one okay so now for verse two what we're gonna do is we're gonna put the kick back in so now we have to kick in and then for verse 3 we are going to take the bass and kick back out so pretty much that is our sequence so now what do we do now to go back to main we have all of our sequences done what we're going to do is we can go to menu and then go into song mode once we go into song mode then what we can do on the actual hardware is we can actually just press record and in each one these pads represents the sequence as you can see this one says intro hook hook - v1 v2 v3 so when you hit the pad intro goes in hook one click to verse one verse 2 verse 3 done so then we're gonna do another hook verse 1 verse 2 verse 3 and then we'll do the last hook and then basically that is done now on the MPC software all you got to do is just click on it and then you can drag it in there or however you want to do it but it's super easy to do it in there but I think it's much easy to do it inside of here it's way he's are doing it here so now that we have that done we press play [Music] alright there it is as you can see it is very easy to sequence inside of the MPC x1 live all of them they're all the same there's just some of bigger than some smaller saw the same if you guys want to check out the beat I made I went ahead and switched a few things up just really kinda like the course these things I didn't like I designed it but I pretty much kept everything the same but if you want to check it out wait to the end of the video and you'll be able to hear OB in its entirety but I hope you guys learn something from this and I hope this will help you guys in your workflow and like I always say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bolo Da Producer
Views: 18,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mpc Live, Mpc X, Mpc Touch, Mpc One, Song Mode, Sequencing in Song Mode, how to sequence in song mode, Mpc X | One | Touch | Live Song Mode Sequencing and Beat Tutorial, MPCX, mpclive, mpctouch, mpcone, mpc one tutorial, mpconetutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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