MPC One 2.8 Midi - Game Changer? First Experience plus Thoughts - OP1, Digitone, Model D, DrumBrute

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutoModerator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Hello! I captured my first experience with the 2.8 update, specifically looking at the MIDI changes since that's how I use the MPC One the most. I ran into a few strange hiccups and specifically the new 'remember what you played but didn't record' feature.

Let me know if you got any questions!


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/teftyteft ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
welcome back to the channel my name is Ted feet today we're going to take a look at MPC update 2.8 and specifically the MIDI functionality I have yet to dig into it so this is gonna be fresh for me and I also want to ask the question is it truly a game changer because already the MPC platform is great for sequencing instruments and doing jams and all that now the 2.8 you'll be able to plug in all your synths and all that with USB connections and use the MIDI that way and so you will completely forego uni 5 din pin MIDI jack port type stuff potentially make your studio routing a lot more simple if the MPC is the main hub or if you like to just connect a bunch of stuff for a jam and not have to worry about all the the MIDI jack to plug in and all that what I've done in the past is taken the MIDI out and daisy chain gear or actually used splitters I have a couple splitters that I use to have a couple pieces typically I only use like maybe five or six instruments at the most usually bass drum keys type of thing and then samples from either MTC one or even the dig attacked the attacked is actually my alternate in fact I plan on doing a video about detective vs. NPC one which might sound weird because they're very different platforms there's actually quite a few similarities that I use for Jam so I'm planning on making a video about that sometime in the future looking at the MPC one right here we do have update 2.8 already installed on here again I haven't actually made a jam or anything with the new software so this will be kind of a first title 2 new project right here so fresh project first thing I'm going to do is plug in the USB hub I got a seven port hub that I bought off on Amazon from save rent technology or save rental company it's been working for my PC we're gonna plug it in to the NPC one and see if it works that's step number one right there okay so that's plugged in so we've got seven Jack's total that we can work with first thing I always do is use the key step from Acharya now a quick note about the key step I was able to plug it the key step in directly into the NPC one via USB beforehand and be able to play the keys now would not recognize the output port from the arcturion it would even it wouldn't say anything about the artery in the system it did recognize a MIDI signal originally just from one no connection using the first port okay and that powered up that's good sign and we've got MIDI in write that whoops see that we got MIDI in going in so technically yeah so the USB hub is working that's great I'll leave a link in the description for this particular hutton in case you're wondering about it let's actually see if we can find the alternative here MIDI port right here there it is artery two key step thirty-two MIDI so that is great this is like one of the big changes that they did was they allowed us so when you plug in a USB instrument it shows up supposedly has the proper names and all that as you can see arturia Kista 32 mini okay so step one plugin refreshment sprint it worked great now let's plug in some of the stuff couple weeks ago I did a jam with the op1 and the op1 was especially annoying because I had actually browned the MIDI through my PC and then route that MIDI our through MIDI Jack's to be able to actually get to the embassy one of those sequences so I had to jump through hoops it was a pain in the ass let's plug in the LP one and see what happens okay jack number two muezzin speaker by the way so it sounds gonna be crappy all right same thing MIDI let's check the port's op1 MIDI device MIDI one that is fantastic so yeah let's see what new channel of us it's for [Music] I had it set up on four for some reason so as you can see I have the arturia plugged into a hub just connected the MPC v1 and then the op1 is connected to the hub as well connected the NPT one it's all talking to each other fantastic obviously there's no audio information being shared over the network in fact my biggest feature request right now for the NPC one is to be able to plug in an audio interface as well into this USB jack I mean that would be perfect because they make it up hey Dallas that's my biggest gripe right now is I only have one stereo out on the MPC one if I had I mean like the live is attractive because it has two additional stereo outlets but it's also nearly twice the amount of cash it's also I believe twice the size and I actually like the layout of the MPC one better for me personally I like the the footprint I like how many buttons are here and all the stuff whereas the MPC live is definitely it's a different MPC yeah future requests really wish I can just plug in a USB device USB audio interface and have additional outputs all right so the op1 works that's great let's plug in some more stuff okay so we get this guy right here get some power going you know I've like stuffed all my USB cables in a box cuz I heard they ever use USB because I'm typically doing like a mostly Dallas hybrid type of setup and then when I get the jam or the groove how I like it and I just record it into the PC for the da for later use that's typically been my workflow but this opens up some different possibilities okay let's go MIDI ports model D MIDI one let's get some are you out of this 7v Channel seven [Music] working beautifully off of this you know the other thing that's really nice is it you can actually just set the MIDI channel to your preferred mini channel on this stuff and not worry about overlap on this because it's all run through USB so you don't have to be like oh yeah what's you know today so he's gonna be on three for whatever like you could just have everything be channel 1 if you want or 2 or 3 and then just go to the device in here that's nice you should probably get audio for the ot1 and then also hook up some of the stuff maybe electron gear maybe I'll hook up a Diggy town ok so we've got the Diggy tune right here let's turn it on USB cable USB device is not supported fascinating let's see what we have and maybe I have it set up as overbridge oh yeah over bridge let's go MIDI let's see did that fix it actually yeah I did ok thanks so if you have your device set up is over bridge it will just say what are you doing now let's do this we also do plug in some audio [Music] so weird up and getting audio in there channel 1 2 3 maybe I don't have the channel setup I'm here see MIDI config channels track 1 2 3 & 4 been turned off because of how it routed stuff so let's go track 1 2 3 & MIDI channel 4 so now each one of these should work oh hold up my key step is not sending signal anymore do I have to unplug I don't wonder I let's see that unplug I'm definitely getting our trigger signal again it's back the MALDI channel so all these working okay so let's go back to the Diggy town let's go to channel 1 this is what channel 1 sounds like I'm dig 10 but I'm not getting any committee hmm this is legit behind-the-scenes of setting up almost every GM or something inevitably is now communicating and working port config maybe oh I have this setup on MIDI inputs USB MIDI there was is only trunk configuration let's go this I actually like this Chaput bachelot so MIDI channel - that works great what is 3 sound like will pluck sound I gotta say I really like the sound of the jig tongue it's just it has character to it it's synth engine is really nice for is a default patch sound so let's find out does that work so that's working awesome I think oh yeah I want to see if the Transport feature works so this is currently 120 let's go like 90 it's not working here so maybe I need to set this up oh actually first let's go preferences electron sink so now it should send sync info to the Diggy town so that is one thing you have to keep in mind you get it you gotta jump through some menus to make sure it's certain things are getting the signals that they need working now also I have some track stuff already in here that is great know one thing though want to see the timing so the number on here is wavering back and forth between eighty eighty nine point eight and ninety point one for the clock ninety point to actually on there it seems like a bigger variance than when it's directly connected to another electron box usually it's just point one that's the variance on there another thing that I noticed when I so I've I've tried out over bridge and I did a jam with it actually it was actually really good surprising and I noticed that the clock from over bridge when it was connected to Ableton was rock solid from what I remember like it didn't vary at all and I was really surprised by that it kind of made me go huh using the over bridge to connect with the MIDI and connected stuff up and have like a Diggy tact or a diggie's under something like that even master clock for your hardware ended up making a really solid sync I was hoping that the USB connection was going to be super solid on there so yeah not as stable as I wanted it to be over USB I mean I don't think it's gonna be a problem for me working this way like I could definitely see myself grabbing an MPC one grabbing a bunch of piece of gear and just connecting in this way I don't think that's gonna be an issue but it would be nice to have a super solid clock coming from just straight USB doesn't appear that that's gonna be happening after I recorded the video I checked up on the day done stuff with overbridge and I was definitely interesting til you plug the Diggy tone at via USB into the PC and then connect it to Ableton via the USB mini stuff and then clock it there's a huge variance I mean it swings heavily it goes like sometimes 0.5 negative to 0.5 positive on 90 BPM whereas the MPC one was swinging point two negative two point two positive however and this is huge when you load up the overbridge plugin in Ableton Live and you clock it that way you'll have the clock signal and the the transport stuff all to happen enable and live through the overbridge plugin of the diggie tone or Diggy tact whatever instrument using it is rock solid I mean it does not waver from 90 BPM whatsoever so if you want a super solid clocking solution and you already have an electron device that has over bridge supported then use the overage plugins inside your DAW and you will have a rock-solid clock right there rock-solid clock all right let's grab one more be scared I'm thinking the drum group impact get some power so if we get started there's no clock info let's go preferences outputs arteria drum impact sync no sync because we got to go here it's good a USB sync ok interesting I was like where the hell Sam I'm coming from I don't have this plugged in yet it looks like it's actually coming from or not the appreciates do ketone display that yeah the day time for some reason it is triggering sounds so this is actually sending MIDI out and that's receiving it as well oh you know what I think it's because I have this receiving everything yeah you see MIDI input from all ports so you got to watch out about that - that's a little gotcha moment right there let's go key step yeah and now this is not sending you may be out so interestingly what you could do is program some sequences on an electron device let's make this look a little bit better here yeah you could technically have different sequencers going that could go into MPC one and then route to other pieces of gear which I actually I think that is pretty cool again what you're doing right here is eliminating a whole bunch of MIDI cables so MIDI ends outs through ports all that stuff you're supposedly getting rid of some delay I mean I would think that's the case I haven't actually tested it so I can't say with 100% clarity that that's for sure what's happening but it appears that that would happen with the USB routing type of stuff you're basically just using USB cables to route the MIDI eliminating MIDI cables and being able to have the NPC one be like the the conductor where it's taking receive it's it's sending receiving all that stuff you can have all the sequencing on the MPC one or you can have other devices sequence and route the MIDI through the MPC one alright we plugged an audio from the drummer bring impact and never play an audio interview op1 so it goes through a board and that's working right this yeah now again you see the numbers fluctuating right here so again the clock isn't like rock solid audio rate clock but at least everything's kind of thing and happy that sounds a bit anyways so technically I have two more ports left on my my medieval break here I mean this is already quite a few instruments we got four instruments hooked up plus the MPC one which can do all of that stuff with what the synthesizers in sampling and all that and a quick donor routing I do have this plugged into my maki board and then the the additional bus one and two is routed into the input so I could technically flip one of those switches to be able to send any of the audio of these guys into the sampler of the NBC one to do some sampling of routing and all that should we make a jam out of all this gear I think we should we need to route a few things here we need to help you one channel in a multi-channel the drummer in fact is just gonna be drums and this one sequencer so I'm not gonna mess with that the Diggy tune I'll need to send MIDI info to of I might keep the sequencer you know I think I'm gonna keep the Diggy tone as a module sound module so we got op1 let's edit that so we know it's the op1 okay do that great you know and you know the track it's also gonna be MIDI the MALDI which needs to be a Channel seven I'm gonna have to tune that let's do that actually all right let's change this to bass and then track three I guess we'll be digging tune well we have four channels so we might have to have four if we use all four channels I don't know if I'm gonna do that set of the port electronic diggie tone you look at you sees one one sound because the tech move is only eight voices if we do like a lush pad sound or something oh that's right huh I wonder if you could set this up to where the default midi input is always one of these other like they're Turia key step if you know leave a comment let me know if you know how to fix that because that could actually get annoying because now I have to do that on all these I'd be like no not all port my tricky step please although I could actually just say the drunkard impact does not send any info any MIDI info it only receives that's another like hack that you do so you can go into here you could say inputs you could take the drummer an impact track off so it does not send any info into the NPC one that could be the way to do it actually [Music] I write that that distortion now where have you been let's meet this Oh the harmonics piercing my ear all right so this is the D tone let's make another track so we have D key tone track 2 and go duty to on here B channel to an electron jiggy tone right [Music] this leaders of is nice all right so we got two tracks of Dicky tone we want to help you want to be doing [Music] I don't know if that's gonna work with it alright now that we got that let's go the bass also is that new feature what does it do I hit shift record look at that you remember what I played that's cool I used to use this feature all the time when I was in Logic Pro there is a remember what you PLAs played feature oh crap look that interesting a lot of brothers are remember what you just played feature after you hit stop I would use that all the time in fact I'd never hit the record button because I was always just oh yeah I like the idea let's grab that and then I'd trim up whatever fat that I didn't want and make the stuff I felt like I kind of crouched on a little too much personally sometimes I do stumble on some ideas I wish I had record it so it's nice to have that feature now interestingly because the LP one is sending that is doing that arpeggio it's fitting that MIDI data back in and so it captured it obviously unusable without scrubbing out all the stuff so what's it undo undo again I do okay yeah I had to do a few undos so inputs from the op1 no thanks fact maybe I should just do this like model D I'm definitely I kinda wanna inputs the Diggy town no thanks and just want from the key step yeah now I'm pretty sure it's gonna remember these settings next time I play on these devices if it doesn't that's a shame [Music] okay so getting some nice fat bass going on right there now let's go back over to Z tune so do you tone one [Music] this should be a melody line let's give it a very big verb [Music] like that so technically shift record huh it's still playing all that it grabbed all that MIDI information weird you know the MIDI input it's only the key step as well is that but good yep it's still doing it hey every piece of MIDI information that's being sent out oh well that's too bad I don't know again I don't know if it's a bug or if I'm missing something obvious if you know leave me a comment maybe we clear this up but seems like hooking all this MIDI stuff up is saying you know there's a bunch of MIDI let's just capture all the MIDI that's happening which is unfortunate all right well let's record this because I actually like what's going on here [Music] okay so now let's go track mutes yeah boy those so you can kill the bass are the drums overall video base [Music] let's grab this polyline [Music] let's go yogi one [Music] [Music] not sending info the guilty ones getting bitty at times we're why would it be that way let's look at the MIDI but starting on the grid did it end like maybe it doesn't like things running into it like that for the sequencer let's give it a definite end you know maybe it was going over actually that could have been it let's find out let's take this off check out the D key tone same thing [Music] brings each time I mean the op1 Goosby working [Music] it's that [Music] so I don't know if that is just a software bug with the op1 or something going on with the NPC yeah but I don't know that's weird it seems like everything else is working though so that's good and honestly the op1 is more of like a it's kind of like its own device in my opinion when I'm working with it I do like it sounds a lot so it's sometimes it's nice to be able to grab it grab some stuff off of it Oh at all I gotta say I'm pretty happy with the USB connection setup type of things that are going on here I think it's pretty slick if you have an MVC with that can run the latest software I definitely suggest checking it out and seeing what's up with it because it's pretty cool just being able to plug in via USB and then go my biggest criticisms again of the MPC one right now is the lack of additional outputs and you can't augment that with another audio interface I really feel like that wouldn't be a problem for a kind to allow that because it's like well if you have a $400 interface you already bought a few years ago why not allow the NPC one to connect to it to be able to use that stuff it doesn't sound like that's gonna reduce any interest of owning a live or live - because that's a self-contained bucks in and of itself you've one device you got everything if you have another audio interface you have to deal with another thing you have to connect and all that so it's it's more of like it's a nicety to be able to allow the NPC one to connect to those and have additional stuff I digress that's not what this video is about the MIDI features are great and honestly it's a little weird that they weren't in the software to begin with because it's it's 2020 man the USB or MIDI 2.0 is gonna be coming up pretty soon the USB stuff has been out for a long time and it's kind of crazy that it's taken this much time for the software to catch up to be able to actually get to the point where you can plug in multiple pieces via a USB on that in fact I was surprised to learn that that wasn't the case originally when I got the indc one I was like oh we really did it didn't really bother me because I like using to me still and checking things through MIDI through and all that and I know there's latency introduced but when you keep it nice and concise it's fun to just change some MIDI and and have a go NBC 2.8 I think it's good it's definitely a huge step in the right direction dunno what's up with that record feature hopefully they fix that maybe that's just a weird bug that happened or maybe I just don't know some sort of setting that's grabbing everything that could be the case as well but yeah if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit the like button and some of the channel if you're new bring that Bell as well from notifications when we drop new videos got lots more content planned for you guys in the future really really excited to do more stuff if you want to support the channel further you can always stream our music on Spotify just search detecting memes and also check out our Instagram we're posting stories photos all that stuff and you can always check out our band camp as well we do have a couple records alright and that's it thank you very much for watching I'll see you next time for another video deuces [Music]
Channel: Tefty & Meems
Views: 58,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai, mpc one, update 2.8, music production, discovery, thoughts, gear talk, op1, elektron, digitone, behringer, model d, arturia, drumbrute impact, teft, teftyteft
Id: gkVxfKPwbts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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