MPC Live Tutorials | 10 Tips All Beginner MPC Live Users Should Know 🤔

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yo what's going on everybody man it's your boy marcus elbow welcome to elbow media studios and if this is your first time i appreciate you coming by and checking out the channel if you're in the npc's and you went to a kind forces you're in the ios and you're just into music production period this is the place for you go ahead and hit that subscription button i'll wait double media studio yo what's going on man listen today we're going to have 10 tips about getting started with the mpc this is going to be very very cool this way you know what i mean you're going to have some things that you're going to know right off the muscle or you can jump right to it ain't going to waste your time though you know how we do let's get straight to it real quick all right first thing we're going to do is we're going to talk about project settings that's going to be tip number one this is cool because you always want to be able to kind of start at a certain type of you know flow you know what i mean so in order for us to get to the project settings what i'm going to need you to do is i'm going to need you to go ahead on and hit the menu button right i may need you to hit that little cog wheel at the top and i don't want to move too fast but if i'm moving fast just get your rewind on a little bit alright but all you got to do is hit that clog wheel not navigate until the project defaults and here you can go in and change a few different things you can change how the splash screen looks when you first start so instead of starting with just a bunch of demos you can actually start with the demos templates and you can start with the uh stuff that you did recent which is the way i like to do it but in order for you to change it all you do is click on the wheel and you can do that or you can just use your finger also you can change the tempo that you want to start at you can use the master default master tempo you can change the actual bars that you want all your sequences to start it so if you like two bars four bars eight bar 16 you can change that here you can change the time signature as well so if you want three four if you want four by four whatever you want to do you can change the default pad slice i like to keep that at pad you can also change the drum key group filters that it starts with so always keep that at low pass two pole and you can also change which plugin you want your default program to start in if you click in the button you'll see you got all these different plugins that came with the new update and if you haven't seen that update i'll leave a card somewhere around here so you can go and check that out but you can start with two center you can start with whatever you want to i like to start with hype so we'll just leave that there and that is the tip number one default actual settings okay next tip is going to be naming the project you would think this would be something simple to do people would already kind of see that and understand that but it's a guide man it's the npc it's a little different you know what i mean in order for you to go ahead and name your project real quick all you have to do is click on the name up here at the top and then in order for you to name that all you have to do is just save the file so i'm not going to talk about this as a tip because this is a part of that tip all you have to do is go save as and you can go in here and you can change the name right here if you want to call it 10 tips or whatever do that hit do it and go ahead on and hit save and if you want to overwrite that that's cool i already got that name already there it's going to save it and then boom we're done okay go ahead and hit that main go back to main tip number three is gonna be shift browser right this is the quickest way to get to the browser all you gotta do is hold shift and hit menu and this will take you right into the browser section where you can go in and start adding sounds because again this is what this is about you just bought the npc you want to know where the sounds at this is where they live inside of the browser now i'm not going to go through every little aspect in this but if you want to hurry up and get to the expansions all you have to do is hit expansion sorry about that all you have to do is hit expansions and then boom you can start going through the brand new expansions you just bought because i know you got you some expenses or you got you some sound packs from us and if you're looking to get some sound packs we're going to leave a little little card up here at the top so you can go to the website and get you some sound packs all right let's go ahead and go back to main tip number four is going to be how to add a new drum program okay in order for you to be able to add a new drum program and drum programs like if i just change the track right here and then i just hit this you usually come in with a program named01 that's your default program that's okay because sometimes and most of the time you don't need to really add a new one because you have so many passes you can work with for that program up to 64 with four different groups all you got to do is start bringing in all your samples and you can start building your kit from right there okay but let's just say you want you have a whole sample kit you just want to make a bunch of bunch of drum programs in order for you to add a new program all you have to do is hit this little plus signal i mean plus sign right here and once you hit that you can see it has a new drum pad and if you want to name that new drum pad all you have to do is hit this little pencil tool right once you hit that pencil tool you can just go up here at the top and then you can name that whatever you like you know what i mean we'll just call it name for the sake of time okay and once you do that hit the main and then right there you have name okay it's just that quick okay tip number five is going to be holding down the menu button to get to some very quick things inside of the menu menu button menu items okay but if we push the menu button let me show you kind of how this works if you push the menu button you'll see that you have all your options to where you can go sample edit program edit so forth and so on even the browser but let's just say you're in maine and you don't really want to go through all that you want to move fast all you have to do is hold down the menu and hit the pad you hit the pad here that's going to be program edit that's list and that's going to be the browser and you can just keep moving that's the sampler that's the looper and that's going to be key groups i mean i'm sorry mute groups and all that that's the quickest way for you to move around if you want to use the pass instead of using the menu and if you think about this everything that's aligned here is a line here on the pad so all you got to do is hold down the menu and hit the corresponding row in which that's where that's going to live just like sample is here so if i go here in a whole menu and i hit this button that's going to be my sample edit okay just that simple tip number six is going to be drum explode now this is pretty dope because let's just say you know you have a track or whatever on track one and you did all your tracks on that one or all your pads and all these sounds are on that one pad right let's go ahead and unmute that real quick [Music] right everything is here so you most of the time you're just going to go ahead and put that down just like that you're going to start adding all these different elements to that one one track right the cool thing about that is you don't have to put it on each individual track as you can see right here you can just start kind of going through and putting them on each individual track you don't have to do that you can take that one track and you can explode that one track all you have to do is hit this little uh this little pencil button right here and then you can go right here go to explode and then boom you've exploded all of those tracks and then you can just go into your mute group here and as you can see all these tracks are ready to go all right now i have each individual track here [Music] so i can just start muting as i want to go [Music] bringing them back in [Music] so that's pretty dope right there i love drum explode like i think they should have that on the akai force that is just such a stupid stupid useful tool for me in my workflow so i don't have to always have to separate everything i can just explode it at the end and just move on out okay let's look at number seven number seven is going to be time correct now if you want to get the time correct on the npc live 2 all you have to do is hit the tc here at the top here and that'll take you directly into time correct but there's a quicker way to do it now you can hit the tc and you can go in and you can make all your adjustments right now for quantize right and you can even turn it off from there but if you just want to really quickly turn it off all you have to do is hold down shift and hit that tc and as you can see there at the top it just went away okay just that simple right i know you're thinking man come on that's the tip bro that's easy trust me you're gonna want to know that okay all right time correct that's how you turn it off all right number eight is gonna be effects right how do you add effects to tracks this is very very cool and quick all you have to do is hit this little i button right here this little little i at the top and that will take you into the effects section and the cool thing about the mpc ecosystem and the akai ecosystem is you can actually put effects on a entire kit which would be the whole drum kit or you can put it on each individual pad the easiest way to do that is it's already on the kit as you can see right here on that little icon which just has four boxes that's gonna be in the kit if you just go ahead and hit this single one now if i go through here and i hit different pads i can go through and i can put effects on each individual pad all i have to do is just hit this little insert button i'm on the first effect all i gotta do is go through my effects and then pick which one i want hit it and then i'm ready to go i will have effects on that individual pad and in order to get out of that all you have to do is hit that little hide button and you're done okay all right number nine is going to be the x y fx key uh pad all right the quickest way to get to that all you got to do is hold down shift and hit next sequence and that will take you directly to the effects pad so you can start using the effects and all you already know this is already dope if you haven't figured it out yet this is pretty dope if i push play on this beat [Music] go in and you can start doing all your your 404 effects and stuff like that if you hit the setup button you can go in and you can change some effects here [Music] just that easy get in and out of that [Music] all right let's go back to maine and the last one that's going to be a tip that i i just i'm not going to lie to you i never really knew about this and i forget the cat name that i was watching and he showed how to do this and i was like aha i had one of my high moments like really that's how you do that let's just say you want to delete a track and this doesn't happen often i don't really delete a lot of tracks if i'm being honest but let's just say if you wanted to delete a track this is how you would do it tip number 10 what you would do is just go ahead and hit the shift browse we're going to go into the browser or you can just hold menu and hit pad number 16 that'll take you to the browser we're going to go to places and i'm i saved this beat inside the eternal and i'm sorry internal uh hard drive so what you're going to do is you're going to navigate there you're going to go ahead and hit the p for programs you're going to navigate to npc documents you're going to go to projects and this is where this this actual song or track that i just you just heard i saved that when we first started this if you want to delete this all you have to do is hold down shift and hit delete and then sit boom it's gone so this is a good way to clean up some stuff you know if you accidentally saved in a different area outside of the fold that you wanted to save this would be a good way to clean up some of the stuff because i do it all the time i'll just go and i'll save something quick because i'm really trying to move fast and i end up saving it outside of my project folder which you really don't want to do that and also don't really save to your internal hard drive use your mp i mean uh uh sd card or something like that or even get you an internal hard drive uh separate from what's already there that way you can kind of keep those things separate and you don't kind of trash up uh what your default hard drive okay listen man that that's it you know what i'm saying i just put you oh i just took you all the way through uh all of the 10 tips for you getting started with the mpc live i hope this was helpful for you i wish somebody had something like this for me when i first started with the npc live uh this was my first time having an mpc uh so i really was yearning for some quick knowledge to kind of get started so i hope this helped you out listen thank you again for coming by and checking out the channel man you already know the routine if you haven't subscribed go ahead and hit that little button right now hit the like button because you got to know youtube looks at these algorithms and if they see likes on a lot of videos they usually up push those videos out to other uh content uh absorbers for lack of a better term so other people can watch these videos so do me a favor go ahead and hit that like button i appreciate it also remember if you want to be in a community where you're like-minded producers hang out chill make music talk about the business even try to get you different opportunities come hang out with us at the beat league come join us in a big competition we got coming up this season we got a lot of stuff popping man listen my name is mark zevo this has been elbow media studios i will catch you in the next one all right all right man one piece
Channel: Healthy Music
Views: 16,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fY8nWqkZghA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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