MPC Beats | Introduction & Overview

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[Music] welcome to this overview of MPC beats NPC beats is a new music production software this absolutely free giving you the fill and groove of the MPC workflow if you're a new music producer with beat maker star now your musical journey then npc beans will give you all the tools you need from MIDI to audio tracks plug-in instruments and effects and a sound library designed by world-class sound designers MPC beats can run on your desktop fully standalone or is a plugin inside your favorite DOW m pc b--'s delivers everything from sample chops to MPC singing and quantize to a word of producer expansion packs enhancing your productions so let's dive in and have a closer look at MPC beats [Music] hi there as soon as you launch MPC beats it will walk you through a very simple process first let's connect our mpk mini and this will be Auto detected by MPC beats you can also load maps for other keyboard and pad controllers directly from our factory list once selected press next then MPC beats will ask you to select simple or advanced mode if you're new to music production use simple if you've got some music background knowledge you can use advanced now let's press next and now we're ready to make some beats MBC beats will now display a whole list of projects and demo songs to get you up and running let's start by selecting the trap demo song this will preload a collection of kits and instruments so you can start making beats to also get you started there's an open Help button that takes you directly to the QuickStart guide you can open this up or you can close down the help button now that we've loaded up our project let's press play and hear some beats now the first thing you're going to see inside MPC be are the 16 MPC pads which is where our drum samples are located each sample displayed inside the pad as a dedicated color displaying the sample type such as a kick snare hi-hat melodic and loops now to trigger the sample pads you can even use the pads on your controller the keys on your keyboard or directly from your computer now above our MPC pads is our drum grid this is where you're going to be spending most of your time to record our B ideas into our drum grid we can use the pads on our controller a MIDI keyboard or draw them directly into the grid by hand we can access features such as no-repeat inside MPC beats simply arm note repeat press your pad and now you can add triplets to your hi-hat rolls this is great for trap and hip hop to edit notes in our drum grid we can use our tool bar this allows us to add notes arrays copy/paste and move notes around our drum grid we can also draw in key parameters such as velocity planning and automation directly under our drum grid above our drum grid we have our transport controls this allows us to record and playback our beats to the left of our transport we have our track inspector this displays key information such as sequence name track name and our track type such as drums sampled instruments plug-in instruments MIDI clip launching and cv/gate MPC beats features 8 MIDI tracks field beats in your instruments and 2 stereo audio tracks this is great for vocals melodic sample melodies which can be edited time stretched reversed all in real time against your beat production below this we have our pad and track mixer and pan levels to easily adjust our drums at the top of our screen we have our home button this takes us always back to our main working window then we have track view this displays all of our tracks and no information in one key screen then we have program edit this it allows you to customize your drum kits such as changing the key of samples layer in adding filters and envelopes the last tab is our channel mixer allowing you to control the levels of your beats you have a selection of over a hundred studio grade effects from air music tag that you can apply to your beats next to our drum pads are the sixteen qlink trollops these are pre assigned to your keyboard or pad controller so you can control the swing time division the playhead zoom in and out and much more you can also access mixer levels project settings instrument settings or create your own custom assignments to access MPC beats sound libraries press the browser tab you can now access the factory library expansions here you can preview kits and samples from some of the world's best sound designers you can also purchase MBC's beats Edition expansion packs created by industry-leading artists such as a rap music snipe Young decap drums up knock MSX audio and much more simply click on an expansion go down to programs and now you can preview the kit simply drag the kit into MPC beats and start producing today [Music] MPC beats workflow makes it really fun and intuitive to make beats so the first thing we need to do is start off with an empty sequence so let's go to an unused sequence and then let's name that call this new beat now let's make our beat four bars long and we have our loop mode enabled so our beat will continually loop around now let's enter a tempo 140 BPM and now we'll go to our first track this is a drum track so let's call this drums now below this we go to our program and we select our drum program which is called a low Phi kit this is now loaded our drum kit directly onto our 16 pads now to play our drum kit let's use our controller keyboard now our pads are playing the first eight samples we press Bank B we can now play the upper a samples so now we're going to record our beat the first thing I'm gonna do is turn on my quantize and I'm gonna set my time division to 1/16 this means anything I record is gonna be in time so let's hit record on our transport control and start with a melodic let's use our control knob so we can zoom out and see our entire grid now let's go to bank a where our kick and snare and hi-hat [Music] now that we recorded our idea let's use note repeat and then we can add some triplets to our hi-hats we'll change our time division to 1/32 triplet and now you can hear the rolls now that's recorded let's turn note repeat off and let's add some additional drum parts now let's go to Bank B and we'll add some percussion and some vocal elements now let's add an 808 bassline let's select a sound and then we're going to select 16 levels this will chromatically tune the sound across all 16 of our drum pads [Music] this is a fast way to add bass lines to your beats now let's go to track two and add a piano [Music] this is from the f9 instrument beats Edition that comes free with MPC beats nella saddle Rhodes [Music] and now we'll finish our track with a soft melody [Music] chopping samples in MPC beats is a fast and easy way to create new melodic ideas from loops such a chopper sample let's first find some samples to work with I'm using my sample ball to listen to some of my sounds let's work with this sample let's drag it onto a pad I'm gonna double click my sample and now we're inside sample edit now we have a list of tools to edit our sample such as a reverse normalize fade in fade out time stretch now to chop our sample let's hit chop I can now use the pads on my pad controller to chop the sample up in real time as the samples playing I'm laying down my chops we can also draw this in by hand just simply go over the wav file and click and put the choppin now once we finish chopping our loop we want to use these on a beat so let's press new program then we'll press do it and now MPC beats us automatically created a drum program with our sample chops let's add this to our beat let's use our pad controller to trigger our samples [Music] MPC beats features an easy-to-use chords and scales mode this allows you to add melodic Sand chord progressions to the key of your song over your beads this is a great feature if you don't have an understanding of music theory now to access notes mode as select an instrument we're going to use a Rhodes and let's press pad performance now we can see our progression types for notes we're gonna use chromatic winning chromatic mode only the notes of the scale will be highlighted on the pads when notes is selected all notes of the key will be visible we can select our key root note we can select our different types of scale types and then where we want the octave to start to play chords and MPC beats select the chords mode and here we can go from our menu and select our scale type such as major minor different types of chords and we can select thirds fifths sevenths given your beats a professional feel if you select progressions you now have a list of preset chords that you can choose from for different genres of music you can also create all of your own progressions and save them into the user Bank [Music] MPC beats features three powerful internal plug-in instruments and a collection of sample bass instruments that you can add over your beats the first internal plugin instrument is tube synth this emulates the warm and rich sound of analog synthesizers giving you access to everything from Lee patches to atmospheric pads the next is Electric emulator the smooth silky sound of the classic electric roads add in depth and textures to your productions and then there's baseline emulate in the deep low-end for any electronic a dance track then we have the f9 beats Edition instrument collection this offers you a wide range of instruments and presets covering everything from rich pianos and pads to AOA basses elegant strings low-five pianos the perfect sounds for modern pop R&B rap and hip-hop - electronic to mix your beats and productions MPC beats features and easy to use mixer environment simply press the mixer tab and now you have access to all of your levels to control your beats we can solo a mu R tracks or you can add plugin effects to individual drums and tracks from the collection of air effects included inside MPC beats you can select some dynamic compressors mastering EQ sand filters harmonics and lo fight NPC beats also includes our Fisher emulations of the MPC 60 the MPC 3000 s be 1200 and the sb 1209 adding these to your master buss will add the classic vintage sound of these iconic run machines to your byxis MVC bass also supports third-party plug-in effects that you can add directly to your beats if you want to learn more about MPC beats head over to the Akai Pro website and start watching some of our beats academy tutorial videos this will get you up and running instantly we cover everything from making your first beat to making your own drum kits so see you next time
Channel: AkaiProVideo
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Keywords: akai, akai pro, akai professional,, akai pro products, akai professional products
Id: Muwqi1W_FBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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