MPC Beats // Everything You NEED to Know in UNDER 10 Minutes

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what's going on everybody so i've spent some quality time in the mpc beat software and i now have a much better understanding of how to actually use it so in honor of the mpc sampling history let's make a sample beat while i explain the process that i use so without further ado let's jump right into it alright so i'm going to go ahead and load up an empty project here and the first thing that i like to do is actually come over here and this is like a project manager place where we can actually browse through and load up different resources so what i'm going to do is come down to the bottom right here and open the media browser and these are all kind of the free sounds and kits that come with npc beats so i'm going to start by looking for an actual kit here and i'm thinking some kind of hip hop kit so now we can click on them and hear what they sound like [Music] and once we find one we like we can actually just click and drag it right into this little project section here and it will be loaded into the programs that we have available to us and we'll come back to the programs track and sequence for a better understanding of how that actually works so now let's continue by looking for an instrument i think i'll load up this electric guitar instrument so now we have an instrument and a drum kit and now let's look for some bass [Music] all right i kind of like this clean bass sound we'll load that up and so now we have drums bass and lead now let's go ahead and look for a sample that we actually have on our computer so down again at the bottom right we can transform our browser into our actual computer and we can start going through our different files so i'm going to navigate to my samples folder so i'm going to choose this sample right here and again we can just click and drag that right into our project folder here so now that we've got all the sounds and kits loaded into the actual project let's go back to this sequence track and program area over here and talk about that for a minute so with the sequences we have different sequences based on bar amounts so we'll just change this to four so that we're working with a four bar loop and here we can set it to loop or not loop let's just keep it on loop and we'll create a four bar sequence now within the tracks i've noticed that we have different kinds of tracks so here we have a drum track here we have a key group track and here we have a plugins and there's also a few different ones like midi cv gate and clip i'm not really sure what the clip does but the midi and cv gate are pretty self-explanatory anyway based on the actual track type that you choose you'll have different programs available to you so here we have our drum program because we've selected a drum track if we switch over to the key group we have our guitar and our bass instruments because those are based on keys and alternatively we can load up one of our own vst plugins by selecting this plug-in option and so based on the type of track you're working with that will determine what programs are available to you on that specific type of track so now let's do a bit of chopping with our sample and the best way to do this is to come back to the project area and we're gonna double click on our sample here and now this will bring it up and bring us up a few different options now within here we can choose the chopping option and so now we can actually come in here and click to add different slices and if we wanted to delete all the slices we come down here and we could do the minus all option and now we're back to normal so one way to slice would be to do it manually another way would be to trigger the pad so [Music] and basically when i'm doing that every time i hit a pad we are actually making a new slice based on timing so let's go ahead and minus all and what i think i'm going to do here is actually select the bpm option and so here we can choose different time divisions to actually slice our beats so right now knowing that my sample is at 95 beats per minute i'm going to go ahead and change the actual tempo to match and then what we're going to do is actually create a new program now you have a non-destructive convert option and extract new samples i'm going to choose the non-destructive create a new program click do it and now we can do is come to the main tab select track one make sure we're using a drum track and we can actually load up those chops here and so let's go ahead and record a pattern so we'll turn on the metronome and hit play all right so our pattern sounding pretty good for our samples and so now let's go ahead and move on to track two and we'll still use a drum program and we'll put in our hip hop drums so one thing that i definitely want to mention is the time correction strength and time correct last time i didn't understand why my drums were snapping to the grid even though i was a little bit off time and it's because this time correction option was actually set to on so let's just go ahead and turn that off okay so i'm going to start by recording in the kick and snare and then we'll come back to the hi-hats [Music] so now that our kick and snare is recorded in we'll come here to time division and right now we have it set to 16th note so if we turn note repeat on we're repeating at 16th notes [Music] okay so our drums are sounding pretty good along with our samples let's go ahead and move on to track three and we'll use a key group and we'll add in some 808 so i definitely want to use the pad perform mode for this bass track especially because i know the sample was actually in g sharp major so that would be a flat looks like we have it set up there major with two octaves and so now we're in key i'm going to go ahead and transpose this track by 12 [Music] semitones and now we're completely in key all right i think i found a pattern that i like let's go ahead and try recording it in our time correction is on which is fine right now [Music] all right so that's looking pretty good let's go ahead and move on to track four and see if we can add a little counter melody with this guitar we'll make sure yep it looks like we're still using the pad perform mode to make sure we're in scale and you know i'm having a bit of trouble with this instrument so i'm going to go ahead and go back to the browser and try to find a different instrument to use we're going to go ahead and try out this instrument called popcorn we'll go ahead and switch to it in the program all right so i've come up with a simple counter melody let's go ahead and record that in now all right so this is the beat we've got so far [Music] and so yeah this is kind of the workflow that i've been using i don't really mix in mpc beats instead what i'll do is actually export and we can actually export this as an ableton live set now i haven't really messed around with that as much i've just been doing the as audio mix down and instead of using the basic stereo outputs instead what i'll do is i'll separate the programs and then we get basically stems and so i'll do 48k in 24 wave format and then i'll hit the export key take this into ableton mix it up arrange it how i like it and then my beat is done but yeah and mpc beats is a great place to get your ideas down and just get started with beat making it's really fun to use and there's a lot more features that i haven't covered but this should be enough to get you started making beats in mpc beats so thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed this video or learned something new be sure to like comment and subscribe and i will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Frenchtown Media
Views: 20,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MPC, Akai, DAW, Free Daw, MPC Daw, Free Daw 2020, Free DAWS, AKAI MPC Beats, Beats, Beatmaking, Beatmaking with Akai MPC Beats Daw, akai professional renaissance, mpc beats, free, review, daw review, best daw of 2020, free daw 2020, rembrandt media, rembrant media, michael niekamp, Everything you need to know about MPC Beats, MPC Beats in Under 10 minutes, Under 10 Minutes, speed review, MPC Beats Quick review
Id: 2el-8PpQP6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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