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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] still moving [Music] only guys this Friday 15 4 of May we actually defrost this morning it's yeah 15th is about average time for us to do to start first cut which impaired considering the cold weather the cold nights what we've been having so yeah we're gonna get stuck into it this morning we've got about 55 60 hectares to do so I'm not sure whether I'm quite get all that done today depends on what speed I can do and it's in lots of it's in quite a lot of fields so we're gonna get out and get set up so this would normally be an arable field but for black grass reasons we've put it down to a rye grass for two years basically to try some other up black are us and take cut the black grass off and take away the seats hopefully [Music] that's the plan anyway [Music] to check the legs lock down on this front one [Music] [Music] raring to go it's getting a bit starting to show a rage a little bit starting to get a bit rusty and that will help [Music] okay so we've got a as you probably already know we've got a 1/3 one on the front and a 5:30 on the back if I push that button there should push that back one out and then we're going to put the rear PTO in for the rear mower and then front mower and then we'll push this hand for all the way and frontal right forward so up mm up yeah I thought about trying to do boundary fill and see if it works boundary fill that's it took me a few seconds to remember how to do it next would it work go for it so happens drop the front one down [Music] don't know like it's gonna work we drop the back one down [Music] there we go we're going I'll leave this was at four or five meter grass strip that's the stewardship strip around the outside of the field we'll leave that I've always Kris back and we'll start getting his knickers in a twist we'll need to leave that for the wildlife like I said this is normally an arable field so we'll crack on normally go how many times four or five times on the headland you do need to have a big head than to turn with this reel mower [Music] put it on liters per hour so we can see what we're using per hour so right now 1/3 see liters per hour we use in so what I did is just the afternoon I filled up there filled up the fuel tank right to the top and then we'll do a Des Moines average innit sort of 14 to 16 K probably never do a Des Moines and then tonight we'll fill it back up again and see how much feel we use so we interested I should be able to work out roughly how much air and area we've covered I started about started mowing about half a we'll probably keep going to six or seven this evening pens out tired I get I was up at the crack of dawn this morning as soon as the Sun was shining I was away where'd it ready to go mow it alright I didn't take the dog out for a run about 6:00 so the dogs good for the day we let them out for a little break at lunch time yeah and then what be quite good is if you guys could do the same thing Nick when you next I'm going moment if you're going mowing yes well how much do you use it in a day enough to be a John there be a Massey or offend or a New Orleans if it's got enough power to power a mower so yeah work out every write in the comment section even if it's next week come back to this video write in the comment section saying what tractor what mowers whether it's from just a rear mower or you've got front and rear or triples right how much fuel you've used in a day and maybe how much air how much ground you covered as well in a day so yeah I'll be quite interesting to see [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like we've got a bit of Holcroft going on out here we got oats from from the last crop that was out here and it's roots we've got obviously rye grass a little clover black grass what's going on we're up to two short of 40 litres an hour now and yeah we're on the lam work I was just thinking some of you guys will remember me actually drilling this grass seed back in September basically it's just going to be in for two years and then it will go back to our ball but I'll quickly see if I can find a bit of footage of me drilling it just to remind you [Music] [Music] okay so that's this field finished and done it's 941 it's about an hour and 10 minutes that took yeah so now we're go down the road go back up for the yard down the road and we get it's a slightly bigger field get a bit more bit more output where we getting bigger food [Music] other things that are happening on the box today it's better she carry going on highway you can see out the window [Music] I put my hair up on the prop over so that I can see if there's any traffic coming along because I'm gonna see the bow is gonna stick right out in the main road when I pull out the drive I can see on my phone [Music] let's get out and have a quick look at this front mower change the tuner little bit and hope your stick in there or something [Music] I can see it was spit and grass out the front for some reason [Music] later we're missing played them for a second but that's okay it was definitely up this end [Music] right again that's time you is it auto-steer and eat lunch on the go anything isn't going to stop to let the dog out in a minute eat dog want to break and he probably wants his lunch too okay that's two more fields done so that's three in total I would say we're up to around 20 hectares now 20 out of 60 so you have third done and it is eight minutes past one so just gonna work go back out on the main road and move up to the next bit of ground all right dog out for a toilet break alright who's just done another small little field this is number four and we've got one more small little one to do and then we'll get into some bigger ones again [Music] there's quite a bit of grass up here so I'm all the way up at farm three now so basically I started off this morning at time one and then I've gradually worked my way up to farm free so I've got about so I've got three nice-sized feels to do up here total in probably about 30 hectares so nice bit to get on with this afternoon it's now 10 to 3 and I'm already on down to 60% fuel so we may not even have enough fuel to do all we'll see but yeah so I'm just going to go out and unfold there unfold the guards and we'll get going again something else I've got snow but I can't think of it right now okay so if you if you haven't seen last year's haylage videos basically what we do is so this grass will stay on the ground now for a couple like a couple of days to dry out Simon is going to but the terror off the cloud Tedder and Ted it all out and yeah like I say it was still on the ground for a couple of days and then probably Monday afternoon I would guess where we'll start growing up and contractor local contractor comes in and bear was it and wraps it he's got a first quadrant 2200 quite big bales what we have like what would they be about six-foot bales so yeah we just think them the bigger they are there that's something that we've got a handle so we make them as big as we can and also he's got a McHale wrapper a ninety nine a high-speed actually so yeah hopefully you will see they'll work in the next video it's quite likely I'll probably be in the yard snacking but I will I normally get out to the field a couple of times so we should be able to get some video then if not I'll give the camera to George as George is George would be doing the rap in so yeah we're going to get some video it's pretty thick grass up here I'm guessing of the 60 hectares what I'm going to mode which is mountain things 550 acres I'm gonna guess 850 bales I don't know like I said they're big bales there's a hell of a lot of grass on them so I'm gonna get 850 so in the next video we'll see how far out way up [Music] but several red kites and buzzards all flying around looking for a mouse toads on there must be more like ten loads there's a little hair in here it will ever it just going to try and scare him out otherwise either the mowers gonna chop him up all the tights again again you go in the trees so for the cuyps getting wrong way mate she's burning the go-go juice now down about 45% essentially on where it was on 45 litres now a second leo now 42 we are doing 17 K so we're going well she's definitely a lot more powerful than this what the six one nine she was in this you see that the grass is so up to the front of the mower it's thick grass the with the 190 we would have been down to a sort of like 14 or 15 K whereas with this were on 17 so I'd say we've done probably done about a hundred acres now I would have thought about 40 hectares and it's just gone five o'clock [Music] okay so it's now Friday evening just tidying up around these polls in the last field it's half past eight so 12 hours have been over for and initially just finished in the 150 acres so 60 hectares so I didn't I didn't think I'd get all that done today I thought I'd be finishing out tomorrow so I'm reading about 20% fuel left so I wouldn't have much to do how much to do much more so I think I'm pretty sure it can't have its bigger fuel tank as what the six 190 ad because it's got the a blue tank in there as well just tried enough brandy spoke so go back to the farm and we'll pack up and go back to the farm and fill up a diesel let's see how much they've used it's going to be probably about 300 litres of and I reckon whatever look Oh [Music] chilly out here nobody under will be another never frost tonight [Music] then a wife over Washington it's just dirty again [Music] hey what do you reckon there it's bad to be done [Music] the tractor did you take him out for a 3k run this morning Eric can run home it's only four miles won't take him long od joking I'm not really gonna make it run away [Applause] so it came to a grand total and I recorded Anya grant o2 off 350 liters so yeah so 350 liters for a 12-hour day of moyen 150 acres didn't think that's too bad so like I said before let me know what you guys use in a dazed moan be interesting to compare you know like John Deere for fent or so thanks very much for watching I hope you've enjoyed the video today I'm just gonna Park this up and then I've thought about in the morning we're getting cleaned up and take them hours off and see what's happening about Teddy and I think Simon's doing all Ted in so I probably won't need to do any but you never know so yeah the mowers of actually have been brilliant the tractor has been awesome how about a good day this joystick is awesome there's no word for it it's just awesome thanks for watching guys see you on the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: It's a farming life for me!
Views: 269,298
Rating: 4.8821998 out of 5
Keywords: John Deere, Brittish Farming
Id: _gRAzcSxsEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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