Moving WordPress site to new domain - All in one WP Migration

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migrating your wordpress website from one hosting company to the next or even from your local machine to your hosting company can be a big challenge in the past I've used several plugins and I've also tried to do it manually now in all these cases I've always had problems something always went wrong but in today's video I'll be showing you a plug-in which is almost perfect in fact I've used this several times I've tested it on quite a few websites and I was amazed by how this plug-in works so in today's video I'm going to show you step-by-step how you can migrate your website from different locations if you want to learn how to design websites using WordPress I have a wordpress mastery course which is absolutely free you can go ahead and enroll straightaway by clicking the link in the description below so the scenarios here are if you're working on your local development site on your computer is I do sometimes you can actually do all your work on this computer and then upload everything once you're done onto your hosting server and this can be also done vice-versa so you can also download a backup of this file of your website down to your local machine now this process also can be used between servers so let's say you have one hosting company and you'd like to move to a different hosting company this is the easiest way you can do this now the plug-in I'm talking about here is the all-in-one WP migration this plug-in is fantastic because it migrates everything I'm talking about themes plugins images and also the database it works on all operating systems so whether you're on a Mac or a PC that's fine it also works on all PHP hosting service providers now this plug-in here this is quite amazing as well it has over 4000 five-star reviews and over 1 million active users so as you can see this is a trusted plugin and it's been tested over and over again so let me show you step-by-step how you can use this and also how you can use this plug-in to backup your website ok so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna start off by showing you a website that I've already created now this is just a basic site which has a few pages so I have the home services about us project 1 and the contact page okay nothing fancy here now it doesn't matter what website you're going to be migrating so this website can be running any type of plugins or any type of themes so it's not specific to any theme okay so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go into my dashboard and then I'm gonna install the plug-in so I'm gonna come over here to plugins and click on add new so over here I'm gonna search for all-in-one and we can see it right here all-in-one WP migration so I'm gonna click on install now okay the next I'm gonna click on activate great so our all-in-one WP migration plug-in has been installed and activated so if you take a look here on the left you'll notice that you have an entry here of this plug-in so you have options here to either export or import or also do some backups ok so now that our plug-in is installed and activated the next thing you want to do is to go to the location where you need to upload this website to so this could be on your server so what I've done here is I've already gone ahead and installed a blank install of WordPress so this is what you need to do ok install a blank install of WordPress and then here I'm also gonna go into my dashboard and also install the plug-in so as we did before we're going to install the plug-in so I'm gonna come over here to plugins click on add new and then we're gonna search for all in one WP migration alright so here it is I'm going to click install and then activate excellent so now our plugin is on both sides it's on the site that has our complete website and then it's also here on our blank website now let me mention one more thing even if you have a website on the server that has a few pages on it you can actually override that website with your upload so let's go ahead and do this now so right now this is the website in fact let's go back here and I can show you quickly what we're going to be exporting so this is our website right here so we're going to export this on to a different server ok so I'm gonna close this here so what you want to do is to come over here to export okay so you click you click on export - okay so here we have several options to export - so we have file FTP Dropbox and so on now to keep things simple I'm just gonna click on file the rest of the options here for Dropbox Google Drive Amazon and so on these are for the paid option so I'm gonna click on file and now automatically this is starting to compile all the files ok so now we can see that our download is complete so all I have to do now is to click on download WP use a TV local right so this is going to be downloaded onto my computer to my downloads folder excellent so now my download is complete the next thing I'm gonna do now is to close this and then I'm gonna go to the site where I need to upload this website to so in this case this could be your new host ok so I'm gonna click here on the new website so again let me just show you quickly this is our default WordPress install so you can see here it's got nothing on it but as I mentioned before this could be a website with some pages on it and if you import this website it will override those files so what I'm gonna do now is to come over here to only one WP migration now this time I wanted to import so I'm gonna click on import import from so I can either drag and drop it from there but now I know I downloaded my file onto my downloads folder so I'm just going to click on file and then we can see here that this is the file in my downloads folder I just will double click on it and now it's or it's uploading now if you have a large website this process may take a bit long but in our case I only have a few pages and a few plugins so let's go ahead now and close but before I close let me just read here what it says it says you must save your permalink structure twice ok and then optionally review the plug-in ok so I'm gonna close this and then we're gonna go to our permalinks and just make sure everything is working fine so I'm gonna come over here to settings click on permalinks so now it's logged me out I have to log back in okay now just to remind you the username and password you're going to log in here is the username and password of the website you exported from so this overrides the password that you have on that current default WordPress install okay so I'm gonna log in now right so right now I'm on my permalinks so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna come over here to post name and then just make sure I just click Save Changes excellent right so now that I've saved everything all my plugins and everything that I've exported from the other website should be working fine so it'll so this is the moment of truth so I'm gonna come over here click on visit site and voila everything has been exported no problems no errors okay now just to show you that all the plugins and all the themes have been uploaded I'm just gonna show you and compare the two websites so just to show you again over here you can see we this is Mac dot local this is the domain which had the default WordPress install okay and then WP use a TV dot local this is the website which we exported from so if I come over here to plugins click on installed plugins we can see here that we have four plugins and then if I come over here to the one that we've just exported to if I click on dashboard click on install the plugins we can see here that this is an exact replica so this is the easiest way you can migrate your website and like I said in the beginning I've tried several options and this is by far the easiest I've never had any problems with this in fact over the weekend I've been migrating all my science from one hosting company to a different hosting company and this is the process that I used so one point to note if you have a website that's really big what you need to do is to buy the paid version so the paid version allows you to export you know your massive website to your hosting company or whatever you want to do and the other thing about this plug-in as well is you can use this as a backup option so you can just export your files save them in a folder and that becomes your backup so that's all I have for you today thank you very much for watching if you like this video don't forget to subscribe and also hit the bell notification by doing so you'll be notified every time I release new videos until next time thanks for watching and see you soon
Channel: MAK
Views: 90,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All in one WP Migration, copy wordpress site to new host, move wordpress website, transfer wordpress site to new host, migrate wordpress site, move wordpress site to new domain, how to migrate wordpress site, How to copy wordpress site to new host, copy wordpress site to new domain, copy wordpress site to new server, migrate wordpress site to new host, move entire wordpress site to new host, move wordpress site to new host, Moving wordpress site to new domain
Id: QuV_ZMq1D2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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