How To Transfer your Website and Email Account To A Different Webhosting Provider

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hi guys my name is Freddie cork sook and in this video I want to show you how to transfer a complete workers website to a different web hosting provider maybe your site is slow maybe you don't like the service of your web hosting company maybe there's other reasons and you want to transfer your website to a different web browser I will show you step-by-step how it is done first we will backup your website they will make a backup of your email address your incoming and your outgoing emails then we will transfer your domain we get web hosting at a new web hosting company and we will configure your web site as it is right now on your different web hosting provider so let's get started with backing up your web site I want to transfer the core media right now it's at Hostgator and I want to send it to side rounds so I log in WP admin and I want to install a plug-in which is called all-in-one WP migration I go to plugins add new and I search for all-in-one WP migration it's a really nice tool that will help you to make a complete backup of your website with all the files and the database I click on Install Now and I activate it then I scroll down over here and I go to all a one migration and I click on export export to sell now it will prepare to export and here it is I can download it so I click over here you see it is downloading right now I close this now I go to my account email and I go to this email thank you for choosing Hostgator so I go to my portal and click over here I can log in with in fact for the corpse you can with this password and you see here I have 30 quark media I need to renew it in November and go to domains and here it is very Corp media right now it is locked when it is locked you cannot transfer your domain if you get a domain name you need to keep it at least for 60 days at the same place well this is after 60 days so I click on the Settings over here and it says locked I change it and I turn it off my safe domain locking now I can request an e PP key with that key I can transfer my domain so I request my EPP key and this is the code so one more thing I go to my email accounts through McNeal and here's my free report email account that I want to copy I want to make a backup of this just in case and I want to implement all those emails into a new account at side round so I do a right mouse-click Unferth work on my inbox we say export new box I go to the desktop moving fairly port media and I say email backup I choose it and do export now and I do the same for my outbox by sent emails here fairly curved media just a few emails right mouse click export mailbox and I put it all so over here as I choose so now we made a backup of our WordPress website with only one migration we unlocked the transfer and we have our EPP code that we need to transfer our domain to a different web browser let's go to side ground let's go to web hosting 1 to 5 calm and here we arrive at site ground web hosting profit for superior experience I have a great experience with 5-pound I was at Hostgator really good service really fast web sites the only thing I don't like is that you get a lot of spam emails and you don't get at with diagram if you start with your first website use startup that's it if you want to create more web sites later you can upgrade your account to grow big but right now this is great you get a 50% of discount 395 per month it's a really good price and you get really fast website with a great service when I moved fairly curb so calm I had three big questions and I started to chat three times three times they helped me really good so I was so happy with them and I was like yes is a web hosting provider I can promote for other people so start up one website ding gigabytes of web space you can have 10,000 visits per month and if you get more you should be happy they can upgrade and then you get 25,000 visits monthly and you can go beak if you want to and if you really have a lot of visitors so let's start with this one get started and we already have a domain which is further cord media if you don't have that then register a new domain if you would say Facebook press ENTER it would say this invaded domain but if you want to have a new one further Corp 15 it would say that it is possible I want to go back and I want to say I already have a domain which is fairly Corp so I proceed my email address for this course with a gmail I have to create a password and from the Netherlands fill in those details that registration number if you fill this in you don't get a discount that you pay less because your company I scroll down I can pay with ideal that's the Dutch payment method I go for credit card my billing address is the same as given in the contact information I have started a data centers in Amsterdam I can choose a different one I could say Chicago because my website is for English people period I can say trial for one month I would not do that I go for 12 months and I pay 395 per month which is really cheap in my opinion it's free I don't want to have a site scanner like and a 47 year old 40 I confirm everything and I pay now your account was successfully created you can login into your customer area and start managing your website right away so I can proceed to the customer area you also get an email with your details which will login details and says welcome to side grounds account setup wizard start a new website at free record media transfer an existing website at vertical media and they can do it for you I want to do it myself so I say no thank you and only I say proceed and Here I am it can take a couple of hours maybe two days before your transfer is completed but what we can do already is go to my account go to the cPanel and access the cPanel here I can click on WordPress auto installer and I can say install now you can use your protocol I like this one fairly curved media I can choose a directory for instance ready for media /nu that I will leave it blank because I want it to be at 30 court mediacom site name actually that doesn't matter because we will import our backup from our old Freddie curve calm so I leave it my username my password my admin email my language and this I'll leave it all as it is I say install so probably when you go to further curved media right now it's still the old website as you see over here so we need to do one more thing I need to go to my email address where I sign up with and side round and here are a few emails from side round and I click on this one important information about your new hosting account I scroll down and login details and it says don't forget to update your DNS settings you have indicated that you'll use a new account with an already registered domain name so we need to go to Hostgator again here is the name server you can say change now I go to my email I grab this one I place it over here and this one copy it and paste it what this will do it will say the domain fee record media will link to the web hosting that is at this server and this is a server upside ground so it will take a while and then our new website will be seen at for the core media and then we can pull back our backup from our old web hosting so it's safe now it can take well so we will wait and now then I will refresh my website and I will tell you how long it will take so it is now 2 hours later and I want to refresh it and see if my website is transferred i refresh it you see it is transferred within 2 hours so that's really nice what I need to do now I need to log in so I go to forge slash WP dash admin and I will log in and see the website is completely new so what I want to do article 2 plugins add new search for all-in-one WP migration I install it now I activate it and I want to go to oh a one WP migration just to make sure I want to remove all the plugins except for all in one and I say the excavatum apply select them all except for all in one and delete them apply there they go I don't see jetpack and all that stuff I go to om1 import import from cell we're going to grab the cell we exported from our old 30 core media so I go to my downloads and here it is further Corp media I open it and it's going to import this can take a few minutes so we're going to wait I'm going to fast forward it will overwrite everything I'm ok with it so I say continue I need to go to permalink settings I close this and I go to settings permalinks I need to log in again and I need to select post name scroll down save the changes and again scroll down and save the changes right now if you go to freddy core media it is our same website but now on a different website I can go to a different page if you want to learn how to create this website click here what I need to do now I need to go to my email and I need to create a new email account the same one as before and put all my old emails in there it is info at Freddy core media so I go to the cPanel I go to my account to cPanel procede I scroll down and I go to email accounts and I want to create a new one which is info I create a password repeat the password and I want to have a thousand megabytes I create the account and then I go to more configure email client I scroll down and I need to create a new email account I will do that with MacNeill here you see my old email address and ichael to mil accounts at accounts it is an other new account continue 30 core media new infrared 30 Corp I password I just created sign in and it needs some more information so I go to the cPanel again and I copy the incoming server and the outgoing service exactly the same so I need to paste it twice one time a second time infrared Accord media I copy it and I use it as my username to start with and I say sign in it is IMAP I don't want to sync notes only the mill so I say done and here it is further core media I go to mail accounts and I go to this one I copy this name I paste it over here I close this and I was called 30 core media new now go to fury core media I say command a I hold alt on my neck and I copy them to my new server like that there we go the same with my send emails from further core medium at my old address and select them all hold alt and I drag them to a new sent email I can also select File import mailboxes Apple Mail continue and get my inbox which I exported or my outbox tracking news also this way and now if I go to the cPanel again Michael to the last page I can click on more and access webmail you see it's info at free record media and there there are all my emails so this one is highlighted and it's also highlighted over here if I would uncheck this highlight and refresh it it will also be unchecked over here so that's how it works with IMAP really nice and it do one more thing so I go back to my account and over here I see for record media I did not transfer this domain yet I'm just linking it to this web hosting from Hostgator so I want to transfer it so I click on transfer I confirm everything and I say check domain status over here I need my e PP code I save it so it's over here I copy it you can find it at your house get a portal or the portal where your web hosting is I place it do you have access to this email yes this is all ok and it cost me around $12 I pay now now I need to go to the email address that was attached to whole Gator which is this one and here it's a side round domain services transfer request for vertical media I need to scroll down please go to our website and approve or decline so I click over here and I have to say I agree that this transfer will be authorized here it is transfer code submit request a transfer request will be submitted and cannot take up to seven days but it is already linked to your web hosting so it should be fine and there is how it is done so what we have done we have created our complete workers website to a different web hosting account within a day I think a really nice accomplishment we did not lose anything we have the same website where the same address with all the emails we had in our last email address and now we have better web hosting so thank you for watching this video if you have any question please leave a comment feel free to like this video subscribe for more upcoming videos and then you will see me next time bye bye
Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
Views: 49,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transfer, transfer wordpress, website, move wordpress, transfer domain, domain, move wordpress website, transfer wordpress website, wordpress migration, web hosting service, Transfer email address, migrate wordpress site, wordpress, move wordpress site to new domain, move entire wordpress site to new host, create wordpress backup, wp clone, how to transfer entire wordpress site to new host, migrate wordpress site to new host, copy wordpress site to new domain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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