Moving Shipping Containers The “EASY WAY!” Conex Box Tongue Fabrication and Wheel Hubs

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well that turned out amazing couldn't ask for any better than that oh welcome back toe racing we're gonna move some shipping containers today and so to do to do that uh we're gonna have to fabricate a tongue for the front of a shipping container so all these containers we have five of them to move we're just going to do one today this is the most difficult of the five um but they're all 40 foot uh containers the one we're moving today is a standard height container the rest of them will be high Cube containers so I am making a tongue that will bolt onto the front of the trailer using the factory equipped corners on the shipping container and I have a special little attachment that will attach them uh to to those big oval holes on those I know we'll show you those here in a second I am choosing to stick weld this for 7018 um just just so that I can get better penetration on this um I'm a little skeptical on how well this is going to uh how if this is going to be rigid enough for the front uh just having those plates on the end the tube itself is a I think it's a five by six Rec tube uh 3 8 wall so it's it's a very heavy tube the tube isn't the problem I worry about the corners themselves all right so I am putting a very short tongue on this so that I can push it around with a bobcat um I'm a little at this point skeptical on whether this is going to be strong enough uh the corners are going to be strong enough to not twist with the weight of the container on there so um at this point I was putting a short one on um that will work with the skid steer but unfortunately two of the containers that we need to move up a hill I don't trust the skid steer to do it because the container and the skid steers actually weigh about the same my skid steer weighs 9000 pounds and the containers weigh 9 000 pounds so I don't want to try to do anything too crazy with skid steer uh in the possibility that it could get overpowered by the container itself so this is a little S10 drag truck that's a future project for death toll racing as well as this little Honda Civic that we're going to be picking up here next um this one I want to put on an S2000 chassis so let me know what you think about that because I think it would be really cool show you what I got going on with my wheels and then we'll get to the tongue beat the sauce build earlier so what this thing is [Music] is it it's an adapter that a guy had made on and he sells them online on and I'll put a link to the to these um I believe it's the same guy still but it uses an eight Lug spindle and has a spindle on it and it has this that's supposed to go into the corners and then you rotate it and then you lock it out with these bolts it just keeps it from uh that keeps it pulled out so it can't rotate because the way those cab corners work you have to push it all the way in rotate it and then pull it out and kind of locks in but at the time I didn't have anything that could lift half of a half of a shipping container so I had to I see some gold under the shipping container I think is that is that shiny thing they're like eggs of something I really like going under the shipping container but anyway I just saw those out of the corner of my eye so anyway foreign I made this and this fits exactly in between the lacrosse members underneath the shipping container which are basically in the indents here so there's a cross member here there's a cross member here you can see the welds on them so this is this fits exactly in there I don't think you could actually see what I was just pointing out what you can see that your wife brought you a locust cider yeah sponsored by nobody I wish it was Locust cider most critical part that is this guy this d-ring so we take once we put the shipping container on here just to make sure that if we were to hit a bump or something um that the wheel doesn't fall out from under I just throw a strap over the container it's pulling up on these it just keeps these lifted up to the container in case for some reason these go to Airborne maybe I bought them out or whatever so that's kind of the plan with those oh forget it hey what's up it's fresh okay so this bracket it's just three of these ovals one of them has key stocks so it'll lock like that and so what's going to happen all right guys I didn't do a good job explaining how my little Contraption here works and all it does essentially is it fits through there and then it locks in and there's no way that that can come out as long as it's tight and that's the whole point of those key stocks nothing came loose when we moved this um I gotta now I gotta get it back out getting it out isn't as easy as getting it in that's what she said nothing came loose while we did this um and and uh everything stayed really nice and tight and so there is some changes I'm going to make to our hitch but it doesn't have anything to do with how this works putting it together is a little a little challenging it's just uh the the hitch is really heavy um and and getting it together isn't the easiest thing in the world but it's not it's not terribly difficult either it's just it just takes a little bit of finesse um so the reason I have everything so tight um these are these are real tight on the bolt um is because if it's loose if if say this was just a bolt with like a washer on there if I just had this going in on the other side it's just point loading right at the top of the bolt um and then and that's going to cause uh more stress on the bolt more stress on everything um and the likelihood of it coming loose is going to be uh drastically increased so by keeping everything tight with with really close tolerances it puts the load all the way across the top because it's tight so if that hole were bigger it would just be only hitting at the top and since they're the so close together uh it hits around the whole top so it just makes your bolt that much stronger and and it'll keep everything from coming loose good answer thank you okay and then just I'm doing a little safety check here and making sure that uh the tongue's not going to break off the front um it actually seems extremely rigid surprisingly all right so I have my wheels at about a third of the way down the trailer so that for the container um so that puts probably 3 500 pounds or so on the tongue um and that's quite a bit to be doing with skid steer so uh it's probably about the max I could do with this thing um it actually worked out quite well but moving them more towards the middle makes it a little harder to manage positioning it uh because it's kind of odd having the wheels all the way at the back corner would probably be ideal for you know really being picky on where you're placing it but you'd have to have something to pick up the other half so um here's me concentrating I don't know what's gonna happen I'm afraid that uh the skid steer is just going to fall on this nose that's why I kind of look like I'm puckered a little bit whoa whoa yes I shouldn't be watching you this is me walking walking walking walking no well now it's just fine run hurry up conduct through the gate I think you're gonna hit dirt here all right the battery died but here's what went down we we couldn't make it work with the tractor so if you haven't attached it to the bobcat and then the Bobcat he drug it all the way across the property which is pretty impressive uphills downhills in ditches the whole nine we got the front end to kind of where we wanted it so now the plan is hey Gavin I'm narrating for you okay all right so now the plan is that we put the tractor down here in case the container that is haphazardly and chaotically just set here uh now at least it can't roll away um So the plan right now we are going to take off the tires um we are going to set it on the ground and buffer it with the tractor and then we're gonna just like push it around chaotically until it goes where we want it to so yeah this front end of the tractor's on needs to move over about the width of the container so eight feet or so but we need to get the wheels off first so we don't break them while we're trying while we're muscling around plus less likelihood of it rolling away yeah so I just want the whole damn project to be over with because this is exhausting I don't know how Gavin does this all day every day I'ma just go back to work and deal with the public and sell dog food oh yeah I forgot my keys uh well now you can see what the strap does so if it were to bottom out the wheels just fall right off so the wheel the strap just holds them up to the container so that they're there when the weight gets back on them uh so moving it around actually Is tragically easy with this with the with this tractor this thing I don't you know it's funny when I was looking at these tractors the rating on it isn't high at all um and I haven't found anything that the thing won't pick up or break when you when you're moving it around uh so the the thing is just an amazing tractor but um and this little skid steer is pretty good too but it does definitely has its limitations just on weight and counterweight and all that fun stuff all right so the container is a little crooked so I need to level it out and the backhoe part just picks it up uh pretty easy so I just used a chain you couldn't really see what I did but I just wrapped a chain there's a hook on the back side of the of the boom uh and I just wrapped a chain around it and through the corners all right guys so here is my ghetto fabulous uh way I'm gonna do this um mainly I want this thing exactly where it's going to be when I pour the concrete because I don't want to try to one I don't have a month to wait for the concrete to get fully hard so I want this thing basically sitting on its own weight before we pour so what I did is I got an inch and a half all thread going into those blocks and then I welded a washer to the top of them and I'm going to weld the washer to the corners of the of the shipping container and I know this works and I Know It lifts them because I've actually I actually had these things sitting on this at the other house where it was nice and flat I just had those things dug into the ground and that's how I leveled them out and it worked really good and it never had a problem and it sat that way for years but um here is is a different scenario it's a lot sketchier so I'm doing it like this then I'm going to weld once I get everything all exactly positioned I'm going to weld rebar across my studs my all thread and then also reinforce this I got to dig this out a little farther because I'm going to bore a pretty big footing under it I'll probably just pour it here for now and then we'll pour the rest of this pad later but I want to get like the structural stuff done first so then I'm going to pour that basically up to the bottom the container actually has to go down about an inch from where it's at um we'll pour the concrete right up to the bottom of it um but it'll be a slight Gap just enough to get my trowel under it um and then we'll we'll trowel that all out and that will hopefully look real good um and I think it'll be strong especially with that rebar how to if I didn't put the rebar from all thread to all thread I'm afraid that these uh basically those posts would just the blocks would just start pushing down because they want to actually adhere to the concrete um so while the weight uh would then just push down the container would basically end up just sitting on the concrete which isn't that big of a deal but I would like it to be supported more evenly distributed across there so and that's where all that rebar and stuff is going to come into play and I think it's going to work but maybe it won't I don't know um this end is the easy end I'll show you the other end okay so this is the sketchy end so on this end we're gonna we have six inch square tube which is what this is uh and that's going to continue down then there's going to be a cross piece and then another one down there then we're going to weld rebar and everything to our legs in there uh fill this up to concrete probably just to here and then we'll end up back filling it up uh it's gonna be about to here so there'll be a couple feet of of six inch square tubes sticking out all right so I got uh some rims of six inch square tube so I'm taking just enough for what I need off each one um and then the other ones are going to be our gate posts so we're going to make a wrought iron gate um later I'm not exactly sure where they're even gonna go yet uh or if I'm in our multiple Gates or whatever but either way uh we have posts now and now I got to figure out where they're gonna go so that uh I don't just have them sitting around um what I'm doing here is I'm just cutting a piece of sheet metal so that I can weld it on the top so that the posts don't fill with water so um because the the cab corners are the corners on the shipping container are um you know they have the big oval holes in them so water technically would end up filling that uh post full of water and uh I don't want that and then it'll freeze and and uh expand and blow the pipe out so or the tube out so uh now I'm just holding it up with just enough tension uh so that it'll hold it there and get anything all level and then I welded it on uh which I did not film I thought I did but apparently I didn't um and now I'm using our Mud Mixer which is the handiest tool in the history of the world um it makes Mixing concrete so easy it does the mixing for you so you just pour the dry bag in uh it has an auger and it just poops it out uh nice and mixed um you can adjust how wet or dry the mix is via a little valve on it there's a full review on our other channel of this Mud Mixer assembling and our review and learning how to do concrete with it on our other channel it's called the Browns build stuff so check that out um I was actually hesitant on which channel to put this on whether it be on the death toll Channel or on the Browns build stuff Channel um I decided this one um but we'll we'll see so um anyway so this is just formed up for our pad for uh making it just so we were walking in and out of it on concrete um I just dropped rebar in after the fact instead of trying to suspend it and everything else in there um I am not a concrete expert by any stretch of the imagination uh but uh believe it or not it actually usually turns out pretty good so well that turned out amazing couldn't ask for any better than that oh it's all right we can fix it [Applause] okay so I have to grind grooves in my new concrete um it doesn't actually grind yet because it's only about 12 hours old so I just kind of carved out a trough and then once the concrete dries fully I will um go back and grind it so it's a smoother smoother trough but uh that was kind of annoying we actually test swung the door before we pour that I'm not really sure where we went wrong there but uh I I think I think it's it's what hits is just the latch on the door and I thought about rebuilding the latch and doing a different style latch but uh it's just it just wasn't worth it I did I just grind a Groove it's not the end of the world all right so that's gonna do it for this one uh so there it is kind of complete I still have the Jacks holding up weight I don't want to put any weight on this concrete for as long as possible um and let it dry it's not full strength for I think it says 28 days or something I think it's going to be a little faster here because the ground's so dry right now um but uh the longer I can leave those Jacks there the better there's rebar and all that stuff I don't know if you can see it I think my camera was kind of low um but there's I welded a bunch of rebar around that post so that it won't just try to push through the concrete um so we we will see uh once that happens I I have no no fear in it sinking but I just wanted to let the concrete set up for as long as possible so this isn't done we're going to address this again next next year probably um this is going to get siding uh it's going to get siding it's going to get a roof it's going to get all that stuff so it won't look like a shipping container anymore but that's all coming up in the future uh because I I'm not I'm not gonna have time to do that this year because I want to try to get all these containers moved before uh the weather doesn't cooperate anymore uh but here's the inside the inside turned out uh pretty cool so I'm calling it my library um I am going to put lights down the middle the lights right now are on the side which doesn't it worked before but it doesn't work with the way the shelves are in here I used to have shelves just on this one side so it was pointing down them uh and it worked really well but that was kind of like the walkway but I don't obviously have it that way anymore so interiors and then the rest of this is all car parts for projects for death toll racing um that are that are all upcoming oh fun stuff so the shop is a complete disaster I couldn't do anything in here if I wanted to um so this used to have all shelving with those bins um it was oh it worked and it was okay looking but uh I want to clean it up so it just to finish this look um so that's how this is gonna be down here Aquila is going to come do some hemming on our flag so I got these cabinets moved in here those I just had kind of stuffed in the corner um and then there's going to be a big belt sander here I'm going to try to finish off my like material processing uh basically is going to be this area so the saw is there that's all mounted um and then I got my rollers and all that stuff and then the material will come straight off of our rack right on in and down so uh it's just going to streamline uh our builds a little faster since I do everything by myself right now I need everything anytime you have to spend more than a minute or two um it starts adding up really really bad and it makes it just a total hassle uh to to try to do some builds so I I want to start getting into some of the builds that we have coming up are going to be very involved a ton of Fab and a ton of stuff like that so I really really want to get everything straight streamlined have everything all set up so that I can just wham bam knock everything out the lathe is going to be the Gunsmithing lathe is going to be back in there so that'll be kind of like a cleaner room with tire machine and all that stuff but I'm only going to be doing new new tires and stuff on that it's not for letting people come over and destroy it with their Sears Roebuck tires anymore that's uh unfortunately a tire machine you think a flatbed trailer is bad get yourself a tire machine and you and you'll be amazed all the friends that come out of the woodwork needing to use that thing
Channel: Death Toll Racing
Views: 25,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conex, connex, shipping containers, shed, fabrication, fab, trailer, skid steer, jcb, mudmixer, concrete, 7018, hacks, moving shipping container, wheels kit shipping container, construction maison container, transport container maritime, deplacer container maritime, towing containers, mover contenadores maritimo, maritime Container bewegen, kit roues container maritime, shipping container accessory, shipping container trailer, shipping container construction, container dollies
Id: uLr1c-9MuFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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