Moving hoop won't let you miss

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Must be nice to have unlimited access to plasma cutters and the works. Would love a shop like that

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/pwnstar 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

This dude is clever as fuck

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/fuk_ur_mum_m8 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love it when she actually Kobed the first shot.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/mellowconundrum 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Unwanted haircut is assault, say judges" just hanging out on his third monitor.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BEEF_WIENERS 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love this guy's videos and channel!

He always thinks of something bizarre but creative to create, and manages to not be obnoxious in the process (like Michael Reeves or William Osman know how to be sometimes).

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MadHatter69 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

This made me miss Grant Imahara

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Ganglebot 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Throw the ball the opposite direction, easy 100 dollars.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/tokedalot 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

What if you put a spin on the ball so that when it hits the back board it goes off sideways?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Trobasaurasrex 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Its 2020 and you still want me to throw the ball? come on dude you gotta make the hoop come to me.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SpecularBlinky 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
i've made two basketball hoops that seriously improve your game they're fun but they both have this fatal flaw the ball doesn't go in if you entirely miss the hoop and i mean come on it's 20 20. i shouldn't have to be good at anything so the problem is that the ball is over here and the hoop is over here i'm building a hoop that always goes to where the ball is going so that even if you miss entirely it's going to go in even if you shoot blindfolded heck blindfolded backwards in the dark doesn't matter and like my previous hoop there's unlimited opportunities to torment my wife all right here's my game plan i'm going to point this connect which is a 3d sensing camera at this giant wall i'm going to write software that will track whenever i throw a ball and it will figure out where the ball is going to hit on the wall i'm going to build a basketball hoop that i can move wherever the ball is going to go and it's going to do all that between the time the ball leaves my hand and strikes the wall i know i say this every time but this was a really hard project it just did not want to work everything that could break broke it just really was a lot harder than i was anticipating oh my gosh [Music] how i intend this all to come together will be a lot easier to explain with the actual hoop so let's get it made there are tons of plasma cut and folded sheet metal parts on this machine it's just so easy and fast that's half of the rail for the x-axis these are how i make one long carbon fiber rod out of two all the wheels and pulleys are printed on a form three these are composite pulleys so the part that needs to be strong is machined and then the rest is 3d printed french cleat is awesome you can rearrange your shop in just a few minutes turmock24r coming in handy normally two rails this far apart would be what you do when you hate yourself but my mounts are spring-loaded so alignment isn't very critical it is not supposed to do that or that the system was having a tough day this thing is gigantic it looked so much smaller on the computer it's also kind of a weird design like my dog is designed for one thing and one thing only speed the design is optimized so the minimum amount of stuff moves and it's as light as possible i'll be making an extremely light composite backboard and hoop which will be mounted on this ridiculously over engineered super light frame which is on these incredibly light carbon fiber tubes which are driven by belts from these extremely heavy but stationary motors here's a really quick demo to give you an intuitive feel for why this matters i built this little cart it has bearings so very low friction it's gonna be pulled by a constant force by this belt which is attached to a bucket with weights in it here's the car with five pounds on it and here's the car with 20 pounds on it this is why lighter is so much better for this system this little cart is also the world's best banana peel hey come check this out oh no watch out these motors i'm using have incredible torque which means they can yank on these belts super hard and super fast which is going to accelerate the hoop like a bullet and things are probably going to get pretty violent i'm really worried about breaking a belt especially this one that i spliced together like a total noob i just couldn't get one long enough there's another interesting complication on this robot which is tilting the hoop and you might be wondering why do i need to tilt the hoop i can move it anywhere on the wall shouldn't i be able to direct any shot in i actually can't there's a variety of shots that won't go in no matter where i place the hoop if i throw the ball really hard at the hoop it's not going to fall down into the hoop if i want the line drive to go into the hoop i need to tilt it down so that it directs the ball down into the hoop getting the system to tilt is responsible for a lot of these ugly belts the reason i have all these belts is to keep my pants up otherwise they'll fall down and what in the world am i reading he asked me for help with his script what was he thinking the real reason i have all these belts is because i need the motors to be stationary they're way too heavy to move around quickly so i'm transferring all their power with belts to move the hoop i have one continuous belt this is the really long one that's just waiting to explode in my face it's interesting because the final position of the cart is a combination of the position of both motors for example if i want to move the cart to the right i rotate both motors in opposite directions the backboard has two belts attached to it one at the top and one at the bottom to make it tilt you pull on one of them and push on the other the tilt motor follows this t-shaped path and connects to the second motor up top the tricky thing about this arrangement is that the angle of the hoop is coupled to the position of the cart if i pull the car up the hoop points down and if i pull the car down the hoop points up and if i take things too far stuff's gonna break if i move the tilt motor it tilts and if i move the position motors it also tilts so what i have to do is drive them together in the same direction and it won't tilt if i want it to tilt i'll basically drive the belts different amounts and then that'll give me a resulting tilt having all three motor positions coupled in this way is a bit annoying but it allows me to build the system in a very light way figuring out how to rotate the motors isn't as bad as you might think you can write it all out as a pretty simple system of linear equations and then you can write that as a matrix and solve it directly without any equation manipulation if you're wondering why you might want to know linear algebra this is one of the very useful applications of it there's some other pretty cool things about this design every pulley and idler is 3d printed i didn't buy any most of the construction is sheet metal which is really fast to make the sliding frame is stiffened by these tensioned steel cables they make it several thousand times stiffer than it would be without them i have these spring loaded followers so i don't have to line the rails precisely and a bunch of stuff i'm dom time to get into the ball tracking software works in a similar way to my previous hoop if you want to see how it works you can check out the previous video i did rewrite it to fix some of the bigger issues and it did take me several days of straight programming too bad it makes for boring video all right it's got my software on here it's draft one gonna give it just a five millimeter move to make sure everything's working let's try again oh what the heck the belt was a bit loose because i was afraid of breaking my terrible splice and that let it jump off the pulley all right everything's back together let's try the five millimeter move again [Music] exactly what i was afraid is gonna happen just happened the belt ripped apart where i stitched it together hopefully i can make one that will survive otherwise totally hosed all right it only took me seven tries i'm getting pretty good at this i was in integration hell fixing all the software and mechanical system issues for a long time for days there were a lot of problems the wounds are still fresh so we're gonna just kind of gloss over this we're especially not gonna talk about how the cart would follow an l-shape rather than a diagonal line and how i walked over eight miles in my own house going up and down the stairs trying to fix it it's done and that's all that matters it took quite a while to get here but let's just move it to see if it works looks good enough to me i'm going to sleep it is really late i want to test the system out for real throwing balls but there's this tricky problem which is that the connect which is the 3d camera it's mounted up here it's looking out at the hoop in the room but it doesn't actually know which way is up or how it's angled or where the wall is or where the hoop is all it tells me is that this point in the picture is this far from the camera to predict where the ball is going to go and where to move the hoop i have to know where the connect is relative to everything to deal with this issue i made a calibration program it takes an image from the connect this represents how far everything it sees is from the camera so what you do is you just paint where the wall is so you do the same thing for the floor and then you select where the center of the backboard base is so now the hoop knows where the connect is relative to the wall and everything's gonna be very accurate i wrote this program to avoid measuring everything by hand which probably would have taken about two hours maybe this took a whole day so the big question is if this is worth it or not oh come on is that even a question all right it's time to test it out it says it hit there which it did so why no moving i think i hear it moving it's moving really slowly all right my calibration thought that a millimeter was a meter and that the world was upside down and a few other things that happen when you write code like this but i think i have it all sorted now sweet how cool is that seeing this thing intercept the ball is like the best feeling ever but it's only half the system i still need a backboard that can tilt with a rim on it i've been testing without it because the way the belts interact i didn't want to be crashing all the time with the hoop so i've just put off making it let's get that made and then take it to the next level i'm making it a super light fiberglass and foam i machine the backboard core on my tormach 24r it makes it really easy to get these inserts in the right spots [Music] this backboard turned out awesome it's foam core with fiberglass reinforcement that makes it really really stiff but light the reason i made this aluminum rim is that the stock one is incredibly heavy steel and this is about four to five times lighter than the backboard plus rim if that isn't the coolest thing you've ever seen wow this thing is so much fun i've gotta have my wife try this out hey wife all right here to be pranked why would i prank you yeah is it not supposed to be like that oh yeah what [Music] all right give it a shot that definitely had to be a fluke [Music] ah it all makes sense now so it's doing the cross product yeah that's basically what does it i thought she liked programming you know what even losing this hoop is a pleasure now i can really make it rain the soup is so cool it is really satisfying to see it working for a while there i thought it wasn't going to work sometimes it just does completely wrong thing it sometimes thinks my head is a ball i need to look into the code because my optimizer keeps trying to switch the shot rather than bounce it off the backboard which isn't the best strategy because it's more sensitive to error in my estimated trajectory in other words it hits the rim backwards blindfolded in the dark [Music] for my next video i'm planning to make the next version of this bat i really want to break the record and i have a metal bat which should help me withstand the stresses and i talked a lot about powering it with three shells then i realized i have four shells so why not four one more should be really good twice as powerful as before so that's the plan if you like what i do you should consider subscribing it helps me out and it also helps you out because you'll get notified when i have new videos like this back the other way you can help out is by checking out any sponsors i have on the videos if i have any so i was looking at my head and it reminded me of the sponsor today's video keeps you may think my haircut robot's your only risk of hair loss but you'd be wrong i'm not going bald me either well the stats would really beg to differ two out of the three of us will probably have some hair loss by the time we're 35. what then what are we gonna do the best thing to do is get ahead of the problem while you still have hair aren't the treatments super expensive i spend all my money on tools well you're in luck because keeps offers generic versions of the only two fda approved hair loss treatments so even if you spent all your money on tools you can still afford it it's also super easy to get you can visit a doctor online and they'll mail it directly to your house so there's this old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of hair because i think that's how it goes my point is that it's a lot easier to prevent hair loss when you still have hair and it can take four to six months for keeps to start showing results so you should act now while you still got some hairs left on your head so if you're ready to take action to prevent hair loss go to stuffmade here or click on the link in description to get 50 off your first order that's k-e-e-p-s dot com slash stuff made here
Channel: Stuff Made Here
Views: 18,683,133
Rating: 4.955658 out of 5
Keywords: basketball, basketball hoop, sheet metal bending, score, swoosh, homemade basketball, homemade basketball backboard, build, shop, python, computational goemetry, programming, optimization, rebound, basketball shooting, How to make basketball hoop, optimization techniques, how to make a basketball hoop, backboard, Diy basketball hoop, robot, robotics, computer vision, kinect, basketball robot, quadratic equation, inverse kinematics, engineering, technology, increduble inventions
Id: myO8fxhDRW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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