Explosive axe is seriously cool

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Damn production value went up by a lot

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/KingMushroomIV 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

The voiceover stuff was a little weird.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gn0w1 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
i made an explosive bat to hit record distance baseballs but all i can think about is what would happen if it hit my face i think it'd be pretty bad but this is not the only question that i have what if i converted it into a golf club could i out drive a pro or maybe even hit a distance record or what if i attach an axe head to it would that be as unnecessarily awesome as it sounds if you haven't seen the video on making and testing this bat i'll put a link here so this bat is full of mysteries and i think it's about time that we crushed them welcome to our value brand engineering mystery show we have a bat that is full of mysteries that just need to be solved you've seen me load this bat right it's freaky imagine that i'm loading it like an idiot i can't imagine that so i put four shells in and then i shove it down like one of those acme dynamite boxes and then it just blows i don't think you'd have any hands left like a bone like the chicken drumstick end or something that's horrifying i want to know just how bad it would be well i think it should be pretty easy to test you just need to find some stuff that's squishy like a human you call me squishy no we've raided the pantry and we found lots of squishy biological things that are kind of like humans in a way time to crunch some mysteries see apple is mostly water and it has a skin it's basically him so i thought oh an apple that's a nice easy warm-up we'll get to see some destruction no i felt like i was in an infinite loop trying to make this bat fire with an apple come on come on so there seems to be two really important things for setting off the bat the apple is lighter than the baseball not a ton but it's lighter having enough mass to push the piston in we think that that's part of why the apple's having a hard time setting the system off the other thing is how hard it is as the piston compresses and then hits the shells when the piston stops it's kind of like the baseball hitting a wall so you get a nice kick when you feel an apple it's pretty hard but the bat hits it so hard the apple just immediately caves in and starts to turn into applesauce it means the apple is a lot softer when it bottoms out it's like trying to stop applesauce there's no kick i made a bunch of small changes to the system to make it lighter and smoother and less friction and i seem to just barely be able to hit an apple now yes finally oh man that made a mess it does not want to fire it doesn't fire easily does that mean it's safe i don't think so look at this it's crazy this is the fastest way i could get something that is sort of like a hand i've been trying to find a way to trigger the bat with the bananas because the idea isn't that the bat hits my hand like a baseball it's that it goes off when i'm pushing it down so what i come up with is i'm gonna yank on it with a string when it goes off it'll just immediately break the string the vast majority of the energy will go into bananas three two one [Music] so if your hands are made of bananas i think it's fair to say you don't want to get them hit by this bat you know i think he was right a whole lot left so this is a bit closer in size and weight to my head and it's white that is also true so this bat is lethal that's so scary yeah if your body is frail like a piece of fruit you don't want to come anywhere near this thing keep it away from nursing homes for sure my hand is obviously a lot tougher than a banana right that's why it's always covered in band-aids huh i didn't say it's bulletproof i think it's time to make more realistic hands so i'm gonna go try to find a hand skeleton bottle or something like that we can cast ballistic gel around it and then hit that yeah that seems more realistic yeah it'll be cool looking i know that i think it's time to do the axe he's been talking about this for weeks yeah cause it's the most amazing thing ever you could slice a baseball in half you could one hit ko a tree so how do you make an axe bat well when a bat loves an axe very much they come together and half of the axe is combined with half of the bat and you get a beautiful little axe bat we think the reason that it won't fire is really similar to the apple adding the axe head to the bat made the piston assembly much heavier and when the ball hits it it accelerates a lot slower than it would without the axe seems to be different enough to just not set off the charges no matter what we do it took an enormous amount of fine tuning and changing out some parts as well as dealing with some other issues we finally got to fire one shell doesn't look like it really did anything going on there lame i mean it is really lame yeah it did something there's a small slice barely even sliced through the cover this bat sports up to four shells i think i know the answer which is more power we just went through exactly the same thing trying to fire two shells as we did one shell i lightweighted the axe i rebuilt the firing mechanism i've tweaked this thing to death i cannot get it to fire with two rounds so i'm gonna make a little change i think will make it fire a lot better so i put this piece of wood here so that the bat has something to push against that's cheating it's not cheating it's how we make it work hopefully we'll let us set off two rounds and then it'll also keep the ball from getting launched and i think we'll get a much better slicing action i should have just done this from the beginning i avoided it because i kind of thought it was cheating too but the rules are made up and none of it matters that's really fast like a guillotine i wish it would have gone all the way through but i don't think it can that blade isn't long enough oh there goes the stop rod screw oh and the stop rod too what to inspect the bat it looks like we broke a bunch of stuff though we got one good hit what seems to have happened the second the axe hit the ball is that the bat let out a small inaudible whimper and then immediately broke i bent the entire piston assembly and semi stripped the bolts i'm glad i didn't go flying off i also messed up the firing pin assembly i'm going to take a rain check on hitting a tree sadly let me know if you think that's worth doing if there's enough interest i'll might come back and do it so i mean what do you think does it does that make a good axe uh i'd say that mystery is crunched that that means it's bad yeah so the axe i built totally sucked it wouldn't fire without a lot of help but i don't think that's fundamental i think if you pitched the ball at it it actually would set off pretty reliably yeah if you did that and had a longer blade i think it would just fruit into right through the baseball which would be awesome my brain is telling me that i've had enough ex bat for a lifetime but my heart is saying it needs to see a ball fruit ninja we can just put a pin in it and call it plausible for now okay fine all right hand stuff's here you realize it's a right hand and a left-hand mold no why do hot dogs and buns come with different counts who makes these things i actually think you'll be able to shove it in here upside down and i don't think you'll even be able to tell so the bones are plastic there's no tendons there's no skin but it's better than a banana three two one whoa are you tired of leaving the house to what is this crap getting your dog the body baby order it now or the dog gets it i can't decide how this hand should be hit i'm gonna err on the side of maximum carnage three two one hey buddy you forgot your finger this is why the safety boy exists ouch do you think your hand can really do that looks like something our dog would hack up or you oh you want a finger [Music] so this hand is still not quite as tough as my hands but i think i have a pretty good idea of what would happen if i set it off in my hands would it totally wreck your hands and how bad confirmed that'll wreck your hands i think there's a chance they'd just be gone like i guessed yeah i agree it's really not good for your health we should try to hit a golf ball i mean it's basically already a golf club i'm so into this idea how far do you think it would go i think what would be a good hit for a professional golfer not like a record but a good hit i tried to calculate this and i just have no idea i'm going to say 250 i just think we have to do it let's find out simply replace the bat face with a golf club face give it a compact muffler and replace the bat handle with a golf club handle yeah what do you think about this club looks like a submarine submarine sandwich or uh both i don't know what's gonna happen and i don't wanna swing it until i've tested it so i'm gonna take the hitting end of the golf club and put it back on the bat and then i can try to hit golf balls with the bat on the bat swinger i should title this video magic bat will only fire if it's a baseball i tried all the tricks in the book i can only get it to fire if i hit something else along with the ball like the top of the tee we think the main problem is that the bat is too squishy and the ball is too springy nerds like my husband call this an impedance mismatch sure do and i'm proud of it because the piston wants to squish slowly and the ball wants to bounce quickly the ball bounces away before the piston even really starts moving and you get terrible energy transfer in other words no boom if you want to understand the impedance mismatch better check out the video dustin from smart everyday made about the explosive bat it goes more in depth into what's going on and is really good i think it's time for me to do some hardcore engineering and fine tune the interface to get the impedance that i want he's going to put tape on the club still counts the rubber tape i'm using is a nicely damping foam the hope is that it'll keep the ball from bouncing away and also transfer more energy from the ball into the piston kind of like a dead blow hammer it's a little better but still won't fire without help man it's just not really doing what i was hoping it would do i used to have to do it the right way doing things the right way is just the worst so i have an idea for a pretty big change to the club that i think would deal with all the known issues the ball being too light the ball bouncing way too fast and one that we haven't really talked about which is that if the club hits the ground before it's the ball it will fire who knows what will happen it'll probably break the club it'll launch the club backwards really bad so my idea is to make the firing pins float it'll be super light so the ball should have no problem crushing the primers and it won't be able to bounce away before they fire and then because the bottom edge can't set the club off when i dig it in the ground it won't fire [Music] finally i designed something and it works on the first try what do you think the odds are that someone will let me hit this at their driving range well the reason i was calling ahead is it's it's pretty loud though it uses special charges it can be charges i mean they're like a gun or something or what no not really it's it's more like a special nail gun don't you want a shooting wrench it's not a gun all right well i i understand it's probably the wrong place but yeah that was a fail that was a no i mean it is scary but it's not scary you know you don't put your hand in front of a golf club either so it's basically the same thing let's try someone else and so i was wondering if we'd be able to come by your range sometime and hit a few balls and just see how far they go yeah i think that would be interesting sure the one thing is that it is kind of loud yeah i mean if it's after hours i think that'd be fine all right cool thank you sure here's a baseline with no shells it's pitiful it took me more tries than i care to admit to hit the sweet spot but when i did wow i could see them going over the trees by eye even with yellow balls in my sharpest lens i just lose them into the haze this is the most contrast i was able to get there we go it's just gone it's a good thing i came after hours because i eventually blew a seal and you know what that sounds like it's all right it's a special club and a huge thanks to the falls village golf club for taking a chance on me i can tell you from experience that most golf courses are not this accommodating if you're a golfer in the triangle area check them out so you did all the hitting on this would you say it's a good golf club as a golf club it's terrible it's just it's awkward it's just so heavy i don't want a golfer to even hold this because they're just going to make fun of me it's like oh you don't know anything about golf yeah i know but i know about engineering when it connects with the ball it turns me into happy gilmore it hits the ball so well it can't help but be a good club so that sounds confirmed if it were refined and lightened a little bit you'd be the long drive champ the thing that's bugging me i'd like an actual number i want more sig figs than really far a golf radar would be perfect but yeah so if anyone knows where i could get access to a golf radar just let me know so i've got all this extra ballistic gel wow how did you make so much um i think we should get a skull and cast it in this gel and then hit it with the axe that's horrifying really yeah i didn't really think about it very hard yeah who would do that that's messed up i don't know i just overestimated i guess so we know that getting hit by the bat is really bad it's life-changing life-ending potentially probably if you get hit right what we're wondering now is what if you get hit by a ball that got hit by the bat yeah it seems more likely to get hit by the ball just think about the poor pitcher rest in peace so we're going to do this slightly unrealistic but worst case situation of a pitcher getting hit at point-blank range with a baseball what do you think is going to happen i think it's going to go through it straight through yeah do you think the ball will just go straight through the pitcher i think it's gonna bounce off and if it does hit me in the face or break a window i hope it goes through that would be really cool if you can hear that but it doesn't sound exactly natural here it comes it's a cake so there's some risk of a ricochet off the gel so i've got a bulletproof vest on underneath here's a baseline with just the bat not that exciting let's see how one shell compares well let's take a look at the videotape videotape this ain't no tape ow that would hurt apparently i didn't like the taste get that ball out of my mouth it looks like i was right huh um you said it doesn't go straight through it was closer to not going at all than going straight through oh i thought we were doing a over under it goes through it all or it bounces right off everything beyond the bounce off that ain't fair we gotta write a contract next time we have to do three shells that sounds like a lot of fun clean up on io4 that's really cool you would not want to get hit by this baseball yeah that's a lot worse than i was expecting you thought it would bounce right off well i don't know i'm i'm pretty confident in saying the bat is deadly this is like getting hit by a cannonball or something i think this just might be my greatest creation you know we have a daughter [Music] and i think there's still a lot of potential left so if you have ideas on modifications or things that i should hit with it let me know i'd love to try it's a lot of fun except it's not don't do it the thing highest of my list is fixing the ax that i can try to one hit ko a small tree you should stick around for the sponsor we had a bit more fun with the bat it's worth your while if you think i earned it and you enjoyed this video you should consider subscribing it helps me out a lot and it'll keep you in the loop when i publish new stuff if you'd like to support my videos directly check out my patreon the final way you can help out is by checking out any sponsors thanks i promise this will make sense in a second i'm about to tell you about this video's sponsor keeps so why am i talking about hair loss i mean if anything i need a haircut i know several guys who are dealing with hair loss and it's a huge deal the emotional toll that it puts guys through is really bad and yes men have emotions so i looked into the research behind keeps as best i can tell it's the real deal there's only two fda approved hair loss treatments and keeps his low-cost generic versions of both of those and i believe this has the potential to improve the hair loss situation for a lot of people and that's a good thing for humanity and when i say a lot of people i mean it two out of three men will have some form of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35 which is just crazy high so to try to illustrate this point better i made the hair lottery you and i are represented by these ball bearings going through the plinko board called life and i have three men and we're gonna see how faith judges them all right how does it play out for gentleman number one baldness so not surprising though remember two out of three this hurts me more than it hurts you this isn't how hair loss traditionally works but i think it illustrates the point pretty well so he could try to use keeps but it wouldn't do anything for him because it's only effective when you still have hair all right let's see how the second man does i guess he's the one out of three all right time for man number three this is my stunt double you can probably see the resemblance he's really smart and uses keeps you can see how it's defending him from going bald but that's no fun we want to know what would have happened if he hadn't used keeps all right i think they call this double jeopardy baldness and that's no surprise because it's two out of three i hope you'll excuse me for having a little bit of fun here i know baldness is a really serious issue for a lot of people but if you are worried about hair loss you should check out keeps it might be what you're looking for they have online doctor consults which are really easy and they deliver it directly to your door every three months if you're ready to do something to prevent hair loss go to keeps.com stuff made here or click on the link in the description to get 50 off your first order that's k-e-e-p-s dot com stuff made here [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,972,140
Rating: 4.9345999 out of 5
Keywords: baseball, explosive bat, stuff made here, explosive golf, swingless club, powder actuated, powder actuated tool, ballistic gel, dumb ways to die, darwin award
Id: u7JnoRy2vng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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