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good afternoon everyone hope you're all having a good sunday this under this video a few things we're going to have a little look at uh first thing is our elevator on the diet feeder it's the diet feeder we're using all the time feeding the cattle we've changed the elevator on it uh we're gonna have a look at that we've looked at some of the benefits of having this newer type elevator on it hopefully uh so yeah we would have looked at that maybe get a bit of footage of it walking a second that we're going to check out our teleporter earlier in the week had an rds weighing system fitted onto it so here we'll have look at some of the features on that some of the benefits of having the likes of that on one of your uh whether it's your teleporter or your loader tractor around the yard whatever uh we'll have a look at that as well uh and the third thing we're going to check out is hey i've seen father p and adrian from my farm we found over the last three or four weeks with this cold weather have been having some issues with a getting their case internationals to start so we're going to show them how a real tractor starts so just before we get going if you're not ready to subscribe don't forget the sub button leave a like in the video comment down below other kind of stuff all helps the channel so it's all very much appreciated so as i say we've changed the elevator on our diet feeder why have we changed as well the old elevator we've been using up until now uh the very first one of these day feeders we purchased back it was around 2001 or 2002 it had that elevator on it now has been a good elevator it was one of the so as you could call it a rolls-royce of elevators at the time it's the kind of elevator there was an all day feeders about 20 years ago but technology has moved forward has changed now a bit and over the last 10 years or so we've moved on maybe even a little more than that we've moved on to these bell type elevators um the idea of them is that rather than the one that we had on the feeder up until now uh this one here now there's much less spillage with it and uh less spillage means less waste it also means less clearing up and cleaning up in the feeding passage so it's huge for us that's a huge benefit to not have to go into every shed after we finish up sweeping it up brushing it up and yeah it just hopefully will save maybe about half an hour manual labor around the yard every day um yeah so this is the elevator this is now what comes on most of your abbey feeders now is this style of elevator uh well enough designed i only used it once last night and so far fairly impressed with it um a couple of tweaks i probably won't open the door just as wide tonight i had the door open maybe a little bit too wide last night and it just meant there was a bit too much material coming out onto it but even at that it still handled it fairly well you can see on the sides here uh there's two like small greedy boards that comes up just kind of stops material from falling out on the side has got the same here on this side as well so nice little design that you see those brushes then also here on the side and that stops the material then from hopefully getting down alongside the belt and then in onto the belt it could cause any issues or jamming up and the same brush down on this idea obviously also there's a brush built in underneath on the belt so the fenders get in there it's the way it sits at an angle it kind of will brush off and take it out at the side here so it's well enough designed and it seems to work well so um so far so good and then of course we had less waste in the ground with less having to clear up having to clean up and all that as this is part of the reason why we wanted to change it now we a 2016 one of these day feeders last year come with this elevator on us had a bit of damage on it we got that all fixed up but we don't want to start using it yet because something wrong with this feeder that we're using and we want to use away at this for another while we actually got this video realigned during the the summer uh because it it it's as i say nothing wrong with it don't see the reason that to change over to the new one so we're just parking the new one in the shed it didn't cost a huge amount of money uh we did get it all fixed up as i said there was a damage on it uh we'd cut a piece inside of it welded in dwelled in a new piece but all that is sorted now and it just means if anything happens let's feed off we have any issues with it uh we can pop the other one out swap over the elevator the elevator takes about i suppose you'd fit it in about 20 minutes half an hour or so it's only a few bolts and just get it jacked up and into position so it's not a big job to change it so it just means that we're never going to be caught um but these look like i've been saying the praise of these feeders for a long time they had very little to go wrong with them all there is is a just about six bearings in them all together one large chain one small chain and uh that's really it there's there's nothing to give trouble on them a you can mix about two and a half ton of material in them no problem at all and yeah great video compared to the likes of keenan or some of the other ones there's a lot of stuff to wear out in keenan's and they're constantly having trouble these are bulletproof just basically keep the keep the chain uh grazed uh when it wears down and change it and that's all you need to do but yeah happy to have this new feeder on i will try and get a wee bit of footage and i'll add it in here now just when the when i'm using it i'll put it in after this part of the video so you'll get to see it in action and all uh so yeah so far so good and we'll keep you updated on how we're getting on with it or if we find any issues with it going forward [Music] [Applause] so all right so i mentioned that earlier in the week we had a weighing system fitted on the teleporter for us to demo over the next number of weeks it is a rds wing system uh it's the way log alpha 10. so uh some some of you may be already familiar with this uh but for those who aren't i'll just give a little demonstration of some of the things that you can do with it uh so what's different about this this teleporter comes with its own weighing system on it anyway even though it hasn't worked properly probably in the last couple of years so haven't been using it but what is different about this well this here has got a lot of extra features uh some of them can be for rations so it can hold your rations you can store up to five different rations for feeding cattle in it so you can uh weigh all your rations out put them in the diet feeder without actually having to use the diet feeders weighing scale so the benefits of that is probably not that much benefit up close to the feeder itself but uh for the rise of silage i can weigh my silage at the side of its bed i know what's in the bucket and i can go straight to the feeder and drop it straight into it sometimes when you're letting silage into a feeder you can end up lighting a bit too much in uh and that thing can alter your ration slightly so uh being able to weigh it at the pet know what you have leaving the pet and drop it into the just being able to drop it straight into the feed up that's the benefit also some of our feeds are quite dusty and on windy days you lose quite a lot of feed so to be able to measure it in the shed and know that there's 150 kilos of a feed in the bucket and to be able to go out and just drop it straight in without having to shake the bucket and lose a certain percentage of the feed in the wind is also a big saving that you could make on it another thing is the simple enough thing down the bottom of the yard where we have to go to pick up our beet and our potatoes uh to be able to to weigh the beet or potatoes down the bottom of the yard would be beneficial uh at the minute what i'm having to do is i go down i lift i just fill a bucket of beef could be maybe 600 650 kilos in it i only need 500 kilos of that so when i go up i'm tipping out the 500 kilos and i'm having to drive back down the yard again to offload the 150 kilos extra i had in and then drive back up so there's time being lost there money being wasted on diesel and usage of tires that you wouldn't really need to do so there's a lot of benefits to having the likes of this machine even for me who has got a wheel on the diet feeder okay another feature that i really like of this is one called target load so just say you want to fill a certain amount of feed into a trailer or you're selling it just so you're selling five ton of sizes to somebody click on five you click okay so you see the five ton has come up here on the screen uh you have a bucket of feed now the first bucket of silage or whatever you're selling is in the the bucket when you lift it up now and it reads what weight is in it it will deduct it off it so you can see it's straight off it projects it off it and you can see what you put in so you put in 640 kilos uh you still need another 4.36 tons and very simple a way of measuring what you what what you have put in already and what you still need to put in yeah so super little way off very impressed with it lots of features on it and something that i could see been very beneficial around the family out a big thank you to gavin and wildtech who left it out for me to try it out hey come out and fill it on the machine very professional great job done and uh yeah if you're looking or interested in any lacking this stuff i will leave a link in the description below for you to go over to his website and you can contact them through that if you're looking for anything like that so yeah weltec that's the name of the the company just doing them an irish based company here and all right so i mentioned a wee bit earlier in the video uh adrian i found we found and uh falmouth p are having some terrible trouble getting their case international started the cases are thinking around early 90s probably around that age uh pretty much the same as the structure here that i'm going to start now uh and this tractor hasn't been started in since christmas so roughly about it's about five weeks since it was up and running uh so we'll see how it starts compared to uh compared to the international uh so maybe the battery will be dead now it'll make an absolute show me and if it does i'll put it up on the youtube all right here we go turn on the ignition let me turn her over and see how she goes that's a real tractor star none of this none of this faffing about and having to be getting to get down on your knees and beg for it to start it's the color boys just went the wrong color that's it for today's video see you in the next one
Channel: gerry6420
Views: 14,214
Rating: 4.9519649 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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