Moving a 5 Year Old Lime Tree

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there's a tree here at jake's house right back there that's a lime tree and he wants to take that lime tree from there and move it right over there so we're gonna take you guys along with us today and see if we can get this lime tree from its permanent home to its new permanent home [Music] it is saturday the saturday after thanksgiving and jake had talked to me actually last year jake and shea had asked me about this lime tree they were a little concerned that it was too close to the wall here and then because they're hitting it with cars and concerned about the roots going down underneath their block wall you can see that there and as i was talking to him i said well you know another thing to think about too with the placement and citrus trees here in arizona need full blazing sun you guys know that we talk about it all the time so what we're going to do is you can see we've got a pretty good sized tree it's a couple years old the trunk of the tree i would say is probably a good five to six inches in diameter so it's a pretty solid tree it produced really really well we've had a few of the limes that they shared with us so we're gonna be pulling that up now where it's going it's going to be going right over here so you can see it's right on the corner of their property line here right across from us so we're right over there and we're going to move it over here so we're going to be heading 40 feet or so with this big tree into this hole that he's already got dug out so now you can see how this is looking the soil it's our typical arizona hard clay type soil but you can see right there we're using our old trick of wood chips on the ground to soften up the soil so he's like a very very large hole so we're not going to have an issue there and we're going to be obviously doing the normal stuff that we typically would with wood chips and irrigation rings and all that kind of stuff now a couple of challenges that we have with this is the tree is up against a block wall so i can't just go yanking it out obviously i need to cut it back so we'll talk a little bit about that but first things first we're gonna have to try to figure out whether or not we can use the tractor to lift this thing up because if we can i can util save more of those roots and have a better chance of this tree surviving first thing we need to do is we need to make sure and get this tree cut back so we know we're going to be cutting into roots this tree is a good seven to eight feet wide and it's probably about eight feet tall or so so i know the roots are definitely underneath the fence coming out this way underneath the driveway and we're going to be cutting those roots back pretty extensively because of that and we're taking the kind of the feet out from underneath the tree we also need to make sure that we're doing the exact same thing above the ground so where we're going to be pruning essentially below the ground we need to do the same amount or equivalent amount of pruning above ground so one of the things that reasons i put jake off until winter time is he got his last harvest off the tree here the last couple weeks and we're in a period where it has not started to flower yet and so it's not necessarily dormant but it's also not growing very aggressively which is the best we can do with citrus trees here in arizona so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and get this thing pruned back give you an idea what this thing is going to look like once we've done a hack job on it [Music] you definitely don't want to go any deeper than you're on that all right so i definitely have the crown here oh there's a big roof get there so we want to so we want to we want to keep dirt on the ground yeah like down in so we don't want to go any deeper than that i'm going to have laura slide in because we talk a lot about the root crown and how deep you want to plant your tree so now jake he already knew when he planted this a couple years ago that he needed to make sure that the crown the root crown or root flare however you want to call it he knew that that couldn't be very deep he didn't want to plant it too deep so that's what he did he basically planted it at ground level and you can see ground level is right about here where my hand is we had to dig down what is that about four inches or so maybe five inches and finally hit the crown right here so you can see the key right there is he had the right idea the problem is the nursery didn't so the nursery already had this planted too deep and then the tree continued to just fill in with soil and that kind of thing and now you wind up four or five inches too deep and obviously we don't want to transplant it and make the same mistake so one of those things where you're kind of covering the sins of the father so to speak when you transplant a tree you can go ahead and make things right which is what we're going to do of course the challenge means we've got to dig that much further down in order to get the roots cut [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] couple things that uh we learned pretty quick number one this is the biggest tree that i've transplanted oldest tree that i've transplanted and we didn't get a root ball i really like to get some type of soil around the roots before we get it into the ground just so there's less shock however this has a major amount of shock as lori slides in as we were trying to get this tree up we realized pretty quick because it was planted a little bit too deep or actually grew deep we had an extra four or five inches we weren't anticipating so trying to get underneath the tree was really really hard even with the bosch bulldog that he was using it was really hard to get underneath here so as we're trying to get underneath and get further down under the tree to break all those roots loose we were having a hard time with it so i think we got some footage you'll see me trying to pull the tree up and we use a toe strap and that was a mistake because it's going to be hard to pick up on camera we wanted to get paint on it quick but about probably a good half or so of the tree strip the bark right off of there which is really really bad you definitely don't want to do that so hindsight 2020 would not do that where we were trying to lift the tree up it didn't do us any good so we wound up coming in closer getting more of the root ball off or more of the dirt off of the root ball and unfortunately we got it stripped now it didn't go all the way around so it didn't griddle it completely but it took off a pretty fair amount also because we couldn't get down quite as deep as i was wanting to we had to bring the tree down a little bit more so it looks a little funny now but at this point we're keeping our fingers crossed with some mulch and some vitamin b1 and some tlc we're gonna be all right they're gonna be hand watering this tree so we don't have irrigation running to it but you'll see that we did the standard donut kind of ring that you'll see us doing in all of the trees so it has an inner ring that we're going to be watering in to begin with we'll mulch this nice and heavy so it'll keep that soil moisture in we'll also fill the ring here with some fertilizer even though it's way early we want to get some fertility in the ground here we're going to be using fish emulsion vitamin b1 in the ring we're going to do some fertizona fertilizer out in the outside ring and jake's going to water the inner ring for the first six months to a year along with the outer ring and then i'll remind them next year we'll switch to the outer ring only now of course we need to get wood chips in here and we're definitely going to need to stake this tree so you can see it's going to it has a lot of movement we had to bring the root flare you can see that here or crown you can see it's right here you can't see ground level because of the rings but it's just above ground level which means there it's very very top-heavy so we need to make sure that we stake it on both sides we're going to finish doing that and then i think we're going to wrap it for today so i'm a little bit different today so it's great to have jake here and getting this tree up actually turns out it was in the ground for five years i didn't know that till just now so that challenge of getting this out of the ground was legit we're right across the street so we'll be able to keep an eye on this tree definitely looking forward to seeing how this tree does as we go through the years so just want to thank you for joining us today if you haven't done so already subscribe to the channel any questions or comments leave those in the comment section down below you know the amazon shop free painless way to help support the channel if you start there it doesn't matter what you buy you help the support us here so just wanna thank you for joining us today and remind you if we can farm on the edge of nowhere so can you duane is your man listen to him he knows what he's doing look at the tree behind you it looks so happy and much better than his other home that was before and if you need electrical work he's your guy guys [Music] you
Channel: Edge of Nowhere Farm
Views: 43,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, farming, desert farm, desert farming, edge of nowhere farm, eon farm, duane hebert, lori hebert, arizona farm, arizona homestead, arizona permaculture, desert homestead, moving a tree, transplanting a fruit tree, moving a fruit tree, digging up fruit tree, arizona fruit tree, phoenix fruit tree, desert fruit tree, orchard, arizona orchard, backyard orchard, backyard fruit tree, relocating fruit tree
Id: TyQn61SX0mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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