Gardening Myths: Blaming Everything On Transplant Shock | 4 Reasons Your Plant Died After Transplant

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hey guys this is alan from quincy tropicals and in today's episode we are busting a myth gardening myth and that is transplant shock anytime that you transplant your plant into a neocontainer or into the ground and it dies it's transplant shock now i'll be honest with you guys we are pot at least 2 000 plants a year in containers and i can count in one single hand how many of those plants literally die from transplant shock now today i'm going to give you four reasons why your trees die right after you upon them or you put them in the ground now let's get to it reason number one that is going to be physical damage to the root system when you take a container any plant like this one right here and then you put it into a bigger container now the main mistake people make is they destroy the root system when taking this plant out of that container and putting it in a different container or into the ground physical damage to the root system means you damage the root system so what's going to happen is as soon as you cut the roots of that plant your plant is going to wilt this process will take a matter of minutes now hours now days guys it will happen within minutes of you moving it from one container into another or into the ground now is your plant going to die well think about it it depends on how much damage you cause to that root system the reason your plant is wilting is because the root system supporting that big canopy is no longer there so there's no water going up into the foliage the branches now now what's going to happen is everything's going to wilt so your plant is goes into survival mode it's gonna try to kill everything off that is not vital so that way the main trunk survives most times you're only gonna lose your leaves and your plant will recover it will take a few months and no amount of b1 warm poop or any other special juices you put in the soil make it come back faster it's just going to take time now sometimes your plant is not going to make it it's just the way it works it's your fault you damage your root system and you technically kill your plant think about it somebody chop your arms and your legs off do you think you will make it well most people will not some people will and that's exactly what you did to your plant when you destroy the root system now let's go and talk about reason number two that is chemical damage to the root system this is very similar to reason number one ma but now the difference is going to be you put something in the soil or you spray your plant with something right after you up potted it or you put it in the ground so that's something that you put in the soil or in the ground damage the root system of the plant too much fertilizer too much of something some you know somebody came around your house and spray a weak killer around your plants or something happen now this usually will take a few hours to a few days to show and the signs are going to be very similar to reason number one your leaves are gonna wilt and then your plant is gonna look dead now is your plan going to make it or not well that depends on what actually caused that plant to take damage so if it was too much fertilizer and then you started flushing the soil well then you may have saved your plant but now you have to understand whatever mistake you did will take months for your plant to recover from it's not going to happen overnight and no amount of special juices will make your plant come back faster and that is reason number two reason number three guys it's going to be water when you take a small plant and then you put it in a bigger container like this one right here this new potting mix right here guys your plant doesn't have any roots in this in your potting mix now the root ball of your plant is going to be in the center so what happens is people flood everything they wet everything and then they forget about the plant for a few days now you have to understand that root ball of that plant will still dry out faster than the surrounding soil or potting mix and it will still die even with the surrounding soil being wet because it has no roots in the soil yet to drink that water so when you're up potting your plants or putting them in the ground like this puerto rican guava that i have here in the ground for the first summer you want to custom concentrate right where your roots are right there not over here so this plant right here when it was in the container i was i was watering twice a day because twice a day in the container it was drying out me 50 if you want to learn how to water your plants in containers i have another video where i talk about specifically how to water your plants in containers now just because i put it in the ground doesn't mean this plant will it will be able to go days without water i still have to water daily because all the roots are right here they're not right here so when you up out your plant make sure you water the root ball only don't worry about the soil around it and that's the main mistake people make they put their plants in a bigger container they soak everything and they forget about it for several days now think about it this plant right here in the container i was watering twice a day because twice a day it was drying out on me 50 so if i put it in the ground soak everything and forget about it for a few days what do you think is going to happen this plant is going to die so you got to make sure you water right where your roots are and most plants will take about six months to a year to grow roots into the new soil or into the neopotting mix and that is reason number three that is how most people actually kill their plants when they are popping in bigger containers now you have to understand guys everybody's situation is going to be different here in my area if you miss watering your plants for a few hours and they go dry they are dead most plants in other areas where the temperatures are not the extreme in the summertime you have a lot more humidity in the air your plants will last a lot longer without water but in my area only takes a few hours so if you buy or if you get one of my plants that i have been watering three to four times a day you put it in the ground you soak everything you forget about it even for two three days you plant instead and that is the reason why i died that is not transplant shock that is your fault you can call it whatever you want but yeah that's another myth reason number four technically you can call it transplant shock and it's not that common and i can tell you hardly ever we experienced this at the nursery anymore we did at the beginning because we didn't know now what that means guys is the root system of some plants is going to be extremely sensitive where if you even break off a few roots your plant is dead now this plant right here that you see in front of me this is a blue jab of the kaaba also known as false jaboticaba or vexiter now this plant right here has an extremely sensitive root system just by handling the plant and if you twist the canopy wrong you break off some of the roots this entire tree right here which is at least 10 years old will still die regardless of how old it was in the container so this plant right here will die for the same reasons of reason number one damage the root system but for some reason this plant right here the root system it's resisting it's a lot more sensitive than any other plant out of the thousands of plants i have here at the nursery only two plants i can think of are this sensitive it's going to be this plant right here behind me and papaya plants they just don't like to be transplanted and when you do most plants will die so when transplanting this guys you have to be extremely careful you have to make sure you do not disturb the root system let it dry a little longer than normal so it makes it easier to slide out of the container never tickle the roots guys and you may have success but out of all the plants that i have here guys only these two plants here are rib sensitive and technically they are dying because you're breaking off the roots but they happen to be more sensitive so they diet a lot easier as you can see guys transplant shock it's not really what it sounds like a lot of people assume most plants have very sensitive roots in my experience most plants do not like i said out of all the plants that we have here guys only two plants i can think of have sensitive roots like that and most times these plants are gonna have fibrous shallow roots where the roots you can barely even see them and they are they are extremely easy to break off so here at the nursery guys we don't experience transplant shock and we apply like i said a few thousand plants every year um the only time they die is usually for reason number three and that is because sometimes the drip lines that we have in the containers the birds pulling out or the plants fall over in the wind and then they don't get water and when it's 120 degrees those plants will die in a single afternoon and that is why you call transplant shock so now when you plant dies right after you have potted it it's because of something you did i'm sorry to say that let's just be honest guys something you did um it's not because of the plant's fault and but you know most nurseries you call usually after you kill your plant they will always tell you as transplant shock because they don't really understand what's going on because most nurseries don't even grow their own plants if you just look around guys most of them all they do is buying resale plants and then they don't even know how to grow their own stuff and just a reality of you know of how everything works now here i'm not gonna lie to you we buy and resell a lot of plants but as you guys have seen our videos we also grow a lot of our plants because we enjoy growing plants here and we like to learn how to grow them because a lot of our plants here have a specific growing requirements and unless you grow the plants personally there's no way you're going to be able to learn because information about those plans there's no way you can find online but anyways guys hopefully this helps you out hopefully this this clears this myth of uh transplant shock and you know if as always if you have any questions go ahead and comment below don't forget to subscribe click the bell and i will see you next time
Channel: QCTropicals
Views: 121,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transplant shock, plants
Id: MEmVJ72MqCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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