Louis Tussaud's Palace of Wax Grand Prarie Texas Tour with The Legend

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what's going on everybody legend here coming in you in the Dallas area gonna take a walk to this Lewis to solids Palace of Wax Museum gonna try and walk quickly that's a lot of different celebrities and things like that music it's actually bigger than I thought it would be and some of the wax figures are pretty good some not so good so look at the good fan they're like dude you don't look bad all right you're going to like this big party kind of room here it's great on this museum I have to think I like it better than the Ripley's museum but you know so obviously some of these figures you have to like who is that now I favor one I think of the entire museum it sounds the Undertaker as I'm a huge fan of WV and sniffing it's like a minute black chair if something looks very off with Will Ferrel not sure what's going on with him but that is not not doing it for me with the dolberg over here John Cena who's not wearing a shirt seems very short to be John Cena at more celebrities and stuff like that we didn't order DiCaprio denim Craig doesn't look at Jason Statham they have Peter Dinklage that's cool and they move on each each scene is a different thing so this one is quite terrifying this is like the Hall of Presidents at Disneyworld except none of them move photo op here if you wanted to pretend to be the president but oh man this is a it's pretty odd this one's this one's little bit weird not sure why Rutherford's mouth is wide open but this is a definitely different something else indeed [Music] I could give me nightmares not very political so uh what's bigger panel I got parents the Caribbean and things like that so the next room is like the talkshow area with a guy that got some food photo ops in here like you're gonna be on the Jimmy Kimmel show or okay that over is not great crazy-looking dr. Phil and all right more figures that may not look so great is a Harry and Hermione over here doesn't look like area at all but the sort of crippled arms hand but yeah that's looking pretty rough up next is the Wizard of Oz [Music] so it's the old life tippers going style is a Transformers from that too much a [Applause] Wizard of Oz went now agree with delivered Road and the house see where we go really good especially with the divine and pretty pretty good we're gonna take us next steps we tried up there's the witch alright we are now into let freedom ring with the magna carta and this is the road to freedom alright the road to freedom I know what's going on here monkey fights on the Holy Grail style characters King John and then it becomes like the founding fathers in Franklin Tyga's face has melted all right some of those guys are you got Lincoln before we head on to whatever is next what could be next after let freedom ring up next the Old West give you great movie ride bags with the John Wayne on the horse horse doesn't look so good well the theming in this room you know is really nice to walk through the Old West she'll be got no surprise it's it's Old West Ito people ever been in a wax museum you white sometime okay I can't remember last time I went through a wackadoo and there's a dinosaur theme press play machine right moving along is a random room with Johnny Cash in it then you got this classic yeah I guess you keeping you up oh you seen something like this we're like oh no I fell oh no it's just it's more wax figures kind of cool exhibit here about behind-the-scenes of how they do all the process of making their masks and things like that some reason Ben Stiller's indicator goodbye face from crane games alright and we've got the different variations of Michael Jackson from little like Justin Michael the broiler Michael to old Michael so this next room here might actually be my favorite this is the superhero room featuring the Avengers and more here you got a Tony Stark outside of the suit and it's kind of interesting because I watched a Vinny war yet again on the way down into Texas so here you got a couple of guys and these guys are not super interesting so I think these are ones you can buy like these are commercially available like Thor I'm pretty sure you could buy at Islands of Adventure and you've got Captain America over there in the back not the best looking Captain America figure but Hulk Hulk looks great really great including some sweet Hulk nipple action look at those things looking at you super pointy then you got for some reason right next to them is the minions in this really cool photo op let's see what else do we have here spider-man another fun photo op here who is right next to Wonder Woman Wonder Woman's another one of those statues I think is a commercially available you just go and pick up at a store then you got old-school Superman followed by now I don't know what happened here to Jim Carrey's Riddler it looks like his knees are broken and for some free cities awkwardly leaning on barrels Batman of course you got to have Batman in a superhero type exhibit Batman's arch nemesis the Joker has seen better days that is not a great wax figure and then for some reason we have the toy light people I guess they couldn't figure out where to put them or maybe this is just a room where they put anything that's new anyway I did like this room pilgrimage is up next a journey through the life of Christ I guess we're in Texas this museum is a lot of things I don't really enjoy I'm not big on politics or religion for the same when this is a Thomas but you know a lot of people are not something I would expect to see in a wax museum like did the Pope like the presidents and stuff like that I could see especially like you know having the last couple of them but then religious section all right we keep going I also feel like the religious area could have been like a haunted area at one time because it's a very uh tough but we've gotten to more stuff here this religious area just kind of keeps going this is pretty long you know The Wizard of Oz got like one who Jesus says a whole bunch yeah we're still going yep we are still going all right and you have a big props to the with the rockwork team though yep from Warwick Jesus yeah like the theme space and stuff like that pretty strong well done alrighty and I think that's it we're done we're gonna move on to something else and we are into the proper job it's like some random stuff right there playing Disney music so I'm guessing we're going to sad fairy tales fairy tales indeed not really like the give me versions of the characters just careful yeah that's interesting all right you got a Rapunzel the world's tiniest snow white oh oh that is that's it we got coming around the corner all right you reading a book oh my gosh what happens is your pet oh he lost he lost an eye oh that is that's a thing that is a thing it's me here and then we exit the fairy tales and it's Prince William and Kate Kate looks very mannish here and we big Quasimodo is telling us goodbye all right let's don't worry guys there is more fun ahead as we're now in the spirit of man all right Florence Nightingale Walt Disney George Washington Carver and Saddam Hussein I guess it's supposed to be like good guys and bad guys interesting uh Stalin Hitler okay all right this is uh kind of weird to put Walt over there as it's like heads of state and things like that Oh all right that interesting exhibits there what do we got up next the Museum of beer may be too frightening for young children we own the wax museum I fear right right cluster phobia rumor goes back seven we're going Cameron as one of those um birth canal kind of roots have you been enough haunts yeah say guys I've actually walk through the museum once tonight I think now so lost on me that's a thing very dark in here by the way okay we've got Carey's corner here or the horrors of Dracula okay there's a coffin up in their particular [Music] [Applause] there's a person oh great a bodybag room video body bags okay this looks like it should be Frankenstein's monster but it scared [Music] the death maybe he's a redoing them the camera will focus on that all right The Wolfman so these lowlife kind of settings are not so great [Applause] do love this is Kenny he lost anything haunted house Eason this will be right up his alley he's terrified big teddy gauges please push if you dare okay oh alright big Ruby dolls and that thing okay okay definitely uh freaking I can see what there's our five pass as kids will be terrified of this and they're just the man what's up [Applause] random stuff on the ceiling okay fire by alien doesn't look like aliens all right now that is The Creature from the Black Lagoon now this feels more like alien welcome to the heart of and when time trying to get out of the clown there we go these divides me again the fear artsy exits of gift shop guys let me enjoyed that walk through the lecture zoom click on anything I actually like that one better than the UDV please begin
Channel: In The Loop
Views: 8,433
Rating: 4.4851484 out of 5
Keywords: louies tussauds, louis tussauds, tussauds, madame tussauds, madame tussaud's, 2018, tour, review, highlights, wax, waxworks, wax works, museum, wax museum, texas, TX, dallas, arlington, grand prairie, haunted house, hall of fear, scary, figures, walk through, marvel, superheros, jesus, horror, walt vs hitler, disney vs hitler, walt disney, hitler, palace of wax, ripleys, presidents, wizard of oz, old west, fairy tales, museum of fear
Id: VL8l2x9gJgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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