Movie Sequels You Never Knew About

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I actually really LIKE the soundtrack to "Shock Treatment"!

It took me about 40 years to watch the film. However, I listened to the album back when the movie first came out. The film is nonsense, even way more than "Rocky Horror", but it does have some catchy tunes.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thubanstar 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
movie sequels is there a word that strikes more fear into people's hearts than movie sequels actually yeah there is heaps more terrifying words and sequels but regardless let's face it to the common beauty dollar movie sequels generally tend to never match their originals and dare I say it often feel like cash grabs I mean every once in a while you do get a worthy movie sequel but they tend to be very few and far between and then we get those sequels that are just awful and totally ruined whatever magic the original had going for them but today I don't want to talk about good sequels or bad sequels I want to talk about forgotten sequels the ones that have become so obsolete and not talked about over the years that they have got into cinematic obscurity leaving many probably not even knowing about their existence movie sequels that you may be shocked to know about which may leave you scratching your head and asking what they make a sequel of that so join with me today as we go through my list of movie sequels that you never knew about [Music] yes number ten are returned to Salem's Lot indeed the 1979 TV miniseries Salem's Lot was based on the Stephen King novel and directed by Tom Hooper and was about a town being terrorized by a plague of vampires and was so well received it even had a theatrical cut edited together for Europe with many people to this day claiming that it's one of their favorite vampire movies and Stephen King live-action adaptations so henceforth in 1987 we got the now largely forgotten our return to Salem's Lot which was so lazy it just recycled the Original Movies poster no seriously look at this they weren't even trying and to top it off the movie was directed by Larry Cohen whom fans of awful cinema would know also directed the b-movie masterpiece the staff I returned to Salem's Lot is just as bad as the stuff only without the likeability so the first problem is I returned to Salem's Lot has a real low quality about it I would say it feels like a TV movie but it honestly feels like it was shot in Cohen's backyard and feels more like a fan film it doesn't feel any way like a sequel to the original Salem's Lot in terms of style and quality nor does the story even connect to the original one instead a return to Salem's Lot tells the tale of a community of vampires and the town politics involved which is weird considering at the end of the first one we saw all the vampires destroyed but oh well it also features the first acting performance of Tara Reed which is weird lacking in both momentum and the scares of the original has left a return to Salem's Lot dead in its tracks number 9 shock treatment released in ninth eighty one shock treatment is the sequel to the Rocky Horror Picture Show yeah that's right there was a sequel to Rocky Horror Picture Show I'm not even making that up now I know this may come as a shock so I'm just going to give you a few seconds to absorb this information [Music] okay let's go so shock treatment returns to the lives of Brad and Janet now played by different actors as we see them living their hometown of Denton which has been turned into a massive TV studio and if you're expecting to see dr. Franken further or any of the other characters you loved from the original that's turned bad as shock treatment decides to tell a completely different story which I guess is fair enough but then it should have been its own movie and not try to connect itself to Rocky Horror now the idea of reality TV taking over was actually quite ahead of its time for 1981 considering how mainstream it is now but sadly shock treatment just didn't have the shock value so to speak but Rocky Horror did instead it's a not so impressive comedy movie with not so good musical numbers which unlike its predecessor has rendered it completely forgettable that and the movie also stars Barry Humphries and Rik Mayall which is weird some of the original cast do return but in different roles which just makes shock treatment feel more confusing it does however lack the star power of Tim Curry whom by the way was originally considered for the role of Brad in shock treatment which would have been really bizarre a failed attempt to recapture the magic of its predecessor number 8 Roadhouse - the original Road House movie is one of the most celebrated action movies of the 80s which showcase the badassery of Patrick Swayze as he takes down some thugs in a country town keep the change Roadhouse however jump to 2006 and we got Roadhouse to last call which had a thing and then um something happened and uh okay did anyone actually see this movie oh I seen anyone at all anyone so because Swayze had the good common sense to stay away from this turkey Roadhouse to tells the story of the son of the original character in the first film and something about him trying to save his uncle's bar from drug dealers blah blah blah it hasn't got Patrick Swayze so who cares sometimes when it comes to movie sequels replacing the lead actor can work but if Roadhouse - is anything to go by sometimes it's fast - just leave it alone otherwise you'll end up with a largely forgotten film number 7 future world in 1973 Michael Crichton gave us Westworld a theme-park gone wrong movie featuring robotic cowboys it was a great fun and exciting movie and in my opinion very underrated sadly however I cannot say the same about the 1976 sequel future world which doesn't have the simplistic storytelling an action of the first one instead tries to make itself more philosophical in a story that dives into government corruption and conspiracies look it's easy the first one is about robot servants going evil and killing the humans there's no need to complicate things just have robots on murderous rampages without all this deep stuff and we'll be fine yeah future world completely lacks the thrills and spills of the original and takes the franchise down a different direction which leads to a very boring movie I yeah and this movie looks very psychedelic making it feel more like an arthouse film than a sci-fi and also what doesn't help is the movie stars Peter Fonda who spends most of the movie looking stoned out of his mind and to top off just how weird and surreal this movie is yul brenner who played the villain the evil gunslinger robot in the original movie returns in a weird almost abstract poetical dream sequence which literally makes no sense the sad thing is Westworld did have the potential for sequels but clearly going in a weird and abstract direction didn't help number 6 Delta house the follow-up TV series to National Lampoon's Animal House okay we're bending the rules a little here as Delta house was a TV show as opposed to an actual movie but the reason it makes it to the list is because unlike most movie based TV shows Delta house actually featured many of the original cast members from Animal House reprising their roles Delta house was screened in 1979 one year after the release of Animal House but sadly due to the show being screened in primetime Delta house had to abide by TV regulation standards which means many of the risque and educate the original Animal House so memorable was now removed and replaced with more childish slack stick humor as a result the show was not well received and canceled after 13 episodes resulting in it becoming an obscure piece of pop-culture buried by the sands of time of the get fulness the show also saw an early performance from actor Michelle Pfeiffer who admitted doing it just to get work and some exposure and referred to the show scripts as being quote-unquote terrible I guess sometimes changing a format from movie to TV show just doesn't number five Home Alone sequels in 1990 the world fell in love of the story about ten-year-old Kevin McCallister finding himself home alone where he must fend off two would-be burglars in fact people loved it so much that a sequel quickly followed this time kevin was let loose in New York and then in 1997 a third one came out in which now we were following the exploits of a new kid with no ties to the previous movies about evil criminals after some high-tech microchip because you know home alone and after the disappointing reception of home alone free it seemed that the series had bitten the dust except there was a home alone for a 2002 made-for-tv movie which returns to the exploits of Kevin McCallister only this time played by another kid instantly making this movie unlikable in fact home alone for is so bad it doesn't even have a rating on Rotten Tomatoes yep the movie isn't even worthy of a rotten rating Wow when you think about it that's pretty bad all I can say is that after home alone for at least they learned their lesson and finally put a stop to this film series which had died a long time ago except that they didn't as there was a home alone vibe in 2012 yet another made-for-tv home alone sequel came out titled home alone the holiday heist yeah this time they stopped numbering them which is always a sign that the studio is embarrassed and what's even more shocking about this uninspired cash grab is it actually stars Malcolm McDowell okay seriously malcolm mcdowell what the hell you are in a Clockwork Orange you're a great actor why have you been starring in so much in the last 20 years all I can say is fingers crossed that 20th Century Fox have now learned their lesson and we won't be getting any more home alone sequels because at this rate we're probably going to end up with home alone in space number 4s Darko Donnie Darko was a mind-bending abstract sci-fi movie that came out in 2001 which not only introduced the world to Jake Gyllenhaal but also intellectually tampered with the theory of timeline paradoxes and time trouble but told in a teenage angst way which could make us connect to the disturbed main character Donnie Darko although the movie can be confusing at times the story is concluded by the end of the movie and there was no need whatsoever for a sequel but some numbnuts out there obviously thought there was as in 2009 we got a sequel called as Darko which follows the exploits of Donnie Darko 'he's little sister who we briefly saw in Donnie Darko because lord knows when the credits rolled in Donnie Darko I really wanted to know what happened to Donnie's little sister we saw for like ten minutes so the result is F Darko a pretentious indie film which is both incoherent and confusing and doesn't make a lick of sense while feeling pretentious to the core in a muddled story that honestly doesn't feel like the script was finished when they started filming also considering that all the main characters and asked Darko are pretty unlikable I don't even know who I meant to be rooting for making s Darko a pale comparison to its predecessor and one truly forgotten sequel whereas the first one was insightful of for provoking s Darko is just dreary boring and a miserable experience and very unnecessary as while watching it one thing is certain that we really didn't need a sequel to Donnie Darko number three American Psycho - in 2000 Christian Bale played the role of Patrick Bateman and American Psycho the movie about a Wall Street hotshot living out his murderous fantasies with the movie ending without the viewer knowing if the events we have seen for other movie really happened or if they're in the main characters had well just jump two years later to 2002 there was a direct-to-video sequel which featured a very young fresh face looking Mila Kunis as the main serial killer which is harder I mean I've got nothing against Miller Kunis or anything but go from Christian Bale to Miller Kunis it's just odd in fact the movie has such a disregard for its predecessor we see the character Patrick Bateman not played by Christian Bale murdered at the very beginning serving a big fu to all those who love the original American Psycho and if things couldn't get any weirder the movie also stars William Shatner yeah that's right William Shatner I shat you not as he plays a college professor and FBI agent yeah I can really see William Shatner as a professor an FBI agent American Psycho - really dumbs things down and feels like a generic may for video teen horror movie whereas the first one was both shocking and full provoking this one is just plain nauseating and if you're a fan of the original American Psycho then I suggest you skip this one number two the rage Carey - yeah believe it or not there was actually a sequel to Carrie and no it wasn't a straight-to-video all made-for-tv release which made it go under the radar know this actually had a theatrical release that came out in 1999 when there was something over Bible of the teen horror movie at that time it more or less tells the same story as the first one weird girl in high school gets picked on by the popular kids which causes her to open up a can of psychokinesis will pass on them and kill them all in a moment of manic revenge the only difference is this time the main focus is on Carey's long-lost sister and also this time the supernatural teen in question has the ability to make a tattoo grow all over her body when she gets enraged which is actually kind of stupid and makes no sense when you think about it also this time around the popular teenagers who are getting preyed upon arm themselves with spear guns what the hell's this spear god idiot and I know I've said this so many times in this video but it's really weird but you know what when watching the original Carrie I always thought there needed to be more spear cuts oh yeah and Finch from American Pie is also in this wonder someone killer party you know just because it wasn't strange enough although it's largely forgotten I must say when I saw it as a team I actually enjoyed it so I guess it did its job I mean yeah I can see how stupid it is in my adult life and is only a blip compared to the original but you know just saying it kept my sixteen-year-old mind occupied in 2000 that and it's still better than the recent remake [Music] number one the birds to land Xander oh yeah you better believe it this is not a practical joke but Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 masterpiece about a town getting terrorized by a plague of bloodthirsty birds actually got a sequel in the form of the birds to lands and a lame made-for-tv sequel which premiered in 1994 over 30 years after the original no one may have been asking for a sequel by 90 94 but by gosh they went and made one anyway but the movie is littered with that awkward kind of 90s cheese which makes the film feel really cringey it lacks the charm wit and terror of the first one and replaces it with bad acting unlikable characters and awful special effects that actually look nowhere near as good as the ones used in the original not to mention Tippi Hedren returns in the sequel only playing a different character making the movie feel more confusing Oh God what's with these sequels and bringing back original actors only to recast them in different roles both shock treatment and the birds to do this if you've got the original actors just cast them in their original characters otherwise all it's going to do is confuse us it really isn't hard to see why this has been quickly forgotten about and it seems that even the director of this turkey was so ashamed of this movie he had his name removed from the credits and yeah that just goes to show how bad the movie is when its own director designs it point is if a classic movie is not broken and doesn't require a sequel especially after 30 years then don't make one otherwise you may end up with one of the most forgettable sequels Emma well that was my list into movie sequels you never knew about I'm hoping there are a few shocks and surprises in there for you and if you already knew about all these movies well aren't you just a smartypants anyway I'm minty and I'm off on a quest to burn every copy of the birds too I can possibly find see ya Oh [Music]
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 374,706
Rating: 4.7014475 out of 5
Keywords: Sequels, forgotten sequels, The Birds 2 Lands End, A Return to Salem's Lot, Shock Treatment, Road House 2, Future World, Delta House, Home Alone 4, Home Alone Holiday Heist, s. darko, American Psycho 2, The Rage Carrie 2
Id: WHimFZqvRlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2017
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