10 Things You Didn't Know About TheyLive

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could it be that aliens are secretly running our society and are using subliminal messages that the human eye can't see in order to control the human race well that's what the movie they live would have you think released in 1988 and directed by john carpenter they live tells the story of john nada and he's here to chew bubble gum and kick ass but he's all out of bubble gum as the down on his luck hero discovers an advanced pair of sunglasses which allows him to see the world for what it truly is a society made up of hidden instructions which unknowingly enslaves its people ordering them to obey consume reproduce and conform and that those who seem to be higher up in society are also strange aliens who are in control of this subliminal takeover of the human race in which nada and his construction co-worker frank must help expose the aliens and free the human race from its enslavement mind control well guys welcome to the one video where people can't complain for me wearing sunglasses yes that's right my top 10 things that you didn't know about they live so with that let's check it out [Music] i have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass and i'm all out of bubble number 10 roddy piper got the role because john carpenter was a fan of wrestling in the early days of the production of they live john carpenter had considered casting kurt russell in the role of the main lead nada but he was slightly hesitant as carpenter had now worked with russell on escape from new york the thing and big trouble in little china so he decided to go with a fresh face that he had never worked with before piper was a well-known wrestler at the time and being a fan of wrestling carpenter wanted to cast roddy piper after watching wrestlemania 3 and met up with piper to discuss casting him in the movie the irony being that carpenter was a fan of pipers but piper had in fact never heard of carpenter despite carpenter's more than impressive list of movies that he directed including of course halloween number nine the movie screenwriter doesn't exist in the movie's credits the scriptwriter is credited as frank armitage but if anyone out there wanted to have an interview with armitage to discuss his time working on they live they may have a bit of a problem doing so as frank armitage simply doesn't exist nope he is in fact a cover name used by john carpenter as carpenter was the movie's real scriptwriter the name was used because carpenter did a lot of work on his own movies and in the credits he's often cited as director producer script writer and score composer so in other words when john carpenter makes a movie he goes all out and it was a worry that carpenter may look a bit egotistical with his name being blasted all over the credits so to prevent that pseudonyms were created to cover other roles that he performed on in the film number 8 the most expensive scene to shoot considering there are many special effects in the movie it may be hard to guess which scene did in fact cost the most to make well by all surprise the most expensive scene to shoot in the movie was in fact the grocery store scene on the account that a grocery store had to be built specifically for this scene as it had to be able to accommodate the bottles and other brands with their alternative subliminal labels as i'm guessing it would have been too impractical to go to a real grocery store and empty the shelves and replace the products with alternative ones so to fix the issue hey they just built their own grocery store problem solved look i know this is off subject but why are groceries called groceries they're not even gross shouldn't they be called yummerys number seven the famous bubblegum line was ad-libbed the most memorable and celebrated moment in the movie seems to be when the nada character enters the bank after discovering the truth with his enhanced sunglasses as he turns up with a shotgun looking all badass and says the famous line i have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass and i'm all out above them well believe it or not but this was something that roddy piper made up on the spot there and then and well i'm guessing the ad-lib dialogue stayed on the account of how badass it is i mean come on who wouldn't want to chew bubble gum and kick ass that's the embodiment of human happiness right there number six inspiration for the fight scene in they live there is a mad epic insane fight scene that feels like it goes on for an eternity well actually 5 minutes and 20 seconds to be precise yep a whole five minutes plus of watching two guys beat the living [ __ ] out of each other in a scene where nada tries to convince his friend to put on the sunglasses where he refuses which ends in the epic brawl which i think is meant to be a reflection on how people don't want to know the truth about those who pull the strings of society and would rather just live in ignorant bliss either put on these glasses or start eating that trash can this movie punch-up was so insane it took a whopping three days to shoot but interestingly enough carpenter took inspiration from a fight scene in the 1952 movie called the quiet man in which a young john wayne and another actor get into a good old punch-up but even though the quiet man might have inspired the fight scene and they live the fight scene and they live is still much more epic hold on you ain't the first son of a [ __ ] to wake up out of their dream number five european title change it's not an uncommon practice for when movies get shown in other parts of the world that they would have their titles changed this is something that happens all the time and is still happening to this day and they live as no exception as its european title is invasion los angeles which is an interesting title as it kind of gives away exactly what's happening one of the great things about seeing they live for the first time is discovering with the nada character exactly what is happening and just how crazy it all is to discover humanity is being enslaved by indulgent aliens whereas the title invasion los angeles sets up straight away that there is an invasion thus taking away that mystery for first time viewers i also find the european are interesting too is it just me or does it look like a poster for a chuck norris film or something hmm number four the reason the aliens look more like zombies have you ever noticed that the aliens in they live don't exactly look like aliens but more like rotting humanoid corpses this is because when designing the aliens for the movie they didn't want them to look like a high-tech advanced alien race but more like a decaying corrupted version of humans to emphasize the deceitful nature of these aliens they are not meant to represent the corruption of an advanced species but rather the corruption of us which when you think about it makes the concept of these aliens much more disturbing and maybe i'm wrong but in the scenes in particular that are black and white when we see the aliens i can't help but feel like it's somehow paying homage to george a romero's knight of the living dead number three they live and the election they live was scheduled to be released on october the 21st 1988 but its release date was pushed back to november the 8th its popular belief that this was done to avoid competition with the release of halloween four ironically a franchise also started up by john carpenter but the real reason the release was pushed back to november 8 is that that was the day of the american presidential election and giving the nature of the movie it was decided it was necessary to release the movie on that particular date giving they live more symbolic meaning number two the idea of the movie came from a comic book indeed john carpenter got inspiration for they live from a comic book called 8 o'clock in the morning which then got remade into another comic called nada which is a comic that pays homage to those science fiction comics of the 1950s in which the main character george wakes up from hypnosis only to see that society seems to be run by grotesque lizard monsters and that he is the only one that can see them as the creatures are controlling human perceptions for their own gain just as with the movie so they live gets its themes of corruption and democracy and the power of advertisement from eight o'clock in the morning and what ties the stories even more close together is the main character nada from they live is named after the main character george nada from 8 o'clock in the morning sea peoples never underestimate comic books and just how much they can influence and inspire great creativity number one roddy piper thought the movie was based on a true story ok we've saved the funniest for last as roddy piper had frequently been vocal about how they lived is in fact based on a true story and even expressed this view on the blu-ray commentary track i'm trying to save you your family's life you couldn't even save your own piper saw a 1978 documentary called la aferi bronzwick which was about a brand of tvs brought out in the 1950s which sent out subliminal messages to women to buy expensive products piper maintained this theory that they lived as based on this event for years sadly though piper didn't know that the movie is a comedy yeah whoops yeah poor piper but hey maybe then again he knew this and that he was just trolling people and tricking us into believing something which definitely would go along with the themes of they live but either way piper was a great and fun presence in they live well guys that was my look into they live the movie that teaches us not to just accept things at face value and to question everything and be alert of the powers that control society anyway i'm minty and i'm off to choose some bubblegum and when i've chewed up all the bubblegum i'm going to kick some ass see ya [Music] foreign
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 119,789
Rating: 4.9553375 out of 5
Id: Xcvo9o-nWg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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