10 Amazing Facts About Gremlins2

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in 1990 six years after the original the gremlins were back bigger scarier funnier nastier and more inventive than ever before as this time the action takes place in New York in a wacky high-tech building called the clam center providing an interesting and limitless setting for the gremlins madness when Billy Peltzer is now an architect at the clamp Center he gets reunited with the Mogwai gizmo after the passing of his owner mr. wing but of course as you'll expect the rules that accompanied the Mogwai are broken as gizmo gets wet and his troublesome clothes eat after midnight with the gremlins causing all manner of chaos in the building gremlins - the new batch sees the return of director Joe Dante producer Steven Spielberg composer Jerry Goldsmith along with actors that gohan Phoebe Cates and Dick Miller but what's interesting about gremlins - is that it's actually nothing like the first movie it feels much more like a wacky oddball comedy full of fourth wall breaking moments along with scenes that even send up and spoof the original gremlins movie gremlins - the new batch is fast and hyperactive and wonderfully all over the place it's like the movie itself is on a sugar high with no chance of coming down anytime soon [Music] we're broad not you like the over-the-top insane style of comedy of the sequel all the more restrained style of the original one thing is for sure you go to admire gremlins - for going in a different direction and giving the movie a different tone to that of the original so today we are going to explore 10 amazing facts about gremlins - the new batch let's check this out what if they're eating in an airplane and they cross the time zone i mean it's always midnight somewhere number ten super aerial footage the movie starts of a surprisingly not out of place looney tunes short with Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck which sets up the mood that this movie is going to be one off-the-wall wacky comedy to which the movie that literally starts with a very impressive aerial shot of New York City however this piece of film footage was actually filmed three years earlier as it was footage of New York that was filmed for the Superman movie Superman for the quest for peace namely the footage that was filmed the Lois and Superman flying sequence however that particular bit of foot is used at the start of gremlins 2 was footage that never ended up being used for Superman 4 so I guess if you got the footage why let it go to waste so thus it was used as an introduction establishing shot for gremlins 2 to show the viewer that the gremlin shenanigans is now taking place in the Big Apple Superman for the quest for peace may have been a bad movie but at least it provided gremlins 2 with some great aerial shots by the idea of a bad movie redeeming itself some was number 9 Christopher Lee's owling apology meant the Aryan race in Graham wants to have a horror ledger and slash movie legend in general Christopher Lee plays dr. capita a sinister scientist who is hell-bent on studying diseases and weird creatures Lee's involvement makes gremlins to that bit more awesome and more of a spectacle however five years earlier Lee starred in the howling - which was a sequel to Jo Dante's original howling movie and is generally considered a downright awful movie and didn't go down too well Lee however felt bad for his involvement in the dreaded sequel and even apologized to Dante on the set of gremlins - for his acting role in the howling - when he discovered that Dante had indeed directed the original well that was nice of him I mean there's not much you can say about a movie that involves Christopher Lee talking about totally ear plugs number eight Wallace out Baker in [Music] in the original gremlins Chris Wallace provides the Puffin effects which by 1984 standards were flawless heck they are still brilliant and hold up even today however after working on gremlins Wallace then got on board David Cronenberg's the fly providing the makeup effects for that movie soon although when gremlins too went into production Chris Wallace was offered the chance to come back to continue to provide his talents for gremlins when he turned down the job as he took on the role of director for the fly - so Warner Brothers then turned to one of the most famous makeup effects artists of them all Rick Baker who had previously provided effects for Star Wars Michael Jackson's Thriller and American wealth in London at first Baker was hesitant for getting involved the gremlins sequel but he eventually got on board as he liked the inventive ideas of making different kinds of gremlins like the bat gremlin spider gremlin vegetable gremlin and even the electric gremlin become an electric tool they do new number-7 film critic revenge [Music] gremlins to features a cameo by American film critic Leonard Maltin who is literally giving a scathing review of the first movie until the gremlins invade the set and take out their revenge on the unsuspecting critic it is definitely one of my favorite fourth wall breaking moments in the movie however there is a deeper meaning to this scene as Moulton was used in that scene as he gave the original gremlins a very bad review and most of what he is saying in gremlins 2 is pretty much exactly what he said when reviewing the first movie what's fun about a movie full of ugly slimy mean-spirited gloppy little monsters who run amok and attack innocent which makes his subsequent gremlins attack that bit more funny and glorious I love the fact that although Leonard Martin disliked the gremlins brand he still had the heart to feature in the sequel and send him so far what a sure good sport number 6 gremlins destroyed by the theatrical and home video versions of gremlins 2 [Music] so yeah there is a lot of cameos and gremlins too from John Astin Bugs Bunny Daffy Duck composer Jerry Goldsmith Henry Gibson the Batman logo and Jason press-on aka one of the explorers to name but just a few but the most notorious cameo no doubt comes from the Hulkster himself where during the movie the gremlins literally invade the movie screening and mess with the actual movie's projection where an angered Hulk Hogan threatens the gremlins if they don't cut out their shenanigans and let gremlins 2 players normal do you think the gremsters yeah the sequence is out of place and brings the movie to a complete stop but in a way that kind of makes it funnier and goes of the oddball comedy feel of gremlins to you however when gremlins 2 was released on home video the sequence was completely changed to make it look like the gremlins are destroying a videotape as opposed to a movie projector where the gremlins come face-to-face with old footage of John Wayne instead of Hulk Hogan where he proceeds to shoot the gremlins who are mucking around with the gremlins 2 viewing personally I prefer the Hulk Hogan version as I find the John Wayne voice dubs to be awkward I warned I don't need varmints on my ranch and when gremlins 2 was released on DVD the original Hulk Hogan scene was restored number 5 video game [Music] so a company called sunsoft released a video game for gremlins to for both the NES and Game Boy because back in those days Nintendo was where it was at and look at the game's cover that looks frightening and badass so for gamers who wanted to have the gremlins destroy their game systems you could play gremlins too where you play as gizmo as you have to work your way around the clamp center building where you must eventually make it to the gremlins central command center where it's up to gizmo to destroy them all it has basic gameplay with fairly impressive graphics for its time but nothing too spectacular although some of the levels of the game makes some of the rooms in the clamp building look like some kind of futuristic medieval torture room like why would there be spikes on the floor like that giving that there's many many many employees at the clamp building that is just a lawsuit waiting to happen then again given how batshit insane gremlins - actually is I actually wouldn't be surprised if there was a medieval futuristic torture room in the building number 4 The Curious Case of the water hatches [Music] so if the gremlins brand came a lot of interesting merch like the gamers mentioned along with dolls and even breakfast cereals however the most weirdest piece of merchandise associated with the gremlins is the water hatches yep LJN went all out with crazy ideas we're trying to create some kind of products out of the gremlins which leads us to the water hatches which would see tiny rubber figurines of gizmo and a gremlin who come out of an egg in which once you put them in water they apparently grow and expand in size which although watching rubber expand may have been cool before the internet it makes you wonder if the brilliant minds behind the water hatches knew anything about gremlins as water doesn't make them grow but multiply in fact it's eating after midnight which makes them physically change number three the brain gremlin could have had a different voice in gremlins to the new batch we see the arrival of the brain gremlin a gremlin with a vast intellect and complete vocabulary of words along with British accent you know to make him sound more smart I guess no clearly not but in no sense civilized the part of the brain gremlin was voiced by mark Dodson who had previously provided some voices for Return of the Jedi however before Dodson got on board none other than Tim Cory was considered for voicing the brain gremlin now that would have been awesome like wow that just would have made gremlins too that bit more brilliant and not only that but curry is also a voice actor so it would have been perfect but for whatever reason it didn't end up happening my guess is because at the time Tim Curry was too busy starring as penny wise for the it miniseries Tim Curry really did not have the best of luck with Steven Spielberg's Amblin company back in the 80s as just one year prior he was considered for the part of judge doom for Who Framed Roger Rabbit but of course that went to Christopher Lloyd number two the struggle to get Joe Dante originally Joe Dante had no interest whatsoever in returning to gremlins the studio offered him the opportunity to return but he originally turned it down so the project proceeded without him and there were many ideas floating around what they could do with the gremlins follow up some of these ideas include the gremlins let loose and Las Vegas and even more bizarre one idea was to see the gremlins on Mars it was clear Warner Brothers needed the guidance of Dante so in order for his return Dante was given full creative control over the movie and gremlins 2 was even assigned a higher budget this is probably why gremlins 2 feels like a much more oddball wacky comedy similar to other Dante projects such as in a space and matinee because it is more of a personalized Joe Dante film and even in some ways feels more like a spoof of the original what with its constant winks nudges and breaking of the fourth wall Dante would go on to say that he actually preferred gremlins to over the original in fact gremlins 2 does have a fanbase of fans who do prefer it to the original as it is a different kind of movie two years later the exact same thing happened with Warner Brothers once again when they really want a Tim Burton to return for Batman Returns and gave him full creative control in return for his input number one a beloved character nearly returned [Music] the original script was to see the return of Randall Pell sir the crazy inventor and father to the Philly character from the original movie the character was going to show up at the end once all the gremlins had been destroyed where he would give gizmo a custom-made wetsuit to assure that he would never get wet again and thus putting a stop once and for all to all the gremlins chaos actor Hoyt axon who played Randall in the original movie was available and eager to return to the part however it was decided that the characters cameo should be written out of the movie on the grounds that it was felt like the movie was going over time as it was with many other scenes having to be removed and deleted so it was decided to not have the Randall character turn up in order to try and control the movies already over running time duration well guys that was my look into gremlins 2 and if you want a more coherent and contemporary movie like the original gremlins then you might not like gremlins 2 the new batch I do like the sequel 4 it's more balls-to-the-wall comedy no ifs or buts about it this is a comedy movie and that is all there is to it I put it in the same category as Bill & Ted's bogus journey so I definitely say check it out it's brilliant and it's generally funny and pretty created with some very good special effects just if you do watch it try not to compare it to the original and also try not to make too much sense out of it for that matter anyway I'm minty and why does a part of me want to see gremlins on Mars see ya [Music]
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 267,958
Rating: 4.9155555 out of 5
Id: -vHieH0HxrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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