Move any Website to WordPress with a few clicks | 10Web AI Builder Review and Tutorial

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in this video we're going to review the 10 web ai builder and we're going to see how it works hi my name is stratos and i'm constantly producing video tutorials about wordpress please subscribe to my channel for more videos like this if you just want to see the review to see what are my results go and find the timestamps in the description below and go ahead and go over there in one word should you use this if you are is if you are an agency yes this is a must-have tool and i'm going to show you why if you're just someone that wants to copy his website from another cms platform also this is a tool for you and let's see what we have so if you go to the ten web dot io uh url you will find the website i will put a link in description below and this link it's not an affiliate link you will see that as it says here the 10 web ai builder will help you create a website it uses the elementor the free version of elementor and it will add functionality in that they will add elements and also the features that you can create your own custom header custom footer and also the archive and the single post templates and after that we will have for sure woocommerce templates with that so you can use that and create whatever website you want to build they also have templates if you're going to start from the beginning but the unique feature is that you can copy your existing website from another platform even it's not a website built in wordpress and you can copy everything and create a wordpress website within minutes without too much of work we're going to test some cms platforms and we're going to copy the content of those websites into a brand new wordpress so uh in the website you will find everything that you may need to know and keep in mind that at this moment they have a lifetime deal this lifetime deal it will end in the february 10th and at this moment the plus is a lifetime deal of course for 50 55 bucks and it's for three websites lifetime support and lifetime updates everything that they will bring later on it will be included in every uh package that you decide to buy the freelancer is 85 for six websites 100 140 uh dollars for 15 websites the expert and the agency is 280 bucks for 1 000 websites after that the price will change to a monthly fee and if your agency i think you should buy something like that you will see later on why they have a 30 day money back guarantee and they also give you three days if you want to try the product you don't have to use any credit card to be a member you just go and create an account and you have three days and create something with the product so you can see the faq here and you can read whatever you want also they have ways to communicate and you can send to them any questions that they have i'm sure they will explain everything so here is my website that i am going to use it's an empty website i have created in my own custom domain name it's and as you will see here in the appearance in themes i don't have anything expect the standard themes in the plugins i only have one extra plugin which is the 10 web manager and we will see what it does this is a brand new plugin i don't have anything inside here so this is the website that they are going to copy for the first test this is a website that is created with elementor and i'm going to copy all of that now remember when you're copying and recreating a website there are some copyrights that are with the owner of the website his content his pictures and everything else is protected because it's his own you cannot copy that without the uh the license of the author without having them know that you're going to copy that so keep that in mind and let's start now once you are going into your account you will find yourself in this page and it says hi ok and here you will add your website let's go first and see what we have for the settings so we're going here and we go have some security settings and as you can see this is the email so you can reset the password it has a google two-factor authentication which you can enable and they you can grant 10 web temporary access for seven days and so they can give you faster support i wish this could only affected a specific website and not the whole account so maybe later on they will add the specific website and not the whole account and let's go to the subscription so this is the plan that you are uh having at this moment it says that i am in the plus plan and i have three websites to add we will see what it means three websites this is the payment method and of course the payment history and here we have also some notifications so once they update something you can see everything inside here so let's close that and go to the websites and here i'm going to click add website now this will bring me these two options you have to host a website somewhere a wordpress website somewhere and you have to install a plugin once you do that this plugin will connect to the ten web website and it will take over and will handle everything for you so this will ask do you have somewhere hosted a wordpress website if not you can host it in the 10 web hosting which uses google cloud or you can have your own wordpress website somewhere hosted i am from for this option and i'm going to click here it says zero from three and i'm going to click next so now it says you can download the then web manager plugin and you can install it in your wordpress website once install it you can go ahead and activate that and then it can connect with this website so let's go back to the website that i'm going to use i'm going to click here that says activate and now i'm going to click connect it will take some time and it will connect the my website to the manager to the 10web website okay i'm going to wait i'm not going to pause the video congratulations okay the website now is successfully connected and i can click done now uh they do more than just add some manager they also control uh the checking of the website if it's affected for a virus of anything else they have some plugins that you can install and they also have some templates that you can use to create your own website so we're going to wait a little bit and now it says here uh template it says recreate with ai it says plugins wordpress themes and overview so let's click overview first and here we have that everything is up to date it uses the wordpress 5.6 and from that from this screen you can update your website and your plugins let's go to the template first and here we can see that they have templates and here you can click and let's say ecommerce and we will see that they have some ecommerce templates let's go to travel and here is the travel let's go animals and here's the animal so i can preview that and this is a whole website it's not only one page that you can import and let's preview and as you can see this is the home page they have an about page they have a what to do and contact let's go to what to do and you can import that and start using the website and continue for that so you will save some time because you will not create something from the beginning with a blank template and as you can see this is how it looks in the tablet mode and this is how it looks in the mobile view okay let's close that and we're going not going to use the templates it's pretty straightforward you just hit import and everything is installed for you i'm not going to do that i'm going to recreate something with the ai and this is my mainly focus this is the thing that i'm most happy about so we're going to copy this website which is created with elementor and keep in mind that when you're copying something you have to have a license from the author so uh his words his pictures his text his everything of that he got created it's his own it's copyrighted so you cannot go and copy everything from a stranger let's go and click for the home page paste the url clear here and click elsewhere once i click elsewhere it will spin and it will give me a check and it says pages one of five added and then i can add a new page you can go and add five pages at once and let's do the second one which is this one i'm going to click add the page then let's go to the blog add the page and of course if your website has more than five you can go and continue the pro the process after this import has finished so it will go five and then in another step other five pages and then the other five pages i think this is because you don't want to put too much resources for the server so i have completed with the five urls that i'm going to recreate and i have to keep in mind that you have to click elsewhere just to for that to be imported so now i can click here that says recreate and import and once i click here it will take some time and it will copy the whole website and we're going to compare it so i'm going to pause the video and once it finished we're going to continue so now it's done it took about 3 minutes as it says here the i assist and recreate your website and save you hours of manually work and edit any section with the 10web editor based on elementor so you can now view and enter your website now i wish this didn't uh showed every time i create something because in every website that i'm going to copy it will say uh this thing every time though it's not a big thing but uh it's not something that i want to see every time so let's see the source website this is the source website and let's go to the homepage and let's go also to this is the source and this is the one that they have created so as you can see the header is a bit off but then we have everything else here and as you will see the menu is not the exact same thing but it's something very logical but you can see that they have also everything they have these buttons that you can go and edit them and to point them correctly they have this text and here we have okay here we have this text and then we have the images and here we have also the images right here and then we have this page and then we have the footer down here and also we have everything right there so they are pretty close they are 100 they are not a 100 identical but they are pretty close and this is the contact form so let's go here and see the contact form okay this is the contact form as you can see the contact form needs something to be done but here it was also the map and here is also the map everything was working as it should be but it needs some styling so this is the source and let's go to the destination the clone and keep in mind this is a blog and also we have the sidebar here and we have the blog here and you can see everything and then let's go to another page and let's go here to another page so this was the page inside and this is the page in the source so they are pretty close there are some things that i needs to be improved and of course this is something that you should expect and keep in mind that i haven't said the pretty urls i have such uh had an empty website so i'm going to now take this uh url and i'm going to open the gtmetrix and i'm going to paste the website here this is the 10web the clone that i had and let's go and copy the source and let's open the gt metrics again and let's clone the source again now i was amazed with the speed because they're both in elementor of course this source needs some work to be done the source needs some work to be done with the casting and everything else for the speed but you will see that the speed of the clone the 10 web is pretty good it's faster than the original website so let's see so this is the one and you can see that now okay i don't really care about the time which is 5.4 but you can see that the total request is are 51 and here we have a total request of 75 with 104 megabytes so this is 1.09 so it made some casting and as you can see here we have some javascript and the css is cast here is the 34.7 percent of the cost and this which is the 10 web is the cast is only 13.7 so it's compressed and that's why it's a little bit faster now for the time it's because i'm not using a very good hosting company i'm using a testing website company so if i retest i maybe get a little bit different number and maybe a little better but for me these are great results for just a test now what i didn't like let's go and see the website and we're going to edit that with the elementor and let's go and make this an inspect okay inspect now what i uh saw is when i hover here i will see that this is not an h1 element or h2 this is a div element even though it's a heading it's a development but if i go to the source and if i go to the home page let's close that and let's go and inspect the element here here i will see that this is an h2 element and this is a development so if i go here and click here inside the elementor i will see that this is the heading element but here i have the html tag set to div instead of h2 another thing that didn't like that i would like to be improved it's that the images are not copied with the exact name so if i go here and let's inspect here and let's go to this image we will see that this image says has a name like that this is the name of the image and it also has an integrative text let's go to the ten web website and let's see in the inspector the image the same image and you will see now that the name of the image is let's see where it is okay this is the name of the image then next media something dot 15 jpeg and okay so this is the name of the image and i don't have the alternative text now uh when i send them they told me that this is because of copyright issues and they wanted to change the names because you should change the images and that is pretty logical but if you're going to copy your own website you do want to have the images and the same names and the same alternative text so they will add the switch somewhere so you can check something and it will copy also the images with the names and the alternative text and if it's not your website you have to go and replace the images of course this is just for you to make something of a test or something you are not allowed to copy the text and the images okay um just want for you to be sure about that so other than that i think it's pretty amazing and you can go and see everything else and let's go to let's close that exit dashboard and let's go back to wordpress and here we will see that we have some plugins and if i go here to the templates i will see that i have the 10 web templates and here in the 10 web templates i have the header footer single and archive page so i can create the header that i want and i can edit that with elementor and have that got it okay and have that then assigned to everywhere that i want so i'm going to advance then and i can send say that i want to the whole website entire website and publish that and now what i built here it will be published across the whole website and not only some pages and everything else and of course you can create a single template you can create an archive template and everything that you want so i'm going to delete now the website and i'm going to clone a website create it from another builder so let's go back to the 10 web plugins let's go to media first and i'm going to delete those files and let's pause the video just to clean the website so i deleted everything from the plugins let's go into themes and let's delete that and then i'm going into the 10 website let's close that and let's refresh here and the one thing that i'm going to make is delete disconnect the website here from here so remove website and yes remove and says that once you remove you will it will not scan your website for issues it will not take updates and everything else so i am going to add the website again so i'm going back to let's go to here and let's go into plugins install plugins i'm going to activate that and once again connect it let's close the other pages and i'm going to connect to my webflow account [Music] okay it's ready okay this is the website that i have created let's see if this share works no okay so this is a test website that i'll create with webflow just to create something to compare with wordpress because i'm always comparing things okay and let's go now here into the project settings and of course this is the url of the website that webflow.eo okay so this is the website that i'm going to copy so i have only i think the homepage i don't have any other pages i don't have the work or something i think yeah this is uh okay i have some templates created with the workflow here as you can see contact so these are templates created with webflow so let's go back to the website uh let's close that and let's go here and i'm going to import first the home page and let's go to work okay this is an old page it's not the new page this is the new page okay and here i'm going to copy that not the project okay click elsewhere and then add the webs at the page projects team also we have the blog and also we have the contact so recreate and here i'm going to pause the video again okay it finished it took again about three minutes and let's view and edit that and let's put those side by side so here is the destination and let's go and see the original one and this is the original one okay we have the services here the overlay color is missing i have the services here they're missing some layout as you can see but the content is there the images are there let's go to work let's go to work everything is looking the same in work okay and let's go to contact and here contact not here here okay the map and our services and the form and here we have the map the form our services and everything else so it grabbed the content and i'm really happy with the result of course i have to go and make some styling but this is again something that i would expect to do let's go to the next one which uh since i don't have a wix website in my clients i had one that was moved from that so here's the website and this is what i'm going to recreate so i'm going to pause the video and i'm going to start from the beginning again okay i'm ready again so let's go inside the plugins let's activate the 10 web not the customizer sorry let's activate the ten web manager and let's go into the plugins i thought i delete everything yeah i delete everything so now that i have connected let's go to then web manager and let's connect that i have already uh disconnect my website from here so it will open now in a new window and this is the website that we are going to copy i'm going only to copy the home page not everything inside and then i have and an open card website that i'm going to test so let's wait okay done and after that we're going to see uh what we can use inside the builders inside uh the wordpress website we're going to see some plugins that they have been installed things that we should also do so we're going to recreate with ai let's click that to speed up the process but i have to wait a little bit okay it hasn't finished adding the tools and now i can go and paste the so let's recreate and import so let's pause the video again okay we're back and let's view and edit that and let's close the web flow and this is the wips at the wix and as you can see i have the logo the menu the buttons okay some styling is needs to be done i have the images this hasn't got this image the full width of this image i have to go and see with the styling but as you can see this messed up a little bit the styling but the content is all everything there the images then we have the wix editor here this is better then we have these two columns with get started okay and then we have this little bit of text and then we have those three uh four images okay six images okay and then we have this and here we have this okay and here then we have the standing them standing templates here the standing templates some things is some things no they're not missing sorry it took some time for those to load but they're not missing then we have the faq faq and then they have a pretty big footer okay so i'm really happy with the results again and last thing let's pause the video to clean the website again back with our clean website let's activate the 10 web manager i have already deleted that website let's connect that and we're going to test an open cart website and this is also eshop of course because it's an open card so it's a commerce an e-commerce sub website okay done let's relate let's wait okay and here i'm going to paste that and i'm going also to put one or two more more pages and let's go for a connect or a an inside page let's go for inside page let's go for this one other page and let's put that also so i'm going to click recreate and import and then pause the video again so it's finished and let's see the results this is the source website and this is the destination so i don't have the slider here as i saw i have here this text but it needs some design to be made somewhere tweaking i have my products but they're not looking good because this line went down to here but i will fix all of those once i go into the back end i have then my products down here and these are looking a little bit better of course they're not the same and i wouldn't expect to be exactly the same but as you can see most of those are fetched let's go and edit that with the 10 web builder and we're going to see how it looks in the elementor and what elements we have to work with and also i'm going to go into the back end after that so let's open also that okay and as you can see here i have the my basic features i have my general from elementor and then i have the 10 web plugins and these features are free in the wordpress repository and then i have the premium widgets by 10web all of those are going to help you create your website that you want and as you can see we have enough menu we have a login search form animated heading and everything else that you want to create i have posts so i can create my single uh and archive post template i can create the header in the footer i have everything inside here if we go to the back end we're going to see that in the plugins it is we have here uh the 10 web builder of course we have the elementor we have a four maker and the for maker pro we have a slider button web and svg support inside this slider we have the slides that we can create and use here our home page we have the shortcode to use those we have a form maker and we can create the forms that we want and as you can see i have also the mail options the appearance so you can pretty much do anything that you would want to do after that inside the appearance themes i will have the 10 web theme activated and if i go to the my account and let's go here that i'm going to click websites here is where you can uh add you're going to add a new website if you want so you can click here that says add a new website and you can add your next website my account can have three websites so i can have three inside here if i go to my existing website i can see that the speed is 80 80 for the desktop and 46 for the mobile and if i go to manage i have here some options so i have the plugins so i can see which plugins are and the versions that are installed i have the inactive the available updates and i can update all my plugins from this i have the scheduling we this is for the updates and the backup and the schedule history and also i have the wordpress themes so uh as you can see you can have your website and managed here from the controller from the dashboard of the 10 web i o and if if you have more than two or three websites this is a good thing to have if you are an agency and let's go back to the websites and keep in mind that if i go and remove the website from here it says that i will lose this scan for issues i will lose the automatic updates the one click optimizer the google speed score on the fly real-time backup because it does backups also and once i remove that my website is going to work perfectly it will not have any problem it doesn't mean that once i disconnect i lose everything now i have everything because everything is installed in wordpress installed in here but i lose the updates of the plugins and everything else so for the review let's say that you are an agency and let's say that a client comes to you and says i have a web a week's website and in two days it's going to expire and i don't want to update it anymore and subscribe to that and everything else what you can do to help me so you will have to create a website for him just to have something to work you cannot leave him without a website and then when you create something you will not have time to create a full website you will have to go with a landing page or something to say that we are under construction and we are building our new website and then you have to go and create a new website from the beginning with this tool you can go and copy everything that he's he already has and move it into wordpress and spend an hour to change the appearance and make it better and after that you can decide do you want to keep the website or do you want to create something from the beginning but it will save you a lot of time because you will have something to begin with also there are many times that the client of mine came and said that i have no access of my website because my previous designer will not give me access uh to my website he will not give me access to my hosting company for the server so i will not uh go to give you anything from my existing website what can you take from that so i have to go and manually download all the images all the text and everything else that i can go and grab and then create something from the beginning with the with this tool i can go and recreate his website and it will be almost identical and with simple styling it will be something that i am happy to work with and after that you can decide keep that or create something from the beginning if you are an agency this is a must-have tool i think it's a very important and to have something like that to say to your client yeah in only one day i can give you the website that is going to work it's not a perfect website but it's going to work fine and then we can create something of your own so your client will be happy even if it's not an identical website because you know you had one day just to do the job and then you can decide what you want to do now if you're an individual and you want to recreate your website from wix or webflow or for some reason you want to go into wordpress then this tool will help you move your existing website into there and i think it's pretty easy thing to do after that you can go and update elementor and update anything and style it how you want to do at this moment it's not an ideal tool to create something from the beginning so it's not a tool that i would choose just to go with an empty page and start building my website i'm using oxygen for my main focus but even if i'm going to use elementor the elementor pro has pretty amazing features and at this moment they are not ready i'm pretty sure that they will bring features here they will improve the ai they will improve the header and the footer builder this sticky builder and the stick header sorry transparency and everything else and i'm sure that maybe later on you will be able to create amazing websites with that but at this moment it's not uh i don't think it's comparable with elementor and of course it's reasonably to think that this is a new website this is a new tool it's only five minutes five sorry five months and elementor is over three or four years i don't remember i think three and a half years now so that was my video guys give me thumbs up if you liked it please subscribe to my channel for more videos like this and i will see you all in the next video bye
Channel: Stratos Tutorials
Views: 1,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10web ai builder, 10web ai builder review, should you buy 10web ai builder, 10web ai builder tutorial, clone a wix website, how to clone a wix website, move wix to wordpress, wix to wordpress, clone a webflow website, move webflow to wordpress, webflow to wordpress, move opencart to wordpress, prestashop to wordpress, joomla to wordpress, any website to wordpress, easy clone any website, move a website to wordpress, copy website to wordpress, move joomla to wordpress
Id: wgDd9MfBRZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.