Munich: 10 Things That Shock Tourists in Munich

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good Scott hi everybody mark here at Walters room today we are in Munich one of my favorite places to come in the world it is an amazingly beautiful city with the frontier here and the glockenspiel that new town hall and all the cool stuff to do here you'll be shocked how many awesome things there are to do here aside from drinking beer and that's why today what we have for you are ten things that shocked tourists when they come here to Munich so let's get started the first thing that shots a lot of tourists so they come here is how many places you can go drink beer the beer halls the beer gardens the bh2 was the Vince house is all these places that sell beer and many different sizes and many different flavors and many different kinds of beer there everywhere around here and it's really good beer and those places also serve a lot of pork so that's what I kind of put that first shock is all the ways you can buy beer and pork when you are here in Munich it is quite shocking so make sure you do go to the beer hall so you do go to the german restaurants chick because this is the place we even get really good German food and really good German beer all the time I know other place to Germany sometimes it's hard to find German food here you get that kind of traditional German Bavarian food which is really good so do get out there and have your beer and your pork now the second thing that shocks people when they come here is when they actually see the one litre beer we in the u.s. we call it a beer stein but here's some Moss one liter beer yes you might be holding with two hands to drink it and you will see lots of tourists trying it out but you also see locals doing that and the thing is those 1 liter beers you don't have them everywhere in Munich it's only some of the beer halls of some of the restaurants especially those that cater to tourists because they know we tourists really like to have that but yes you can get 1 liter of beer in one go it is pretty fun when you go to those beer halls and this kind of leads into the third thing that had kind of shocks people when they come here is with all the beer and all the pork and all the tourists that come here the public bathrooms are actually pretty clean which is shocking when you think of beer and pork and tourists yeah usually does bad things to people's tummies but honestly the public bathrooms here totally okay so if you're out and about you can hit a public bathroom no problem sometimes you might need to leave $0.50 or something sometimes you don't have to pay at all but just so you know public bathrooms a ok here in Munich now the fourth thing the shots when they come here's yes this is beer city Germany but actually there's more than just beer here in Munich this city has so many amazing museums if you like art the old Pinot tech the new peanut tech the Pinta secular modern you want to see the history they have the residents here in town where the Bavarian Kings where you have the nymphenburg palace count towards the outskirts of town there's all kinds of great museums the deutsches museum probably the best Science and Industry Museum in Europe it is amazing here I mean the BMW museums here if you like toys there's a toy museum right by the glockenspiel at the new town hall you're gonna look and see and watch at 11:00 o'clock every day by the way glockenspiel 11 o'clock every day and also 12 and 5 in the summer but just now 11 o'clock you've got it so you can go to the toy museum that's right there in the Old Town Hall there's all kinds of great things to do here aside from hitting the beer halls and I think a lot of people don't realize they come here this is a capital the Bavarian Kingdom okay so they have all the very assets all this kind of stuff this is one of the most richest places in Germany and you see that with the architecture and you see with the museums and the historical stuff here it is really cool so just remember shockingly that hey Munich is not just beer its culture as well now the fifth thing I have for you in terms of shocking people's this is one if you take like a bike tour or you're wandering through the parks and stuff like that if you go to the englischer garten you will see naked people of all shapes all sizes all colors all Creed's there is a lot of different naked people out of an English garden the thing is here in Germany nobody's no big deal I could go lay out there no one's really gonna care but for a tourist that's doing their tour and they're checking out the English guard in this beautiful park here in Munich sometimes I go hold my goodness hide yourself something I didn't know I wanted to see you're gonna see it and you're gonna see it a lot and there'll be families and they'll be old people to be all kinds of stuff and you don't have to be naked but there's all this stuff going around and it does shock tourists cuz you see the bike tours and they go through everyone's go as they watch to say as they drive by so it is a little shocking for some of us that come from more modest cultures let's say now the sixth thing that might shock you me to come here is this place is packed with tourists my guess would be that shocking because it has you know the beer halls the great museums but honestly this is a big coming end point from people from all over the world into Germany it's probably the most important tourist city in Germany so you have tons of people coming in so your flights you're gonna be packed they're gonna be a little more pricey the hotels are more pricey because all these tours but the thing is it's not just the tourists that come here the Germans want to live here too because if Bavaria is doing pretty well and people really like being here so the prices get driven up okay so high tourists lots of tourists and although people want to be here means higher prices long line stuff like that being packed at certain spots that you're going to cert museums so what I recommend is you come an offseason or shoulder season literally you could have Munich almost to yourself but just know man July August Oktoberfest oh my god you will be packed full of people and you'll be paying sky-high prices so just a heads up for that one now the 7 thing on our list is yes that is the Disney Castle look outside of Munich there's the neuschwanstein castle that you can go to and that's the one you see in all of the tourist brochures for germany and you're like wow that looks like Cinderella's castle of course it does because Walt Disney was inspired by the neuschwanstein castle and some other castles but you can see how it really influenced Disney when he made that castle and you're going there and it's crazy when inside because King Ludwig that made that he was a bit bonkers and there's some really crazy rooms in there but the thing is it does shock be like wait it's a Disney Castle but it's right on Disney no doesn't he got the idea from them here okay and that leads us into the a thing that shocks me when they come here is Munich is not just Munich you could go and explore so much when you are here in Munich because this makes a great base to go see some really awesome cities you want to try the smoked beer and bomb bird you can head out that way you want to go to Nuremberg and see the German National Museum or see the best Christmas markets in Germany that's not far from here going to Regensburg neat sausages that they've been selling there for hundreds and hundreds of years they have that's just really close by - oh you want to see another country you can drop jump on the train our our have your in Salzburg Austria one of those prettiest towns in the world it's so close by oberammergau where they paint on the sides of the building and stuff like that oh yes you can go to neuschwanstein and see the castle there and and the fruits in the town right by there to have this kind of old-world Germany feel you can have that here that shocks me when they go well I don't just have to stay in unit no you can base here and see so many other places it is really awesome now the ninth thing I have that shocks you is when you go to Dachau Dachau is one of the Nazi concentration camps and it's not that far from downtown Munich you can get there very easily on the s-bahn you'll be shocked how somber you feel after you go through there when you read through what the people went through at Dachau and the other concentration camps it really it really does like it just it breaks your heart and so that will be one thing I say it's like kind of shocked people just how my god what have we done what happened all these kind things these feelings you have there but then also you're shocked when you see tourists doing their selfie promotions at a concentration camp I mean come on people have some respect and I'm gonna dock out quite a few times cuz whenever I come here with friends or students or whatever I always take them out there to see it and it is very somber and then sometimes the students I have seen people doing that like what the hell are you doing so just know you go out there you'll be shocked how you feel but also you want to smack some people for how disrespectful they are and the thing is those people that have been disrespectful those aren't the Munich people those aren't the Bavarian people because the tenth thing that you're gonna be shocked about is how friendly and outgoing and wonderful the people of Munich and Bavaria are look I know Germany's got this kind of bad stereotype that they're unfriendly and cold and heartless and stuff like that look that is not the case especially here in Bavaria and a Munich the people are so nice they really are wonderful they will help you out when you go into the stores they're gonna say goo Scott I mean they do that for everybody but they have this welcoming nature about them and it's shocking when you've had these stereotypes your whole life about how Germans are so cold and stuff like that you're like no the Bavarians are wonderful people and munich especially you'll have a great time so try to get to meet some people when you go to the beer halls you go stuff like that talk to your waiters talk to some of the locals that go there too because yes the locals go to Oktoberfest and they go to these beer places too sometimes okay and so you get to meet them and they do speak English pretty well here but try a little German it really opens them up and you'll really see how wonderful the people are here oh I guess I'll give you one more little shocking thing is Oktoberfest starts in September look Oktoberfest wasn't really started for a beer festival it was for a wedding and the thing is the festivals start it's a two-week festival that ends the first weekend in October so if you want to come here you're looking at towards the end of Smita end of September through the first weekend of October you will need to book early because the place is booked out and prices go through the roof also you might be shocked that they won't serve you beer in the beer tents at Oktoberfest unless you're sitting down at a table okay so you might be thinking estimate Oktoberfest and I've been and it is really fun yes it's super touristy but it's so fun and I talk to these old Germans we were there and yelling Germans and people from all over the world and it is really cool so do enjoy it but just now that hey they might not serve you and it's it's September who knew anyway I'll leave it with that I hope you enjoyed this video if you learned more some don'ts for here in Munich five tips for visiting Munich ten things they'll shock you about Germany actually have 20 things that'll shock you about Germany on two different videos look at the description button down below to see the links to that otherwise have a great time here in Munich I know you will and I'm definitely not gonna be shocked if you have a beer or two or three and don't be shocked if you see a lady carrying like ten liter beers all at the same time because it does happen here not only in Munich but especially here in Munich buy from Munich
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 229,112
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Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy, oktoberfest
Id: P3CiiqbL2JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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