Mouse House Plumbing Drain Waste Vent walk through SD 480p

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and we're just going to do a little roughing plumbing walkth through I'm going to start at the top top floor go through all the drains work my way down into the basement and then once we get down there we will work our way back up and I'll show you all the venting so kind of ignore the venting initially and then when we come through the second time working our way back up I'll show you all the venting so it'll make make more sense and it'll be less confusing but uh here we are the Upper Floor bathroom now this will be a pedestal sink here or it's roughed in for anything you want but uh we got an inch and a half the pedestal sink actually takes an inch and a qu drain but anytime you run hor ially with it you have to upsize it to inch and a half so we just started off right away with inch and a half and notice we go right into a sanitary te down across the floor we've got some nice slope there we go into a 90 down and we'll pick that up when we go downstairs I'll kind of show you what's going on there but that's that's the drain for the bathroom sink um toilet we already got it hooked up because we needed some kind of facilities to use during the construction phase so that's been operational for some time now I'll show you the drain once we go downstairs to the main level over in this corner we got the tub it's roughed in for a claw foot tub right now and uh that drain takes an inch and a half which I have here goes right into the sanitary te and then notice we upsize it to 2 in because under the floor we run back over to the toilet or the main stack area and anytime you're running a tub drain an inch and a half if you're going horizontally you need to upsize it so we upsize it to 2 in to follow the code um so yeah that's pretty much that it just comes down bends a 90 right away goes under the floor through this joist cavity back there to kind of the main stack area I'll show you that when we walk downstairs that's basically it for the upstairs drain lines so here we go downstairs all right all right so I'll start I'll show you where all the upstairs fixtures tie in first and then we'll work on Plumbing down here so this pipe you see right here this is the 2in and that is for the tub drain I should probably get a flashlight all right here we go so if you can see back there very well but the drain and the vent for the tub comes through this joist cavity so anyways tub drain down here comes into a Ty fitting and this is the main stack so this goes down into the basement this is kind of going to be the common theme here with the drains now to the left here you can see here is the sink from upstairs bathroom goes into a long sweep 90 when you change into the horizontal Direction comes down here we do another 90 down to a 45 another Ty combo here into our main main drain main stack down into the basement let's see so that and then I can show you the toilet so you can see right here there's a closet bend down to a 90 and then it ties into the main the main drain main stack right here this uh sanitary T right here is actually the vent but we'll talk about that later so and that as well ties them into the main stack comes down down into the basement so that that takes care of the upstairs bathroom drains so now we're going to work on the main level drains and I'll show you what's going on here we'll actually start over in the kitchen area and really all we have here we've got the kitchen sink right here uh inch and a half into the wall sanitary te uh drains down to a 45 to another T combo goes down into the basement notice on all these pipes the purple here that's the purple primer every single joint was primed and primed properly and glued um later on I'll go through a water pressure test and we will fill this whole system up with water so you can see that it doesn't leak it's airtight so that is the kitchen sink drain now we'll move over into the bathroom SL laundry room um we got the corner shower this is a 2in drain goes down into the basement and then it into a uh P trap and then ties over into some drain pipes under the floor I'll show you that when we get into the basement this here would be the bathroom sink going to an inch and a half to a sanitary tee again drains down under the floor we will pick that up in the basement I'll show you where that is and over here we got the roughing for the washing machine uh water lines and drain here we've got the stand pipe it's a 2-in stand pipe goes all the way down to the floor to your P trap comes across horizontally to a sanitary te again and then down into the floor we'll pick that up in the basement and I'll show you that so those are the drains and then one more we've got toilet toilet flange that obviously is going to be picked up in the basement and I'll kind of show you that but just a little recap this this is the main drain running all the way down down to the basement picks up the toilet and it's all 3 in so that's pretty much the drain for up here now we'll go into the basement and we'll go through the uh drain show you all that all right so if you can see that horizontal pipe that is the laundry the washing machine drain and see we've got nice downward slope on it we've got strapping supporting at least uh every four feet at the most that comes over here show you this okay this right here you can see the uh shower P trap there so you got the shower PE trap and then sanitary te on its back that's for the vent we'll talk about that later and then horizontally that ties into where the toilet is so if you look in the center of the screen we've got the uh that is the drain for the toilet on the main level so it basically drains straight down and hits that Ty on its back so a nice slope pushing all the solids giving it some horizontal trajectory um so yeah that takes care of that if you can see in the very far back I don't know if you can see it or not but the uh the drain for the sink in the corner also picks up way back in the corner there it's kind of hard to see but everything sloped pretty good try and get a better shot it's I don't know if you can see anything there but it's all pretty solid now this Ty here that's in the middle of the screen again that is the main the main drain line that comes through the the wall cavity and picks up all the fixtures upstairs and then the bathroom fixtures in the upper level so notice again a Ty on its back to move the give the solids some horizontal trajectory kind of shooting them towards the towards the main main drain that's going to pick up vertically here but that's another code thing um on its back you can see we've got a 45 comes towards us and then we go into a 90 90 down we've got a test t or a cleanout fitting if you need to run an augur down the main drain you've got that and then at this point it turns into 4 in now we've got another 4 in Ty combo here and then horizontally we're running 2 in cuz you have to upsize by one pipe size when you're running horizontally and then that picks up the utility sink and the basement which is typically inch and a half so we upsize it to 2 in down into the flooor and this is where we go back to the original Plumbing it comes through the floor here and we've got a floor drain that ties into it as well and then a another clean out which would probably be better to go through cuz then you have one less 90 to worry about there so this would be your your top choice if you had to clean out the sewer so that's pretty much it for the drains now I'm going to go through all the venting and we'll work our way up where it ties into the roof and that'll kind of be a little more logical so starting out with the utility sink we got another sanitary tea on its back and then this is where we vent the utility sink now here we can use vent 90s and really they don't have to have any sweep to them but a lot of times those are actually more expensive so if we don't need them we just use regular 90s regular uh drain 90s but anyways we got her supported 90 90s up another 90 actually using a street 90 there now this runs horizontally and then it goes up through the floor and we will we'll talk about that when we go upstairs and all these vent pipes anytime it's ran horizontally we also slope it back towards the drain so there is also a horizontal slope on the vent pipes as well so we've got the shower going to the P trap and then on the back you've got a sanitary te with a vertical section going up that is the vent for the shower as well as the toilet if you see in the center of the screen that vertical section of 3 in that is the rain for the toilet on the main level and then we've got that sanitary te the 3in going to 2 in horizontally that is actually the vent for the toilet as well as it's part of the drain for the shower so that little twoot section of 2in pipe is the only wet vent in the entire house that was pretty much how we had to do it um everything else has an individual vent but that right there so occasionally you're going to have some water from the shower running through that horizontal section and you may be flushing the toilet at the exact same time where that 2in pipe doubles as a vent for the toilet as well but typically that pipe that 2-in pipe is not going to be complet completely filled with water even if you have a shower on full blast so there will still be an air passage in that 2in to vent the toilet but anyways so there you got it the sanitary te with a 2-in going vertically that's your vent for the toilet and the shower and that pretty much is it for down here we'll go upstairs and I'll run through all the vents on the main level all right we'll start in the kitchen you've got the sink sanitary te vents up and we're actually using a vent 90 here so vent 90 to another sanitary te now this pipe right down here this is the vent from the utility sink in the basement so these these two sinks come together they combine and go vertically up and I'll show you where they all kind of tie into the main stack so that's the kitchen sink utility or the laundry so 2in vent you got your sanitary te 2in vent coming up goes through the top plate and notice we've got a nailing plate there to prevent any screws from puncturing the pipe from there it goes up into the attic and I will show you that upstairs now here is that 2in vent I was talking about that combines the shower and the toilet and vents both of those fixtures together now that comes up up the wall behind the shower head you see the shower head here here's your vent goes up 90s over and that's ties into the main stack now here's the show or the sink in the corner once again we got the sanitary tea vent pipe going up this is inch and a half goes up through the double top plate and notice we've got a nailing plate again and I'll show you a little more of that up here so that goes [Music] through another 90 and 45 and then that runs horizontally over ties into the main stack all right so we got those so so remember this is the tub drain on the right we've got the tub tub vent so this comes comes back down here ties over into this kind of like our main stack area this is a double sanitary t on its back so vent from the tub vent from the the utility sink in the basement and the kitchen sink that vent comes up ties into this combines into the 3in here as well as the 2in that takes care of the vent for the corner shower and the toilet on the main level comes up 90s across combines into the main right here now also this this 3-in here also is venting the toilet upstairs so if you can see you got your closet Bend comes down down here to the sanitary te this is actually the vent vent for the toilet on the upstairs levels as well so you've got a little offset here to kind of get around this exhaust fan we wanted to make some room for the exhaust fan so we offsetted this 3-in up once it gets past the exhaust fan then it 90s up see it 90s up and ties into a couple other vents I'll show you those so that's pretty much the venting system for the main level I'm going to actually pop my head up through the ceilings so you can see the the other stuff a little easier so again sink bathroom sink on the main level vent we already showed you that comes in this double sanitary te from below it picks up this which is all the vents for the down stairs the basement and the main level that comes up picks up into here and that actually just goes right up through the roof one solid piece no couplings or anything now to your left you can see horizontally we've got that 2 in and that takes care of the washing machine on the main level comes up then it runs horizontally and now right there you can see another sanitary t on its back so that's actually the vent for the upstairs bathroom sink you kind of see we go vertically with the vent pipe and we do what's called an island vent so we go above the flood Rim so the highest level that the sink could be at we go above that with the vent pipe so that water can't get back into the venting system if it ever overflowed we turn it turn it back down come down tie into the 2 in horizontally run that tie this into the double sanitary te then it goes up through the roof and that pretty much takes care of that I will show you the the vent for the claw foot tub we did another one of those Island vent for that where we Loop it above the flood plane and then come back down so I'll show you that so here we are the tub notice for the vent we can downsize it to inch and a half was a little easier to work with and then we go above the flood Rim again now this is about the midpoint of the window so we're well above the flood rim of the tub and then we go go back down vertically through the floor and where we tie into the vent there so that pretty much takes care of the tub vent bathroom sink vent again another Island vent and then everything ties in the main stack out through the roof
Channel: Remodelingjunkie
Views: 8,767
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Id: Qd2gqzj3r74
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Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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