Drain Waste And Vent Line Installing (And Design!)

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anybody can glue two pieces of pipe together PVC anybody true but not so true gluing pipe together is one thing the theory of plumbing is another if you don't understand the theory of how plumbing works you can't just glue two pieces of pipe together you got to know the order that they go in and what took particular fitting needs to go where and the most important thing is how its VIN it gravity is the biggest thing that we can count on in the draining system gravity anything that goes up must come down that's not always the case in a waste system in order for the waste and water in the pipe to flow freely you have to have air and that's when the vent plays a big part event is just no more than a well let's say you imagine this you have a straw in your cup and you have a drink of water now before you pull the straw out you take your thumb and you put it over the end of the straw so when you pull the straw up the water is still in the straw why is that because there's no air in the straw soon as you release the top of that straw the air the water will come shooting out that's the same process of the plumbing system if you don't have a vent you won't have effective drainage system hello my name is Claude Taylor and welcome to the how to plumbing channel and don't forget if you like this video this channel give it a thumbs up and become a subscriber don't miss out on the next video hit that notification bell thank you okay now we're starting to get to the good part we're starting to get to a nice juicy part installing the plumbing waste lines and what you see that I'm doing here is I'm starting to lay out my lines I know where the holes are above me and we're at exactly where I'm going because the hole has been drilled out already so what I'm doing here is laying the fittings out in the areas that I'm going to stop and the type of fittings I'm going to use and it's going to make it easy for me to remember what is next and here a lot of the fittings and what I normally do is just throw them out and I could pick right through them instead of going through a box just lay them out on the floor and this is where the laundry is gonna go and this is the laundry box it is a PEX laundry box made for PEX pipe only and let me correct that not only just PEX pipe but open or PEX pipe and that hole up there needs to be drilled up for the event I do have a guy that's somewhat give me a hand on this job because I don't have the time to make it back and forth this job easily as I need to at the time because I work so far away this is gonna be the icebox this is gonna be behind the frigerator that's gonna be installed on that wall and you can see the old plumbing here actually again this house has been raised twelve feet in the air and all the plumbing upstairs are going to be exactly where the plumbing was downstairs so that's what you're looking at is the old tub where the old tubs used to be right there you see that hole that's where this pea trap is going to be set up at right there and again as I said I lay my pieces out so I'll know exactly where to go and what fittings I need to be use where I'm at and as I was saying before I do have a guy just give me a hand on this he's actually working on a job full-time and I had my own full time job which is like 40 miles away so I'm coming here when I have my time that I can get in here and do what I need to do so he's cutting the holes out for me and what we're looking at now that's the old plumbing system you see how I was directly lined up with the columns so that was not gonna be a be reused but is good now we have a totally new system that's where the old another tub used to be downstairs you can see how I have the fittings laid out I know when I come right there what's gonna catch right here and right here so always rather than always looking up all I have to do is look at the next fitting and I know what's next and this is gonna be used for the toilet upstairs you can see this toilet is actually exactly in the same line with the one upstairs so I can actually use that one as a measurement rather than running up and down the steps and right here okay what we're looking at here is two PVC 92 3-inch one is a short pattern 90 and the other one is a long sweep they call it long sweep 90 the long sweep we're gonna use in the system any pipe that's going vertical to horizontal and the short pattern we're going to use from horizontal to vertical the long pattern 90 is because it's long and we use it in that position we still have a long nice change of direction which will sweep the flush away the only exception that we will use the short pattern 90 when it's going from vertical to horizontal is directly from the toilet itself soon as the toilet flush it's going to go right into that short pattern and this is a three and 45 and the other one is a three-inch street 45 the street 45 is designed to go in a fitting it's got a hub on one end and no hub on the other so that it can go inside a fitting giving you a closer fit just in case you're in a tight area and on this application I'm gonna use it as a combination with what we call a combination suite this here is a three-inch why so what I'm going to do is glue the street 45 into this 3 inch wire and it's going to make a combination it's going to be called it's a called a change of direction fitting once we're done because when the system is going through its flushing this is gonna allow it to change directions and go where we need to go and there's a joke that we have in the plumbing industry when you buy a can of primer and clue buy two cans of each one to kick over and one to use never fails now we're pushing the street 90 inside and we're gonna line it up right there you can see the notches line right up and that's gonna give us that's gonna get us exactly where we need to go and this is gonna go up in the air and one is coming through the main system and then one is going to catch something else at all it and the way we take our measurements we either go from n to n or Center to n or a Center to Center meaning Center one pipe to the center the other pipe right here you can see on measurements right up to that hub there so that's going to be a in measurement so that's Center to end in the center of this 90 and that measurement so what I'm going to do is that measurement came up to what 10 so now I'll go back to this hub right here and it's lined up with the 6 so my measurements going to be 6 inches and there's a more technical way of doing it but sometimes the in technical can be very slow and slow you down if you want to sit and stop and take out your pen and pencil write things down and measurements there's little tricks that you can do with the measuring tape that eliminate a lot of that and save you a lot of time and I'm market like that like an arrow so that I know exactly the middle now I do have a chop saw where I can cut this a lot faster but the guy that has keys for the house right now it's not here with the to unlock the electrical box so I have nothing to plug it into so what I'm going to do is use the PVC saw and like I said from this and then we're gonna remove the burst from here my job is quite a ways from this place and my home is and I've got here before the guy could show up but I'm not gonna let that slow me down I will continue to work and do what I need to do until he can get here do what I can and that's one thing about plumbing is you learn to work it backwards and forward because there are a lot of times if you don't you're not gonna always have the things exactly what you need but you can't let that stop you so you continue on until you get things you need and things work out great and this is going to be for the the toilet at the far end and see I'm measuring from the center of that Pike to the center of the elbow to see if I actually lined up pretty good so now before I glue this piece together and I leveled the 90 you seen earlier I was leveling the 90 and it came out the levels nice and straight so now I want to mark exactly where I want the two pieces to be clued so that when I glue it together it's in place where it needs to be and if you watch the video close you'll notice that a lot of the work that I do is actually on the ground before I can lift it up and put it in place because there's a lot easier to work with it when you have an open area and you have it down on the ground than to climb up and down the ladder constantly measuring and gluing if you can do it as much as you can on the ground that's great it makes it a lot easier and what I'm doing right now just kind of eyeballing exactly where this is going to go and it's gonna go right here this is actually close to the end of the run of the drainage waste pipe before it goes into the ground and ties it to the outside drain and the this is the PVC pipe that I'm using this is the foam core which is a lot it's lighter than the the other PVC schedule 40 it's also they're both also schedule 40 it's just that the foam core is much lighter and foam core you want to use inside and the other stuff you do want to use in the ground if your plumbing in the ground okay you can see that I kind of made my pre made my piece up before I just take it up in air and stick it in place and glue it all the fittings have been glued on most of them and glued on down on the ground where it's easy to get to easy access and now all I have to do is just glue in one piece from the ladder so I'll just take this whole piece up and bam there it is it's glued in I took all my measurements off the ground and just put it up in the air there's two holes that you see there one is for the vent the other is for the toilet okay I took it back down and this time I put it I actually glued it in and I put the level on it you always always keep this torpedo level is what they call it a torpedo level keep it in your back pocket because you're gonna constantly use it when you're running these pipes these waste systems and now you can see I have my combination fitting which is a 3-inch sanitary tee with a 2 inch side outlet on the right hand side you can buy one that's left-handed so if you looking for one of these you acts for a sanitary tee with a two inch side outlet left hand or right hand and again I am trying to piece as much of it on the ground as I can so I am I do have it in place to take some measurements and line it up and that's just all that we're shooting for you can see the tallit flange up there and as always if you have any questions please feel free to leave your comments below and I will do my best to answer any question that you might have in regards plumbing of course in this video I will be going back and forth back and forth this is this the process just about complete but we're going to go back from the beginning in the middle and we're gonna go back and forth to try to keep you abreast of what's going on this is a the other toilet that I made up kind of on the ground made all my measurements up down here and now I have to piece it together and correct the measurements I check the measurements and again this helps me line up the fitting where I know where it needs to go now the hangers that you see holding the pipes up in place these are just a few hangers when you're using PVC pipe the requirements is to have a hanger every four feet so there will be additional hangers at it once before this job's completed these are the hangers that are placed right now just to do what we need to do and get as much done as we can as quick as we can because coming back that's the easy part panic and hangers would be really easy okay now we're upstairs and you see this is the one toilet at the end of the line that we tie it into and it will vent out through the roof once a hole is drilled there and this is the tub the shower this I installed this about a week or so back yeah and this is the kitchen sink and of course there's the vent going out again we're not going through the roof yet actually we're gonna have to wait for a roofer to come so that he can take the put the roof flashing on the roof before we can go out there and install the pipe we're not gonna go out there gonna have a roofer do it and this is being set up for the waterlines if you remember the old video and this is the young guy that was that I was actually training he's not exactly a Picasso with the glue and primer but uh he's gonna be a really good plumber and this you can notice this is drilled actually outside the wall but we're going to use to we're gonna use a Internet two-inch street 45 and a regular 45 and get it right back into a wall and the reason that is because just below that wall right there was the floor joist and we didn't want to drill into the floor joist right at the end where it was it's a vulnerable spot so we just so when the cabinets are put in it'll cover that up and this is a 2 by inch and a half sanitary teeth I could have went with a inch and a half vent but uh this just makes it easier to kind of simplify the plumbing this is going to pick up a bathroom sink and all bathroom sinks is gonna be anywhere from inch and a quarter to inch and a half nowadays mostly inch and a half that was back in the day they did use inch and a quarter and it will be adapted to fit the p-trap up underneath later okay like like I said we're gonna go back and forth back and forth with this video there's the tub in place but it's not connected to the drainage system this is the vent for the toilet or here in this area here and that's the vent over there for the like I said my help is not exactly Picasso with the glue and the primer I have to chuckle a little bit he'll get it I can tell we're gonna go through some glue and primer in this job okay now that's done and this is the vent going out and again that holes drill already but the vents not going to be installed till the roofers come out and all you see all we have to do is just stick a straight piece up there and let the roofer install the flashing around the pipe and that's going to be the vent for the for the tub okay there's laundry in place and there's the water lines and this is the drain and waste system for the laundry now on the water lines I'm not going to cover the water lines in this video but I do have a video that's exactly like this one's ran the xmax is the same house but it was the house below and when it was on the ground so you can go back and check that video out and I'll leave a description in the description box so that you can find that video the tub is not tied in but it wasn't tight in because the tub wasn't there at the time that I ran that pipe okay let me let you know what's going on right here this is the probably the busiest section of the pipe right here this here from below the p-trap that you see is going to catch the condensation coming off of the AC unit which is right above this here and the next pike you see going straight up is the vent for that p-trap so they have to be vented and the two-inch going across the long way is going all the way over about 15 feet to catch the kitchen sink upstairs and that's going to be in Bennet on top of that and again to remind you there will be more hangers up here PVC pipe you need to brace it at least every four feet and of course I have to put a brace right there with that elbow is going up to catch the kitchen sink right here and again on this spot we tried to drill a hole in the back part so we could keep it into the wall but that wouldn't gonna work out because right below it was the floor joist and we couldn't interrupt the integrity of that so we drilled the hole right outside and we're gonna forty-five it in and the vanity will cover all that up okay again on the first floor before this floor was added and the house was raised twelve feet this is the plumbing that was there and it's the exact same plumbing that's going to be above us or should I say it's going to be the exact same layout and this here is the p-trap and this will be for the tub above us directly above us and the smaller piece that you see me slipping in the inside this being a two-inch p-trap the tub is only inch and a half so we're gonna reduce that part down to inch and a half right there two guys dug and that's where the other tub is gonna be and that's where this pea trap is gonna set along with sanitary teeth with the caster's drain and vent the tub at the same time and just like the we talk about tub directly above this is exactly where the toilet is going to be so what I'm doing here rather than running up and down the steps is I'm going to take my measurements off the one that's down here because I know it's going to line right up with one upstairs and earlier before I actually started laying this stuff out and I pulled my laser out the truck and just kind of played with it to give you an idea if you a lot of times on commercial jobs you're gonna use the laser like this one here so that I can actually visualize exactly where my line is gonna go I'll just put the laser and follow the red laser line as you can see there you see the red laser line and that's going to keep me aligned exactly where I need to go and I can go up there and take measurements off those lines but I don't expect most people that it's gonna do a house to have one of these it's just something I'm playing with a little bit of ski using some information on the video about the laser work it really comes in handle handy and a lot of commercial jobs so what I actually did is I went up there to commencement off that beam from the middle of the beam to the laser and that's how I got my measurement and that's how I knew where I wanted to be with the drain right down this wall here and this was one evening I came back and I just installed the tub and shower faucets I made those up at home and brought them out to just set them in place and they're gonna be set for the showerhead is gonna be set at six foot six six foot six is the standard ruffian measurement for a tub and shower valve and this is a measurement that I'm taking Center to Center for the toilet upstairs so once I get the center to center mark rather than sitting there doing it on paper all I have to do is just take the measurements off the fitting itself but with a little trick using the measuring tape so I already know that the measurement is from Center to Center and I just need to measure from the fit at the center of the fitting to the hub and take that amount off and that'll give me my measurement of the type that I need to cut to fit in here and what I did is marked on the floor of 23 and a quarter inches and now I'm going to take my fittings and set them to the center as you can see to the center of that line that mark right there and the sanitary tee to the Senate to the center of this fitting right here now all I have to do is measure from hub to hub inside to inside up and there my measurement is let's look like sweat 17 15 and 16 to 3/4 nope 17 17 and before I glue anything in downstairs I usually most plumbers are gonna we're gonna screw the toilet flange down to the floor and you can see the pieces that I put in there it's these are the pieces that's gonna make up for the towel or backer board that's going to be on the ground so kind of lifting the toilet flange up a little bit so that'll keep it in place so when the towel guy comes around be set okay now this is a piece that I made up downstairs so that didn't have to go up and down the ladder and this is gonna be for that toilet and a long 2-inch piece that you're looking at it's going to be the vent that goes out and up and through the roof so now that I have it in one piece I can just slide it up in place glue it into the closet flange let it hold and it's gonna be set for now there's the two inch vent hole in the 3-inch toilet drain okay I've come upstairs to make sure I checked to see how it's lined up and you can see how easy that was I didn't have to sit there on the ladder and try to piece things together okay I'm leaving this part in the video just to give you an idea of what you would have to do you know working on a particular house like this or anything like this look all these steps I have to go up and down so it only makes sense to try to fit everything downstairs as much as you can to keep yourself from running up and down the steps and that's exactly what I'm trying to do here is make my cuts make my fittings put everything together slip it up in place I am going on top just to check every now and then but I don't have to go up and down as much because I could do as much as I can down here now since I'm working on this job by myself today right here and right now sometimes you have to improvise so what I've done is have of course I prefab the piece and then I set it in one hanger so that all I have to do is go to the other hanger lift it up and place it in and it's done deal and like I said always keep the torpedo level in your back pocket because we're going to every now and then which is quite often we're going to need that level to make sure it's our pipe that we have the right proper pitch on there and there we go we have the nice pitch where it's pitching the way that we want it to go and it doesn't take that much of a pitch you may think to yourself the more of a pitch it has wouldn't that make it better from the flow of the waste and water to wash things away that's not exactly true because once you have too much of a pitch there chances are that if there's a spot there that really needs to be flushed away it's not going to go away because the momentum of the water is going to go rough right pass and then eventually you have a spot to where it could possibly build up and clog so the best thing to do is keep just a small gradual pitch and that way it keeps enough water in the system that whatever debris or whatever is there it'll keep it soak nice and wet so that when the flush through come through and we'll wash it away and again I'll mention it throughout this video you see you notice the hangers up there I don't have many hangers and that's only because I'm trying to just get it in place for now and I will come back and put other hangers in but on PVC pipe you want them supported every four feet it's just something you could keep in mind and here's the chop saw I was talking about earlier the other guy showed up so I was able to get Powell in here so that I can use chop saw it's a lot faster than cutting it by hand and it's going to be a lot straighter and almost jobsites this what you're going to see your son is using to cut the PVC pipe and now again what I'm doing here is just kind of piecing things together again I'm gonna put as much together down on the ground as I can but there are times where I will need to get up on the ladder to get some other measurements but this stretch I'll put the pieces in and be able to just lift it up and put it in place and not have to do too much gluing up top okay I've got that piece in and levelled it and I'm also checking the level on the drain coming from the toilet okay now I have my straight piece in together and it's all straight I am going to come back and cut into that pipe so that I can go ahead over and catch the tub and the sink the kitchen the bathroom sink upstairs but at least now I have it lined up nice and even the way I want it and you'll see this throughout the video a lot also because I'm constantly going back and forth to see if things line up and trying to catch anything that I see wrong before we go too far so I'm constantly checking you and you should do the same and at the end of here just run here you can see that I put a clean-out this is because it's such a long run and in the future if they have any stoppage or anything like that they can just run a sewer machine or a cable and pull that cap and run it through there okay came back and I cut it into the line cut a new spot into the line as I said before and this is going over to catch the tub and the bathroom sink upstairs now these are the blueprints to three houses that are being built one thing to keep in mind it's just going to give us a top view of where the toilets and face bowls and the tubs are going to be it's nothing like a that you would find in a commercial blueprint drawing a lot of the residential blueprint drawing the plumber goes in and electrician and heating and cooling guy we are the ones that design the plumbing system the HVAC system and the electrical system in a home but when it comes to a commercial those are designed by architects and engineers but on a home since it's so basic it's so simple because a lot of times we have to modify things and make things we make it happen so the plumbing that you see in this system here is a something I designed in my head and made adjustments when needed and develop to develop a plumbing system like this it takes years of practice and I've been doing it over 30 plus years so you're looking at a lot of years of practice doing this stuff and as I was saying at the beginning of video yes anyone can glue two pieces of pipes and pipe fittings together but to know why you're doing what you're doing that's the trick that's the key to putting this all together and this is the whole wall that we made so that we can go outside and tie it into the pipe outside because remember we couldn't tie it into the one inside because the pier and beams are all in the way so we had to make a new connection outside and again which was for the best because we didn't have to deal with that old plumbing system that's up under the slab no telling what kind of condition it might be in so we have access to all new drain and waste lines and we'll go outside here to see where it's tied in and we've installed a clean-out at this end also because now that it's going into the main there's a stoppage between the street and here we can clear that line from there now from outside here you can see that it's offset over and where that clean-out is in right behind that wall is exactly where the peering beams are again I'm Claude Taylor thanks for watching if you liked the video give it a thumbs up you like the channel give it a thumbs up and become a subscriber and don't forget to hit that notification button so that you don't miss any new
Channel: How to Plumbing
Views: 597,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drain Waste And Vent Line Installing, PVC drain waste and vent, drainage waste and vent, house drain system diagram, How to install plumbing in a home, House drain system, home drain system, how to plumb up a house, New plumbing codes, pvc plumbing tips, drain, waste, Plumber, drain waste pipe, Drain waste vent system diagram, drain waste and vent line installation, drain waste adn vent line installing, Drain waste adn vent line installation, drain waste adn vent line installation
Id: x2a8b8BHdqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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