Mounting DC Motor on Drill press Tips #480 tubalcain

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howdy is tubal-cain again and this is the third in a series on controls on the Walker Turner drill press I already covered us the motor base in 478 the motor and control and 479 and this is pips 480 about installing a low speed DC motor on the drill press along with the controller so that's what I'm doing in this video in the last video this is kind of funny I talked about Bob SRAM and that's where I got this drill press Walker Turner and I said I told a little story about him getting trapped in the Attic go back and watch that I knew the man I talked with him he worked for the savings alone came out and spected my home and gave us the loan that's a long time ago I was surprised that I had bought this only in 1994 at the auction and I'm surprised I paid 135 usually I don't like to pay more than a hundred but I had that tag on all those years and what is that twenty four years and forgot the tag was there when I did the video yesterday also note since I'm talking about speed controls that on this particular press there are the speeds C 4000 is an outrageously high speed useless accepted woodworking 600 is the lowest never low enough for me and that's why I'm doing all of this after I made the last video a few days ago I went on and did a search on these on YouTube and Pierre's garage had one of these so Pierre was doing this very similar to what I'm doing here only he also put the voltmeter on there and you know I forgot to do that I did that in private some time ago put the voltmeter across these various terminals here I forgot to do that so I will do that either in this one or the next one although it's redundant Pierre did a good job on it hi Pierre how you doing up there in Canada I like your accent I wish I could speak French or German as well and then I forgot to also show you that on the back of this cover there's quite a nice wiring diagram and there is where it tells the resistors and remember I told you I had to order a special resistor for this and by the way this company here Penta power KB has some very nice videos on their about how to use their drives so I think it's a good company one other thing is I would like to put a switch on here I'm interested in reversing but they also have one that will is forward reverse and brake but that's about 75 dollars I looked that up yesterday I didn't know they had it but I might put just put a double pole type of switch in here reversing switch if I can get one at the hardware store a recent reasonably because you know how cheap I I mean in fact I do have several of these double pole double throw but the problem is this looked pretty light like it couldn't handle the ampere so I don't know what I need this is not marked as far as its capacity and I have three or four of these they're used but you know that would go in there and allow me to reverse it and if I did reverse it I'd be able to tap on here if I ever had a notion to cap the very first thing that I need to do is to take the motor well the switch and then the motor off I already took the belt off for now I'm going to leave the step pulley on the motor that's a 5/8 shaft my new motor is a 5/8 shaft but for now if it works out I'm going to put just a plain pulley like this this is two and a half this is three and a half on there to see if I can find the sweet spot maybe without using a step pulley because the whole idea here is that I do not want to change belt positions and I know that most of you don't either and we've talked about that and I've had a lot of good comments on that this is the original motor so I'll take that off and put it in storage the same as I did one other time I talked about that in the last video and you can see that I've already installed the aluminum bracket here for the KB Drive so here I go I'm making some progress here I've got the switch off and I got one bolt left to take the motor off it's just kind of hanging there by chance now this is a capacitor start motor of course DC motors never have capacitors on that's Acey thing but remember in the previous video I talked about that one-third underpowered horsepower motor on the dural drill press and how it could barely start under the load of the pull gear which isn't much of a load at all so the whole purpose of our capacitor started Motors is it to give it that extra oomph or starting I just looked at my to Delta drill presses both of them were equipped from the factory by capacitor start someone made a comment in one of the previous videos about capacitors and from the comment I take it that he didn't understand the purpose of a capacitor start and that's it gives it that extra boost only with the starting of it till the centrifugal switch kicks it out because there are two sets of winding you know that I think in these split phase motor so talking a little bit too much about that so let me take that last bolt off and there it is can I take a second to talk about these older motors and I see written and white here and then my handwriting it says new upper bearing January 1999 so I had it apart and changed a bearing at one time notice and it's very heavy and compares the quality of this with new motor but here we have cast iron end bells that incorporate the mounting feet it's just a quality other than that bearing is probably it's just a 70 year old motor that still works perfect and its marked Walker Turner the driver even has an awesome tag on it and what is it's a half horse serve me well and it will go into storage tagged as to its use and if this DC business is a failure of course this will go back on well now the DC motor is hanging by one bolt and you know that's pretty heavy for a septuagenarian to try to hold on his chair get the bowls and there's all kinds of washers and everything else but I managed but since I changed Hydra dramatic transmissions and Oldsmobiles holding a on my chest I guess I can do this all right but no the reason I'm showing you this view here is that of course we got slots here in the motor base we've got can you see them here there's slots here for my vertical movement also this is so well made this is all cast iron and the whole motor bay mount can move in and out I hope I don't have to change the belt that looks like in order to change the belt I would have to remove the bearing I must have done that at one time but you know when you do things a long time ago you you you really forget about them but you know they went the extra mile here with a cast iron collar to support the head just everything is beautiful one thing I did notice from when I went to an auction I saw one of these in a table mount I got outbid but it had a belt guard on so then I realized that these of course came with the belt guard originally something like that Deraa when I'm sure it was cast iron and weighed a ton I would I never did have one for this Bob must have taken it off because it annoyed him well that was a struggle it's about ten minutes later and I'm perspiring mildly I had to turn the air conditioner off because it makes so much noise in the background so that's why I'm hot I guess all right I have it a tentative position snugged up the top ones are pretty snug the bottom ones just fairly loose notice how long this motor is and of course there's a reason for that with DC motors one on this particular model this is a I told you and the other one externally fan cool so we got about an extra inch added here for the fan that's under this housing and then of course we've got brushes in here and brushes require an armature with a commutator so you know that adds about that much to a dual motor so that's why it's so long but that's it's not a problem just a statement here now I noticed that just now that this pulley does not have a key way so I'm not going to use that now at least yeah I'm going to use this one along with the key and I can move it up and down here within about an inch or inch and a half such that I can get my alignment I'm perfectly vertol vertical here I don't want any twists I don't want any angle oh whoa a belt will accommodate that but all right another thing I had to do with these bolts were to blame long so I had to find inch bolts which was really no problem because I told you I have over a million fasteners in stock and you say oh no you don't as well yes I do I counted them once rimshot the motor is mounted in a tentative position I may need to move it I'm not sure yet and I've already been playing around with the different speeds and I have determined that this three inch pulley is way too big on here so remember this one had no keyway so I didn't want to use that I did find this other pulley I can go back to the step pulley - but I did find this two-step pulley that is three inches two and a half on the top and two-inch right where the belt is right now and then on this end I'm on about a five inch step so still with the Box not mounted I did turn on I just had to see what it would do and you can see that I'm moving very slowly right now but of course there's probably no torque at that end at all the controller is down there it's low-end so I think I'm in a sweet spot there that it is gonna be usable I still have some alignment to do up here I'll have to drop the motor perhaps a half inch or so to get the belt so those level if I want to use that were probably incorrect Lord now I'm gonna turn my attention to mounting the box so I'll unplug it because I've still got the cover off of the box and I'm gonna go ahead and get the box mounted on the aluminum plate here and see what it looks like I'm almost ready for a test run but I'm going to raise this up which would be very easy for me to do it's now examining and it's way too low so I'll go up about three or four inches just by loosening those two screws now I talked about heating up and I looked at the KB website and they did sell a heatsink for the back but I do have in stock I don't know where I got these from but there's there's some heat sinks I had a lot more I must have melted them down or scrap them or something but if this tends to heat up I will mount those on the back these don't look like they're adequate for this application but I probably will only use this for short periods of time I doubt that it would develop any heat but time will tell and if it does I'll add the heatsink that only took five seconds to raise or lower those and it had nothing to do with those bolts back there I don't know what I would tell why I was telling it at but by loosening up this hose clamp one can move it up and down or swing it or move it wherever you want so that's my final position there I'll tighten that and here's the general principles although everything is aluminum there for the purposes of conducting heat but this is the other device that I had on there you might have seen it in some other videos just for storing the key it's nothing more than two pieces of angle iron with a big hose clamp going around so that might be an idea for some of you to use let me talk briefly about measuring RPM on this I was using this but I think I'm getting a false reading and I do in fact yeah actually I have already ordered a tachometer that will go up here you know they're nine dollars or something off eBay so that's coming and you might see that in future videos but for now I'm back to using the Stuart Warner there's a center hole in this a piece of steel and I'll be looking at it through the mirror for your benefit just to see what kind of rpms were getting at this point I took the liberty of borrowing mrs. Peterson's a hand mirror here she'll never miss it so using this and I'm not going to use our a v's abbreviation either turn around can you see that I've got about 100 rpm at the moment and I'm sure there's no torque at that speed I don't know what I can go as well with 100 then I'm going to start cranking up a notch [Music] there were at 400 that would be a most useful speed and in the following video I'm going to do some drilling and testing and I'm cranking off the motor vibration uh I'm not getting a full 1700 rpm at that full speed you're I don't know why I'm only good fortune 1,500 which is really okay with me I'm wondering why but I don't care because I don't want that high-speed well you were almost falling asleep with the boredom of this video I was making some other adjustments and I did in fact drop the motor an inch or so so that it would line up with the lower pulley here so I'm now using the largest pulley on the head of the drill press along with the 2 inch pulley down here I really need this pulley to drop down a little further the motors as far as it can go the belt is still just a little bit off this ends higher than this but I'll worry about that later on because I met the lower extent here of the slots on the actual drill press bracket so now I wanted to say also something I could also put a smaller pulley on here and get even a lower speed but I don't even like the idea of a 2 inch pulley because there isn't much what I call rap and the less rap you have on a between a pulley and a belt the more likely it is to slip under loads so time will tell if this will work ok but I also have the adjustment of the speed box here but the whole idea on this installation here is that I want to avoid changing belts from pulley to pulley so this is where it's going to be at least for now should you work on motors and wiring make sure the power is off I always like to give a safety warning this is a grounded system 3 wire and plenty of cord there may be too much between the motor and the box but I can wrap that up with a wire tie if necessary so in the next video what I'm going do continuing with this series I'm going to drill some larger holes we're talking about in the 5/8 and 3/4 size in steel to see if the speed is okay and if the torque is okay do ice will I stall it out I'm still wondering about that and that that's the purpose of the of the following video and then yet one later video will be strictly I've said this before whole sauce I want a speed that is slow enough for a large hole saws so I'm thinking this will give it to me but the doubting Thomases have said no this won't work at the real slow speed that's why I'm talking so much about the belts and the other ratio is up there on the top side also in this video series this is my 14 inch Rockwell Delta wood cutting bandsaw and I have two of these but the other one has a different base on it but this is the one I'm going to use because it will be so easy for me to take this motor off and put a DC motor on there remember I have two DC motors and controllers you saw that in an earlier video so I will be putting one of the motors right there I also will be probably using this particular motor although it's not a very big motor be putting the pull gear system on that see how that works and then finally showing you how to do it but I don't really want to do it I have some gear headed right angle drive type motors that really slow it down so remember this was all about slowing the blade down and I have to put a metalworking blade on there slowing the blade down to about a hundred or a hundred and fifty feet per minute so I can saw steel and I don't I have a bandsaw for steel I don't really need it but there are hundreds of thousands of the rockwell saws like this set up for woodworking that could be adapted if this is successful for metal cutting so stand by for those videos coming up in a in this series actually that concludes this video on the walker turner with the DC motor and the multi drive by Penta power the installation all of the whole thing and I hope you liked it and possibility of you using something like this in your shop and watch the past videos on this and the future videos because it's just so much that I'm covering I can't put it all in one video remember I also want to get that to Commodore and have it mounted up here and I'm going to demonstrate at some point the voltages in the multi drive like Pierre dead so you get an idea of what's happening inside that DC motor to slow it down I wish that I had a prony brake have you seen my videos a long long time ago where I put a prony brake which kind of foolish on a hit-and-miss engine to to measure horsepower but that imposes a load and I could check the torque if I still had that finding it threw that away was sitting around for five years I never use this again I threw it away I'm not in the mood for making a new one but I could I could test horsepower and man torque with that rather than just a large drill drill bit so alright I hope you liked the video hope you liked this series of videos and I'll see you in my next video this is tubal-cain so long for now you
Channel: mrpete222
Views: 31,240
Rating: 4.957983 out of 5
Keywords: DC motors & controls, drill presses, walker turner drill press, delta drill press, lyle peterson, mrpete222
Id: 08kCaZYnnCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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