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[Music] hi everyone and welcome back to my channel in this video i'll be showing you a few diys they're super quick easy and inexpensive so let's get started for the first diy we're gonna need two of these large plastic bowls from dollar tree here's a skew next up you'll need a pack of these bowls you get four in a pack [Music] and finally you are going to need one of these plastic dollar tree vases i think they have two different designs there's a skew i'm going to put a hole in the bottom of this bowl and i'm also going to put a hole in the bottom of the larger bowl the same size as well now you can measure if you want to but i'm just going to eyeball it i'm going to use my hot knife to cut out the holes and i purchased my hot knife from michaels but i'm sure amazon has them as well so i'll link it below for your convenience now if you don't care to purchase a hot knife then you can use an old butter knife or any old knife just keep the tip of it up on the stove and then go from there all right so now i'm just going to eyeball it and just go all the way around [Music] and once it start to smoke like that you don't want to inhale that smoke [Music] bigger so now i'm going to go ahead and cut this one [Music] i want to put a hole in two bowls just like this once you do that you have two bowls with two holes now these have like a scalloped edge you want to glue these together just like so fit these into each other's grooves and before you do that you want to take your glue like your e6000 or your gorilla glue and go all the way around the rim glue them together and then you can add some tape get some masking tape and i always purchase this at dollar tree just put the tape to hold two pieces together okay i went ahead and did two ahead of time and as you can see there's a hole on each side go ahead and remove your masking tape [Music] so now we have our center piece ready next i'll glue these two pieces together making sure that they are both properly lined up [Music] go all the way around and just check it and make sure it's all lined up [Music] so now you want to take these two pieces and glue this on top so i'm going to take some of my glue and put it right around the edge i'm going to take the last two bowls and glue them together [Music] and the reason that i'm gluing these two together is because i'm going to put these on the very bottom to lift it even higher so i'm going to take some glue and put it right on top [Music] so now you want to spin it to make sure it's directly in the center now i'm going to go ahead and move this and now i'm going to cut a hole in the center of this one as well [Music] [Music] so now i'm going to put this right on top [Music] i turn the vase around to make sure that the cup was in the center i applied gentle pressure to assure a good connection between the two pieces now i'll allow this to dry for about two hours then i'll come back and add some accents to it okay guys i'm back in the glue on my base has completely set up and here is what it looks like [Music] so i'm gonna go ahead and remove the tape so what i'm going to do is use some of my mirror towel and i'm just going to trim around the outside of the scalloped edge okay just like that is it pretty so now i think i'm a trim around the bottom of this as well [Music] here where these two meet i'm gonna take one of these dollar tree beaded and highlight right around there [Music] okay just like that so now i'm going to do the same thing under here [Music] so then i'm going to flip this back over so next up i have some of these dollar tree diamonds and i'm just going to accent it with some diamonds so i have my hot glue gun and i have my hot knife again with a different tip and all i'm going to do is just burn some holes in the center of these little lines [Music] again i'm going to use some of these dollar tree diamonds but keep in mind you can also use some flat back rhinestones just glue them on with your hot glue gun [Music] so i'm going to continue to add the diamonds around once i'm done i'll come back okay here's what it looks like with all the diamonds in place [Music] now for the top there's some circles here there's like two large circles and two small ones so i'm going to take some of these rhinestones and how glue them into the circles these are the large ones and then i have the smaller ones [Music] there's two more sets of rhinestones that i need to add and then i'll be done okay here's what the top of the vase looks like as you can see i'll need to clean up the glue webs but i'm thinking about going in and adding some bling right around the center of where the two larger bowls meet i'm pretty much done i'm gonna put a light underneath here put some flowers in here put it on this way and let you see what it looks like and here's my gorgeous faux crystal vase i put in a large pack of crystal diamonds from michaels and then inserted some flowers that i purchased from hobby lobby and of course they were on sale for fifty percent off i found this color changing led light at dollar tree well actually it was in the dollar tree plus section for five dollars so naturally i put it underneath the vase to see what it looks like with color i think adding the color lights makes it more festive for a wedding an event or any type of celebration finally i tried it in my foyer without the lights and i really do like it there as well so i think it's found this home in front of that mirror for now i have a really quick and easy diy again this one is inexpensive as well here i have a vase that i found in goodwill you can use one of the glass faces from dollar tree as well it's totally up to you i just so happened to like the shape and it was only like 89 cents first thing i want to do is remove that sticker next up i have some masking tape for dollar tree and so what i'm going to do is take two strips and wrap it around the top of my vase [Music] okay so when you put the last part of the tape on there you want to make sure that it's even with the rest of the tape so now we have this taped off and i take that off because eventually i'm going to spray paint the bottom next i have these flat back pearls that i'll be using another option would be to use some rhinestones it's totally up to you here i have some that i've already sorted out by size this is the size that i wanted to use so this is simple here i have some dollar tree fix all and so what i'm going to do is just dot some of the fixo onto my vase and then put the flat back pearl right on top and it's easier for me to use a popsicle stick [Music] so now you just pick these up and put these on top of the glue [Music] so now i'm going to do this side [Music] so now i do the other two sides and then let those completely dry then i'll come back here's a vase that i found at dollar tree [Music] here's the skew now when i saw the vase i really like the shape of it i wasn't a fan of the color so i knew i'd have to diy it [Music] now for this face i'm going to do the same thing as the one before except i'm only going to put one row of tape around the top of the neck and then i'm going to glue on some larger flat back pearls [Music] okay so the glue has set up so what i want to do is check both pieces for leaked glue so what you want to do is clean that up you don't want that on your glass so just take your time and go around and just peel it up so what i'm going to do is spray paint them both i'm going to spray paint this one flat white if i have it if i don't have flat white then i'll use a shiny white and i'll spray paint this one gold i'm gonna go ahead and clean up all the glue spray paint them and then come back okay guys so i'm back with the dollar tree face and as you can see i spray painted the gold and i'll leave the name of the gold spray paint in the description i also painted the lip of the vase and i really like the way that it looks that's the high-end look [Music] so now i just want to go ahead and remove the tape remember it had like a frosty type coating over it you could take some bling and put some bling around it if you want to but i really don't like that look i want to keep it similar to the other vase that i'm making as well so i'm going to use some silver leaf here i have some silver leaf adhesive i removed the label it was really sticky be careful when you get this stuff so i'm going to go ahead and remove the top put some in here [Music] so now i'll just brush the adhesive on the space where i had the tape [Music] okay so i'm going to let that set up and get tacky and then i'll come back and add some silver leaf too so here's my first one as you can see i went with flat white so i'm going to pull the tape off and then i'm going to brush on some more of the silver leaf adhesive [Music] i'm going to take this brush which is really soft and use it to apply my silver leaf on the adhesive here's what cheeks look like and you just put it up against the adhesive and pat it on there [Music] okay as you can see there's a few little spaces here and there where i need to add some more adhesive and add more leaf so i'm going to do that clean this up and then come back and apply some silver leaf to the elevates as well [Music] here's my first face and i think it's a really high-end look i added six gold roses that i spray painted myself but any color would work [Music] and secondly here's the vase from dollar tree and it turned out better than i imagined and this one has a high end look as well i think the vases are the style that z gallery would sell and since i had two of the rectangular shaped faces i decided to do this one in black and gold with this one i used flat black spray paint and gold leaf and silver roses that i spray painted myself okay everyone this concludes my diy i hope that you all enjoyed it and if you did please leave me a thumbs up please don't forget to share comment and subscribe if you haven't already and make sure that you turn on your post notifications so that you won't miss my next upload okay everyone i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Beverly's Stunning Creations
Views: 373,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KiGa1zyA2MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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