Motorsport Crashes and Fails 2021 Week 37

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entry curve uh as you approach the corner and some of the guys are getting on the curb before turn-in yep and if the curb is wet and it goes loose to kumasato curb hopping at the corkscrew he goes down cars rolling cars still rolling scott dixon tries to avoid him and smash i mean sato has got to be more heads up than that he's going backwards down the corkscrew with them and he's lost it through the turn and that's one two big hits all down the left-hand side of the car [Music] and the chaos has already started i'm afraid to say that source is classic for that and there's a traffic jam now at last source on the first lap there's got to be a bit of give and take 26 was caught by the car behind the scenes sally yolich john diego that happened after manchaka caught the back of the rlr m sport car number 15. now who is driving that which so benham's caught initially by menchaca and then as manchaka tries to rejoin through comes the 55 spirit of race ferrari of duncan cameron so that is a fast fast corner he's torn a wheel off that at campos thankfully the wheel as it goes clattering towards the tires is contained within the circuit it turns one two three and four which is oh rouge he's lost it at con rouge itself christophe cresp has gone backwards into the tyre wall and he's got to collect the 25 car as well on his own after he hit the barrier he if he did it was just a brush smith one two three four five six of bread standing into la sauce and a change of lead already although a delay and all of a sudden the wtm car is wide there's a spinner further back two cars including the united machine stranded in the middle as well given a helping hand perhaps yes there was contact from daniel schneider in the united order sports car as they slowed for or was it contact i think there's the dictating questions oh good grief that was so it's so close so that was at the radeon uh very fast run towards the top of the hill i don't think it should be a lengthy intervention there's the spin lightest greys maybe on the left front here oh yeah that's the rear wing that's up the s's through that allows holland and quinlan to accelerate off side by side and then as quinlan comes back over the curbing there needed to keep it straight a little bit longer before trying to resume that track position i mean in this race oh side by side there that's not a place you often see that they continue to rub on each other and boy that contact just sent them both into the fence yeah i'm not sure what andy was doing there obviously and he's doing some work at the club track there that is the nola sport entry oh big move down to the inside that's paul terry i believe and he gets into the side that's rash west move down to the inside this is how it happened or at least the end of it yeah just uh trying to co-exist to hear on that little probably talking to derek right now oh and he just got sandwiched i think that slower car was uh kind of making everything get really tight there wow that was close for the murillo car silver cup points leader just goes straight like the car is not slowing down so i'm not sure if he had a braking issue like a technical issue but now he's got major impact to the front end of the back to fukuda and wash i'm here oh dear it's not gonna work unfortunately see if they manage to keep it off the wall looks like yes just really out wide out in the grain just understeers straight into that tire barrel then just grabs him and turns the car around get it off there's devgor team rosberg audi clattering into the barrier square on and that's damaged the right rear tire he's taken one of the marker boards out and it all squeezes up so it's that right hand side you just see the back of the frame of the bear matthias son then just had a bit again we need to see that again it was too fast for me to really see what happened there oh dear something awry with that car for sure and that will be weekend overnight for christopher rink oh yeah not sure there's any contact there maybe there was stefan cox just in behind yep there was contact but it was behind where the big incident then kicked off and there was the contacts between the 43 car of fabian crime czecho of alessia cruit's point now here was the moment just a glancing blow but enough to send him right on the uh oh well it was on the outside now going down to p5 was cordial and uh just about managed to go through not interested at all and anything else [Music] so dewalder oh squeezes into the number four he's pit maneuvered himself there and uh he decided to not back out there and then back that really late meant he had to cut the corner ultimately otherwise all three of them were going to be skittled out like it was we bowling toon kids i don't think he's done it intentionally of course he's just tried to avoid running up the rear of the car in front and free move unfortunately which is a little bit too close um and actually we're gonna get a replay here of what exactly happened and well there is the meat in the sandwich of the lamborghini and a little tap there to a cup car porsche cupcake for the mercedes do [Music] a [Music] into tower and we're seeing row bottom off oh that's at the left-hander coming up to the complex and into the tyres subsequent dramas on the epic we still need to work out how rory butcher came to grief don't we and there was contact there that involved boardley and others and then chilton turned around and where does butcher arrive on the scene as he breaks super late look at that he just made it to the corner in time without running wide so i think dan lloyd got a touch jack goff was hit by jade edwards so neat here just about to have a look to try and get third position back no we're going to flick back and have a look at that incident and it was marcus flack the 11 car on the right on the left as he sees it back so difficult you're threading the eye of the needle there between what are not soft obstacles those are very hard obstacles and yeah no reason for it just grabs too much of the right hand side and that breaks the front suspension away very well indeed going breaking ranks to the right oh we got cars breaking ranks to the left as well the right hand car was aiden hills first time we've seen him car coming across that's going to be a safety car straight away as that's chris white took a very heavy hit there looks like one of our excellent camera guys managed to catch the end of it what's going on there is that something oh no so look at the tires as well one of them squeezed maybe field filtering through it's great to see they have to try and make the moves in every single breaking zone they can stick their nose down the inside and stick it down the inside they do and that i believe that's sequence on his side there it is there is royal around the outside all this cars off is that her areas it is her areas is around there's not insignificant accident i wonder actually in that if because he dropped down the order suddenly i wonder if maybe he's gone off and possibly damage something up he has been on the track there's been a collision on a start finish straight and into the barriers downtown cone loses three two three positions in that phase there but he may be trying to hold oh and it's another crash two drivers and i do believe that was pink solvent [Music] [Music] got a right front tire left front tire issue that sends him into the wall those guys just have nowhere to go that's how quick it happens right i mean you had nothing to do with it you drive down the corner or the record in front of you looks like you'll see anthony a little bit of contact there was that he got a little help from the seven i believe a corey lejoy it looks to me like this nowhere for p.j mcleod to go he gets into the left 77 collects yeah huge contact well 77. justin hayley justin hayley getting into turn three there man he spins this thing around jeff and look at look at the pit road entrance right here you know ricky scenthouse jr he's like i gotta miss him and then he gets on pit road and gets the car almost spun out over corrected it [Music] they make contact and immediately right there the right front's down it just does not turn at all nothing he could do car just went straight that's a big impact right there watch this car just just quits turning don't know if the tire was down if a suspension problem matt mills bottomed up on the bottom of the racetrack and i'm just wondering if he had some kind of problem you know he was really slow off the corner the guys behind him couldn't just get couldn't get slowed up in time look like they're oh tommy just gets in the left recorder panel david david was trying to go underneath through three and four almandinger centric side by side allmendinger wins it at the line hard hard crashing off into turn one i cannot believe what i just saw 17 years of age yeah tough to kind of grasp what happened with that replay we'll see if we can get back a little bit and see him up on the wall there and we nearly saw these big mess here so ah he's trying to get underneath another truck and just the real estate closes up quick and then right there he lets off the brake and that caused it and it's a good thing there's not more damage on that 21. wow smith so you see the 23 of purdy involved in that winning at homestead miami yeah that's late in the in the replay to see exactly how it all unfolded man he sounded like he might have come down on someone a little bit [Music] [Music] that's rapid [Music] marquez lost all temperature in his tires i mean it's pretty warm here that's a fast one that had turned 15. he's had a couple of big high speed spills today in the last few months so taka nakagami he's going oh he's crashed now as well and there'll be yellow flags there also there's nearly a thousand grand pre-appearances gonna be featuring he's crashed on the in-lap what bastianini has just crashed on the in lap and the second sector's flash up on screen mark's gone down trying to keep up with pekka banya it happened again looks like they're probably going to stay where they are down now as well it's got one last chance as he goes across the line behind quarter arrow one last round he's you do not see that very often not to turn one that's never going to get saved let's hear from paulo chabatti i'm sure he's delighted back-to-back races or 1-2 on the grid for ducati just three hundredths between them but just the fact that by nine made the dream log [Music] oh hey thank you [Music] well we only saw the back end of that unfortunately of course he not happy um and coming around the corner becomes a big high side goodness me but then applying the gas and oh my goodness another massive find out exactly what's going on all right thanks for that jack um as we're just seeing here and looking to better his lap andy is daha they're just lumping up oh mcfee's crashed he's crashed just on the approach into turn 10 and has to go what's happened to suzuki then yeah fast old frontend washout wasn't it turned 13 unlucky through turn one already and then he throws it into turn two and the front end chattering away yeah you can see the movement on that front end darren this is turn four then he got that horribly wrong he looked like he just shifted down a few too many gears there oh that was a huge moment the front went the rear when he tried to save it no chance turned 15 he's fortunately and he's done it turning 14 we did see quite a few crashes in model 2. it's a good cooperative [Music] [Music] [Applause] i think who's gone down [Applause] oh what about it will he take the wind so australian but he's not bothered one shot he takes the whole shot does kelso and munoz i think there is slots into thirds but we've got a couple down in background downstairs ogden oh and it's see the money off that's gone with him as well the teammate to david money off that allegiances don't lie with anyone holgardo goes down the championship leader crashes out what drama here in masano out of nothing over the top of that curving and it's very similar to what we saw earlier from escalante in our super sport race same exact kind of crash great gets in there and he's already mad at himself before he even comes to a stop i'm up over the top it's gonna be probably the same thing greg lose the rear and that's all it takes it just you lose the rear a little bit it throws all the balance of the motorcycle off this is gonna throw him into the gravel and right now there's a big chunk of grass just about you again yeah well the thing is is that from matthew he's oh and camp peterson goes down the turn number one oh no so next year let's take a look oh great i mean that's just losing the front weird just barely picking the throttle up in the last for everybody but he's doing a such a good job and the thing that he's been oh and down he goes oh unfortunately it was just too much it looked like he kind of rolled off the racetrack holding on to this motorcycle he is surfing right now trying to get that r1 he's got to try to pick it up so well he knows the track pretty well now as far as the layout and where it can go and there goes cam peterson tips off cam peterson crashes and and uh distributing a bunch of weight differently there oh there it is oh crashes out of the lead a little too much throttle the rear end oh here we go greg it looks like mason just gets to the bottom of turn number 14 there lost the rear spin them around not wanting to give a win away oh but he is so wide they're side by side in these conditions on the high side he can't keep it under control
Channel: motorsportcrashesandfails
Views: 115,291
Rating: 4.9062161 out of 5
Id: K-nNjTWA9d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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