2020 Motorcycle Racing Crash Compilation #1

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[Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] and [Applause] so crashed down to turn three and uh he just gets thrown off and lands a little bit awkwardly there for lachlan you can see him rolling through the gravel trap and uh at least able to walk away [Music] yeah the problem is when you've got the wind coming from where we go well he's hoping to make that work as he gets to the chicane which i think [Music] mckenzie and then ryan vickers the local boy from just up the road down oh that's it that is a bent bike oh danny getting the pace she's on the outside of the left-hand side and watch it he'll be the front oh oh he touches he touches um i think i think he touched it back into brad ray you're sorry i smoked from the tires yeah and i don't know it seemed it stood browed right up brad right up so let's hope that he's all right look great loses a lot of time he's got to go on to the grass steady up he's going to be doing is getting involved in a massive fight with well anybody who needs to be in that leading group he knows he's got the base but oh and that's ryan vickers oh we're going to get away with yeah that was uh yeah he goes around the outside of vickers vic those two touch and we don't really see wow now we will let's have a look vic has lost it third yeah hang on hang on we're not done yet oh what happened oh and hickman goes down but hickman was hit he almost hit from the inside brad jones talked to paris is in there as well it's amazing how quickly that oh no he's taking down the freebies so mcgregor's frustrated by that cory mcgreevy had such a great ride yesterday everybody so far remaining commendably upright as they feel their way around i was reminded of oh arches commentators curse instantly strikes and down has got number 14 evan pendrell on the casey they're just oh big moment there that was a bit of a bubble uh yeah sideways oh wow well the land looks to have rolled well but heaven only knows what happened to the bike oh the bikes come back and it's charlie farah yeah i kind of guessed that he's a little bit of a joke oh oh and that was one rider just moving across and uh behind him clipped the back end was barely fortunately without injury number 55 brody crockford was narrowly missed by the number 19 ktm's to fall victim to the conditions and owen jenner a bit of motor crossing left over very very well to hold that then because uh you know he went in too tight at all a lot crashed up another 90 and number 69. brave move by the 13 year old look at the the shaking head of harvey clarice's honorary oh man and down goes the championship leader down and out goes franco born the championship leaders out and as they storm the hill to the finish [Music] line ahead and once he got in front you thought there was no way back there were fallers in actual fact thick and fast and uh the japanese hero arazeki was one of them guys were hurtling levi day did a repeat yesterday when elliott pinson went down with a crash that was the move on the lap driver going into turn five just got in a little deep on the inside oh man luckily whoever he hit stayed up on two wheels yeah walt sip uh got into so he's in deep xavier as he he figures out there's probably nobody there but benjamin was in deep as well and trying to slow the bike down to where he couldn't hit xavier but he ends up just kind of clowning looks like lucas is that hidalgo maybe uh christian chris crossland yes yeah i think it is it is the 66 oh that's a big flip from crossland and uh foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] start as well um help me asthma is up there too help me asthma goes in sideways has he pulled it off he's run wide helmet heisman gets the whole shot but oh big big crash big crash 22 out there is minima not sure who the second rider was in that group there but uh we'll bring you the news on that when we find out when we head back to it but uh meanwhile out front it is uh adam norton there's another big crash at the back of the field look at that catapulting away 50 afief amram who went off this morning he i think oh another ride has gone down wow what is going on the riders are losing all kinds of grip uh the top of the dragon back look at him he's riding it right and he leans over to the left to miss the face and just lands like a mental reset that's what almost looked like happened with jed and then he picked it back up like he said oh is that hampshire where it is it is oh it's a rockstar husqvarna i'm pretty sure it is boy he must have went for a ride to get that far separated from his machine gets a little kickoff and watches this is one of the nastiest crashes you'll see oh boy even walks away cannot believe it look at him has to eject there i don't know how you didn't break anything thankfully the soil is a little soft there but now you know why that bike looks the way it does this is unbelievable similarities when you talk to johnny and what jets no that would not happen in normal conditions both of them right golly i mean freddie lingard i thought something went wrong with this bike because we didn't see it because we're focusing yeah on the the third and fourth but by golly that's by rush brown motorcycle attorneys like turns green is jj 96 jesse janice in the lead there goes two down in the first corner that is ryan sipes that's not good so the red flag is out there's the replay what happened watch the right side of the screen one bite goes down and then ryder has nowhere to go that is the raggio goes up and over the handlebars a cartwheel and that yeah he just had nowhere to go when uh when luke fell down the 25 went down first oh yeah it was ben lao that went down there loud looking he's up the inside of another rider right there and just goes down just runs out of real estate and then the run to stop over and talk to him here's a look at the replay right here watch the right side of the screen and oh man the bike jarred right back into him it looks like looks like he had slid out actually well before here's another look at it maybe pearson looks like there's a little bit of love there from pierce and that's why probably he's got by boba he's tracking down the leaders declan just moving up oh we got one rider down two riders now three runners down three riders down and turn number four in a hurry red flag is out so three riders get collected i see low he's up and okay the 23 by you
Channel: Racing Gone Wild
Views: 6,374,166
Rating: 4.5928736 out of 5
Keywords: RACING, MOTORSPORT, ROADRACE, OTOMOTIF, MOTORCYCLE, motogp, highlight motogp, wsbk 2020, motogp 2020, aragon 2020, esbk, civ, arrc 2020, ama pro, bsb, british superbike 2020, cev repsol, honos superbike, motoamerica, roadrace, road race 2020, moto america 2020, laguna seca, alabama superbike 2020, ama superbike, japan superbike 2020, motogp 2020 full, wsbk
Id: gYmXQRlVpvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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