Motorcycle Exhaust Wrap - TIPS & TRICKS

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[Music] alright guys we're back with another episode of the metric bomber build con what is this episode like 25 had no idea was gonna take this many episodes to build this bike but converting an old-school CB 650 into a hardtail bobber was way more work than I expected anyways we're back on the exhaust today if you remember in the last view we've got the exhaust fabricated what I want to do today is wrap the exhaust with tape and I wasn't gonna make a whole video about this because I didn't think it was that involved but after doing research I'm like wow there's a lot more to it than I thought I'm gonna go through the tools you need the benefits of wrapping exhaust which I didn't know about before and then we're gonna actually do a wrap on the exhaust and if you don't know already we're giving the bike away at the end of the build series to people that support the series over on patreon here's the link right here and we've ordered a couple more prizes to the raffle any speed and strength helmet that you want and the guys over in Cardo have kicked down their new free column for Plus communication system for your helmet so yeah this thing is worth like 250 bucks ok so obviously the main thing to wrap the pipes is this twin power exhaust wrap 2 inches wide by 50 feet long not sure if that's gonna be enough 10 we have these metal straps to hold the tape down pair of scissors to cut the tape mask is sometimes a good idea because there is fiberglass in this right here pair of gloves so you don't cut your hands on the fiberglass I'm using some VHT high namou high heat paint because my pipes right now are bare metal and in order for me to wrap them first I need to paint them first to keep them from rusting this is the packaging for those metal straps I got these and this from my guys over at uh comm who sponsor this series I guess the next step is we're gonna sound the pipes and hit them with some black alright let's talk about the benefit of wrapping your pipes what I learned is that wrapping the pipe with tape allows the exhaust to hold more heat this is your valves this is your cylinder - this is your piston so basically what wrapping your pipe says this increases the exhaust scavenging in other words without the pipes wrapped what happens is when your piston goes up it pushes out 90% of the gases in oxygen and there's about 10% left so that means when your valve opens it pulls in more gasoline than oxygen that means there's only 90% space left for it to fill up rather than a hundred percent so with the pipes wrapped it purges more of this 10% so when you're pulling in fresh gas and fresh air that means that you have more space here to fill up rather than 90% more gas more air stronger combustion I don't know if you really feel it I mean it could be hype supposedly this is one of the benefits of wrapping your pipes all right so before I start painting these pipes I'm gonna hit him with some 80 grit sandpaper just so the paint sticks better I'm even gonna Sam the chrome here because I want the paint to stick better so let's do that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] alright one thing I've got to mention is you want to soak the tape in water that allows it to stretch and then when it dries it shrinks and it'll fit tighter so let's get in there it is soaked in kind of open it up so the water gets on the side wow there's a lot of black black ink coming off this stuff okay I'm gonna go ahead and try doing this in the vise first make sure you put a rag here so you're not scratching everything up I'm gonna start with this end first so I'm just gonna clamp down the Hopsin in here just kind of hold it in place okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to start right at this point here I'm not going to wrap the end of the pipe here let's start with the cut in on the back side this is the back side here actually where you can't see it but come around and do one straight pass I'm gonna get it tight and then I'm what I'm going to do is for now I'm just going to use a regular zip tie to hold that because I don't want to use the metal straps just yet because if I make a mistake and I end up wasting them so I'm just gonna zip tie this in place for now so that'll hold it like that and then we can just start working our way down the pipe and what I want to do is I want to do about a quarter inch overlap as I come down so there might take a couple of times around to get to a quarter of an inch because you're starting straight but then you're starting to go at an angle and you don't want to just go to an angle because then you're gonna get like a wrinkle like that so it's just well this is gonna be tricky come around like that pull it tight no it's actually going to be more like about a half an inch overlap and you want to watch the spacing between here and here you want to try to keep that consistent going all the way down otherwise you're gonna have a strange look now the reason I'm starting at the back and going forward is because you see I have a ridge right here that means the wind and the rain and the water will kind of shed off of it if I start down here and come up then that Ridge will be on this side and as you're riding and the wind and the rain will catch that edge keep in mind too this is my first time ever doing this so not claiming to be a professional what I'm gonna do too is I'm going to stop the rap right here because we have this two into one and we can't rap this which is another reason I wanted to paint it black so we'll stop here and clamp it okay and then I'm getting near the end here so I'm just gonna cut probably a little more than I need to finish this because it's so wound up here I can't really wrap it any more they can do a better job of finishing this off and then it's finishing on the backside here what I'm gonna do here is because this end is exposed I'm gonna fold it over about a half of an inch like that so the threads were tucked in and so it gives you a cleaner look and it keeps it from fraying so let's go ahead and as if tie that in place and we'll come back with the middle ties you know later and uh duh looks great all the spacing hair is even about one inch what we'll do now is we'll continue down here this is gonna be all trickier because of these bends the tapes gonna want to lift and curl but we'll figure it out clean up the frayed ends here first this one we wrap this way so we're gonna keep the same direction put the frayed end at the back this is the outside here so I'm putting the cut in on the backside I can see all the fiberglass fibers in this tape so you definitely want to wear your mask let's grab another is it tie like an RTC see how I'm getting into this turn here see how I'm getting this extra material right here but as I wrap the tape around it goes away because it just pushes it back down so maybe we'll be all right keep pulling it tight [Applause] yeah not too bad going around that corner as bad as I thought I was gonna be so now we're coming into this other band it's a little bit tighter than this one not much but it shouldn't be a big problem find out here in a minute you can see to hear how the tape wants to keep twisting as I go around so what I did was I went down in the bucket and I hadn't twisted it down the bucket by just spinning it the opposite direction because that's gonna be something you're gonna run into the good thing is it's not dripping everywhere I thought it's gonna be really messy and just dripping everywhere it's not really tripping at all being really careful not to get any B wrinkles in the tape and it's gonna look crappy and let them up and imma stop it about half inch from the end because I have the flanges on here this is the outside so ah okay so it's on the inside and one cut about a half-inch long because I'm gonna fold it over half an inch fold it over about a half an inch so you have a nice clean edge right here no frayed keep it tight have another temporary zip tie all right I'm pretty pleased with that so everything looks good so what I do is I'm gonna use these metal straps now to replace the regular zip ties and you can see it has this bulky piece here or it slides into itself I want to make sure that's on the backside so you don't see it so we'll just kind of wrap this around I'll show you how I'm doing this here or slide it within itself all right this see how it's kind of ratchet so you can hear it ratcheting I want to make sure I'm back about that far so I'm not in the way of this flange at all that should be good yeah and I can get as tight as I want and then what I can do is just spin it to get this out of the way and as I'm spinning it it's also tightening the tape and there we go all right so the only thing left to do now is do this pipe here so I'm gonna go ahead and get this done we'll come back I'll show you the completed job with all the metal straps and then we'll get this thing back on the bike [Music] alright that was definitely a little bit of a challenge I learned some things along the way but it turned out pretty sweet let's take a look one thing you definitely need to watch out for is how far up you come right here because these right here they need to be kind of back here there's studs they need to come back put in the inserts and then get these back on so I actually need to come back about another inch here and I can take care of that because I already went too long one time I've already brought them back I was able to reuse these clamps believe it or not now I ended up doing double clamps here because it looks cleaner and it's holds down the two inch white tape better so for me to finish the other side I actually need a whole nother set of these because it took 12 clamps to do this whole exhaust [Music] all right guys I'm struggling a little bit with this exhaust let me show you why so you just break an exhaust right here this is where the two pipes come together I'm struggling with that gap it wasn't so apparent before I wrap the pipe but now that I've wrapped it it's kind of bothering me so I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna take this exhaust off I'm gonna put on the Mack exhaust option I'm gonna show that to you guys and what I want you to do is I want you to you tell me which one you like better you like the custom exhaust or you like the Mack exhausting okay here's the map four into one you know what I really like the system this system to me looks really clean on the bike I really like the four into one configuration I know it's been tuned for this bike it's already blacked out by concerned too as how the rap pipes will hold up over time alright guys that's a wrap for this episode don't forget if you want to win the bike over the patreon sign up see you guys next episode [Music] you [Music]
Views: 149,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bobber build, bike build, custom bobber, vintafge bobber, old school bobber, honda bobber, cb650, speed and strength, tucker powersports
Id: Xrtkr8ZOh2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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