Motion Graphics Tutorial | How to Mask the Effects

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[Music] hello everyone in this video I'll be talking about one of the subscribers questions which was how do we create such characters in After Effects that the layers have shadows and highlights and how to add any color and gradient to the layer without having to create a bunch of layers and then mask them and actually just work on one layer and add all the colors that one layer so when I'm breaking and animating the process doesn't get too complains and there won't be any need to parent so many leers but before that don't forget to like subscribe and share it with your friends and if you're interested in learning After Effects and Motion Graphics fundamentally and a step by step I highly recommend the motion Hero Mass place okay to understand this technique better I head over to the diamond composition and select this layer and I want to replicate the color similar to this to do that I pick up the pen tool and enable this option so I can do masking on the shape and I want to create this white part using the mask like this after that I select the layer in the effects control panel I right click under generate I select fill and add it to the layer and I change color to white just like this part over here after that I open the layer under fill in the composition option I click on the plus sign so the mask reference property would show for us and then I choose the mask that I created right here then under the mask properties I increase its feather so it would look like the other shape and just like that I can add any color I want to the shape and adjust the feather to my liking and there is no need to clutter the timeline by creating a new layer for each color all right for the pink part I come and create another mask I do DC at the fil effect I change color to this one I open the fil and under the composition I select Mask 2 and then in The Mask section I increase its feather so the edges become smooth and Faded then I create this white part I once again select the layer and enable The Mask option and create another mask right here as the color is white I don't need to duplicate the feel effect and because of that I head over into the effect with the color white and right here I click on the plus sign once again and select the third mask and so the white color wouldn't be visible I just drag the white fill F below the pink one and in The Mask section I can increase its feather just like that you can continue like that and add more colors and alter the colors and the ranges to your preferences however you please and as I said the best Advantage this technique has is that you don't need to create a new solid layer for each color and make your timeline overcrowded then I added the glow effect to the scene and created such a shiny Diamond now back in the character comp you'll notice I've set up two M however for crafting shadows and highlights I use the LI effect I've darken the back part and brighten the front part of the arm let's pick the body layer and solid for a clear view notice how I manage this section with this effect brightening it up you can adjust the slider to achieve your desired level of brightness make it as bright as you want within the mask section toen the opacity of mask is pretty easy giving you a fertiles control over the shadows and highlights you create let me open the background comp and show this layer to you as well to get to know the usages of this technique better as you can see here I crafted this color using this effect manipulating and boundaries with this mask I also assigned the second F effect with this mask for this range I also added an inner Shadow style to the layer and made its color white so that the bushes get such a beautiful appearance following that I duplicated the layers making to Ino into the masks and effects for example if I select this layer you can see how I've set the masks the clouds and the character itself were made using the same technique even the face was crafted using this technique let me solo the head layer so you can get a closer look at what's going on here as you can see I've created for masks here for the head layer and changed their color using the LEL effect and if you look deeper into the mask section you can see that I chain the impact of the L effect with the opacity of each mask as you can see here it's 59 here it's 100 here it's 48 and here it's 38 and just like that you can control the impact of the effect with the opacity of each mask well that's it thanks for watching and I hope you found this helpful and feel free to ask your questions in the comments below and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Jafar Fazel
Views: 28,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mask the effects, masking the effects, after effects, motion designer, motion graphics, motion graphics tutorials, learn motion graphics, motion design tutorial, after effects motion graphics, after effects tutorials, animation tutorial, Motion Graphics Tutorial, motion graphics animation, after effects animation, no plugin, pro technique, tips and tricks, ae tutorial, gradient, gradient in after effects
Id: C4qoIUf2I94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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