Motion Graphics Tutorial | Pro Logo Animation in After Effects

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hello everyone it's safe to say that logo  animation is one of the most   challenging and profitable  fields of Motion Graphics since each logo has its own distinct style and   sense applying a single animation  to all of them would be unjust that's why in this video I've chosen to focus   on a single animation that can be  applied to a diverse range of logos so once you learn how to create such animation  you can at least animate similar logos and if you like more of these videos  don't forget to like subscribe and   share it with your friends  so we can all learn together okay let's get right into it the only thing we need in this animation is  how to create a bouncing ball animation which   is considered an essential skill for an animator and if you are not familiar with this skill  I recommend you to watch the motion hero   masterclass in which I've talked about a  variety of bouncing ball animations in it okay first thing first to make the location  of the letters visible I duplicate the layers   and then put them in a new comp as a reference then I move it below the layers  and set its opacity to 10.  and then I start animating the layers the first layer that I want   to animate is the letter O I want the letter O to move from below   up to the top and then fall and land right here as you can see the layer launches up and right   here as it's hitting the ground  other letters burst out of it  and the layer itself has  bouncing animation as well  I go to the beginning I open its position  I create a keyframe for it I move it down  I enable title action safe so I can align  it exactly in the middle of the comp I got 10 frames forwards and I move the layer  right here since its distance to here is less   than the previous one I move 8 frames  forwards and I move the layer right here   and then I curve the animation path after that, I select this  keyframe and make it easy  and I should increase its influence for that I select this   keyframe and go to the graph editor I select this keyframe and double-click on it  I check the continuous option  and I set its influence to 80.  I also set the influence of  the outgoing velocity to 80 as you can see once that's done as the  layer approaches this point it slows down   a bit and pauses take a look  I increase the influence so that once the layer is  up there it would slow down, not stop completely  and to remove that short pause I have  to increase the speed of this keyframe  I select the keyframe, I hold shift  and I move the keyframe up a little bit  so the speed of the keyframe increases here  and that pause wouldn't be there anymore  let's see how it is I lower it down to decrease the speed  now it looks much better and to do it manually you can   double click on the keyframe and here  you can set its speed to 150 and 150. well it's good I back to the keyframes  now I want to create a bouncy animation for it I move 5 frames forwards and move up the layer   again 4 frames   ahead the layer comes back to its original  position again 4 frames ahead it moves up and again 4 frames forwards it  comes back to its original position  I select the keyframes in which the  layer is up and then easy ease them and I have to increase the  influence of this keyframe  for that, I can also use the motion tools  script and I set its influence to 70. I think it's looking way better now after that I open the layer  and select the middle ellipse,  I open the ellipse path and  create a keyframe for its size  when the layer is up I move  the first keyframe here  I set it to 0 and make it easy ease and here I set it to 30  and I make the keyframe linear let's have another look  well after animating the O  letter let's work on the letter B  I open its position and rotation I create a keyframe for it  when the layer hits here, from this point  on the letter B should start appearing  I create a keyframe for its rotation here  I move 7 frames forward I place the layer about here  again 7 frames ahead the layer  comes back to its initial position  and I curve the path I set its influence to 75. and I have to increase its speed because  the layer pauses here which it shouldn't,   whereas it should only slow down here not pause to fix that I select this keyframe and   open keyframe velocity I enable The Continuous   option and set the speed to 70 and then let's see how it looks  it's good after that I rotate the layer by 180 degrees and then I trim the layer here  let me hide the other layers and  see how the animation looks so far what's next I want to make a bouncy animation  for both position and rotation of this layer  for that I don't need to do it manually  I can use the bounce expression  I copy the bounce expression and paste  it for the position of this layer amplitude is 0.1, Frequency is 1, Decay is 1.5 let's see how the animation of the position is I copy the same expression and  paste it for the rotation as well and for the animation of rotation and  position to happen at different times   and not simultaneously I move the last  keyframe of rotation two frames ahead  let's check it out it looks so much better  after doing that it's time to animate the letter u I open its position and rotation  I hit U I want to animate it just like the letter B  these keyframes should be in the end in the beginning, the layer is placed here   and 7 frames ahead it goes here  and I curve the animation path I also create a keyframe for  its rotation in the beginning  and to copy and paste the speed and  influence of this keyframe for this one I select this keyframe and go to the Duik Angela,   in the animation tab, I click on  this option, so the properties   of this keyframe would be copied and then I  select this keyframe and click on this option and now if I open the keyframe velocity  as you can see the speed and influence   of this keyframe is identical to  the other one let's check it out it looks good  I just have to increase its speed a little  bit I enable continuous and I set it to 70. I animate its rotation too and set it to minus 180 and I trim the layer here let's check it out now I want to create a jumping animation for it I go five frames forward and  I move the layer up a little again five frames ahead and again  I move it back to where it was and I set the influence of this keyframe to 60. and I copy the expression of  the rotation of the letter b   and paste it for the rotation of the letter U let's give it a look okay after I'm done with the letter  U it's time to work on the letter N I make it visible I come here I open its position and rotation  I create a keyframe for it I move 10 frames forward  I move the layer up here this keyframe should be at the end  in the beginning, the layer should be here  and then here 9 frames ahead I  want the letter N and U to collide  for that, I place it here and this one here  seven frames ahead I place the layer here above  again seven frames forward I  place it where the initially was and I curve the path of the animation to change just one handle I   hold alt and drag it a bit I select the middle keyframe  I open the keyframe velocity and enable continuous and set its influence to 75  and its speed to 100. I do the same for this keyframe as well I slow this one down a bit ,70.  let's check out the animation and  the layer should rotate thus far  I set the initial rotation to  zero and let's check how it is well it looks good to me I lowered this down so it would hit the letter u after it landed here, let's  animate the next letter which is Y  I'll work on the letter c later because  it should hit the letter Y before landing  that's why I'll animate the letter Y at first I open its position and rotation   I create a keyframe for it here  and another one for the end as well in the beginning, I place the layer here I go 13 frames forward  I want it to be longer than  the jump of the letter n I trim the layer N here so it  won't be visible in the beginning I put it here I curve its animation path  10 frames ahead and the letter  comes back to its initial position I just have to move it up a little bit because  I want the letter c to hit the letter Y and the   letter Y would place where it was I open the keyframe velocity  I enable continuous I set this to 75.  and I set its speed 100 let's check it out as you can see its speed isn't that  much and it pauses here for a moment  I have to increase the speed of this keyframe I set it to 150. again it pauses a bit here so I set it to 200. it looks great I come here and rotate the layer like this minus 180 let's check it out after that, I copy the bounce expression  for the letter b and paste it for the   position of the letter Y and let's see how it is it seems like the amplitude is too  much so I change it to 0.5 let's see it's so much better  I copy the same expression and  paste it for its rotation as well and I change the animation of the rotation just   like what I did for the letter  B so it will look more dynamic okay now it's time for the letters C I make the letter C visible  let me trim the letter Y so  it won't be visible at first  as well as this one let's get back to the animation the letter c  i open its position and rotation I create a keyframe for them  I move them here for now in the beginning it should be here  I also create a keyframe for its rotation I come here, I think here is good I move the layer here I think this layer should be lowered a bit  the letter c should be separated from n the letter Y should also be on this side and then 10 frames ahead the  letter c collides with the letter n  and seven frames ahead the letter c goes up again  about here and again seven frames ahead  the letter c hits the letter Y  I think this should be here and this one here  again six frames ahead the layer goes up six frames ahead the layer hits the leather n and again five frames forward the layer goes up five frames forward the layer goes to where it was again 4 frames ahead I move the layer up and I create the last bounce for it  and in the end, I placed it where it was and then I curved the animation path I select the keyframes in which the  letter c is above and I make them easy here the influence should be about  80 and it's speed 150 for now let's see how it is and this one I set its influence  to 75 and its speed to 70. and let's see how it is its speed is low here that's why we have a short pause here, so I set   its speed to 150 and see if it gets better or not again it pauses a bit here I increase its speed, I set it to 200. it's much better now I select these keyframes and  set their influence to 50.  and their speed to 75. and let's check it out right here the speed should be  more so there won't be any pauses it looks good and here I set the speed to 170. I move this up a little bit right here its speed is too much here so I reduce it to 100 it looks so much better I think I should increase the distance between  the keyframes a bit more so it would look better I think it's better now now let's back to the letter n and continue its  animation so it would collide with the letter C  6 frames ahead I move up the letter n and to this side again 6 frames ahead it should be placed here I curved the animation path here 6 frame forward the layer should be right here  however right here they both collide with each  other, that's why I create a keyframe here  I go to the final keyframe and I put it back  where it was and I make these two keyframes easy and here I move up the letter c  let's see how the animation is I just have to make the animation of the  letter and faster when it snaps back into place and here it's animation should  keep going so I added a null object I place it here in the corner of the letter n and I parent the letter N to it and I create a keyframe for its rotation  5 frames ahead I rotated a bit and set it to -6 5 frames ahead and I set it to zero  and I make the middle keyframes easy ease let's check it out I think it should be a bit more about 70.  and I move these back a bit it's better now I set the distance between keyframes to 7 frames now let's give it a look  maybe this one a little bit less it's better and the last point when the letter  c hits the letter Y which is here  I create a keyframe for the position of the letter  Y and to put the letter back to where it was  I move to where the bouncing effect  is done and I put it into place and then I move this keyframe two  frames after the last keyframe  so that when the letter c hits the  letter y the letter Y would be affected let's see the whole animation I have to trim the layer C as well let's rotate the letter N when it  comes here and hit the letter c and in the end it goes back to zero let's check it out  a little bit more and then  let's check it out again I think it looks much better now  let me limit the work area and  then let's take a look at it again   let me hide the reference comp as well well it's great so far the input animation of  the logo animation has been done in the next video I'll be talking  about how to create the speed lines  as well as the Sparkles where  the letters hit each other  and also the output animation of the logo  because an advanced logo animation must have  an output animation as well if it's not a loop  if you enjoyed this video and found it  helpful please give it a thumbs up and   share it with others so we can all learn together and be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications   so you don't miss out on my next video which is  chock full of tips and tricks thanks for watching
Channel: Jafar Fazel
Views: 439,858
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Keywords: motion graphics tutorial, after effects, after effects tutorial, motion designer, motion graphics, motion graphics tutorials, learn motion graphics, motion design tutorial, after effects motion graphics, after effects tutorials, animation tutorial, Motion Graphics Tutorial, motion graphics animation, jafarfazel, motion guru, logo animation, pro logo animation, pro logo design, logo animation tutorial, bouncing ball animation, bouncy logo animation, after effects animation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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