Gradient Glowing Tunnel Animation In After Effects | Motion Design Tutorials | Motion Circles.

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hi this is hongu from Motion in today's video I'll teach you how to do this animation in After Effects without further Ado let's get [Music] started we now have an empty composition let's go animate the tunnel let's create a new solid layer make it into a yellow color let's go to scale property to animate the scales change the scale to 10 go forward 15 frames change it to 100% and now we have an animation we can duplicate this composition command D let's go change the color again let's change it to a gray color and now we have two animation one is in yellow and one is in Gray let's select both layers command D to duplicate we can change the label color as well let's just keep duplicating a couple more times so that we got more tunnels and every time I'm duplicating I'm changing the label color I think we can stop here for now and now I select everything hit you on the keyboard to show all the key frames we need to stagger the key frames select everything and then we need to stagger all the key frames three frames apart make the amount three and then and hit this button here let's see the animation so make sure I have all the key frames selected let's try to make this one 60% for the incoming velocity next thing we need to do we need to go create a new composition call this one gradient tunnel inside the gradient tunnel composition we need to add a bunch of circles in different colors whatever color you like and then we'll add the wiggle position effect to all these shape layers with wiggle speed one wiggle per second and then wiggle amount to be 200 and now we have a bunch of circles wiggling in the space next thing we're going to add an adjustment layer and then add a fast box blur effect with the blur radius set to 70 and this is going to be my gradient tunnel this is one tunnel let's go back to the project panel let's create a tunnel two call this one blue and in this composition we're going to add a couple more circles in the composition and then make sure we have this wiggle position effects on everything all the circles add an adjustment layer on top with a fastbox blur effect the blur radius can be set to 90 and then we also have a null object controlling all these circles with a rotation property so that my null is controlling my circles not only wiggling but also rotating in the space let's go back to the tunnel animation let's go pre-m this yellow solid command shift C blue gradient make sure we hold down option and then drop on top of the dark gray solid and now we're replacing all the solid layer that we have before with the gradient layer we have now let's go see the animation that looks pretty cool let's select everything and then precompose it call this one tunnel let's duplicate the tunnel I'm going to use the pin tool to draw a mask just like this from the corner I also want to make sure I'm going to be exact so all my points is coming from the corner like this and this Middle Point should be exactly in the center let's let me turn on title action safe to make sure this point is in the center that looks pretty cool and then I'm going to offset the composition by three frames 1 2 3 let me just cut it here and then move it back to zero let's see the animation we're going to have this tunnel animation like this next thing we're going to do go to layer add an adjustment layer call this one bulge let's add a bulge effect onto my adjustment layer and then we can change we can make the radius bigger let's make the radius bigger to occupy the whole space and you can see it's changing my entire tunnel to be more curved shaped instead of a straight shape if you like the straight shape look this is what what you get but if you like the curved shape once you use the BGE effect that's how you get it next thing is we're going to add another adjustment layer and we can call this one color in terms of the color adjustment layer let's add in the Deep glow and we can change the setting to 250 as a radius and then exposure can be02 and then let's add on curves adjustments changing the curve like this to make sure we got brighter in the Highlight area and then a bit darker in the darker tone and this is going to be my color now before and after let's play the animation before we continue make sure to like this video And subscribe to the channel we will publish new content every week click the Subscribe button to level up your animation skills and get inspired with great animation every week you can also join our exclusive Community to hang out with motion designers to grow together check the link in the description below another thing we could add is we can add a lens flare let's go to add another adjustment layer call this one lens flare if I just search for the CC lens layer we can add it in and then we can animate the flare Center to be the beginning from the top left corner and then after maybe one second it could go to the bottom right corner you can see there's a flare that's going through my tunnel to give it more definition maybe it's too fast I can slow it down by reducing the distance it travels and then you can also blend it with the original better maybe 60% so that it's not very obvious just a hint of highlights after we have the lens layer we can add in some other elements like the circles I have my circles over here and a couple cubes as well so in terms of the circles if I go inside you can see this is the same grading texture that I'm using just the same one as the tunnel and all I did was to massic on top of a circle shape so that we have the circle animation going on once we have a couple circles what we're going to do is we're going to animate the scale property so have the circle going from the center all the way scaling up I'm using a null object to control the rotation of the circle and then I'm using the scale property to animate the circle growing bigger and bigger and this is what I'm doing I also have two cubes going on other than the circle animation so if you want to know how I did the cube you can watch another tutorial that I did before you can find the link in the description let's see the final animation [Music] now that's it with this video hope you liked it and learned a couple tips and tricks for our next project let me know if this video is helpful in the comments down below and what other videos or tutorials You' like to see on this channel I'd love to hear your feedback also let me know in the comments if You' like to use a different effect or do anything differently from this video let's keep sharing and grow together one last thing don't forget to join our exclusive Discord Community to hang out with fellow designers stay on top of Industry Trends and grow together thank you so much for watching this video I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Motion Circles
Views: 5,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects efficiency, advanced after effects, how to animate, chromatic abberation, Motion circles, ben marriott, jake bartlett, glow animation, Animation principles, Cube animation, pyramid animation, pyramid spin, 3d spin, 3d glow, time displacement, 3d in after effects, 3d cube animation, tunnel animation, tunnel animation in after effects, modern tunnel animation, simple tunnel animation, how to animate a tunnel, how to create 3d tunnel
Id: jJXqqYDr47M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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