Most Watched Moments of 2023 😬 SUPER COMPILATION | Ridiculousness

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(upbeat music) - Okay, enough. - I'm calling you in there. - Enough. - I'm calling you in there. - Enough. If you ain't gonna give me milk. - Milk? - You could become the milk. - That they be strong as hell too. - I know. Come on. Good ballot. - Man. - Oh, I'm gonna to put your leg. - Put your leg into that. - Leg man. Wow. (audience laughs) - My bad, no problems. - No problems. - She really sounded like really killer, I guess. - Yeah. (energetic music) (audience applauding) Hi, Ed. - Bow Wow, you've done it all for many, many years, and I would say growing up hip hop, you actually did grow up hip hop, right? - Absolutely. - How old were you when your first album came out? - I was 13 when my first album came out. - Okay. - 13. - All right. - You were assigned at like five, right? - Yeah, Death Row. Yep, Snoop found me, of course. Shout out to my big homie, Snoop Dogg, the West Coast legend. So, you know. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - So you were signed at five, but the album never came out. You were just like working on albums and you were like a five-year-old. - Yeah, five-year-old kid. I mean, that's what happens. Like when you a new artist, you know, you sit on a label, sometimes you can be just sitting on a label forever and you know- - Yeah. - It can happen. - I know. - I know. (audience laughs) I knew as you were saying it, she was like, boy- - Ain't something. - He knows. He even seeing me in the studios for years. - Yeah, she was down there. - He knows how hard I be working. (laughs) - Yeah, so you know how it is. (audience laughs) Did a couple songs that leaked out, but for the most part, never got a chance to release an album on Death Row so. - Yeah, okay, hey, probably a good thing. Probably a good thing. (audience laughs) Okay. - I know. (audience laughs) - Look, this first category right here is just dedicated to young hustlers growing up hip hop. Take a look. (audience applauding) (hiphop music) - Oh. (hiphop music) Oh. (hiphop music) (Bow Wow laughs) - Look, you know he is gonna grow up to dance. It works, you embed the beat early. - Hey. - Hey. - Hey, hey. - Feeling it. (Bow Wow laughs) (upbeat music) (audience laughs) - Maybach though. - In the Maybach. That's the drop top too. - That's my future child. (audience laughs) - He not even driving either, man. - He not even- - Those riding though. - Yeah. (audience laughs) - I mean, he got the Maybach going in the dirt and the grass. He gotta keep that thing going. - He got real thing, he don't care. - Oh no, that's a baby off road Maybach right there. (audience laughs) (boy faintly speaking) (upbeat music) - That's a little bankroll right there. That's a legend right there in Atlanta. (audience laughs) - His daddy's just his driver. - Oh, what is this? I don't know. Oh, oh. (audience laughs) - He buying everybody at school, man. Everybody at pre-K getting free lunch, Everybody. (audience laughs) - For real. (baby rapping) - Oh. (audience laughs) - There you have it for growing up hip hop. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - I got a three-year-old son and he's in sort of a weird phase, right? His latest thing is telling me that's like, Hey, I forgot about you. (audience laughs) And I'm like, okay, like you mean you missed me? (Chanel laughs) No, no, no, no, I didn't miss you. I just forgot about you. (audience laughs) And I'm like, okay, so we take you to school and then we go away. You miss us. No, I forgot about you. (Chanel laughs) And it's this phase, I'm realizing before fully understanding context, but being able to talk just like all these kids, the awkward baby phase. Take a look. (audience applauding) Hey, hey. - Getting no stretches in here real quick. - My head is so heavy. My legs are so light. (audience laughs) - Got strong core though. - Man, she does. (everyone laughs) - I'm not using my hand at all. - Man, there's something really weird going on here. (audience laughs) - Oh yeah. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh, bro. - What is that? - Those are just bananas. Those are just bananas. Why would they leave that many bananas around a baby? Man. - Babies love bananas. - I'm not even gonna eat it. I just want those swim in it. (audience laughs) - Some more. - He just stopped. - Okay, enough. - 10 is enough. 10 is enough. - Swimming what you got? - Oh man. Okay. He find that. - He's in the pool. - Where did you find that? - This baby is so cute. (audience laughs) - He's not used to these monster arms he got right there. (audience laughs) - He like the hole. (audience laughs) - I can't even reach my food no more. (audience laughs) - That is so cute. - I love him not helping him though, man. - He can go for more. Give me another piece. - He's gonna figure that out. - Maybe this one will work. (audience laughs) - La, la, la, la. - Oh. - You gotta stop him though. - Why is she just letting do that? - You gotta stop him. - Are you the mom? - She must be the babysitter. - She's a babysitter. - She's the babysitter. Yep, it's better just to film it and let him be. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Okay, you know, I think some kids are just born annoyed, (Chanel laughs) you know what I mean? They're just born annoyed. My daughter, I swear she could roll her eyes when she was like six months old. (Chanel laughs) - Yeah. - You know what I mean? And then her first like words were like, stop. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - Like it's like what? - Yeah. - There's just some kids that are just annoyed with everything that you do naturally. - Yeah. - Have you ever seen that? Have you met a kid who was just annoyed with you when you first met him? - Yeah, a whole bunch of kids. - Yeah. - It kind of breaks your heart too. - It does, it does. - Because you wanna be cool with the kid somewhere. You like, oh, this is your kid. I can't wait to beat your kid. What's up man? What's up man? Okay, (bleep) are you okay? - Yeah. - These kids, they'll let you know instantly. - Yeah, and it's sad, like when you're doing something really nice and sweet for your daughter and she's like, stop. (Chanel laughs) And it's like, what? You can do that when you're like 12 maybe, but not here at two. - Yeah. - Not at two. (audience laughs) But I know that she didn't learn anywhere that it was inside her. Just like all these kids annoyed from birth. (upbeat music) (audience applauding) - Ooh. - That's so cute. This baby remembers his past life. It's still like, I can't believe we're darn that way. - I'm Teddy D. Roosevelt. (everyone laughs) - Addie. - Addie. - Addie. (audience laughs) - Oh my God. That is hilarious. - Addie. - Stop with you, what? I'm waiting to see who the mess singer is, Deb. (Chanel laughs) - Gimme my bacon back. - Give my bacon back. (Chanel laughs) - He's angry. - Gimme my bacon back. (Chanel laughs) - About to snap on you. - He out here with just a tank top on. (Chanel laughs) - Calm down. - Sit down. - You calm down. - Gimme my bacon back. - He addicted to bacon for sure. - Yeah. - Hopped up on bacon protein back. (Chanel laughs) - Gimme my bacon back. (audience laughs) - Oh, my God. (laughs) - Bro, why is he flexing up like that? Like he in the yard. (Chanel laughs) - Don't tell me chill out. - Chill out. - Don't tell me chill out. - I told you chill out. - Oh my God. Enough is enough. Stop it. (Chanel laughs) There you have it. For annoyed from birth. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Okay, I'm gonna tell you right now cutest thing in the world oversized babies. - They are very cute. (audience laughs) - It's like when- - Not if it's coming outta you, that's for sure. (Chanel laughs) - Well, I mean, look, that's a fact. Sometimes you'll see like a mom with like a 17 pounder. - Oh, dear Lord. - Who's a couple weeks old, and you're like what on earth? How did you even manage, you know? But it's like when a kid's like six months old and weighs like 40 pounds and just covered in fat rolls. - Yeah. (audience laughs) - Cutest thing ever made. - Yeah, yeah. - Like a friend of mine's daughter. I like, I'm not even kidding you. I was holding her at like probably eight months and she looked as big as me. (Chanel laughs) It's like an eighth month old and the photo's like this like cute. And it's like, what? Like the size. My thigh and her thigh- - Yeah. - Were identical. You know what I mean? Like, that's when you're cute. You know what I mean? Have you ever had the experience of a mega baby? - Yeah, it's cute 'cause it's not your baby. - Yeah. - It's cute - Yeah. - 'Cause you get to hang out with the baby for a few. - Yeah. - But then I always leave and I leave in a weird place of being like, what are they feeding that baby? - Yeah, I know. - I was real chunky, but I was small, but I was real chunky. I have a picture where I look like, that little Michelin dude. - Yeah. - Where it's just like, roll, roll, roll. - Yeah. - And I'm like, well thank God we lost that. - Yeah, no, hey, (everyone laughs) that's the other side of it, is you might be a like a Sharpe baby. (everyone laughs) Like you basically. - Totally, I was like real small, but like the fat was like squished up. - That's it. And then you kind of your bones like grow with the skin. You know what I mean? (audience laughs) Well, not the case here. This is all just delightfully big old round big little babies. Take a look. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (energetic music) - Oh, oh. Look at that thigh. He's huge. - Look at that thigh. - Stand down. You wanna hold him? I can't hold this mega thing. - No, no. - Look at him. Look at- - He's heavier than the bigger kid. (audience laughs) - He's on Atkins now, he just got here. (audience laughs) He just got here, he's on Atkins now. - Yeah, this guy was born 40s, man. (audience laughs) Oh, world's strongest baby. - You got it man. (baby crying) Stand back. Come into ESPN. - Come into ESPN in 14 years. - Whatever. - Man. - Dude. - Man, world's strongest baby. Don't care what you say. This is how they're born. - That'll be a tree in 10 years. (audience laughs) - What's up? - Oh, that baby is bigger than she is. - Yeah. (audience laughs) - Look at how many layers, man. - That looks so cute. - Ugh. - Well, I put a depends pad there normally. And it catches the excess weight. But I ran out and your daddy sent some (audience laughs) of these. - So it's a grown- - She found online and they're men's. - Those depends. - It's a men's depends. - A men's depends. - They're like men's pull ups for men. (audience laughs) You're not a man. You're a nine month old. - No, no, that little fella is a man, a real man. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) Okay. Let's talk about sweet baby Jesus. - Sweet baby Jesus, yes. - That's right. In most nativity scenes he's this beautiful plump baby. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? Have you ever got a good look at a chunky little baby Jesus face. - Yeah. A whole bunch of different Jesus out here. Yeah, I seen it one. - Yeah. Well, what do you think on average when you take a look at an nativity scene? Or do you look past the baby's girth? (Chanel laughs) - I look past the baby's girth, but I also, I'm just, I don't know. I look at it and be like, okay, I guess. - Okay, alright. Well look, I mean, we're either of you chubby babies? - I was. - I was kind of chubby. - Yeah. - I guess, yeah. - Well, let's take a look at what we looked like, as babies. Are you with me? - Oh, look at us. - We're just two baseball buddies. - Honestly. - Yeah. - We're baseball buddies. - We all look the same. It's like the same. - I don't know what you're saying. - Hey, I'm not, hey, if I'm not mistaken. (audience laughs) I mean, identical. (everyone laughs) - I definitely grew into my head. Thank God. (laughs) - You did. You had the West Coast Palm Beach on your. - Yeah, look, I was ready for the beach. - Look at this little knuckle. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) And rose throwing I'm so bad, she's learning. - I was ready to be like. - Ah, man. - The bones weren't strong enough to fully throw up. (laughs) - You ******** Robbie as your head cocked all the love. (Chanel laughs) - Head cocked sideways looking ginger as (bleep) - This is your 1/18th right here. - Yeah. - I have to say, I was a little ginger too. Like the tiny hair. - Me too. (Chanel laughs) - Look at this. (everyone laughs) - Oh, no, no. - Yeah. - Okay, well there you have it. You know, we weren't necessarily the fattest of babies. - No. - But this category is filled with chubby babies that got that nativity weight. Take a look. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Oh my God. Oh my God. - She's so cute. - Go, go, go. Every little crab is squeaked. - Yeah. - Man, look as someone that has two children. - Yeah. - This is what you hope for. - Do you? - When you know what I mean? And you think, like me and my tiny wife are we gonna be able to pop out this just gargantuan? (everyone laughs) - Yeah, Michelin. - Layered up baby. And we never got one, we never got one, you know, I mean. - Michelin baby is back baby. The baby is on cue. (everyone laughs) - Oh, stop it, oh. - So yeah, yeah, so cute. - You gotta get up under there. - What, where is this? - What are we looking at? - It's a neck. - Oh, it's a neck. - You gotta lift up all my necks and get up under there. You know you got a fat baby when you gotta do that. (everyone laughs) - We gotta stop feeding these babies. - What's that? (everyone laughs) - What? - What's up? - I know the sound. (laughs) - You taking me on a trip? Or are we (bleep) eating some chips here? - We're eating chips at one. - He don't even have teeth yet to eat the chips. (laughs) - Don't eat chips at one. (laughs) - Quit laughing and feed me. (everyone laughs) - Oh, man. (everyone laughs) - He's so giggly. - He's so crazy. - Oh, man. (everyone laughs) - How you twerking from fry? (everyone laughs) (upbeat music) - Is that the same baby? - It is same baby, right? (Chanel laughs) - Pause it, look. This baby's neck is as big as its shoulders. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - It's just one piece right here, man. - We're feeding one person in the house and that's the baby. (audience laughs) - Man. - Oh, oh, oh, oh. - Oh, so cute. - Honestly, there's nothing cute than a fat baby. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Look, you know, do you think you're born photogenic? - No, I'm horrible at it. Still to this day. - Okay. I think I'm kind of track. - This guy photograph is great. What's he talking about? - No, I do not. Thank you, Chanel, I needed that. I needed that. (everyone laughs) - He looks the same all time. (laughs) - I've only seen one bad photo of you. (Chanel laughs) - And it's our DirecTV picture. - Yeah, yeah. (Chanel laughs) - Yeah, got home. Go to (bleep) your DirecTV. (everyone laughs) There's one bad photo. - Is this one? I'm leaning like this. - What are you booty perked in everything. - Yes. - This guy took one bad photo in his entire life. And in this (bleep) on your (bleep) DirecTV dive. - Right now. (audience laughs) - No, but I believe you can be like naturally just super photogenic. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Like I don't think I'm that person. - You're photogenic for sure. - I'm photogenic if you take a hundred photos and then there's like three amazing ones and the rest you're like, oh. What's that? - That's 3% good. - Yeah. That's not bad. - Not really that good. - That's not bad. You know what I mean? (Chanel laughs) But probably, I would bet 60 of those are good. - Yeah. - But it's like 60 of those would be like perfect to like normal people. But to you it's like, no, no, no, no. (Chanel laughs) - For sure. - Oh, my God. There's only one. (everyone laughs) Okay, look, you know, I think both of you guys have the ability to take nice photos. - Same with you. But these kids right here. These kids right here. They were born cheesers. Take a look. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Cass. - Cass. Hey. Oh, camera's on. - Hi. - Oh, my, photogenic pal. - Man, I mean, you're that little. You lock in, pauses it on the pose. So here it is. This is what you're looking at. And then look at this. The sweetest little fish. - That is the cutest. Oh my God. - What? This is a flipbook right here. Just cuteness. (everyone laughs) - You, what you doing? Thank you guys. I love you. - Cheese. - Cheese. - So cute. - Oh my god, those cheeks. - So cute. Cheese. - She looks like a little chipmunk. (laughs) - Okay, coming in. - Hi. Cheese. - Oh, oh, oh, man. (Chanel laughs) - Shut the personality off. - Man, God. - That was better. That one was more like sweet. - Man, kind of turned a corner on that one. Little aggressive with all this is my sexy look. (everyone laughs) - This is my sexy. (everyone laughs) (speaker faintly speaking) - Okay, I'm so sad. I can't anymore. Oh, there's a camera. - Oh, you better work. - Hey, we'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Okay, look, I'm on a mission to make sure that my kids aren't all boujee and entitled. - Yeah. - Man, it's tough. - How's it going? How's your (bleep)? - It's just, they're so demanding. - 'Cause you want a better life for your kids. That's the whole point of working also. You're also like- - They're already doing a great job. Because if I see one more baby with a designer purse, I can't, it's just like- - Okay. - It's ridiculous. - Are you hating these baby's purses? - Yeah. - You want a purse? - Yeah. - No, it's like, it's not necessary. It's like you're getting them so into things at such a young age that once they can't get it, they're gonna like lose their mind, you know. - It pops up in like weird things. You know what I mean? Like where it will be like, no, I want coconut milk and like they don't have coconut milk here. Like, what are we talking about? - Yeah. - Like you're on a health kick right now? (everyone laughs) But I'm just doing my best. But one thing for certain I know is I don't got babies like these babies. Take a look at bougie babies. (audience applauding) - Here we are Mr. Booth as ordered. - Oh. - The 2020 dairy gold dairy old fashioned chocolate milk. May I open and decant this for you? (everyone laughs) - Please, thank you. - I don't know if you've seen the reports, but 2020 was an absolutely gorgeous year for Ecuadorian cacao beans. - He definitely works for real in this view. - That's what I'm saying. - He definitely came off work. - Man, Everything about it is flawlessly executed. - The towel. - The baby is reacting how a person in a restaurant really would like, oh. - Chocolate milks. I'm going to pour you a taste. You sip. (Chanel laughs) - Go please, please tell us how does it taste? (everyone laughs) - She's like, it's too thick. Man. - Is this a cab? - It's a bad bottle. (everyone laughs) Oh, man. (baby crying) You got it kid. Anything that's gonna save this. Stacks some money. - Oh good, good. Thank you. - He's got dreams of going to Dubai. - There we go. (Chanel laughs) - It's on his wall. You see it? - That's it. That's it. - City of gold. That's a little light fam. But it'll do. (laughs) - It's a little light, but it'll do. (audience laughs) And no cheers to you. - Oh, see, like. - And here's to an amazing year to you. (audience laughs) Here's an amazing year to you. (everyone laughs) - Isabella. - Isabella. - Isabella. - What do you want? - Wine, let me drink wine. Come on. - Do you want mac and cheese? - You wanna drink what? - No, she wants wine. - Oh, wine? (audience laughs) - Let me drink wine. - You wanna drink wine? - Nope. (audience laughs) - Please. - Isabella. - She's a wine owner past life. - You can have apple juice. I don't want apple juice. Look, I swear to you, she looks 30 years old here. You know what I'm saying? (Chanel laughs) - She's been drinking wine already. - It was like, at first it was like, Hey, let's give her a little wine. It's cute. Look at how like an adult she is. She's now 30. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) - We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Hey ya. - Okay, here's the thing about children. They eventually get sick of being told what to do. - That's true. - And they snap back. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - They snap back and, you know, my son, you know, he'll just get upset. He won't really, really, he'll say I'm mad at you. You know what I mean? But then my daughter will turn right around. - Yeah. - And smack me. Stop. Be nice, Dada. Be nice. 'Cause I'm saying like, get in your bed. (everyone laughs) Be nice, Dada. And it's like, what? Like this is crazy. Like you shouldn't even be able to do that. (everyone laughs) I want reprimand it. - How do you stop it? - Because you try and it's just like yelling and pointing back at you and then pointing at your face. - You feel bad. - And then like, it's like, what? How are you even like this? I'm trying to reprimand you. (everyone laughs) Look, this category is filled with kids that have all had enough. Take a look at, I'll teach you to teach me. (audience applauding) (upbeat music) Okay. - Mom, are you in there? - Enough. - Are you in there? - Enough. - If you ain't gonna gimme milk. You could become the milk. - I may be strong as hell too. - I know, come on. - Good ballot. - Oh, man. Oh, but better to put your leg into. - Put your leg like into it. - Wow. - My bad. No problem. - No problem. - She really feeling like really killer, I guess. (laughs) - Man. - Oh, oh. - Oh. Oh. - Man, what's that? - Whose fault was that though? - Whose fault? Stay outta my way, you know- - It's the legend lane. - When I come the scoot lane, You said there's only one roller in this family. (everyone laughs) (speaker faintly speaking) - What? - Hit him with the snake. Hit him with the snake. - Ah. Take it. Just take it. (screams) - Man, oh, snake whipping your mom. - The snake will be dead. - Man. (energetic music) Oh boy. I already see it coming right now. - Okay. - Straight shot. - Back up. Shot the picture. - There you have it for all teach you to teach me. (audience applauding) (Chanel laughs) (upbeat music) (audience applauding) - Okay. What I love about the song "Ex's & Oh's" is there's some tricky stuff in there, right? It's written really, really well. I don't wanna say specifically because obviously, you know, we're walking into the porn level here a little bit. (everyone laughs) Right? But an amazing song. Like what actually inspired it was an actual ex or were you like, this is a great concept? - Well, it was kind of the stories of my, a few relationships over like a year and a half. And it just kind of became a funny joke how they all kind of wanted to still see me and I didn't wanna see them anymore. And so it just worked out perfectly. And then the song blew up and now they're all really mad at me. - No. (everyone laughs) - That's amazing. - That man. - That's amazing. - That's poetic. - Yeah. - Yeah, man. It's like, honestly, stop calling me. God, you're annoying me. Ah, (bleep) hit record. Hey, that's crazy, right? (everyone laughs) - Well, look, here's an entire category dedicated to men that are just trying to fight their way back. We call it wrecked exes. Take a look. - I love it. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Just spread me please. I know the times you didn't give me chance, a chance you have. You always gimme benefit of the doubt. You always believed in me. Just please, man. - What am I giving another chance to do? - Just please not to hurt you. - He's going cheat in a week. - Oh, man. (Chanel laughs) in a week. (everyone laughs) - I love you so much. - I mean this guy. - He knows it's not working. - Oh, oh, he was angry singing too, you know what I mean? - Yeah. (everyone laughs) He's like you're not trying like rekindle your love with that facial expression. - The first person that knew wasn't working was this dude over here to the left. He like this, I can't watch this (bleep). (everyone laughs) - I'm sorry. (everyone laughs) - You're on the bus. Is there nobody else on the bus? - Just these two. - Yeah. - He's like, oh, (bleep) this guy's breaking up- - Yeah. - With somebody in the front. I'm gonna go sitting next to him. - The bus is- (everyone laughs) - Please let me explain. - There's nothing to explain. It's over. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) You guys know when cuffing season is? - Oh, when it's? - Summer. - No, cuffing season winter. - No, no, I mean winter, winter. - That's right. - Winter. - Do you know the exact dates? - I think it's- - Of cuffing season? - Yeah. - I think it starts right after Halloween. - Correct. (Chanel laughs) And when does it end? - I would say- - Till it get in your nerves. - No. - Or? Or? - Valentine's Day. - Correct. - Right before. - Yeah, yeah. - Right before. You had to do before. You can't do Valentine's Day 'cause you lose more money. - Yeah. - You wanna save money and you do the day before. - Yeah. - You want to get in one last like hardcore Halloween party. - Yeah. - That's kind of the end, right? - Yeah. - Then it's like, let's cuff up. You fight. - Introducing my parents. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) - My parents. - Man, let's en enjoy Thanksgiving. Exchange some gifts. Try to get something, you know, mutually- - Yeah. - New Year's kiss. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, New Year's kiss. And then (bleep) it's a new year, new me. - You fight all January. - You fight all the way and then- - To get to February 13th. - Yeah. - Where you have to go. - It's like, look, I can't tell you I love you. (Chanel and Steelo laughs) It was just cuffing, (Chanel laughs) You know? - Yeah. - But this is clearly right at the end. Take a look at Uncuffing season. - I know the perfect time. (audience applauding) - Are you a different type of dick head bro? (audience laughs) - Oh. - Boring, yes you are. - Boring! - You're having fun. - You're having fun. - I'm jet skiing. - This is so much fun. - Oh, whoa, whoa. - Whoa, whoa. (audience laughs) - Whoa. - Why didn't I think he was really in controlling this effort. (audience laughs) - He's got a spray bottle. - Spray bottle. - He's courageous face. Hilarious. - Oh, oh. (audience laughs) - I'll sleep on the street then your (bleep) (audience laughs) You (bleep) (bleep) - What? - It's February 13th. Why are you tripping? - I couldn't get reservations, so it's over. (everyone laughs) - Okay, no, it's over. It is officially over. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) Have either of you ever been involved? Where an ex has spray painted your car, keyed your car? - Oh. - No. - Not spray paint it, I had little key situation. Got teepeed a little bit. - Hell, yeah. It wasn't even ex though. It wasn't even an exascale, it was just a random chick. (everyone laughs) I had ask her too (everyone laughs) I had to go back on my cameras. I'm like, who (bleep) the is this? - She thought you guys were more serious. - I had to text her, ask her like, "Shorty, what is wrong with you?" - You and I, we've been together. - I don't even talk to you like that. Lunatic, lunatic. (Chanel laughs) - Yeah, look, look. - That's hilarious. - You know, I had again, I wouldn't say ex, but someone break into my house and pour water on all my TVs. - Yeah. - And that's why she did it, 'cause you're right, I wanted to say ex. (everyone laughs) - Exactly why she did it. - Fair enough, fair enough. Maybe I deserved it. Just like everyone in this category, they're getting ex messages. Take a look. (Chanel laughs) (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Oh my God. - Oh my God. Cheater. - What's on the other side then? - Cheater. - Wasn't the other side the same thing? - Man. - Cheater. - Cheater. - It's over. - It's over. - Oh, it's at our. - Wait, wait, wait, what? Hope she was worth it. - Yeah, oh, yeah. - So me and my ex broke up a couple months back, but- - Okay. - I didn't wanna have to get a Hulu account, so I just used his account and I guess he figured it out. And today when I logged on, this was on it. (laughs) - ***** who broke my heart. At least you have still login. (everyone laughs) He still gave her an account. He just called her who she was. - ****, so she's still able to watch her Hulu show even though we don't know what that is. - Yeah, Hulu's just like calling her ***** dog day, that's it. Who's watching? ***** who broke my heart. (everyone laughs) - Like I've been calling you like, I called you like a million times. Please just answer. I'm sorry, I only cheated on you one time. It's not that serious. - Go back, go back, go back. She did, it really is. She said, I only cheated on you one time. - I'm sorry, I only cheated on you one time. It's not that serious. I don't understand why you're not picking up. I will (bleep) pull up to your (bleep) house and (bleep) all your (bleep) (everyone laughs) Get the (bleep) outta here. You gotta (bleep) answer me, please. - Dude, this guy is funny. - Please, because I will keep chasing you. I don't give a (bleep). I would chase you until the end of the mother (bleep) world. Stop (bleep) playing with me. - Yeah, hey. - He's like I'm gonna just dance my way out of this. - Hey, I see a sad man. - You know what I mean? (Chanel laughs) You can dance all you want. You're in pain, Jeff. - He's back with her next week. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) - Oh, boy. Okay, this is too much work. I'm gonna just say F U. - Yeah, okay. - That's a nice heart though. - Oh. Oh. (Chanel laughs) - Love your ex. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Okay, let's talk about another song off the album, "Yellow Lights," right? Like, what exactly does that mean? That's like, okay, we're going, we're starting. Let's do, oh, let's not do it. This is, oh, we're gonna do it. Oh, we're not gonna do it. - You know when the relationship is over and you know it's over. Be like, I'm just gonna hold on because I'm uncomfortable with being anybody else, with anybody else, I don't like being alone. I don't like we're at this yellow light because it's like we're kind of going, but we're kind of stopping, kind of going, but it's like. - And eventually I'm assuming that light turned red and you moved on. - Well, it turned green. (everyone laughs) And then- - I keep expecting this guy to (bleep) write a passionate love song and break up. He's like, "No, we got back together. We got back together." (everyone laughs) - It's life, we figure it out. You know what I'm saying? (Chanel laughs) Are you guys still together? - Absolutely not. - Okay. - But- (everyone laughs) - He's been dissing her all day on this show. - She is not gonna (bleep) episode. - Absolutely not, you're watching this (bleep) you, okay. (everyone laughs) - Okay, well look, "Yellow Lights" are one thing, but this category right here. This is pure red light. You see a girl act like this? It's a big old no, no. Take a look at Red Lights. (audience applauding)A (audience cheering) - Come outside. - No. - Man. - Oh man. I just wanna see your phone, is that a big deal? - But does she get locked out? 'Cause it looks like she's wearing like a pajama. - Oh no. (everyone laughs) - She's looking for that computer, checking history. (audience laughs) - Uh-oh. (audience laughs) Uh-oh. - You don't wanna be with this girl. - Run away. - You don't wanna be with this girl. - Oh, oh. - Why'd you just look at her, Kevin? (everyone laughs) Okay, you know, I find it really entertaining when people break up with someone and make a spectacle out of it. You know what I mean? I think there's been a popular trend of people getting divorced and shooting divorce selfies. - Man. - Yeah. - And divorce parties. - Yeah. - The divorce parties are all cool. That's all still cool. But like when people make it like their real Instagram journey from there. - Yeah, yeah. - You can't make this your full brand story now. It's like divorce. - Yeah. - My brand. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - Hey man, you gotta start somewhere. (everyone laughs) But everybody in this category, they're all about going out and style. Take a look at single in style. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Babe, help. - Babe, help - Babe, help, I'm the one throwing you out. - Hey. (bleep) Babe, not my PS2. - PS2. (laughs) - PS2. You knew he was having sex too for sure because he kept his tims on. - Yeah, he did. That's why she broke up with him. (audience laughs) - Oh, yeah. Get it. - Oh, later we're done, done. - Oh, no. - Done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done. - That might be fun for them though. We don't know. - Yeah. - I mean, it's definitely a way for them to move faster. - Yeah. - I mean that's the fastest he's ever moved in his life. - Yo, I swear you walk through that door right now We are done. - No. - We are done. Yo, are you serious right now? - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - Hey, still together on a technicality. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Okay, look, you know some toxic couples, they enjoy fighting. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? Like, and really they enjoy breaking up. You know what I mean? Because when you break up, you get to fight more. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? (Chanel laughs) And you get to get back together and fight even more. You know, it's almost like sport to them. You know anybody like that? - I think they're just bored. - Yeah. - There's the type of people that don't have hobbies. - That's it. Like they only get energy from fighting. - That's crazy. - That's it. And it's sport for them, you know what I mean? And there is a world where there should probably be a place where it's rewarded. (everyone laughs) You know what I mean? We have a lot of different style sports in this world where people can shine. And they have yet to design a sporting class for toxic couples. - How toxic can you be? - That's it, man. (everyone laughs) In this category right here would be some of the champions of the division. Take a look at The Ex-Games. (audience applauding) (energetic music) - I just wanna know what your problem is. Get the (bleep) outta my face. - First of all, I love him 'cause he said get the (bleep) outta my face. No one's in his face. - Get (bleep) outta my face. What the hell's wrong with you I love you, Jessica. - Jessica. - No, she said no bro. - Jessica, what the hell is wrong with you? - She said no, bro. - She said no, bro. (everyone laughs) - Gang, gang, gang, gang. - Gang, gang, gang, gang. - Gang, gang. - Gang, gang This is my boy. He's the champion. - I'm Team Jessica. - Team Jessica. (laughs) - I love you. - What the? - Okay, this is not world star. - Oh! - Oh man. - Oh, man. Like Kanye with the paparazzi. - That's it. He cried then attacked. He's got it all. 10 outta 10. (everyone laughs) Oh no, not interested, Brenda. - Oh, later I'm out of here. - What? - Freedom. (mumbles) (everyone laughs) - She coming right now. - You can't, you can't leave me. - You're so dramatic. - I love you. - You stupid idiot. You're amazing. - That's crazy right there. - Man, he's just uncoordinated but he won here. He won here. - I love you. - Welcome to my blog. My ex is over there making out with some freshman. - ****. - That's so cute. I can't wait to show that video to his girlfriend. - He has a new girlfriend. - She a hater. - Oh, well he's gonna pay the price. There you have it for The Ex-Games. (audience applauding) Okay, have you ever seen anybody break up live? - Hell yeah. - Yeah. - Hell, yeah. - I haven't seen it. - Yeah, you've never seen somebody break up? - I feel like it'd be kind of fun to watch. I hate to say that. - It is. - Yeah, you know, now that we're kind of talking about it, there's probably a business to live stream the breakup. You know what I mean? - That should be a new show like cheaters. - Yeah, yeah. - Just breakups. - Yeah. - That's a show. - That's a show. - That sounds crazy. (Chanel laughs) - Yeah. - That's not like murder will be on your hands. - Yeah. Well, let's not get crazy. But, you know, somebody did get shot on cheaters, you know what I mean? - No way. - No stabbed, the host got stabbed. - The host got stabbed. - Had to get rid of him, right a new host. - Yeah, yeah. - Are you serious? - Yeah. Remember he was on the boat? - Yeah, he was on boat. - Yeah, (bleep) his boat. He went and yeah. - Yeah. And was still talking on the (bleep) ground. - Yeah. - But why'd you cheat? But why did you do it? (everyone laughs) - I ate the salad, (bleep) watch that. - Why would, you just explain, why you would do that to Debbie? - He'd say till the end. (everyone laughs) - Look, this category right here, this is all about people witnessing breakups. Take a look at witnessing the end. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - But why? - Oh, oh. - Oh. - That's, I want to hit you, we in public. - Oh man. I'm gonna lay here forever. - Bam. How much time lapse in between this and that? - See the sun went down a little. - Yeah, and she was doing dancing. - Like 1:00 PM, that was like 4:00 PM. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - They've been breaking up for hours. They've been slowly backing up, three hours. That's it. (everyone laughs) - Yeah, they been slowly. - You look good right there. You're fine. (everyone laughs) You're fine without me. (Chanel laughs) - No, I'm not. - Yeah. - We don't know how that ended. - Yeah, that never ended. (everyone laughs) You know what I'm saying? - What the (bleep) did I do to you? Why you broke up with me? Give me a reason. - Listen. - I did, I called you all those names after the fact. - I called you all those names after the fact. - Well, she cheated on him. He been cheating the whole time. She cheated one time, that's how dudes respond. (Sheeto shouting) (everyone laughs) - It's so real. - He been cheating for three years straight. - She did it one thing. She like a dude's picture on Instagram. - That's it, that's it. - My heart. (everyone laughs) - I love you. - I couldn't never get cheat though, that's how I asked. - About how poorly Mad's treating me before we broke up. - My mom was dying. - It sounds like she's on rhythm in beginning. - She's singing alone. ♪ My mom was dying. ♪ ♪ My mom was dying. ♪ (everyone laughs) - She's on original duet. - My mom was dying. - In the middle of the night and I don't know why I was crying. (everyone laughs) - It's on. (everyone laughs) - It's bothering you. - I promise. - Don't call me babe. (speaker faintly speaking) - You got it, bro. - Uh-oh, uh-oh. (bleep) - Bro, look at the knees right there. - Yo. (laughs) - Man. - Drop down and get an eagle on. (everyone laughs) - ****. (bleep) - For no reason. (everyone laughs) - I didn't do it. Please don't do this. - Get off. We don't want cry babies. - No more cry babies. - If this was a show, I'd watch it every week, I swear. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) - I swear. - Oh, oh. - Oh, oh. - Oh man. - Oh. - Man, hey, you're gonna have to take her back now. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Welcome back to "Ridiculousness." (everyone applauding) Okay, you know, to get far in life, you gotta know the right questions to ask. - That's true. - If you want to get the answers to life, you gotta know the questions. - The right questions to ask and the right questions to not ask. Sometimes talking too much is not the key to success. - Look. - Take it from my experience. (everyone laughs) - Look, a friend of mine once said like, you know, it's like the burn of curiosity versus like the torch of reality. You know what I'm saying? Something like that. - Yeah. - It didn't sound right and didn't come out well. Torch of reality makes no sense. - You said the hell of reality. - Look, maybe that might've been better. Look at this. (everyone laughs) This category is people that just need the answers. So they just keep asking the questions. Take a look at Answer Hunters. (audience applauding) - Because reality is hell. - Reality is hell. - Would they still be my boyfriend if I was a worm? - Could I be a worm as well? - No. (everyone laughs) - I love it. - I love the man. (everyone laughs) - (bleep) That was so real. - He's so good. He's so good. - Instantly, hey, if I can be a worm as well, that's amazing. - He was turning into a worm right there. He was like, should I be a worm? He's on the move like this. - He's like, if we're both worms, it could work. (everyone laughs) - Could I be a worm as well? - No. (everyone laughs) - Look at his face. (everyone laughs) - How would that work? - So I would have to be dating a worm? - Would you- - Like a- - I'm asking you would you- - A literal one? - Dude, he's hilarious. - Tiny, skinny and all that. How would that happen? I would accidentally kill you. - Why would you accidentally kill me? - Forget about you. Does that mean to say? (everyone laughs) - Is that mean to say? - Is that mean, I love it take a long time to get there 'cause I would that immediately like no, I would be with you. You're a worm. (everyone laughs) You are a worm. - She's a realist. (everyone laughs) - Sea world. - Sea world. - What are help sharks? - Help sharks. - No. - Organization. - Help sharks. (everyone laughs) Help sharks. - You can help sharks by not coming to sea world. - That's funny. (everyone laughs) - Dad. - What? - Is Santa Claus gonna come? - Santa Claus? - Yeah. - Baby, it's April And we're Jewish. (everyone laughs) - Okay. - Oh. So who's coming? (audience laughs) - I dunno, Jerry Seinfeld? (everyone laughs) - Oh my God. - Please get out though. Jerry Seinfeld is hilarious. - Oh, man. - She is so funny. - Daddy doing, mommy? - He's just getting some diapers. - Mommy, get her some diapers. 'Cause Rosie needs them. - Why Rosie need them? - Because she wears diapers. - Why she wear diapers? - Because she's a baby. - Why do baby? - Is that eye twitch right here. - This lady is over me tomorrow. - Little mommy. - She's only five months old. - What is five months old, mommy? - The eyes gonna shut down. (everyone laughs) (kid faintly speaking) - Because that's when I had her. - Daddy had her. - 'Cause we want another baby. - Why you want another baby? - I don't know. - Because that is the joy of motherhood. (audience applauding) Okay, look, you know I don't retain miscellaneous information, so if somebody hits me with like some question on the spot, I'm not gonna know it. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - You know like, do you guys know the capital of Idaho? - Boise? - That's right. - It is Boise. - That's right. - But that was one I happen to know 'cause like- - That was flawless. 26 President of the United States, just knock it out. - I don't know. - 26 presidents of the United States, I know you got it in there. - Don't even do it to yourself. - Go, hey, you know it's in there. Just throw a name, 26. - Not even close. - 26, just pick a name. - Just pick a name. - Yeah. - I don't know, 26 is like where it gets like, we don't even remember those dudes. - Look, look, what do you think? - Roosevelt? - Yes. (everyone laughs) (everyone applauding) - I was so convinced that you were gonna guess right. And you were trying not to guess. And I'm like, I know he is gonna guess right. I know he is gonna guess right. - I appreciate you for pushing me. - Yes. - You need friends like that. - Yes, it was buried back in there. Everybody in this category, they are Bad On The Spot. Take a look. (audience applauding) - Who painted the Mona Lisa? - Ah. - Mona Lisa. - Da Vinky. - Da Vinky. - Da Vinky. (everyone laughs) Da Vinky. (everyone laughs) They're like what DJ is that? Da Vinky. - Who painted the Mona Lisa? Mona Lisa. - Mona painted it. - Da Vinky. - Da Vinky. (everyone laughs) - Da Vinky. (Chanel laughs) - Da Vinky. - Da Vinky is hilarious. - Who was on a $1 bill? - There's not a $1 bill. - Oh, she's never been broke. - Oh, man. - It's the $1 bill, right? - I don't think it is. - Right, right. - Right, okay. - Beth. - Alright, Beth, all right. - Beth, all right. I gotta go. - Take number. (energetic music) - What's up Obama last name? - What? - What's Obama's last name? - Barrack. - Barrack. - Oh man. - Barrack. - Oh, man, it's so real. It's so perfectly confusing because like when you think about it, like you only know him as Obama. - Yeah. - He's like really like a one name person. - First question. How many feet are in an inch? Five, four, three. - 10. - 10? - Oh man, her brain is really struggling. - It is like, look, the brain is like inches in a feet. Inches in a feet, inches in a feet. - How many feet are in an inch? Five, four. - Oh boy, you got it. - Three, two. - 10. (everyone laughs) - No, that's wrong. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) Do you think it's essential for a dumb person to have a smart friend for survival? - Yes. - I think it's absolutely essential. - You know what I mean? I mean, it's like what happens when they roam out into the streets and they don't have their smart friend? - Who knows what happens. - Yeah. - Like whenever I meet certain people, you kind of think to yourself like, you live life by yourself, that's crazy. (Chanel laughs) - I think that all the time. And I'm like, how do they do it? - Yeah. - And you realize that right behind them is their normal, logical, smart friend. And then you get it. You're like, oh, okay. - Okay, yeah. - Okay, you know what I mean? (Chanel laughs) This category is definitely filled with the one friend that is The Smart One. Take a look. (audience applauding) - Okay. Okay, dummy. If we're gonna do this, we gotta do it the right way. We gotta do it the right way. - He was using the other stuff of the handle. - Man, like you don't even understand like the concept of like suction. - Yeah. - Go. Go. If we're gonna, look, just go. Go, one, two. - Wait, wait, what? - Okay. - Did not say hinges the whole time. - This is two really, really stupid friends that just needs one semi logical friend. - Oh man. - And go. - Wow. - (bleep) stupid. - Stupid. - Triple stupid. - Tatiana. - Tatiana. - What's the thing that we have? - What do we have? - Intermittent? No wait. - Intermittent. - What did you call it? - Intergenerational trauma? - Yes. (everyone laughs) - Yes, yes, that's what we have. - She's like that's us. - Yes. - I'm experiencing it right now. (everyone laughs) - If you yourself was born 15 years ago, you, how old would you be now? - No, no. - Seven. - Yeah. - Seven? - And you're like, and you're hired a Dairy Queen. - Why she doing math? - If you given to mom 15 years ago? How old would you be? - Seven. - Where the (bleep) is she getting? - Oh, you can see her doing math too. You look back over she was carrying the one. (bleep) - How were you born, 15 years ago, but you're only seven years old? (Chanel laughs) - I'm 22. - Because I'm 22. Everybody's dumb in this situation. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) Okay, how good are we as a group at trivia? - I'm really good at trivia. - Yeah, so if we- - I mean a certain trivia. - Okay, so if we were in a trivia troop. - Trivia troop. (everyone laughs) - Now you would be our leader. - Probably. - Yeah. - Okay. Do you know the speed of light? - Oh, man. - What about the largest ocean on the planet Earth? - Look, I didn't said we was gonna win. - Atlantic Ocean. - I said I'd be the leader. - Ah, man. - The Atlantic Ocean. - It's the Pacific. - The Pacific Ocean. - Oh, the Pacific is bigger, huh? - Hey, look, here's the problem. We're a terrible troop. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) - Okay, we wouldn't be able to step into the battle and seek victory. We just get blown out left and right. (everyone laughs) Well, look, this category is filled with people that just don't have the answers. Take a look at Wrong Answers Only. (audience applauding) - We are a trivia truth. - We'll give you a clue. You've got like Earth, air, Mars, air, Jupiter over there. That's what a planets are here. - Okay. - In our solar system. How many have we got or recognized to have anyway? - Oh no. - Dunno, about 18? - Okay. (everyone laughs) - 18? - Yeah. Right, you're not right, but yeah. - No, I don't care. 18, who gives you (bleep)? (mumbles) (everyone laughs) - The plural of moose is what? - Mice. - Oh, no. - How many letters in the alphabet? - 25. - What country is Paris the capital of? - London. - Oh no. - Man. - Oh. - You got a long way to go. - But she has good friendships in the back. - She does, that's it. Look, I rely on my friends for everything. (everyone laughs) - What's your question? - Yeah, what's up? - On a scale from one to ten. - Pause it, pause it. - I don't even think you can be this hot. - No, I don't, look this like you ate the (bleep) plant. You smoked the plant, you grew the plant inside you. Like your body is cannabis. - On a scale from one to 10, what's your favorite color in the alphabet? (audience laughs) - What the (bleep)? - On a scale from one to 10, what's your favorite color in the alphabet? - Probably go from like red to green. - Yeah. - On a scale from one to 10 though, what's your favorite color in the alphabet? - About a three with A. What's yours? - What's yours? - I don't have one. - Probably pretty similar to yours. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) ♪ Yeah, yeah. ♪ - You know, I'm learning things all the time in life. Okay, a lot of things I probably should've known when I was like, you know, 12. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? Have you learned anything lately that you should've learned when you were 12? - I just saw the popsicles we've been having as kids and we've been biting the top of it. You just break 'em like this and you just eat both sides. Blew my mind. - Yeah, yeah. - Wait, wait, what do you mean? How do you? - You could just break 'em and then you just eat 'em like that versus you going through a whole thing trying to bow the top or cut off the top. - Oh, that's okay. That's a life hack. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. (Chanel laughs) I mean, look, the truth is sometimes you're not meant to learn anything till way later. Like everybody in this category Late Learners. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - If I was 25 years old, when I finally realized that my dog never went to a farm. - No, I remember. - Oh, they totally dropped his dog back off at a farm probably. - Oh. - He just found out at 25, it never (bleep) went to a farm. It was there. (Chanel laughs) - Oh, man. - I finally realized that my dog never went to a farm. - No, I remember that because- (everyone laughs) - He's broke you. - You can't trust these people. Am I adopted? - Is this, do you even know me? (everyone laughs) Are you even my parents? (everyone laughs) - Ask Joel to get some fallopian tubes for a dishwasher? (everyone laughs) - Got a sex ed lesson from a Lowe's employee. - No, you did know that. (everyone laughs) - I hate you guys. - Setting off so pure. - That's funny. (everyone laughs) - How do you spell my name? - H-A-L-E-Y. - No, it's not. - How do you spell her name? - Oh, please. - H-A-Y-L-E-Y. What? (everyone laughs) - When we name her that? - When we name her that? - This isn't my daughter. (everyone laughs) - 2021, my love. - 2021. (everyone laughs) - No! The year, what year is it? - I thought y'all meant numbers. - It's the same number. (everyone laughs) - There's nothing like trying to act smarter by asking another question. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) Okay, you know, there's nothing I hate worse than going slightly dumb. You know what I mean? - Oh man, it's the worst. - Brain farts. - It's like weird things like I'll turn a jar lid the wrong way. - Yeah. - And and like this way. - And you're really fighting it too. - What do you think of the things that cause you to go dumb? - I don't know, sometimes it's just like, does not compute. It just doesn't, I don't know something. - See, I don't like it, 'cause like I smoke a little bit now, so whenever I go dumb, people just be like, it's the weed. - Yeah. - Hey, man, chill out. - You smell them to much. - It's not even the weed. - Yeah. - Maybe it was, but it's not your business. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the weed. It's the weed. (everyone laughs) - It might be the weed, you're right. - Hey, do you ever eat edibles? - Eat edibles? - Yeah. - Sometimes, I'm not like a edible guy, but I'll take edible. - All right, well the few times you did it stuck in your brain. - Okay. - You know what I, man? And then when you smoke it up, it amplifies and triggers the dumb. - Fair. - Yeah. - That's why I stay away from it. This category right here is all people that are just kind of dumb. Take a look at Slightly Stupid. (audience applauding) - You know what makes me mad? - Oh, little fella. - When you ask someone what time it is and they say a quarter till nine. *****, say it's 8:75. (everyone laughs) - You gotta love him. You gotta love him. Did the math too. You watch him do the math in there? He's like my final answer for sure. - Yeah. - When you ask someone what time it is and they say a quarter till nine. *****, say it's 8:75. - Put up. - Oh. - That's stupid. - I ain't get a transition. A TikTok transition. Hit me with a. (everyone laughs) - Here we go. Hit me with it. Oh. - Hey. - I'm an uncle. - Oh, man. - I'm an uncle. - It is the other way. - That's how it works, huh? - Man. - Got flip baby. - That's the aunt that's never having kids. - Yeah, I'm an uncle. - Uncle. (everyone laughs) - Uncle. - Oh, boy. - Oh my God, don't- - Scary. - Come here. - It's an armadillo. - This is an armadillo. - Armadillo. Run up on and find out. - Come back. (everyone laughs) It's an armadillo. - It's an armadillo. - It's an armadillo. - This is not an armadillo. - Oh, **** it, it's a raccoon. - Oh, **** it. It's a raccoon. - It's a raccoon. - It's a skinny opossums though. - All things considered. It's oddly walking opossums. - Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? - They're kind of creepy. - Look, this one is great. - He's throttle. He's like hmm, hmm, hmm. - His legs seem long. - Yeah. - He's like a hybrid. - Something's definitely odd about him. I used to be a person. - That's it. - It feels like that. - I was a person at once. - Yeah, look, I don't think you're ever gonna figure it out. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) Okay, numbers. They've always been annoying. - Okay. - Then I forced myself to love 'em. - Yeah. - Gimme all the numbers. Let me look at everything in numbers. - Yeah. - And guess what happened to me? - What's up? - I became so happy. - Oh, really? - Yeah, do you guys love numbers? - I think numbers are cool, you know. - Numbers aren't cool. - When they aren't throwing in like variables and like letters in my equations. I ain't like that. - Algebra. - Obviously, this is to fool me for sure. Like why are you putting letters in my math. I'm getting lost right here in my head. - Yeah, no. - Right. - Hey, that's too technical. - Right. - It's way too technic. - That's too technical. - So what numbers are you loving? - I think he's just talking about his bank account. - Oh. - Yeah. He likes to high numbers. - I think you love numbers for sure. - Yeah, yeah, absolutely. - It's one of my favorite ones to watch. (Maddie laughs) Maddie, how are you with numbers? - I'm pretty good. - Good. - I majored in economics. - Okay. - Yeah, we love numbers, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, listen, I didn't wanna brag. I try to keep men, you know. - She did. - I'm smarter than me, but. - Oh man, look, she held back like, oh, numbers. - They're fine. - They're okay. - You know what I mean? - Economics came out the hand start moving. - (laughs) Yeah. - Well look, this category is not filled with anyone that understands the numbers whatsoever. Take a look at Number Bummers. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - This is just you. - Okay, here we go. - You're driving a school bus. - All right. - With 50 kids on it. - You're driving a school bus. - All right. - With 50 kids. - 10 of them get off. - 10. - How old is the bus driver? (everyone laughs) - 50. - Whoa. - Look at him in the back. Like he got it. Come on. Hey, the boy got it. The boy's going number. - No, no. (everyone laughs) - Oh my Lord. It's whatever age you are, sir. - How old are you? - Huh? - How old are you? - 49. - 49, you're wrong, you're the bus driver. (laughs) - He was close. - Hey, the sad part is he was really close. - It's a tricky one. - It wasn't even that tricky. - I know, I know, I'm just trying to help out the bus drivers. - And you're wondering why our business is going under, we're in the red because of you. (laughs) - I wish I never had math ever, ever again. - Oh, there we go. - I wish I never, ever had math ever again. - I'm with you, I get it. - Well, you better win the lottery little fella. - Yeah. - 80 miles per hour. - 80 miles per hour. - How long will it take you to go 80 miles? - What? Come on. - Hold up, hold on. - It's not even possible. Don't- - What? - Go back, go back. - She's turning red, from the thought. - I know, I'm freaking out for her. - Like the way that she says what? Is she is never ever gonna understand numbers for the rest of her life. - 80 miles per hour. How long will it take you to go 80 miles? - What? - What? - What? - Okay, you're going 80 miles per hour. - What? - I'm taking you 80 miles. - Yeah. - I don't understand. - Oh, man. - I don't understand. - It's hard out there. - There you have it for Number Bummers. (audience applauding) - I don't even know if I should clap. (everyone laughs) (audience applauding) - Okay, you know, a lot of times I will be fully present and someone will be talking to me, but I will be thinking about something else, (Steelo laughs) okay? - Me too, me too. - All the time. - You know what I mean? And so often I will make the mistake of not asking for the person to repeat. - Yeah. - But I will just go for it on my answer. - Yeah. - I did it last night. - That's ballsy. - I did it last night. And my boyfriend goes, how else can I say that? And I didn't wanna be like, I wasn't paying attention. - Oh, man. - I was like, well, I have pregnant brain right now. Can you just repeat it? (laughs) - Yeah, yeah. - It was like such a monumental thing. He was talking about. - Will you marry me? (everyone laughs) What do you say? I got pregnant, right? Oh, we'll, forget about it. (everyone laughs) - Well, look, these people were just not on the same page. Take a look at Misunderstood. (audience applauding) - Oh, hey, girl. Listen to the shopping sale of my house. Clothes are 100% off. (laughs) - Aaron, why would you be selling your clothes? (laughs) - Why would you be selling your clothes, Mikey? - Dad was like, oh, that's my boy right there. - And mom's like, oh, what's she doing with your clothes? You don't have that many. (Chanel laughs) - I'm a strong independent woman. - If you insist. - Menopause. - No. (laughs) - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what? - Lemme turn it out there, menopause. - I'm a strong independent woman. - If you insist. - Menopause. - No. (laughs) - What? - Close enough. (everyone laughs) - I'm independent. I don't have periods. - Shark sighted. Shark are excited to come back to the ocean, that's what it means I think. - You're so cute. - Cute. - No, that's not it. - Sharks are excited to come eat y'all. - Well, I love some chocolate. - $1. - Go. - Do you love chocolate? - Yeah, man, but I'm diabetic. - What? - What? (everyone laughs) - So you not American? (everyone laughs) - Okay. (everyone laughs) - Oh, boy, I thought he was gonna go anywhere besides like, he thought he told his nation of origin. - You're eating chocolate milk. (everyone laughs) - But I'm diabetic. - What? - What? (everyone laughs) Well, welcome to America. - No, no, no, we do not know what we're saying to each other. Here you have it from Misunderstood. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Look, you know it's super easy to confuse your parents. - Okay, yeah. - The world's just moving too fast for 'em. - This is true. - And we get frustrated, right? We think that they should know what's going on. (Chanel laughs) For me personally, I FaceTime with my parents twice a week for as long as FaceTime has existed. And every time that camera comes on, they're both on, you can't see either of 'em. - Yeah. (Chanel and Steelo laughs) - They're both on the side and it's like, it's vertical. Like, hey, widen it out, you know, turn the sideways so we can see. - Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? It's just never ending. - Yeah. - Well, I don't know what to hit. We've hit the same thing that we've been hitting for the last four years. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - Since you got this monitor, so hit that. You know what I mean? (Chanel laughs) But it's just the truth, you know. Parents are easy to confuse and this category is proof. Take a look at Puzzled Parents. (audience applauding) - Mom, I'm gonna give you one more chance. What does **** mean? Do you know what it means, Jasmine? - Jasmine. - She does, Mom. What does **** mean? - ****. - Have you heard it before? Do you know what it means? - I've heard people use it, but I ****. Man, I love frogs. - Man, I love frogs. - Man, I love frogs. Who was out here saying that? What community is this? - Oh, I know. (Steelo laughs) - It means mother, I'd like to F. (laughs) - Why would you say that? - Why would you say that? - Because your heart broke, you've never heard it? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first two men in the entire world to do what? - I got this. - Walk. - Walk to the moon. - Walk the walk to the moon. - Moonwalk. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) - I told you. - You didn't tell me anything. You say you (bleep) don't know, okay. Well, I- - You don't know. - IDK, when someone texts you IDK. - Yeah, what is it? - I don't know. (everyone laughs) - Will you stop? - I told you. - Oh, man. - You tell me nothing. (everyone laughs) - He's so mad. - Listen, you no more drink, (bleep) right? Because it's ice. Did you hear TV a couple months ago? - What happened? Whatcha talking about ice? On TV says, I said to drugs. - Yeah, and what does it do? - What they do? It's a drugs. - Oh, she thinks the Smirnoff Ice is drugs. Smirnoff Ice is close to a drug. - It is. I'll say it's close to a drug. - Man, look, she's, "Hey, you're not totally wrong," but you're not right. - A couple of months ago. - Her little voice is so cute. - A couple of months ago. - Yeah, and what does it do? - What the do? - It's a drugs. (everyone laughs) - It's what you do. It does a drug stuff. (everyone laughs) - So you'll remember that I lost my AirPods. I actually, they were in my pocket. (speaking in foreign language) - What? - Some AirPods. (speaking in foreign language) (everyone laughs) - Ah, simple mistake. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) There's a lot of things that I know are true that I'm not fully convinced are real. - Okay. - Like what? - I don't necessarily believe that we don't have a relationship with aliens. - I think we do. - Right. - Yeah. - They've been announcing it more and more. - Right, are they easing us in? - I think they're already here. - I know, so at this point, we convinced we're friends with aliens and we just don't know it yet. - 100%, when the DNA went, we get the DNA test back and it says other, and they don't know what it is. - Yeah. - Aliens. (Chanel laughs) - Yeah, and it's just the truth. If somebody was to sit on this stage and convince me that I was half alien, which has happened before. (everyone laughs) You know, I start to believe it. That's kind of like everybody in this category where they're convinced, but not really. Take a look at Not Quite Convinced. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) I got alien blood. - I was just doing my makeup for work. And I just wanted to- - Okay. - Tell you guys, about how I don't think math is real. - This makes sense. - And I know that like it's real because we all like learn it in school or whatever. But who came up with this concept? - This concept. - But how, how did he come up with this? He was living in like the, I don't know, whenever he was living, but it was not Matt, (Chanel laughs) where you can like, have technology and stuff, you know? - Yeah, yeah. - Like he didn't even have plumbing. - He didn't even have plumbing. - He didn't even know he had (bleep) in the woods. And he figured out, Matt. - Let's start with that. (everyone laughs) I'm hoping she's not the manager of her job where she works. I hope she has, no, I hope she doesn't have a job. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) - What are you saying? - How can you cut into a red cabbage and see this and think there's no God. (audience laughs) - That's it? (everyone laughs) - Even the dog is like, what the (bleep) she's talking about? (everyone laughs) - Hey, I agree with her. Blah, blah, blah, but what is she talking about? (everyone laughs) - Look, I don't know, but I think I'm God. - It's such a low bar to hope you God. That's it, that's it. (everyone laughs) God made a star in a cabbage. Okay? - He's real. - You're in the wrong car. - You're in the wrong car. - Yo. - Hey. - Yo, it is the wrong car. - Aw. - You good? - You good? (everyone laughs) - Yo, you hit the wrong car. - Hey. - Poor guy, thought it's his Uber. - Hey, if you got them in the car now. - Oh, wait a minute, I'm in the wrong car. - Oh, wait a, yeah. - Whoa, wait a minute, man. - Oh, you know what happened? The Black dude moved his hand, as soon as he moved his hand over there. You see his hand? - He was like, what is that? Look, he looked at it. He looked like oh. - I'm in the wrong car. - He said, what? (everyone laughs) What the hell? - You know some people think Hellen Keller was faking it? - Yeah, I guess. - Yeah. - How? Riddle me this. - Riddle me this. - How does she have an auto biography? Meaning, she- - It's very stupid. - Wrote it herself? She can't see the pen. She can't see the paper. How would she write anything by herself? (everyone laughs) She's mute. (everyone laughs) She can't say nothing to anyone. - Okay. She's mute. - Look, she's making some sense here. - Yeah, I'm actually mute. - I mean like how the Helen Keller write a biography? - Yeah. - You know what I mean? (everyone laughs) If she couldn't speak, write, or see, how did she get it out? - R. Kelly wrote 200 songs that he can't read. (everyone laughs) - I have a question. How are we breathing in cars? 'Cause like- - oh, no. - There's no air holes in a car and like, you shut your doors. So like, how does the oxygen like get in? - That don't even make sense. - There's a lot of like, open your window every five minutes. So like, how do you breathe in a car? (everyone laughs) - Yeah, look, nobody knows. Oxygen is a miracle. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (upbeat music) (audience applauding) Okay, they say a broken clock is right once a day. - Twice, I think. - Is it twice? - I think so. - It's twice, right? - Yeah, yeah. - Sorry. - Yeah, yeah. Sucks, man. (Chanel laughs) So I was really talking about this category. It was basically about this idea that sometimes I strike stupid. - Okay. - And I just struck stupid trying to do it- - How many times a day? - I mean, I would like to say once, but clearly now I think it's twice. (Steelo laughs) You know what I mean? I don't know, you know? And the truth is, is even smart people, I don't care if you got a IQ of two or 200, at least once a day, maybe twice, you're going stupid. - Yeah. - That's everybody in this category, Stupid O'clock. (upbeat music) (audience applauding) - Sister. - Sister. - Sister. - Sister. - Sister. - Sister. - Sister. Sister. - Sister. - Oh, they're nuns. Oh my God, I thought they were. - Oh my God. - Oh my god. - Oh my God. (everyone laughs) - That was a huge family. - Oh my God. (upbeat music) - Get it. - Oh. - Are you stupid? - Like what were you trying to accomplish with that? - Just thought it would work. You thought that straw would slide in there easy? - Anyone who drinks liquid death is chaotic. - I ain't know you hate liquid death so much. (everyone laughs) - Here's the thing, water kills more people than anything else every year on the planet. - Stop. - That's probably true. - That's true. But we're also, you know, 98% water. - What are you getting at? - Liquid death, man. (everyone laughs) We need to drink it, but it's still gonna kill us. (everyone laughs) (energetic music) I mean, what do we do here? - What y'all even doing? What's going on? - Oh, crap. Well, let's try to, let's try to put electricity in the tires. (audience laughs) Well, I don't know what it is. I mean, I'm assuming one of these has air in it. - I don't know, dude. - So do you charge the tires to get it going? How do these electric cars work? - Why they look so suspicious though? - Like blurring their faces make them criminals outta nowhere. - Yeah, no. Hey, when you're trying to like electro fill your tires, you are a criminal. (Chanel laughs) Okay, you got issues. (energetic music) - Uh-oh. Oh, don't you do it. Enough is enough. - He's doing something. (Chanel laughs) - Hey, bro, he just went for it. - I don't want a bird no more. - He's doing so much. (Chanel laughs) - There you have it for Stupid O'clock. (audience applauding) Okay, you guys ready to end this show with a nice, enjoyable category? - I would love to. - Why do we gotta see some violence? Why do we gotta see somebody slam? Why do we gotta laugh at some poop? - Yeah. - I don't like the poop. - What does Shirley call it? - Poop. - Poop, right? (Chanel laughs) - It's not like a poop. He says like, poop. (laughs) - Poop. - Poop, you know, we don't need to see any of that. (Chanel laughs) Okay, let's enjoy ourselves with a category that reveals some pleasantly exciting and cool stuff. Take a look at Pleasant Surprises. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Okay. - Oh, man. - Alright. Strike. - That's crazy. - It's just like, it has to be one of the best strikes of all time. - It looks like a jawbreaker. Remember the Jawbreaker? - Yeah. - Really looks like a tasty jawbreaker. - He really got a strike that is crazy. (energetic music) - Uh-oh. - Are you (bleep) kidding me? Oh my God. - Oh. (everyone laughs) - Man, it's like he really got her. He really got her. - He did get her. - She's like devastated and like heart fluttering at the same time. (everyone laughs) - Oh, man. - Dude, what the (bleep)? - Oh, well, I guess you really needed it. (audience applauding) Man, you know, we all got that one friend who likes to bring up inappropriate subjects at the perfectly wrong time. - Yeah. - Yeah, you know what I mean? They tend to have like no filter, right? Well, your parents around, they talk about sex. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? It's like, what? Who uses the word (bleep) around parents? - It used to be me. I used that friend for sure, yeah, yeah. My dad like, you know, I get that from him. He's always been inappropriate. Grab my mom's butt. He'll just kiss her in public whatever he want. Yeah, 'cause he is like, yeah, keep that love going, son. So for me, I was like, you know what energy? And then I realized, no. - No. - He's wrong. - Yeah, yeah, no, - He's got more polished, you know? - Okay, okay. - So you're refined. - Refined for sure. - Okay, well look, you know, this category is not filled with people that have evolved and refined over time. They're the ones that are the most inappropriate at the worst times. Take a look at Not The Time. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Hey. - What? - I do love you. - I do love you. - Oh my God. - I know she's having a panic attack right now. But I wanna make love to you. - Sir, I'm an Uber. (everyone laughs) - Sorry, I do not know you. (Steelo laughs) - Look, it's bring your son to work day. Look at it. - Can you ask your dad? - My dad's in jail. (Chanel laughs) - Well, okay. - My car, listen to what I'm saying. My car got towed. My car got (bleep) towed. - Oh my God. Your car got towed. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Okay, you guys ever find yourselves playing hide and seek? - Not recently. - Here and there. - Yeah. - My girl's son, he wants to play hide and seek. So I'll play with him. - Yeah. - But like, I'm not like really trying to. - Yeah. - I'm not really trying to really hide for- - Yeah. - There's a lot. - It's a lot, it's a lot. And every time these kids try to do hide and seek, I let them hide. - Yeah. - And then like, sometimes they're tricky, man. They go deep, but then I just stop looking. You know what I mean? (everyone laughs) Like, if I can't find 'em pretty quick, then I just wait. They don't have patience either. - They come out, yeah. - Yeah. - Like it's like, I'm over here, where are you? (everyone laughs) You know what I mean? Like, oh, there you are, got you. You know what I mean? Like, some people really love hide and seek, as a matter of fact, that there is the Hide and Seek World Championships, okay? Happens every year in Italy. - No way. - Yeah. - Where at, how did they pick a site? - I guess it's like an old ghost town. So there's all these little nooks and crannies for people to like, you know. - Yeah. - Get up in there. - How do you train for that? - Man. (Chanel laughs) - Hey, you take- - A lot of yoga. - A lot of yoga, you know what I'm saying? Lot of holding your breath. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? So you can get into weird places. And I think everybody in this category could be a champion. Take a look at Extreme Hide and Seek. (audience applauding) Oh, man. - Here they go, coming in. - Nothing to see here. Just a bunch of bags. - He rolled over. Man, perfect, flawless. - Like flawless. - Flawless. And the dude is in cowboy boots is like really impressive. - ****. (audience laughs) - I think he's knocked out. (everyone laughs) - But like, if somebody was chasing him, he would completely get away. - Legit. - Instantaneously. - Legit. - Forget this job. - Forget this job. - Forget this job. - You're not gotta come find me. - Yeah, he could be a champion right here. - I used to do this as a kid. I used this all the time. - Man, get in there. - Yeah. - Get in a- - I was small, man. - A dryer, man. I start to get claustrophobic thinking about being in there. - There wasn't no stack up on dryer. That's risky. - Well, hello there. What do we have here? Is this some sort of ghost? (audience laughs) - Oh. - (bleep) Can I get you something? - Nah, man. - He's still on the job though. Still trying to get him play of a month. (upbeat music) - Nothing to see. (audience laughs) - It's Petey Pipes. - Feels like he's nothing to get a makeover. - Man. - He's gonna come out of it and be a new person. The new John. (everyone laughs) - Here we go. We're, oh, okay, come on. - No. - This ain't safe. - Not falling. - This is not safe. - You can't get in there. - This is this so scary. And I'm already claustrophobic looking at it. - Take a deep breath too. - It's not safe. - You got it. Like no one's. This ain't a thing. How are you even gonna get out? - Oh man, he's in there. - This, ugh! - Here I am just having a really good time. No, that's not a place for humans. There you have it for Extreme Hide and Seek. (audience applauding) You don't have either of you ever royally screwed up. - I think we all have many times - You don't think about it. Did you ever use the term royally screwed up? - No. - Like, I royally screwed up. - No, I never even heard it. - Yeah. - Yeah. No, no - No. - That's not a common phrase. - I say that, yeah. - That was my first time hearing it. - Yeah, I thought that was in the ether. (Chanel laughs) You know what I mean? I thought you'd be like, man, I've royally screwed up a handful of times. What you're trying to do is express how much you messed up without using the word (bleep). You know what I mean? And look, we try to do our best not to do anything bad, but sometimes we do the dumbest stuff. Just like everybody in this category, royal screw ups. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) Okay. Okay, what are we doing? Oh, okay. - But maybe you saw it and was like, this is not gonna work. - When your arms can't like navigate the heavy water, you're in trouble. - It's shaky already, yeah. The balance is like, well, we didn't even get to really see it. We just cut two. - That's it. - It is like our disasters happening. - That's it. - One second of disaster happens. - Flooded the bedroom. Never even woke the person up. (audience laughs) My cat that ran away. Oh my God. Oh my God, thank you so much. Oh my God. - He's gone. What are y'all doing to this cat? - Man, look, this cat ran away for two months. - Yeah. - Daddy found it. - Yeah. - She cried and didn't close the door and the cat escaped again instantaneously. - Cat hates it. - The cat does not wanna be here. - The cat hates it here. Never even had a chance to like say welcome back. I love you, I miss you. Open the door. - And the special day. Let's get this. Oh. (everyone laughs) We book this place. - Are you sure you still want to get married? - I love how he like tried to walk in with it like, all. - Man. - Oh, it's still stuck. - Man, what a vibe? - I know. They walked in serious as (bleep). - Man. - That one person laughed. I mean, he fell back with a knob. That's it's hilarious. Trying to create a moment here. - He came back like it was a flute. - Don't do it. - You guys got it. You guys have got it. - That water is so. - You bailed on your boy. - You guys have got it. - You bailed on your boy. - You got it. - Ah. - He let it go as if like, it was like a phone. - Yeah. - He was like, oh, drop my phone. Whatcha gonna do about that? - That's it, that's it. Zero struggle. It's is over (bleep). Alright, I guess I gotta get a new one. - You gotta call Apple. (laughs) - Ah, you got it? No. (audience applauding) - Okay, is it ever okay to steal another person's thunder? - No, I feel like it happens to me a lot. It's like, it seems like I'm finally getting that shine then somebody come in like, nope nope, we're gonna (bleep) walk you. But I don't think it's nice to do that. - Yeah. - I think you should let everybody get their shine. - Yeah. - You know? - Yeah, look. I mean some people are shine jackers, you know what I mean? - They should be called shadows. - Yeah, because they don't have their own brightness. - Exactly. - You know what I mean? So they stand in front of your brightness to shine. - Yeah. - But they're just dark, okay? And they got nothing to give. And they just stole from you and they can't have what you have, okay? It's basically everybody in this category. We call them Shine Jackers. Take a look. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) You're gonna jack my thunder. They're gonna steal my shine. - Oh, yeah, you know what it is. - Oh my goodness. - Oh my God. - Man. - Really unnecessary and quick. - Wow. - Stole my brother. - She's diesel. (Chanel laughs) - Don't publish it on Instagram. ♪ Birthday, dear grandpa ♪ - See, sometimes you're just a star though. ♪ Happy birthday ♪ - Why don't you sing? I don't get why you don't stay- - Okay. - Like you could make Monday. Remember whose birthday it is? Grandpa. - Okay. - It's not even her birthday. - It's her birthday. - Why is he seeing grandpa? - And she's like, she's over here. They're having a full moment about her beautiful voice. And she's singing to him about his birthday. - Remember, whose birthday it is? - What's your name again? - Who? - What's your name again? - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Yeah. Oh man. Look, she was trying to get a moment. A nice, beautiful dancing moment. She's dressed wonderfully. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - This incredible background. And then this monkey comes in, steals her shine and her purse. - Yeah. - And she's too afraid to like grab it. You know what I mean? (Chanel laughs) Uno, dos. - You told me wrong, right? - Man, he came in hot, full hip check. - Super hot. Super hot. Nike act. (Chanel laughs) (bright music) - No, grandma, get grandma outta there. - Okay. - Oh, man. - Okay. - That's mean. - I know. - It is like she's been single for 72 years. - Yeah. - This was her moment. - But also like, let's be more realistic. She got a better chance. - Yeah. Okay, well I guess here you can have this. Not cool, let grandma live. We'll be light back for more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Okay, how's your guys' memory holding up? - It's decent. - Good, good. - Decent. - Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? Would you consider yourself kind of forgetful at times? Are you pretty solid? - For sure, I start smoking, I'd be way more forgetful. - Yeah. - No, I got a pretty good memory. - Yeah, no, I mean, look, I've been taking supplements. Nootropics, adaptogens. - Yeah. - Just loading my brain up with Omegas. - I remember stuff from being like three years old. And I'll tell like my mom and she's like, how do you remember that? - Yeah. - Vivid. - Yeah. - See I take it as like, I don't remember it. It is God protecting me. (Chanel laughs) And he be like, I threw that outta there for you, you don't wanna know that (bleep) . - Yeah. - Hey, stretch. Hallelujah. - Hallelujah, right? - Thank God I only have core memories that are enjoyable. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? Well, everybody in this category, they're just kind of forgetting things. Take a look at Forget Fools. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) - You know what? - Can you tell me? Where'd you get gas? (laughs) - No. - No? - Oh. - What? What happened? - I mean, how are- - Yeah. - You can get in. Just me and, see what I'm saying. - Are you joking? You forgot my name. - Oh no, oh no. - Forgot my name. - What do you mean? - You dunno my name? What's my name? (bleep) - Oh my god. - You don't know my name? - Fair. - Fair! - They just had sex for sure. They just had sex for sure. - For sure. - She is like mother (bleep). - For sure. - You forgot my name. - What you mean? - What you mean is such a response that I would've done, he know exactly, he forgot her name for sure. - Buy time, buy time. - Yeah. - Keep thinking. Keep thinking buy time. - Oh. (coughing) (spitting) - Oh, it's over with. - Oh, man. - Oh. - Mask, mid pandemic. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) You know, look, every now and again I go dumb, okay? I went dumb earlier on this show, okay? I was convinced that I was in a parallel universe where there is cheesesteak factories (Chanel laughs) and not cheesecake factories. - True. - You know, man, it's like your mind sometimes just takes you to dumbville. - Yeah. - But only takes you there for a split second. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? And then you realize like, what? I'm not dumb, why am I dumbville? You just snap back. - Brain fart. That's what I call them. - Yeah, yeah. - You had a brain fart. - I wonder what actually happens when your brain is farting? - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - You know what I mean? Like, is there liquid in there that a little bubble pops? You know what I mean? - That'd be crazy. - There's something that's going on because it's happening to everybody in this category, Split Second Stupid. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) ♪ Gotta check on my beads. ♪ ♪ Good it smell like it burning. ♪ ♪ And I'm all excited. ♪ - What? - Oh my God, what have I done? What have I done? What have I, oh my God. Pretty, whoa, whoa, Why? - Why? - At first, thought she had it upside down. I was like, what? - Yeah, I think she did. - No, she didn't. She left the cardboard just in there. Nothing else. - Ah, ah. - You took the guard off. - Oh my God, yeah, I took the guard off. - Oh, just hair school. But he can't even complain 'cause the haircut's free at hair school. Isn't that, right? (Chanel laughs) Man, they cut your for credit. (laughs) - Oh, man. - Stop playing with me, play time. Fix your mouth. - Go back, go back. Man, you're just so high on Novocaine and you love, love. Oh no, no, yes. No, get your hands down. (Steelo laughs) It's time to inject you. Alright, that's it for our show today. For Steelo Brim and Chanel West Coast. See you next time in "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ (upbeat music) Before you guys were rich and famous. Did either of you ever think about working construction? - No. - Yeah. I used to actually put down floors, hang drywall, do all (bleep) with my dad so. - Okay, so you've been a little bit in the construction world. - Yeah, he just wanted to make sure that I knew how to do stuff as a man. - Okay. - So he was just like, yeah. - Alright, now did you get to get in there and like, you know, break out the floors? - Yeah, of course. - Now is that the most fun? - No, it wasn't fun at all. He used to pick me up from (bleep) school at like 13 and tell me, get in the car, we going to fix another house. - And you trying to tell me no part of you enjoyed that? - No, you enjoy when you get older of like knowing and having that knowledge and being like, oh, (bleep) I know how to do this already. I can caulk this, I can do this. - Okay. - But as a kid. - Did you say ****? - I said caulk, yes. - You said caulk. (audience laughs) - I didn't say (bleep). Caulk. (bleep) (Chanel laughs) - Look, in caulk, okay? (audience laughs) well, look, you've got experience in it. And a lot of people like construction 'cause they get to destroy stuff. Just like everybody in this category. Destruction Workers, take a look. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (energetic music) (laughs) - All right, well cool, we cut this hole. - Mike. - Mike, careful Mike. - How to come down on you. Come on, let's go, go. - What do I care? It's coming down, Mike. - Stand down, Mike. - Oh, god. (audience laughs) - Yo mike! (laughs) - Okay, he's talented 'cause he said nah, the whole ceiling will fall around me, on Mike. - Boys, (faintly speaking) - This is Russia. We don't respect people that park. (bleep) - No. This is what happens in Russia when you take up two parking spots. - Are you running it? - Oh, yeah. - We're running it. - There you go. There you go. - Bro, what do you do? - There you go. I'll tell you what- - it's over. - You don't ever move this car. - Imagine coming out the store and see this (bleep). - Imagine like how heavy your car would feel when you were driving it. - I mean, I don't think he can drive it. (laughs) - He definitely can't drive it. - Yeah. Okay. Now pause it here. Hold on, hold on. They're just doing some construction, okay? And they just want get this one down 'cause they're gonna build a nice, beautiful condo. Now this is somebody else's property, which, okay, they love the nostalgia of brick, okay? They're gonna keep this laundromat here forever. Got great tenants here. So there's no reason to bother with this beautiful building. - Oh, oh, okay. Alright, okay. - Oh, no - That wasn't the plan. - No. - No, no. - That wasn't the plan. - That wasn't the plan. No, no, but that's the plan now. Everybody's getting new condo. (everyone laughs) Something breaks at the house, you call handyman. - Yes. - If you live where I live. - Yes. - Minimum 500 bucks. (Chanel laughs) - Why would you not? As soon as I pulled up to the gate, I'd be like 500. - That's it. Look, I went through an incident that was like, okay, can you see if we can get a little bit more water pressure? Need a little bit more water pressure. - 500. - I understand a hundred PSI comes off the street line. - Yeah, yeah. - And legally you gotta filter it down to an 80. But if I'm not mistaken, I'm getting hit with a 65-er. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Right? For sure, so he said, oh, oh, oh. No doubt, no doubt, 500 bucks. I said, "Okay, well let's get to it." - Yeah. - Right? And go outside. The valve's broken and now water's leaking everywhere. He is like (bleep) turns out like the valve. Yeah, the bad valve. - That's what they do. People do that to you. - Yeah. So that's why this category doesn't bum me out. This is Broken Handyman, take a look. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (energetic music) Alright, get in there, Joey. - That's the only thing that could happen. - But where's it, what? - Who would be saying like this to do any kinda job? - Like what would he be doing? He's replacing the wood paneling on the back of your truck. - Yeah, but he didn't do all the wood, did he? - Look, I mean, this looks like 72 to me. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - You know what I mean? This is like 2020 board. - Brand new wood. (everyone laughs) - Okay, okay. - Don't do it. - Okay, okay. - Oh. - Oh, (bleep). - The hummer hit it, that was cool. But then it hit off the metal as well, right? - Yeah, and then, but it's- - It might be broke. - It has to be broke. Blame the hammer. - Yeah. - Hey, Cy, I can't get this down spot off. I need some help. - Alright, well, (bleep) it, bro. - You need fancy tools and stuff. You just need some momentum and some fricking. - Just need a little bit of momentum, bro. - Okay, hold on. - You know what it feels like? - What? - Like the package before American Ninja Warrior. - Oh, okay. - It's Fred, he's from St. Louis. You guys may remember him from the Hansen Brothers, but now, but now he's the Gunter Warrior. - Oh. (laughs) - Oh. - See. - There you have it for Broken Handyman. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) I don't think you guys do this, but I do this, okay? I get in and do construction, all right? - When you do construction- - When I say construction, I mean I hire people to do construction. - Okay, that feels, I do on time. - Yeah, okay. - Every house I've moved to, I've done stuff too. - Hey, do they ever do it on time? - No. - No, but I know that, so I don't ever look at it as on time. - No. - Yeah. - It's like two months and like 30% of the money. You just gotta and deal with it mentally upfront. - Yeah, yeah. - Too many years of being like another month and like another a hundred Gs, what? (Chanel laughs) - Yeah. - For a fence. - Yeah. - Oh, we had to dig it down deeper, there ended up being a rock. We had to pour some footings. - Yeah. - You trying to tell me each footings 10Gs anyway. - And then the permits cost you money. - Look, got real right there. - It did. - Okay, when you start talking about footings, you've been through (bleep). (Chanel laughs) Well look, sometimes (everyone laughs) it's so real. So real, I'm in the middle of footings right (bleep) now. (everyone laughs) This category is a little insight to how things can get delayed. Take a look at Construction Delays. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Ah, I got the heavy machinery. It's gonna cost you six grand a day to rent it. - Well, why is he playing around? It's not, I'll be so mad. The dude working my *** off behind him and he's playing his son's toy. - But at the end of the day, like what are we doing? We're just like breaking down one part of the stairs. - I don't know, but he's not helping. (audience laughs) - Alright. - Boot in the wall. - This wall is gonna be done. Hill or high water. - Oh. (laughs) - That never works. - Yeah, this is like literally somebody building a wall in Iowa. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - I'm putting in my own wall. Ain't nobody getting up here. (energetic music) - Oh yeah, oh. ♪ And I love her. ♪ - Oh, man. ♪ And she loves me ♪ - And kicking your feet. There's no area. - I can't stop thinking about her, man. - He's in love, he's in love. And like- - We're at work. - She's still on my mind. (everyone laughs) (energetic music) How to go? Oh, they're gonna kill him. - That is a really pretty portable. - We're gonna kill him. - Like baby yellow give me Easter vibes. - Yeah, oh, oh, oh. There it goes the toilet paper. - You don't have the tissue anymore. - That's some durable toilet paper. - Oh, that's so (bleep) up. - Man, his log is just- - Like waving the flag, the toilet flag. - Oh, oh. Well, hey, no need to pinch. When was the last time you broke into a construction site and had the time of your life? - Oh, since I was a kid. - Yeah, when I was a kid. - Man. - That was like the move when you was a kid. You're like, what's in that building? - Yeah, I do it as an adult all the time. - Oh, okay. - Wife hates it. - Do you? - You know what I mean? I drive up on like a construction hide, you know, like one of these like super highend homes. And I'm like- - I love it. - Oh, I did want Toluca Lake. - I jump over, she's like, "Don't, don't." - I did it at Toluca Lake too. - I did went to Toluca Lake recently. - Yeah, I was in Toluca Lake, man. What if we all, what if we all broke into the same construction site? - We might have. (Chanel laughs) - What you doing here? - What the(bleep)? - What you doing here? - What? Man. - It is the one that was like on the lake. And I wanted to see like exactly- - Me too. - The property and how the lake. Then he broke in like, and the guy was like, "Hey, you came back here." I'm like, "Hey, I'm interested." - Yeah. - He just stopped. - Yeah, that's all you gotta do. I'm thinking about buying the place. - Yeah. - Oh, oh, we go, go right ahead. (Chanel laughs) Go right ahead, I don't wanna stop a sale, even though you're breaking and entering. Okay, well look, there's always a good time to be had at construction sites unless you get hurt. Like this category, Destruction Sites. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) ♪ I wanna break into your property ♪ ♪ Break into your property ♪ - Oh boy, here we go. - Man. - Stumbling that hard to yourself. - Man, he really thought. He's like, no, it's gonna go over my shoulder and land on Bart's head. - You ever wonder why our construction takes too long? See these guys right here? - Is it? - Yeah. - It's just not smart. - Alright. I'm here at, I'm here at. Oh, oh, oh. (audience laughs) - Did something just like go off? - Oh no, it's just those white new balances. A little bit of mud. (everyone laughs) - Oh man, let me get you a little bit of this and you can be on your way. - That would never work though. - Nah. It's like bring the gate down. Make it simple. - And I'm pretty sure (bleep) the truck too. - That trailer stood strong. - Dude, I guess it did. - It got a little bent. It got a little wonky. That axle might be a little bent. But them wheels are fine. (Chanel laughs) - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - There you have it for Destruction Sites. (audience applauding) Okay, the frat boys are really good at breaking stuff. - They are. - Okay. They run through walls, you know, they break doors. They do all that stuff. Now, do you think they're good at putting it back together? - I've never heard of frat boys, I guess fixing things. - Yeah. - But in the same breath, like they must fix something at some point 'cause they have new (bleep) to break. - Right. - Or they just buying them stuff, I don't know. - Yeah. - Maybe that's where like the type of guys who become the ones that are like, you know, you're like handymen. - Yeah. - Maybe they were like- - Frat boys one. - Frat boys ones. - Yeah, they did. - No, I don't know about that. - Look, she's making sense here. She's a scientist and it's- - I mean college didn't work out for them. They broke a lot of things. Learned how to fix some things. I said I don't know what I'm gonna do now. - That's it. - Okay. - That's it. And then what do they become? - Handyman. - Handy bros. - Oh. (laughs) - Let's take a look. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) Oh, I mean this right here, we can fix this all day. - Somebody's got some taper glue. - Yeah, yeah. - That's probably good. - Okay, alright. - Nothing gets fixed actually. - Pretty sure that's not good. But if you fix it, there's a job future for you. - You break a lot of (bleep) when you got a mattress just against the wall. - You got a mattress against the wall and you ended up with a hand chair. (everyone laughs) - It's ugly, but I can fix it. - There we go. - That was grandma's bed she donated to him in college. - Yeah, that's how it goes, right? - Yeah. - Like this is a bed from like 64. - For sure. (Chanel laughs) - Look how much better it looks with just the one side cut down. - Yeah, it does. - Yo. - He's using CDs as a mirror. - Hey. - Hold on. He's bugging - Man, does it work? - I love that you know it's a New York clip in instantly. - I wanna know what CDs he's using. - You know, have to be something from like the '90s. - His ex-girlfriend made him some mixed CDs. - Hold on. He's bugging. (everyone laughs) (upbeat music) - Oh, I got it. - We got this. - It's right here. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. - Oh, hey, good safe man. - Him putting his feet up. - Man, survival instinct. (everyone laughs) - One second plumber, I don't trust it. (Chanel laughs) - Trust us, it works every time, some of the time. (audience laughs) I want to get one of these like, all right. Handle it. Oh. - Oh, who the (bleep) in the sink? (everyone laughs) - It works. - It worked. - It worked. - It worked, man. - Man, somebody took a (bleep) in the sink and it just blew all over the background. - What did do? - We're not gonna tell you exactly how it works, but trust us. - Oh my God. (everyone laughs) - Oh, Molly. - Yeah. - Dog. - There you have it for Handy Bros. Okay, if something breaks at your house and you need it fixed, who are you gonna call? - I got a cool contractor guy. - Okay, good, you call him. Make sure when you talk to him, ask him what he did during the week. - Why? - Because if he's got another job, he's a (bleep) contractor, okay? (everyone laughs) Last thing you need is somebody that does a little bit of contract work on the weekend, okay? Because that means guaranteed it's gonna take a really long time and it's gonna be done really bad. You know, just like everybody in this category of Weekend Contractors. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Oh, okay, I'm do. Oh. - Oh my God. I'm doing like my own little makeover thing where I'm just destroying the house. - Smack. (everyone laughs) - No water. - Okay, let it go. Ah! (everyone laughs) - Oh (bleep). - It's the wrong one. It's the wrong one mighty. You can't hear his voice over to the side of you. - This is reminder to never try to mount your TV by yourself. - Oh, oh. - You're gonna flood your place, - How'd you mount your TV? - All for mounting a TV, do you somehow puncture a pipe, you know what I mean? Like that's difficult. - And then people still choose to film it. I'm like, get your priorities together. - Yeah. (audience applauding) - Painting the house. Would you ever consider doing it? - The outside or inside? - Both. - I'll do the inside. - Yeah. - Not the outside. - Not the outside. - Yeah, yeah. Look, I never used to think about painting the outside of my house when I would buy a house. Now I paint them every time. - Oh, really? - Yeah. And it's like you got a brand new house. - A one story house is one thing. I have like four stories 'cause it's in a hill. So it's like way too many levels to work with. - Yeah. - But paint is amazing though, 'cause it's like makeup almost. - Yeah, yeah. - Like you could really just make up a whole different house. - That's it, that's it. - With some paint. - There's lot of people out here just adding some paint and raising the price a lot. - Yeah. - Yeah, you know what they call that out here? A wig on a pig. (everyone laughs) Well look, everyone in this category is trying to paint their house and it's not working too well. Take a look at Paint Jobs. (audience laughs) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) - I don't even know what to do. I'm sorry, I look like this. - What happened? - Oh, man. - Oh my god. - I'm gonna die tonight. - I hate when people are like panicking, but they won't like stop to actually pick it up. - You wanna know what? Go get a shovel. - Yeah. - You can shovel this right up. - It still wet, wipe it up. (laughs) (crying) - She didn't say one real word right there. She just pointed at two things. - Yeah. (upbeat music) - There you go. - Oh, oh. - Oh man, oh, man. - Oh boy, oh man. (bleep) - It hit her in the worst way too. She took it in the eye. - She did. Oh man. - She just sees white forever. - You just see everything in a hazy white. - Yeah. I don't see race. - I don't see. - Everyone's white. (everyone laughs) - Oh boy. - Oh, he is got it. - Oh, okay, come on man. Oh, big day. (laughs) It's immediately hitting his pocketbook. He's like, oh, (bleep) I ain't got the money for this. (upbeat music) - Why would you do this? - Beautiful redwood floors. - How would you get out? - Out the window. (Chanel laughs) - Man. - In all fairness, you could just stand there until it dries. (upbeat music) Okay, look, you bust the pipe in your house. Where's the best place to bust it? - Probably in a bathroom or kitchen. - That's it, right? And on the first floor, - I had a friend who bust their pipe and their actual tub went through the actual floor. - Yeah. - And landed in the kitchen. - Look, I blame the contractor. - Okay. - You know what I'm saying? Like, I'd assume if I could, I just don't know who he is or who your friend is. Everybody in this category, they're getting flooded out. Take a look at Busted Pipes. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) - ****. - Is that all beer? - It's gotta be a shutoff valve, no? - Like that's way, how much access do y'all have to be here? - Man. - Oh, oh. - Must save a little. - Might as well save a little. - You gonna lose our arm for this. Premium for everyone. - Man. (upbeat music) - Oh, man. - I hate to tell you young fella that's not doing anything. - He was just trying to mount a TV. - Look, nothing, you're doing nothing. - What's been going on? - You've been there for a really long time and that's not working. - No, he is doing something. He's thinking. (laughs) He's taking this time to think about what the (bleep) I have to do. - Uh-oh - That JC Penney. - Just the time to steal if you going to steal. - He said I was scared. I didn't know what to do. It was just in my hand, I was so scared. - Oh, uh-oh. - You got my own hand. - No, he is not using toilet paper. - Man, stop. (Chanel laughs) - No, but look. - Yeah, as soon as you stuff it in there, it disintegrates. - He like what he think was gonna work. Like I can stuff it. - Man. - Get a finger in there and stuff. Nobody seems to be trying very hard. I don't know what to say here. Okay, look, you know when someone's doing construction next to your house, it could be incredibly irritating. - That's true. - You're telling me I feel like I have lived in a non-stop construction zone since I moved in. - Have you? - Yeah. - Look. - It got worse during the pandemic. It was like my whole neighborhood was like, let's redo our houses now. - Yeah, yeah. - See I don't mind it. I like, I weirdly don't mind it 'cause all I can hear is the equity of my house going up and the value of my house going up, so I'm like (bleep). - Yeah, yeah, look, I'm feeling guilty as if like, I'm like ruining your life. I don't even live near you. (everyone laughs) And it's because I like, I remodeled a house and like I jack hammered for like three weeks straight. And the neighbor kept calling me, "This was just insane! Like why does it have to start at 7:00 AM." I'm like, "Ah man, I told 'em start at nine. I don't know what happened." (everyone laughs) You know what I mean? This right here is people losing their mind 'cause of Construction Next Door. Take a look. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) - This lady had just came outside. - Well what? - And backed right up into the tractor. She knew it was right there. - I gotta go to a doctor's appointment. - We're gonna move (bleep) gimme a second. Don't spit in my face. - Get it out here now. - Okay, back up. - (bleep) Outta here now. - Okay, ma'am, we're gonna move it. Can you gimme two seconds? Can you gimme two seconds? - Man. - Do you have high blood pressure? - Man, like look. - Clearly. - You're gonna be dead before you get to the doctor. You know what I mean? - You need to chill out, seriously. (upbeat music) - Oh no. You think they're gonna get hit? - Oh. - Oh. - All the car. All the cars. All the cars. - Oh man. - This dude tried to back into it, didn't he? - Man, look, he perfectly avoided it. He actually for the first time, made the right move. - Yeah. - Whoa, whoa. - You're good. - Yeah. - These (bleep) that are doing construction on our street just (bleep) up and broke a water line. It was all this guy's fault right up here. - There he is. Ah man. - He's the bad guy. - Man, construction shaming. - So look at the (bleep) this is hilarious. - This is hilarious. - Laugh one time. (everyone laughs) (upbeat music) (audience applauding) - Welcome back, "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) - Okay, you know, on log road trips, you know I like to hold my wife's hand while I drive. - That's nice. - You know what I mean? - It's not that safe though. - Ah, hey. - Whoa, you can drive love like that. - Hey, man, whoa. - Look the kids are in the car. You should have both hands on the wheel. (laughs) - I don't trust anybody with both hands on the wheel. - Wow. - I'm just out here trying to be in love. You know what I mean? And like, we're talking about safety. I just feel like- - We're talking about safety here. - I think you're a good driver. I've seen you do lots of little stunts and everything. I think that there's so many bad drivers out there. - Yeah. - Like you gotta be ready to swerve. - Oh, but you gotta understand. - But with two hands makes it feel like it's harder to drive. - But even on the freeway, I do driver assist anyway. I don't even like touch it. (Chanel laughs) I forget about two hands on the wheel. - He's like, I don't even really drive. - If I see somebody next to me and I look through and they have two hands on the wheel, I feel unsafe. - I also have sweaty hands. - I don't trust you. Why are you like this? - Because I get sweaty hands. One hand is not enough if that slips. - I don't want both many hands slipping off. - Well, if one hand slips. - The ones they dry one. - This one usually stays drier 'cause the air's closer to it right here. (laughs) - Yeah, yeah. - That's because you working both of 'em. If you let one of 'em take the day off. (Chanel laughs) That's it. That's it. - Hey, both these hands. - Even better. - Hey, these hands are overworked - For sure. - Well look, this category is really about people that just love to show love while they're moving. Take a look at Love on the Road. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Oh. - Are you trying to get freaky on the train? - I look like I'm wearing the same outfit as her. (laughs) - Really, they're just trying to figure it out on this train. - That's crazy. - Okay, so do I push it into you or do you, do I suck on it or do I, what do I do here? - You take it from there. All right, that does feel kind of weird. - I don't know. This doesn't feel like love. (everyone laughs) Oh man, just got me and my girl. - They about getting caught by Anaconda. (Chanel laughs) This is definitely the same set that Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube is on. - Yeah, this is not safe. Man, like how do you end up on like this type of boat of all boat? - That's not even a boat. That was like a construction thing they stole. - It looks like a piece of a playground, right? - No, it's like one of those parts that be in construction of the road. - Yeah. - Telling you like, hey stay beer left. - Oh. - I like it though. - An adventure. - It feels romantic now. (everyone laughs) - Man, he may not be able to walk, but he's pay. - Hell, yeah, he got two cheeks. (everyone laughs) - Okay, do you guys know what it means to be a simp? - Yeah, to be very like emotional. To be very like, I guess- - Kind of a pushover. - Yeah, yeah. Trick, kind of a trick. - Yeah. - He be tricking off. - But what if it's just how the relationship is? I mean is simp ever okay? - Simp ever okay? - Ooh. - Ooh, if pimping is okay, then Simps gotta be okay. (Chanel laughs) - Hey, hey. - If we talking about equality here. - Mouth to God's ears. - I think it's okay when she's pregnant. - Ah, yeah. - That's fair. - You know, you gotta be a little bit extra nicer around. - I like that, yeah, that makes sense. - Yeah, look, the truth is if Sterling just stated for the world to know if pimping is okay, so is simpin'. Because as, you know, Simpin' ain't easy. Take a look. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) - Only brand. - Oh man. - It's so random 'cause it looks like they've been together for like 50 years. - They have. - So you guys have been talking for six months? - Yes. - And you haven't been talking to anybody else? - Yeah. - No. - So he's your boyfriend? - No, we're not dating. - Okay, so does he wants you or not? Because he's holding up (bleep) line. (laughs) - It's nothing but a line. God ****. - Now I get it. I feel like she's sending this to him who won't commit to her after six months. - Yeah, for sure. - Of like, hey, all of these hotties (everyone laughs) from the football team want me. - And I can promise he still won't commit. - Yeah, he is like, take them. (energetic music) No, okay, perfect. - No, bro. - Oh, I got two under my armpit. - He get his foot wet, and they just like, they don't even seem appreciative. - That they don't. They don't. - They just having a convo while he just the (bleep) umbrella. - There you have it for Simpin' ain't easy. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Okay, do you believe you can find love at a gas station? - I think you can find love anywhere. - Yeah. - I mean, let's be honest. If he's in the Lambo. (audience laughs) - Let's make you not finding love. You here looking for cars? - No, I'm not. I know that other girls are. That's why I'm saying. - Oh, okay. - In LA, I think the gas station might actually be a place where women are going to film. - Oh, be whole dating show called Gas station love. - Yeah, yeah. I think there's something to this, you know what I mean? Like you could tell a lot about a person by the car they drive up in and how they're dressed to see- - And what they buy inside. - Yeah, to see if they're a match. - Yeah, yeah. Or do they smoke? You know what I'm saying? - Yeah. - Do they drink a lot of water? - Yeah. - Or are they a soda drinker that's gonna get a hot dog? - Yeah, he has monster in his hand. - Yeah, yeah. (Chanel laughs) Expect to see this on Paramount Plus in 2025. Okay, look, this category is filled with people just finding love at a gas station. Take a look at Love Station. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Hey, on number 10, we were wondering if you had a girlfriend or? - Look, this is how the show would work. This is how the show would work. (Chanel laughs) - Yeah, you know what I mean? - This is the show for sure. - Here's three contestants that would be willing to date you. I don't know, but I'm willing to meet anyone. (everyone laughs) - Alright, getting ready to have me a real good time tonight. - Good time. - Good time, baby. Go down to the vehicle, I'll be right. - Lord. - Oh my, this is like road trip. - Man. - The sequel. (everyone laughs) - Isn't that thing of a beauty? - Oh, heck yeah. What a great day, huh? - Yeah. - Needs to wash. - Yeah. I wasn't talking about the car. - Oh, really? - Oh, really? (audience applauding) - Okay, how like blown away by the idea that "Cupid's Chokehold" just became like a TikTok like sensation? - Man, like I got a call from a friend of mine, like, Hey, you know, Cupid's is trending on TikTok. So I'm like, lemme see what's going on over here. - Yeah. - And it was like a whole resurgence of the song that came back. Like I was hearing it everywhere on the radio again. - Yeah, yeah. - It was pretty dope, man. Like, shout out to the TikTok, I guess. (everyone laughs) - And TikTokers. - TikTok. - Hey, this category right here is just the beauty of love in "Cupid's Chokehold." Take a look. - Aw, yeah, yeah. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (energetic music) - Hey, bro, that girl looking at you. - Is she? - Hey, just don't make it obvious, alright? - Don't make it obvious. Good, good, good, good. - Anyways, bro, what I was saying about work was like it was hella hard last time, you know? - Oh, okay. - Bro. (everyone laughs) - Don't make it obvious. - Anyways. - Yo, creep mode on a thousand. - Man, he got locked in, man. - Bro. - Bro. - Dude, that is (laughs) oh my God. - On you. - Stop please. - Oh, I think you're the one for me. - I knew it, I knew it. - I'm sorry. - I didn't drop all the groceries. - I guess we're having scrambled eggs this morning. (upbeat music) - Oh, oh. - Oh, no. - Oh, oh. - Oh, oh. Oh, man. - The dance song, what's going on here? - Man. - Oh go, never stay. - Dagger upon you. - Real love knows no boundaries. We'll be right back for more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (audience cheering) You know, look, this song, "This Is Us," okay? It's one of those songs that goes beyond just having a hit song. It's basically a love song. It's gonna be at like weddings for the next like 40 or 50 years. It's like even- - Or at least 10. (Chanel laughs) - No, no, no. First time I heard it, it was like, why do I feel this way? You know what I mean? Like my wife's like, I love this song. I looked in my wife's eyes and I said, "I love you." - Yeah, man. - And it's like, that to me is why it ends up being that wedding song for years and years 'cause that'll always be a theme. - Oh, yeah. - For like couples to come together to share that- - You're not marriages up and down. - Right, right. - I'm actually, me and my wife, I'm in a good place today. I don't know where I'll be tomorrow. I'll probably be in trouble tomorrow. - Hey look, look, you gotta be careful, you know what I mean? You gotta know what triggers her and stay away from that. - Okay. - Well look, this category isn't about that. It's about people that are true soulmates. Take a look at, This Is Us. (audience cheering) (audience applauding) Okay, okay, here we go. - Ta-da. You can go back to throwing up now. - Thank you. - Oh. - Man. - Oh man. - That's how COVID started. - No man, this is how super spreads happen. You know what I mean? - She cuss his hair the exact same as hers. (everyone laughs) And his barber and his lover. - Twinsies. (everyone laughs) - Oh man, oh man. Look, he's a stand. He's a stand. He's just the stand. - No way. - Man. (Chanel laughs) - Can you be a ring light as well? - Bro, got it like. - Why don't he just take the picture? She don't even trust him. She wants to see- - Don't drop him. - Like why even risk it when he could just be the stand. - But I hope he get photo Craig 'cause like me and my wife went on a honeymoon and that's what husbands are on a honeymoon. We are the photographer of, so she in the pool on the beach and I'm taking all these pictures. She posts, I get no photo crib. - Yeah. - I'm like, you just gonna act like I wasn't there. - It's your honeymoon. It's gotta you. (everyone laughs) - Not you there. (everyone laughs) - Oh, there she is. - I just love your money. - My little Prince William. I just love your money so much. - My little Prince William. - I love your mind. - (laughs) I love your mind. - She's like, I love your mind. (everyone laughs) - She's like, you're so smart. - Wow. - Your girlfriend's on period. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. With the dump honey. Give the Lysol. (Chanel laughs) - Yo, that's funny. - Here you have it for This is Us. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Okay, you know, sometimes, couples end up fighting about the most random things. You know what I man. - Yeah. - Now is there any common things that you guys fight with your significant other about? - The only thing is my boyfriend puts things up really high and then, I don't know- - Yeah. - They're there like on shelves and stuff. - Yeah. - And so I'll think like, there's no more salad dressing, so I buy more salad dressing. And he's like, there was three bottles in there. - Yeah. - And I'm like- - Oh my God. I love the idea of her keep buying salad dressing. He just keeps putting it up on the top shelf. - No, and my juicer, I thought somebody threw out my juicer. It's like up on a high shelf. I'm like why? I use the juicer? - Yeah. - Why is it on the highest shelf? I can't reach? - So he don't wanna fight with you. He just like, whenever he get mad, he just, I'm put (bleep) that. - Yeah, yeah. (Chanel laughs) - No, he's passive aggressively. - Oh, yeah. - That's the only thing. - He hides her juicer. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - You know what I mean? She ain't gonna get to this one. Well, this category right here is just couples fighting over the most random little things. Take a look at Our Last Straw. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (bright music) - Ketchup. - That's not that much. - Is on this man's plate? - That's a regular amount of ketchup. - He's like five year old. - That's not. - Five year old using ketchup. - I don't know that many fries and if you're a burger dipper. - I was thinking like, that's too big of a meal, honestly. - That's so (bleep) much. - That's literally a regular amount of ketchup. - Oh my God. - Why his to curl? - He's excited. - He's horny. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - Oh, that ketchup gets me going. (everyone laughs) - I'm trying to think of the name of the roast that we get from Whole Foods to do shut up. (Chanel laughs) - Organic or anything, I just need the (bleep) name of the roast. Is it a rib roast, is it a sirloin? - Oh my God. They're just in fighting positions. - They are. They get in their (bleep) lounger and yell at each other. - She's not even looking at the TV. - That's it. - Her chair is directly to him. - She's only angled with her and her glass of wine to yell at him. (Chanel laughs) - Hey, seriously, if you just tell me who's this is, I'm not gonna be obsessed. - It's yours, I'm telling you. - It's not mine. - There's no other girl. (everyone laughs) (bleep) - Oh man, I did not see that coming. - Give me some M&Ms. - The M&Ms is mine. - Man, you got a deadbolt your bathroom, I mean. - Yeah, I'm like, are you trapping people in this house like? (everyone laughs) - This is our first trip together. - What? - Hey, everybody in first class. I thought he was getting his first class, but he lied. (laughs) - But he lied. - I love he enough to explain it to Oliver. I didn't lie. - I didn't lie. - It was overbooked. - It was overbook. (Chanel laughs) - You're probably a good couple. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) - Sterling. - Hi. - You know, I give a handshake to the guys that come out here. I give a hug to the girls. - I feel like I'm one of the guys. - Oh, new to her. - She was like, oh, what up? (Chanel laughs) What up? Chanel, tell me about what's going on with you? What are you up to lately? - Man, working nonstop on my music and ready to release my debut album. - You've also spent a lot of time on the couch, a very popular show on MTV called "Ridiculousness." - Huge show, huge show. - Huge show. - Yeah. - How did that happen and how long have you been there? (everyone laughs) - I've been there. - This is so awkward. You know, I'm not really sure how it happened. I feel like you like was it you who asked me? - I wasn't involved. (everyone laughs) - Alright, well we dug into some of the "Ridiculousness" episodes and found sort of a consistent theme that happened all the time. Take a look at this. - Whoa. Whoa. (everyone laughs) - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. (everyone laughs) - I gotta go back to that one. (laughs) - Oh, oh. (Chanel laughs) - Oh. - How' that even possible? (everyone laughs) - Oh God. - I did not realize I do that that much. - Our very first category is dedicated to what you do on this show called the Chanel Face. Take a look. (audience applauding) (upbeat music) - Get there little scooter boy. - Oh, Chanel face. (everyone laughs) - Pooping balls. (everyone laughs) - That's what happened for real when you bust. (everyone laughs) - What is it, Chanel? (everyone laughs) - Is that people, when Black people see magic. (everyone laughs) - Oh. Hell no. (laughs) - Sky Chanel. - Oh. - Oh, I hit my Chanel button. - I'm pretty sure I just made that face again while watching that. - Alright. (audience applauding) - Chanel on the show. "Ridiculousness." You are also very known for your laugh. - Yeah. - Now describe it. - I mean, it's like pure joy I guess. - Okay. - I was gonna say dolphin. - Yeah. - Oh, yeah. - Well, yeah, I've heard that it sounds like a dolphin too. - Okay. - Or like Woody woodpecker, like ha, ha, ha, ha. Yeah. (everyone laughs) - Yeah, I can see that. Well, the reality of it is, is you laugh a lot on this show, right? - Yeah. - And this category is dedicated to you because you love to do it called Laugh At Your Pain. (Chanel laughs) If I just lean back, I should create some sort of eccentric, over the top laughter. (laughs) - That does not sound real. Okay, when people complain about my laugh, just know there are laughs like that out there in this world. - Yeah. - Okay, just know that. - Ah, (bleep). Spin it. - Ha, ha, ha. (Chanel laughs) - THat was Chanel's laugh in the first season. - Ha, ha, ha, ha. (everyone laughs) - You're right my arms are strong enough to hold my sexy. (Chanel laughs) - What are you talking abut? (Chanel laughs) (everyone laughs) - She actually cleared out space like she was gonna really do it. Watch her clear it. Yeah, yeah, I need that move. (Chanel laughs) We gotta move that because I'm gonna do this. No, you're not, baby. (Chanel laughs) - I'm Rob Dyrdek, and welcome to a very special episode of "Ridiculousness," where we are celebrating our one and only Chanel West Coast debut album "America's Sweetheart." (audience applauding) - Come on, come on. - Of course, here to celebrate with us the one and only Steelo Brim. (audience applauding) - Come on. - And of course, the of the show, the debut album, give it up for Chanel West Coast. (audience applauding) - Thank you. Thanks guys. (audience applauding) - Crowds going crazy. - Coast, Coast, Coast, Coast, Coast, Coast. - You guys are lunatic. - Yeah. Look, I'm gonna bring (bleep) the right energy for this episode, okay. - Yeah. - The debut album, "America's Sweetheart." Tell us about it, how excited are you? - I'm so excited. I feel like I finally have gotten to a place in my career musically, where I've really figured out exactly who I am as an artist and I've gotten more diverse with what I do. There's a lot more singing on this album than I think people are expecting. So I'm just really excited for the world to hear more of what I can offer as artists. - Okay, look. Hey, hey, congratulations. (audience applauding) - All right. - We're excited too. So, look, we're dedicating this entire episode to basically your track list. That's dope. (laughs) - You know what I mean? So let's start with the title of the album. Why "America's Sweetheart?" - (laughs) It's, you know, really because I feel like, obviously from being on this show, you know, I'm on a TV in a lot of households and I've heard from a lot of people, like, I go in the airport, when I meet people traveling and they're always like, oh, you're like America's sweetheart. And I hear it just over and over and it's kind of an oxymoron, I guess you could say, because I am a sweetheart, but I'm also a bad *****. - Okay, so that's LOL are all her (bleep) bad *****. - But it's like a harder LOL and says. (Chanel laughs) I was watching the "No Plans" video, okay? I don't know who that dude was, but what's up? - He's method. (Chanel laughs) He's method? - What is up? - Actually he was, you know, very excited and down to be in the video- - He seemed excited. - Let's just say he did a great job playing my bae. - He did. - He did. - Fake bae. - Yeah. - Was really on that bootag. (Chanel laughs) - Fake bae was not real (bleep) (Chanel laughs) - Hey, that was inappropriate. But look, "No Plans" is about, you know, you don't got something planned, you know what I mean? So anything can go, you know? - Yeah. - This category right here is people with "No Plans" and no friends. So they're doing everything by themselves. Take a look at No Plans. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) I'm bored. Yeah, not the goats. - How many animals do they have? - They're all like so annoyed with them. - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) (upbeat music) - Oh. - Oh, me and you right here. Right here, right here. Alright. Okay, I'm right here. Right here then. - No, bad move. - Yeah, Kitty. Yep, beachy dump. - Oh. - Oh, oh. - Oh, oh. (Chanel laughs) - It really attacked him. - Yeah, his fist. Why do you always go first? - That's it. (Chanel laughs) - Sir, you're driving like this? - I'm gonna pass out and just go in circles on the train. - You get DUI of the house. (everyone laughs) - Pull over. - One side yeah. - Oh, here we go. Just me and me and me and me and me and me and me. - Yourself hit the net. - What? I did not. Welcome to "Ridiculousness." I'm Rob Dyrdek, with me as always, Steelo, bringing birthday girl, Chanel West Coast. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Hey, Chanel, look, it's your birthday, as far as I can remember. Have we ever shot an episode on either of your birthdays? - Yeah, you shot on my birthday, but nobody did anything. - No, we didn't. - No, nobody did anything for it. (Rob laughs) I brought y'all cake. I was like, I brought a cake for me, (Chanel laughs) for y'all. - Okay, look, let's talk about birthday surprises. Do you like surprise birthdays? - I love surprises. I've never had a surprise birthday though. - Wow. - Really? - Wow. - Oh, we're gonna have one party. - Okay. Look. - It's not a surprise anymore, huh? (everyone laughs) - Look, look, dear future Mr. Chanel West Coast. (Steelo laughs) - I'm really never gonna have a husband. Like no guy wants to be Mr. Chanel West coast. - That's a lie. That's a lie. - Mr. CWC. (everyone laughs) Remember to throw her a surprise birthday party because she needs it. This first category is dedicated to those surprises that are not working. Take a look at Bad Surprises. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Surprise! - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh my God, he had a heart attack. - There's no way he was leading that surprise. Surprise Christmas like what is the reef on the door? - It's a December birthday. You know, you try not to overlook those December birthdays. - Surprise. - Whoa. Okay, alright, amazing surprise. What a celebration. (everyone laughs) - Still go, okay. - What is this? - What is it? - Why he need to move every part of his body to do that every time? (everyone laughs) - Surprise. - Why do you need your knees so much? Why do you need your knees so much? - Why you need your arms. Why you gotta hold it like that? (everyone laughs) - Surprise. - Tell you what I don't like. Look, go back. (Chanel laughs) Look man, there's a part of me that thinks it might be his birthday. - Is it for him? - Yeah. I think it's for him. - Yeah. The kid he does not care about. (everyone laughs) - Man, I don't know where he went, but happy birthday to me. (everyone laughs) There you have it for Bad Surprises. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Okay, Chanel, one of your favorite things in the world is the mermaid. (Chanel laughs) Okay? - It's true. - Now we know that you believe mermaids may in fact be real. - I do. - The question now is, how do you make mermaids? Does a mermom and a merdad like, get together and make a mermaid? Who makes the mermaid do you think? - Oh, that's like a good question. - Yeah. - I guess it would have to take a male man and a female fish, 'cause I feel like it's born in the water, not on land. - Okay, okay. - I like that. - So I think that the mom has to be the fish. - Okay, so you saying people are (bleep) fishes. - Okay. - Men. - Just a men, okay. - Let me be clear. - Let's be clear, I think- - The man. - I think the man is more likely (bleep) anything. - Man. - I agree with you. I didn't think I would agree with you. - I agree with you. Look, I didn't know what the (bleep) I was even thinking when I asked this question. Little did I know that I would end up believing in mermaid. (everyone laughs) I believe in mermaids now (Chanel laughs) because I believe a man dragged a fish onto the beach and (bleep). - For sure. - Sink it back out. - For sure. - It (bleep) may exist - For sure. - Well look. - For sure. - I am another mystery solved, another major milestone. - You're good. - In mankind. - You're good. - Well look, this category is dedicated to the mothers that are indeed the ones that love water and primarily come from the ocean. - Or from men. (everyone laughs) - The ones that, the mothers who clearly love water. Take a look at Mermoms. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Come on! - Oh, come on Mermom, get me back to the scene. (Chanel laughs) - It's their origin story. - The new Marvel character, Mermom. - It'll be an X-Men one day, Mermom. (Chanel laughs) - Ah. - Whatever, I'm going home. (everyone laughs) Get me back to the sea, Darryl. My legs are gonna dry up and my fins are coming out. - Oh. - Oh (everyone laughs) - Man, like she should have drowned like five times. Nope. Okay, here we go. - Holy (bleep). - Oh, you ain't a mermaid, you're a clam. (Chanel laughs) - Yeah. (Chanel laughs) - It's true, merclam. - That is the funniest thing you've ever said. It's a clam. (everyone laughs) - No one helps her though. - Nah, they can't, what can you do? - Yeah, you're right. - You gonna sacrifice yourself to the sea? No. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. (everyone laughs) Okay, well, what are you cleaning a table that's covered that you know isn't dirty. This is just an excuse for you to mermom off. - Yep. (everyone laughs) - Mermom off. - There you have it for Mermoms. (audience applauding) I have a lot of friends. Okay, between all the friends I have, I have one that parties on boats more than anyone I know. - Ooh. - Who? - Who do you think it is? - I think as a guest, right? - Yeah, who do you think it is? - I got one friend- - Brian. - That party on boats. - It gotta be Brian. - I would say Atlas or I would say Drama. One or the other. - Okay. - No, it's (bleep) Brian. - No, no, it's Chanel. (everyone laughs) - I took her outta it, but for sure Chanel. - I was trying to think, "Who have I seen on a boat a lot?" (everyone laughs) - Her whole birthday party was actually in a boat. - My birthday party was on a boat. - It was a boat. - I have a song called "Anchors." - "Anchors." - So, you know, boats are my life. - Look, is it really fun to be on a boat, just partying or what? - I mean the best part about boat parties is once you're there, you're stuck there. So nobody can leave early. Nobody could show up late. You gotta be there on time and you're there till the end of the party. - Man. - That's what I hate about it. - No, you loved it. He loved my boat party. - That is what I hated about her boat party. - You know, he had a good time when at the end of the day, said "Everybody back to my house." - I was like, he's lit. (laughs) - She was so lit, she doesn't even remember. She came to me and said, "I can't bring people back to my house yet." Can I use your house? But somehow she saw it was everybody back to my house. Never happened that way. I was like (everyone laughs) It took her like 30 minutes to convince me. And I was like, I guess. But she saw it as me being like, partying. - Man, I don't look, I don't get FOMO from when you guys partying, but it seemed like a really good time. Okay, look, this category filled with people that love partying on boats. Take a look at Drunken Sailors. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (bright music) Ah, yeah. Ah, man. It's like Chanel's like big cousin. (everyone laughs) Yeah, Chanel Midwest. (everyone laughs) - Chanel Midwest. - That's alright. That's alright. I was going way too hard. - Exactly. - Oh boy, here we go. - Just get it. Do you have a cast though? - Going to the bridge? Okay, drop me off and, okay. All right, I'm gonna stay here and oh. Oh. - Oh. (everyone laughs) - If you hit my (bleep) roof like that, I'll (bleep) hit you. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - Just shut the (bleep) up and **** down. - Then another one. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." (audience applauding) (audience cheering) Oh, (bleep) no (bleep) chance. Okay. Okay. - Get the (bleep) outta here. (everyone laughs) - Come one, come on. - No, I'm not going up there with that. - Thank you. I got him. - Okay. - Okay. - I always said I wanted my Britney Spears, I'm a slavery moment and I take it all back. - Oh, no bro. (everyone laughs) - I take it all back, - Oh, no, bro. - Sit down and let's just catch a vibe. Let's just catch a vibe. - Okay, I'm not trying to have over here though, I gotta focus. I gotta focus. Mike, I gotta focus. Mike. (audience laughs) Mike, I gotta focus. (audience applauding) - Mike, get this thing. - Bro, look at you. He's chilling. - His neck is heavy as (bleep). (audience laughs) - Okay, I'm just gonna stay over here. - Okay. - I thought he was grabbing over me. - You've got to host the show. - No. - Okay, yeah. So you gotta come in from commercial and say Welcome back to "Ridiculousness," and then we'll get into the next category that's called Snake Mates, okay? - Snake mates, okay. - You've gotta do it now. Here we go. (everyone laughs) (audience applauding) (upbeat music) - Okay, welcome back to "Ridiculousness." I am extremely scared, so I am now hosting the show. - There we go. - The side of the stage. - There we go. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - We've got Mike Holston here. - Give it up for our guest. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - I was about to say, we got Mike Holston here with a very big snake, that sounds a little awkward, but, (everyone laughs) so yeah, we're gonna get into this next category called- - Snake mates. - Snake Mates. - It's about people that have best friends that are snakes. Right? - Okay. So it's a lot of people like Mike in this category. (everyone laughs) - And Mike, what is it about snakes that you love so much? - This right here, you know. She's so scared, but one day- - Can you grab a phone? (everyone laughs) - Yeah, yeah, yeah, like he was like, it felt like he was gonna wrap around them. (everyone laughs) - This is why I love snakes, you know? - Yeah, no, they're soft and muscular, you know what I mean? (everyone laughs) - Alright, let's get into Snake Mates. - Here we go. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) - Coming? - Okay, this is not how you use a snake. - He was like, I told you, he was like, I told you I had a big snake. - That's something. - So you gotta fake your team to make it sometimes. (everyone laughs) Fake your team, make it. - I love you. I love you. I love you, yeah. - What is he doing? - I love you, you're my best friend. Me and alcohol and you. (everyone laughs) Would you ever travel with a snake? - Absolutely. - Are you allowed to have a snake on a plane? - No. - Send that (bleep) up. (everyone laughs) - Yeah. - No. - Oh, no. Oh, no. - Oh, no. Cobra soccer. - Cobra Soccer. - Oh, no. - Goal, goal. (everyone laughs) - That snake's not a good goalie at all. (everyone laughs) - Oh, that's. - Is this hill? - Look, what? - That's his cousin. - You trying to tell me he's not sizing her up to eat her right now? - No. - Same size Chanel. - He wants a kiss, bro. Look at that. He wants a freaking kiss. - He does. - Oh, her breath stink. (everyone laughs) - Oh, man. - And there you have it for Snake Mate. (audience applauding) (audience cheering) - Welcome back to "Ridiculousness." Okay, Chanel. - Yes. - What are your children gonna be like one day? - Really sweet, but probably a little crazy. - Okay, okay. - Because I was a crazy kid. Like unpredictable, like yeah, they're gonna be just like me. - Well, maybe they'll just be the opposite, but they'll be like studious, book smart, really mellow children. - Well, I was pretty studious and book smart too. I learned how to read when I was only three. So yeah, they might be just like me. Little super geniuses. - Oh, okay, okay. Well, look, we got a category of small children that we think potentially could be related to you. We call 'em Baby Chanels. Take a look. (Chanel laughs) (audience applauding) (audience cheering) (upbeat music) (Chanel laughs) - She's weird. - Man. - This is literally baby me. - Man, first week. - I was always as a baby. As soon as music would come on, like that's all I did was like, - Yep. - With my head like nonstop. - There it is. (upbeat music) - Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby Chanel. Baby Chanel. (everyone laughs) - What'd you do? - I put that gel on me to look me like a unicorn. So I love it, baby. (everyone laughs) - Look, pause. Okay, she got hair gel and made herself a unicorn horn and she keeps saying, I made a unicorn horn, baby. - She keeps looking at the horn though. Look at her. She keeps staring at it like (bleep). - And I'm a style baby. (everyone laughs) - Hi, it's me, Raylen. I just wanted to talk how to take care of dogs. (everyone laughs) - How to take care of dogs. But first. - Making sure she got her angles right. - You see your dance moves. (upbeat music) - Oh. - Oh. Whoa, whoa. It's somebody behind him. It's somebody behind him pushing his chest. Ain't no way in hell he got that much rhythm. (upbeat music) - I didn't look at it like that. I'm like, that's a really talented baby. (everyone laughs) - And I'm so, so, so- - Depressed. - Pretty. - Shame on you. They said, he said depressed and she said "No, Sterling, pretty." (everyone laughs) - Bothering even though I'm so little, I'm so, so pretty. I'm so pretty. - Definitely baby me. - There you have it for baby Chanel. (audience applauding) (audience cheering)
Channel: MTV's Ridiculousness
Views: 1,986,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: influencer, Rob Dyrdek, MTV, Ridiculousness, Fantasy Factory, Amazingness, Chanel West Coast, Steelo Brim, cat videos, rob dyrdek, host, internet, clip, celebrity, steelo, chanel west coast, viral, clip show, show, language, fail, stunt, fail compilation, diy, fantasy factory, rob & big, viral videos, scared, Ridiculousness MTV, big black, best fails, worst fails, animal videos, animal clips, ridiculousness, best of ridiculousness, full episode, full episodes, ridiculousness full episode
Id: PezGtIFxJ1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 29sec (8189 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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