MOST Venomous Spiders On Earth!

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from a spider that hunts birds to one that can end lives within minutes here are the world's most venomous spiders [Music] number 10 King baboon spider this enormous tarantula is found in East Africa mostly in Tanzania in Kenya and is the only species within the Pella no BS g nests although the king baboon is gigantic its lakes fan growing up to about 8 inches it can be quite difficult to spot if you happen to be walking by this is because it is a burrowing spider the king baboon digs underground and places silk at the entrance of its hole that allows it to detect vibrations it is known to hunt cockroaches beetles and other spiders but it isn't afraid to take on larger prey these monsters have taken down lizards snakes mice and birds that's right even flying species have been known to meet their makers after the king baboon gets hold of them this spider is a burnt orange or rusty brown color and has Harry black pads on its feet although some brave folks like to keep king baboons as pets they aren't for the faint-hearted since they are naturally preyed upon by birds and various mammals including baboons they are extremely aggressive plus their things alone are six millimeters long or just over half a centimeter if they are provoked then they rear up on their thick hind legs and make an awful shriek via stridulation by rubbing their first and second pairs of legs together they also strike at the threat repeatedly the King baboons venom is very potent although it's not known to be fatal to humans number nine yellow sock spider this unusual looking arachnid is part of the you dashera day family they are generally pale in their abdomens range in color from beige to yellow hence the name yellow sock spiders can be found pretty much anywhere in the world and are considered common house spiders they are nocturnal as they do the majority of their hunting at night so during the day they stay in little encasements they weave out of webbing these spiders are easily identifiable because they usually exhibit black feet which can be spotted if they're standing on a light-colored surface however they are quite small only reaching from five to ten millimeters in length despite its miniscule size the yellow sock spider bite can pack quite the punch they are defensive as well and they won't hesitate it comes to biting anything or anyone they view as threatening so keep that in mind when you're putting on a jacket that's been hidden in your closet for a while shake it out first the severity of the bites varies substantially and they have the potential to be somewhat necrotic meaning they can cause tissue and skin to rot away in the bite area this has been disputed nevertheless the bite can be painful similar to a bee or wasp sting aura can go unnoticed by the person being bit the wound can range from a red bump that heals after a couple of weeks or it can swell and cause burning pain before developing a blister in the center of the bite mark generally speaking the bites heal by themselves with the proper medical care but it's always a good idea to seek medical attention the yellow sock spider bite is often confused with a brown recluse bite but is much less severe number eight brown widow also known as Lara ductus geometric Asst this spider is usually a lighter color than its cousin the black widow they can be dark brown in our sometimes grey the brown widow also has a marking under its abdomen that looks similar to an hourglass and it is generally a bright orange color the brown widows length reaches from two to ten millimeters not including its legs and the females are larger but it's size isn't what's concerning about this spider the venom of the brown widow is neurotoxic but it isn't able to inject as much of it as other widows however it still affects nerve endings and can cause pain vomiting muscle rigidity and sweating which are all symptoms of latrodectus 'm an illness that is the result of latrodectus spider bites but a brown widows toxin usually only impacts the area of the bite number seven brown recluse you've probably heard of the infamous brown recluse spider at some point in your life these light to medium brown spiders are usually between six and twenty millimeters in size but can become larger they generally have Violin shapes on their backs formed from a black line however these markings aren't always present check to see if the spider has six eyes if you're trying to identify a brown recluse these arachnids are found in Iowa Nebraska Illinois Ohio and Indiana as well as Georgia Texas and Kentucky they are usually found in small places like sheds garages closets wood piles and other spots that remain undisturbed most of the time the brown recluse gets a bad reputation because of its bite when it strikes it's common not to feel the initial puncture however since the brown recluse has a hemotoxic venom bites can cause necrosis and even a fatality in some cases luckily these spiders aren't very aggressive and other spider bites are often misdiagnosed as brown recluse number 6 red legged Widow this widow can only be found in southern and Central Florida and it lives mostly in Dunes home to the sand pine it has a red orange colored head in a black abdomen it also has red spots outlined by yellow circles on its abdomen and bright red legs due to the spiders rarity in hiding abilities the red legged widow is difficult to spot and therefore study however its venom is similar to that of black widows and can cause muscle aches a rapid increase in heart rate nausea and in some cases a fatality nevertheless a red legged widow bite on a person hasn't yet been recorded number 5 Chilean recluse another recluse to worry about is the Chilean version of this spider which is mostly found in South America but it has found its way to other places including several states in the US Australia and Canada it is a larger recluse than most ranging from 8 to 40 millimeters in size or up to one and a half inches the Chilean recluse is usually brown with black lines that form a violin shape on its back but these markings aren't always visible one place these spiders ended up is in the finished Museum of Natural History in Helsinki Finland seems strange right well unfortunately the arachnids made their way there in the 1960s and 1970s somehow and have infested the building ever since a BBC article discussing the museum stated the Chilean recluse spider is also considered to be the most dangerous of all the 100 or so members of the Loch Cecilia's genus this is because its bite can be life-threatening in some circumstances a Chilean recluse bite can cause moderates in irritation Orson fear necrosis which results in about 50% of bites these wounds can take months to years to heal completely and they leave significant scars loss of life takes place in 3 to 4 percent of cases number four black widow almost everyone has heard of black widows they are usually shiny in black and have a bright red or orange hourglass shape on their abdomens their bodies reach up to ten millimeters or one centimeter long not including its legs plus the spider's venom matches its daunting appearance according to National Geographic the venom of the black widow is 15 times as strong as a rattlesnakes it causes lot reductivism just like brown widows but its effect is much more serious nausea vomiting muscle aches and diaphragm paralysis are side effects of the black widows bite it can also be fatal although it is rare loss of life from this spiders by it typically only happens in elderly people small children or people with health problems something else that makes black widow scary is that when they mate the females often execute and ingest their male counterparts which is how they earn their name number 3 six-eyed sand spider the six-eyed sand spider is found in southern Africa usually in deserts and sandy places hence its name this arachnid is also known as the sick side crab spider because its back is flat and legs move similarly to a crab it is a medium sized spider and typically goes unseen due to its shyness and hiding skills as it buries itself under the sand studies done on six-eyed sand spider venom show that it could be the most potent out of any spider however there aren't any records of people being bit by this creature nevertheless its venom contains toxins that can break open blood cells and produce necrotic effects although there isn't a definitive case of the six-eyed sand spider biting a person there was a man who suspected he was bitten by one and lost his entire arm due to necrosis in a case similar to this the person passed away after extreme hemorrhaging which was compared to a rattlesnake bite unfortunately these situations are speculative because there was no way to determine if this side sand spider was the culprit number two Brazilian Wandering Spider the Brazilian Wandering Spider is found mostly in South America they are also called banana spiders and armed spiders they're quite large in their leg span can grow from 5 to 6 inches their bodies range from 17 to 48 millimeters long or up to almost 2 inches these spiders if the name wandering because they crawl across the floor of the jungle at night and don't reside in a web in the daytime they stay out of sight inside termite mounds and banana plants or underneath rocks and logs their venom contains various toxins that can easily result in an adverse outcome after experiencing a bite from the Brazilian Wandering Spider a person might have extreme pain in that area followed by goose bumps and sweating after about half an hour they will develop low or high blood pressure nausea an increase or decrease in heart rate cramping vertigo hypothermia severe sweating blurred vision and compulsions all of which are associated with shock this spider's venom can also cause priapism and believe me guys you don't want that luckily these spiders don't release enough venom to cause a fatality however seeking medical attention is necessary if you're ever bitten by one number one funnel-web spider this spider is just as dangerous as it looks and it looks like something you don't want to mess with specifically speaking the Sydney funnel-web spider is the one you should be worried about it's body grows from half an inch to two inches long and the spiders leg span can reach up to 4 inches they are typically glossy and dark and can be black brown dark purple or bluish black as you probably guessed this funnel-web lives in Sydney Australia its bite makes it number one on our list of most venomous spiders because it contains the compound a trackhoe toxin that is extremely dangerous to people the males have more potent venom than the females and they are known to deliver a lot of the toxin with each bite symptoms after a bite occur less than an hour after the incident takes place and include increased blood pressure rapid heart rate difficulty breathing and numbness one study showed that it takes about twenty eight minutes for things to take a turn for the worse children are particularly at risk as 42% of all severe cases have been kids one child even passed away within 15 minutes of being bitten earning the Sydney funnel-web it's infamous reputation and title of the most dangerous spider which of these spiders scares you the most why let us know in the comments below [Music]
Channel: Factnomenal
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Keywords: venomous, poisonous, spider, spiders, black widow, most venomous, most poisonous, poisonous spiders, venomous spiders, dangerous spiders, the most poisonous, the most venomous, yellow sac spider, black widow spider, funnel web spider, most poisonous spiders, most venomous spiders, most dangerous spiders, world’s most poisonous spider, most venomous spiders in the world, most poisonous spiders in the world, most venomous spiders on earth, the most poisonous spiders in the world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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