Man Untangles Wolf Spider
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Channel: Joe Pieczynski
Views: 2,096,899
Rating: 4.860816 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Pie, Joe Pieczynski, Advanced Innovations, Advanced Innovations llc, big spiders, Smart spiders, wolf spiders, Spider rescue, NFW, Amazing nature, Yuk, Untangle, creepy, daily mail, viral, the dodo, facebook spider video
Id: z2wY_NKNFqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
No it doesn't understand. Stop anthropomorphizing a spider. Its most likely exhausted trying to free itself.
Vacuum your house dog
Yeah. I probably would have muttered something like "live by the sword" and gotten rid of it.
Only single dudes can do this. I used to have shower spiders, they lived in the window above my shower and I took care of them and always made sure they got saved if they were in danger from the torrent, etc. I named them and watched the baby spiders hatch and grow. RIP shower spider crew ;_;
I'd keep coming back for free haircuts too.
Spiders freak me out and I watched this expecting to be scared. Honestly this was wholesome and cute! It's interesting seeing a docile side to a deadly spider.
Spiders are not insects.
Maybe if you would run a roomba or a broom every now and then you wouldn't need to remove tons of dust bunnies from spider feet?
But, hell, imagine if more people cared this much for other living creatures.